I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 312 Who cares about you!

"Well, that's right. Longji Snow Mountain has constant wind and snow all year round. It has weakened recently, which has led to a large number of adventurers going on adventures. As a result, they have discovered that dangerous phaseless elemental beings are actively attacking everyone, so we must find them as soon as possible. And beat it."

Qin rubbed her temples with two white fingers, looking a little worried.

"I understand, hey, don't worry, leave it to us, we will definitely complete the mission successfully!"

Amber patted her slightly heaving chest and assured with a toothy smile.

"Hmph, don't get too tired from work, otherwise I will seek revenge from someone!"

Seeing that Qin had obviously stayed up late working again and was so exhausted, Yora couldn't help but express concern in her own way.

"Thank you for your concern, Yura."

A smile appeared on Jean's face.

"Who, who cares about you? The idiots of the Gunnhild family said that I am just worried that I can't find someone to take revenge on! Humph!"

Youla put her hands under her round and plump breasts, and her snow-white skin could be vaguely glimpsed through the semi-transparent black silk on her clothes.

"Haha, let's go first. Captain Qin will wait for the good news."

Li Qiuzhi looked at Youla's cute look and couldn't help but chuckle, and then said reassuringly to Captain Qin.

"Well, please, if you encounter any trouble, you can go to Albedo. He has built a temporary camp in the snow mountain and seems to be studying something."

Captain Qin had already heard about Li Qiuzhi and Ying's deeds in Liyue, so he was very confident about his strength.

[Qin develops a favorable impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (520/600)]

"Okay, then Youla, Li Qiuzhi, let's set off now!"

Amber looked at the two people, nodded and said.

Li Qiuzhi and Youla naturally had no objection. They moved their legs and quickly followed Amber out of the Knights headquarters.

"By the way, weren't there a lot of beast-level monsters in the Running Wolf Territory last time? How about that? That space crack disappeared successfully?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at Youla curiously and asked.

"Well, our guerrilla team took action and cleared away all the beast-level monsters that could be found in the running wolf leader. The space cracks had no monsters to protect them and naturally disappeared completely.

"However, when it disappeared, a pair of huge claws came out from the opposite side, trying to forcefully tear open the rift in space and descend.

"It's a pity that the owner of that claw failed, otherwise we would have cleaned it too!"

Yula said with a little regret.

Well, she is indeed a proud Yora, she speaks so confidently.

But if the "Golden King Beast" really comes, even if it can be fought, it will probably be a hard fight.

It shouldn't be easy for Yura to win with a crushing attitude.

"Well, I have also encountered another type of beast realm monster in Liyue. I think the beast realm's covetousness for Teyvat will not disappear so easily.

"So we still have to be prepared to respond at all times. After all, the world is so big and no one can observe every corner of the world at the same time. It is only a matter of time before they finally come from the beast realm."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

He seemed to remember that the Golden King Beast finally arrived on an island called Tsuruguan in Inazuma. It was too remote to have any impact on Teyvat for the time being.

However, there is more than one golden king beast in the beast realm, and the possibility of them coming to crowded places cannot be ruled out.

This will pose a great threat to mankind.

Thinking like this, it seems that this matter is not over yet, and may face a full-scale invasion from the beast realm in the future.

"Don't worry, with everyone from the Knights here, we can handle any crisis no matter how big it is!"

Amber said with a confident smile.

The red rabbit ears were gently swaying in the breeze.

"Well, let's not talk about it for now. Let's go to the snowy mountains to carry out the mission. The environment there is harsh, so let's go to the munitions office to get some supplies first."

Yura looked at the clear morning sky, parted her soft lips and said.


Li Qiuzhi nodded and didn't think about the beast realm monsters anymore.

In the following time, the three of them went to the Knights' Military Supplies Management Office and found some colleagues working here to receive some thick cotton-padded clothes to keep them warm.

As well as some high-energy foods and nutritious drinks that will not freeze even at dozens of degrees below zero.

According to Amber, these nutritional drinks that do not freeze at dozens of degrees below zero are the work of sugar. Its appearance has greatly facilitated the work efficiency of the Westwind Knights in cold environments.

"Snow Mountain seems a bit far from Mondstadt. Should we take a carriage there?"

Amber looked at Yula and asked.

"We are going to investigate the formless elemental beings that are attacking the adventurers. If we can arrive quickly, we may be able to protect a person from being attacked, so riding in a carriage is indeed a must."

Yura crossed her arms and nodded.

Although it will be faster for everyone to run over, this consumes a lot of physical energy. It is very unwise to consume a lot of physical energy before entering the snow mountain.

Therefore riding a horse-drawn carriage is most suitable.

"No, there's no need to go to such trouble, we can just use the Wings of Wind to fly there." Li Qiuzhi leaned on the wall of the Military Supplies Department, folded his arms and smiled.

"Wings of Wind? There's no such a high place for us to glide over!"

Amber touched the dark brown hair that fell down her cheeks, with a little doubt in her eyes.

"Hehe, leave this to me. I told you that I am very strong now. Is it no problem to use the wind element to blow us to the snow-capped mountains?"

Li Qiuzhi had a smile on his face.

"Oh? Speaking of this matter, you seemed to have provoked me just now. I have recorded this grudge. When we come back after completing the mission, we will find a place to discuss it and let you understand that you can't be arrogant!"

Youla snorted, clenched her fist and looked at Li Qiuzhi threateningly.

"Okay I'm sorry."

Li Qiuzhi admitted his mistake on the surface, but what he was thinking was true.

Even if you can really win against Yura, you can't act too arrogant, what if she gets hit.

When the time comes, just be merciful and act like you're evenly matched and can barely win.

"Haha, in that case, I'll leave it to you to make the journey."

Amber smiled slightly, looked at Li Qiuzhi and said.

"Well, let's go."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and left the Military Supplies Department with Youla and Amber.

Find an open place, unfold the wings of wind and use the wind elements to create a wind field and take off.

Then he continued to control the wind element, blowing several people to fly in the direction of the snow-capped mountains.

Flying quickly in a straight line, he flew over the city wall of Mondstadt in less than half an hour.

Continuing to fly forward, we soon reached Qingquan Town, which took about half an hour.

Qingquan Town is very close to the snow-capped mountains. In the past, hunters here often went into the snow-capped mountains to hunt.

Snow pigs living in the snowy mountain environment are much more delicious than ordinary wild forest pigs, and their value is very high.

However, there was a period of heavy snowfall in the snow-capped mountains, so hunters did not go hunting in the snow-capped mountains much.

Soon Li Qiuzhi and the others passed through Qingquan Town, and after another half hour or so, they finally arrived near the snow-capped mountains.

Please vote for the monthly ticket, thank you all for your support, there is another chapter tonight, it may be a bit late.

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