Lisha suburb.

Li Qiuzhi forgave Hu Tao's offense...well, after all, she was a cute girl.

He was the least resistant to them.

Several people used elemental power to clean up all the monster corpses nearby, and then came to the location where Yun Jin said they found the treasure chest.

This is the back of a stone.

The treasure box is a "precious treasure box", and I don't know where those Qiuqiu people found it.

Except for the treasure chest, the rest seems to be agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits.

That's right, Qiuqiu people generally have a special liking for food when they rob.

After all, other things are meaningless to them who are not very intelligent.

For example, there was a backpack placed next to a wooden box containing crops. The backpack was torn and contained a large pile of books.

Perhaps the Qiuqiu people found that the food was not edible, so they threw it aside casually.

Li Qiuzhi was a little curious, so he picked up the book and looked at the cover. There were several large characters written on it with a brush:

Narumi Qixia?

Well, there seems to be a few words at the back, but maybe it’s because the book has been there for too long, and those words can no longer be read clearly.


Li Qiuzhi looked silent and seemed to have something in mind.

After all, as his strength becomes stronger, it will become easier and easier for him to recall something.

He seemed to remember that in the plot, when Ningguang was carrying out the Qunyu Pavilion reconstruction plan, he needed to find a special Mingxia Fusheng stone, and the traveler should have found it in the cave of Zhenjun Minghai Qixia.

It is said that there are many treasures in its cave, enough to be called the "Great Secret Treasure" by adventurers!

If he could find it, Li Qiuzhi might be able to gain wealth and freedom! This is really a desirable word.

Li Qiuzhi, who was thinking this way, opened the book and read it curiously.

The words inside are all handwritten, and the ink used is not good. You can only barely make out what the words are.


Just before Li Qiuzhi turned a few pages, Hu Tao's voice suddenly came from behind him.

There was no change in his expression.

Hutao stared at his face for a while, then suddenly dropped her shoulders in boredom:

"How come you weren't scared at all?"

In order to get close to Li Qiuzhi silently without being discovered by him, she even used the technique of transforming into a spirit body to penetrate objects.

"Because I was concentrating on reading, I automatically ignored your voice." Li Qiuzhi smiled.

"Nonsense, it's easier to get scared when you're focused."

Hutao put his hands on his hips with disbelief on his face.

"Haha, maybe it's because you're not as strong as me." Li Qiuzhi continued to read the book.

He now has a general understanding of the content of the book.

This is a biography of "Mr. Narumi Qixia". It should be written by ordinary people. Many stories use uncertain words.

It was also mentioned that Zhenjun once personally built a cave to store rare treasures, but there was no specific location.

Of course, this is impossible, otherwise Li Qiuzhi wouldn't have to look for it, as the place would have been vacated long ago.

It seems that the things recorded in this book are not of great value.

In the original plot, it seems that Xingqiu inferred from some orphan books that it seemed to be in the suburbs of Lisha, but the specific location is unknown.

However, at this point in time, it is not the time for Ningguang to rebuild Qunyu Pavilion, and Xingqiu may not have obtained those rare unofficial books.

Even if you ask him, you probably won't be able to find out anything.

It seems that it will be a little troublesome to find the treasure cave of the Supreme Lord Minghai Qixia.

"What book are you reading?"

Hu Tao reached out and snatched the half-read book that Li Qiuzhi had read, and then started to read it doubtfully.

Li Qiuzhi glanced at Hu Tao helplessly, forget it, let her go.

Anyway, the following content is similar, basically all kinds of words of praise for Zhenjun Qixia.

At this time, Yun Jin and Shen He also collected the contents of the treasure box. There were two rough stones, and they gave them to Li Qiuzhi knowing that he liked them.

I happily gained another 6,000 experience points.

"Narumi...Qixia...Hutao, what are you reading?" Yun Jin looked at the book held by Hutao and asked with some confusion.

"A book records a certain immortal family. It also says that there is some kind of cave of his in the suburbs of Lisha. There are many rare treasures in it. I don't know if it is true."

Hutao didn't read from the beginning, she was looking at the page that Li Qiuzhi turned to.

"Zhenjun Minghai Qixia...Shen He, you are a disciple of the Immortal family. Do you know anything about this immortal?" Yun Jin lowered her eyes slightly and thought for a moment, then turned to look at Shen He.

Shen He nodded and thought for a moment:

"Zhenjun Minghai Qixia was a good friend of Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan. As far as I know, Zhenjun has passed away.

If there is really a fairy cave nearby, then I can use fairy magic to try to sense the fairy power in it to find it. "

"Ah, Immortal Death, if the True Lord has passed away, wouldn't it be a bit disrespectful to break into someone else's cave?"

Hu Tao closed the book and fiddled with the hair on the side of her face with her fingers.

"No, True Lord Minghai Qixia is open-minded by nature. If you are destined to find his cave and take away one or two rare treasures as needed, I don't think he will blame him."

Shen He explained.

"Okay, let's continue to the village first. While completing the commission along the way, Shen He, you can also use the immortal method to sense where the immortal power is."

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect Shen He to have such a method. So as long as he spends time wandering around the suburbs of Lisha, he will definitely find the cave.

It’s really good!

"Yes." Shen He nodded and agreed.

Then everyone continued to fly to their destination. As for the many goods on site, they could only wait until they went back to submit the entrustment and let the association notify their owners to pick them up.

After all, Li Qiuzhi and the others couldn't bring them with them.

Not long after everyone flew, they saw a forest farm below.

There are many tall trees planted.

This kind should be exported to other countries and has good value.

Since they were only cleaning up the slime monsters that had invaded here, and they were not very powerful, they were able to defeat them in less than ten minutes.

After completing the second commission, everyone set off again. When they almost arrived at the village, they landed in a river.

The last commission is to clean up the monsters that have invaded the river area and destroyed the ecological environment.

"Well, it looks ordinary. How can we find those water snake monsters?" Hutao folded his arms and put them under her chest, which was not very undulating.

"Leave this to me."

Li Qiuzhi directly used his invisible mental power to explore deep into the water, and soon discovered the water snake monster in this section of the river.

Their strength is basically in the range of level 20 to level 30.

Li Qiuzhi unknowingly walked directly near them, released his translucent tentacles, wrapped them around their heads, and crushed them into slag with just a little force.

[Defeat 5 powerful enemies and gain 1102 experience points. 】

Looking at the traces of blood floating on the river, Li Qiuzhi nodded to the others and said:

"Let's go, all the commissions have been resolved. Not far ahead is the village where Shen He lived when he was a child."

This village seems to have been abandoned for a long time. The wooden houses here have been eroded and decayed by years of wind and rain.

There are basically no intact houses.

Many roofs collapsed, or doors and windows fell to the ground and began to rot.

"A few years ago, I went back here alone without telling Master. At that time, there were still a few people coming and going, unlike now, there is no one."

Shen He and everyone walked into the village and looked at the dilapidated scene with a slightly sad expression.

"Shen He..."

Yun Jin could feel the emotion in her tone.

"It doesn't look like there's any monster attacking here. It looks like it's gradually becoming deserted. We should be able to find clues by searching in the village."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

Not long after he finished speaking, several people walking on the road saw a wooden sign standing on the side of the road. It was still standing after many years of wind and rain.

"It looks like a bulletin board or something like that. Let's go over and take a look."

After Hutao said this, he took two steps and walked closer.

Li Qiuzhi and the others followed slowly.

"Village change record?"

Hu Tao followed the content on the bulletin board and read it out completely.

“It shows that the villagers of this village are gradually moving away from here.

"It seems that a villager used a secret method to try to summon gods to save his wife, but instead he summoned a demon transformed from the remains of the demon god. The villagers who didn't know the truth slowly moved away because they were worried that it would endanger themselves."

Yun Jin summarized it.

"So, this villager is..." She looked at Shen He speculatively.

"Well, he should be my father."

Shen He nodded without any change in expression. She didn't have much hatred for her father, and she didn't shy away from mentioning him.

"Then, in the cave, when Shen He was a child, was he actually fighting against the resentment of dangerous demons like Demon God's Residue? It's incredible!"

Li Qiuzhi almost took a breath of cold air. He was worthy of being called by the immortals as the most gifted human being with immortal magic.

Extraordinary since childhood.

"I, I don't know how to describe how I felt at that time. Maybe it was the influence of the 'Gu Chen Jie Sha' destiny. I was very fierce at that time."

Shen He's fair face was rarely stained with light red, and he said with some embarrassment.

I don’t seem to know how to respond to Li Qiuzhi’s compliments?

"Very fierce? I usually see Shen He as you being quite gentle, haha, but suddenly I'm a little curious about how fierce you are."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

Yun Jin and Hu Tao also nodded in sympathy. How could Shen He, who had such an extraordinary temperament and was more of an immortal than an immortal, be so cruel.

"Please don't be curious, I don't want to appear vicious to my friends."

Shen He shook his head, his voice was as cold as an immortal as always, but now it suddenly contained a hint of imperceptible warmth.

Maybe her heart warmed.

[Shen He has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (130/500)]

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