
The kitchen faucet was turned on and clear water was released from the pipes.

When Li Qiuzhi was about to wash the potatoes they had bought freshly, he saw Shen He, who had long white silky hair and always seemed to have coldness and sadness between his brows, walking in behind him.

"Please let me help." Shen He parted his soft red lips and said.

"No, there is no reason to ask guests to help cook."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

"I have something I want to ask you."

Shen He seemed not to hear, standing next to Li Qiuzhi with the side of his buttocks slightly touching, picked up a potato stained with soil next to him and started washing it under the tap together.

The faint fragrance of a Chuchen fairy came from Shen He, and Li Qiuzhi gained a new understanding of the extent of her lack of common sense.

By the way, didn't Ying tell Shen He some common sense that men and women need to pay attention to?

Didn't you mention this kind of detail?

Otherwise, why would she still get close to her so naturally?

Li Qiuzhi really liked Shen He's behavior of giving him benefits unconsciously, but he always felt like he was taking advantage.

But this feeling of taking advantage also gave him a certain degree of pleasure.

"What do you want to ask?" Li Qiuzhi said calmly.

While talking, the two of them didn't stop washing the potatoes.

Because they shared the faucet, Li Qiuzhi often bumped into Shen He's fair and delicate hands, which gave him an inexplicable sense of excitement about taking advantage.

It's really hopeless to save me

Li Qiuzhi was a little helpless with himself. This was the first time he was so clearly aware of his superficiality.

But contact with the opposite sex is human instinct. If you think about it this way, it's okay. There's nothing wrong with it. Yes, it's normal to feel like this.

He succeeded in convincing himself.

"You and the others seem to know how to teleport immortality. Did you teach them?"

Shen He didn't know what Li Qiuzhi was thinking about, so he asked directly without any embarrassment.

"Oh?" Li Qiuzhi heard Shen He's curiosity and wanted to know more, "Well, their space transfer abilities are indeed related to me.

"To be specific, I shared my space transfer ability with them through a certain method. If you also want it, I can share it with you. After all, you also taught me the 'Concentration Technique'."

Of course he would not be stingy with the "interstellar travel" guideline, especially for a girl like Shen He.

If you can share this ability with her.

You can talk to her at any time in the future, or teleport to find her, which will make it easier to gain Shen He's favor.

"So that's it, you can share your abilities." Shen He's silver-white pupils revealed a hint of doubt, "Can it really be shared with me?"

If you don't advance in the practice of immortality, you will retreat, and you can gain the ability to move in space. Practicing her may help you gain some insights.

And if you can master space transfer.

Even if she returns to Mount Auzang, she can always come to visit them.

Although I like the cool environment of Mount Ozura, now I seem to like the feeling of being with everyone.

It was a kind of warmth that I only felt in my former home when I was a child.

Perhaps this is what she lacks, something that can maintain her original intention on the path of spiritual practice and not cause emotional wear and tear due to lonely practice.

"Of course."

Li Qiuzhi smiled, put the washed potatoes away, wiped the water on his hands with a towel, and then took out a golden road sign.

He explained:

"This is something that allows you to use the space transfer ability, as long as it is integrated into the body."

Shen He looked at this starry sky-like thing, thought for a moment and nodded:

"Well, how to do this?"

"Just stand still." Li Qiuzhi said, pushing the golden ball of light forward and pressing it into Shen He's abdomen.

There is a caressing texture from the fingers, and the softness and warmth of the lower abdomen can be seen through even through the semi-transparent black silk. It seems that the concave outline of the navel can also be felt in the palm of the hand.


Shen He watched Li Qiuzhi caressing his lower abdomen and asked with slight doubts without moving for a long time.

The golden ball of light integrated into her body, giving her a warm feeling for just a moment, but it was quickly covered by the warmth of Li Qiuzhi's palm.

"Well, it's ready. If you feel it carefully in your mind, you should know how to use 'Interstellar Travel'."

Li Qiuzhi looked calm and retracted his right hand pretending not to be embarrassed.

"Well, I found that you like to touch girls' bodies. According to what you said, it seems to be an intimate behavior between lovers. If you want to do the same to me, you can touch it for a while."

Although Shen He learned relevant knowledge from Ying.

But because some of her emotions were suppressed by the red rope, she didn't seem to be instinctively repulsed by Li Qiuzhi touching her belly, as she said.

I don’t know if it is, because the feeling is not obvious.

Or do you mean that you have the same feelings for him as you do for them, so you don't reject him?

Shen He doesn't understand. He should ask Ying when he eats later.

[Shen He has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (80/400)]

"Okay, that's not necessary for now. Let's continue cooking. Otherwise, everyone will be waiting for a long time. We will talk about this later."

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect Shen He to be so generous and direct, and instinctively wanted to agree.

But suddenly he found a few figures standing outside the kitchen with their arms folded and looking at him speechlessly.

The look in his eyes clearly said that even Shen He wanted to bully, what a bastard, and then it also meant that he was helpless. After all, this guy was good at everything, but he was only thinking about women!

She had just brought back the sugar and attacked Shen He again. Ying sighed.

Forget it, leave it to him.

As long as he treats everyone well and doesn't bully everyone, it's fine. After all, in this world, it's normal for capable people to find multiple wives.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Ying and Fischer and finally rolled their eyes at him and left.

I felt a little relieved.

Fortunately, they all had a good impression of Li Qiuzhi and had no intention of beating him up.

Otherwise, if most people saw their lovers, with such an outstanding girl as themselves, flirting with others in front of their faces, they would start fighting a long time ago.

At dinner, there was more sugar on the table than yesterday, making it look a little more lively.

The girls were already friends, and now that they are also Li Qiuzhi's lovers, they naturally feel much closer, like a family.

After dinner, Li Qiuzhi sent Granu back first because she still had to sort out the experimental data.

His current full-level "Wind Element Control" allows two people to fly even faster without using the wind wings.

Li Qiuzhi sent the sugar back to the laboratory and was not in a hurry to return.

After all, with "interstellar travel", there is no difference between home and outside.

While he was sorting out the experimental records with Sugar here, he opened the character panel and prepared to integrate some skills that were not usually used into "Yingzhi Sword Intent".

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