
Yora stopped, looked up at the white sky, parted her soft lips and said something.

Light snowflakes fell on her body and she patted them away, leaving only a little bit of light snow powder on her clothes.

"There's no way to hurry now. Let's look for a place to hide from the snow nearby."

Amber touched the goggles hanging around her neck and sighed slightly.

"Are you familiar with snow-capped mountains? Otherwise, it will be difficult to find a place to hide in the snow."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head slightly and said.

"Humph~ It doesn't matter. When I came here, I brought a map of the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain from the Knights. The draftsman also marked some places on it where we can temporarily avoid the snowstorm. Let me take a look and find out!"

Amber said while taking out a paper map from the Eye of God.

Li Qiuzhi took a closer look. On the map of Longji Snow Mountain, several main areas were neatly drawn under the lines.

They are: Snow Covered Road, Sleeping Dragon Valley, Snow Burial Capital, Xingying Cave, etc.

Each area is so large that even the draftsman has not fully explored it, only described its approximate range.

"There is a refuge cave ahead. We need to get there before it snows harder."

Amber pointed to a small orange dot on the map and said that this is an emergency shelter prepared for people exploring the snowy mountains. It is a man-made cave.

"Well, without further ado, let's get going."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and then he, An Bai, and Youla quickly ran towards the refuge cave in front, using the wind element to blow away the oncoming frost and snow.

For those who are relatively strong, running in the snow will not consume too much energy.

Probably a few minutes later.

Li Qiuzhi and the others arrived at the location of the refuge cave marked on the map.

At this time, there are already adventurers hiding in the refuge cave.

After all, a blizzard is coming, and other adventurers will naturally look for nearby refuge caves to take shelter.

Fortunately, the space here is large enough to accommodate a dozen people.

The adventurers were exchanging various information about the snow-capped mountains with each other. When they saw Li Qiuzhi and the others coming in, they all came over to say hello with a little excitement.

After all, he is quite famous as an honorary knight.

Moreover, Amber is also a very powerful reconnaissance knight. Although Yora's family reputation is not very good, as the captain of the guerrilla team, she has made great achievements in clearing monsters and guarding Mondstadt.

Therefore, Yura's reputation among the adventurers group has improved.

“Dear outstanding adventurers, I heard that there is formless ice in the snow-capped mountains that actively attacks people, causing great trouble to everyone’s exploration.

"Do you have any relevant information? If possible, please tell us. We were sent by the Knights to investigate this matter."

Li Qiuzhi took advantage of the crowd and asked about the phaseless ice.

Maybe they can get some unexpected information, which can save them a lot of time.

"Mr. Honorary Knight, we have heard of what you are talking about." The speaker was a young woman wearing green adventurer clothes and a white cotton jacket.

She is the leader of the Red Jasmine Adventure Group, a five-person adventure group that temporarily takes shelter from the wind and snow here.

"Oh? Please tell me in detail."

Li Qiuzhi's eyes brightened slightly and he continued to ask.

"Yes." The young female adventurer nodded and said, "When we were adventuring in the underground space of the Snow Burial City, we met the Dawn Adventure Group. We just had a rest and chatted with them for a while.

"I heard them talk about encountering the formless ice figure in the suburbs of Snow Burial City. Fortunately, they hid and were not discovered, otherwise they would not be able to come back intact."

As she spoke, she wiped away the sweat for the Dawn Adventure Group.

Although being an adventurer is a very dangerous profession, generally speaking, one would not encounter such a dangerous monster out of nowhere while walking.

"Is it near the suburbs of Snow Burial City? Okay, I understand, thank you."

Li Qiuzhi said clearly.

In the suburbs, Xingying Cave, Sleeping Dragon Valley, in so many places, it seems that the appearance of formless ice is really irregular.

"It's starting to snow harder and harder outside, let's make a fire."

Amber looked at the blowing wind and snow outside the cave, and it seemed that the temperature here had dropped a bit.

Naturally no one refused this proposal.

The time for waiting for the wind and snow to stop was long. Li Qiuzhi felt that it was a waste of time to continue like this. He didn't know how long it would take to find the phaseless ice.

He thought for a while, summoned the "Sword God of Ying", shrank it to the size of a figure of only a dozen centimeters, and let "her" fly out in the snow to investigate.

In the case of reducing the power, the cost of summoning the "Sword God of Ying" is not large.

Enough to support his long search.

Next, even if you wait slowly, the wait will not be in vain. There is the "Sword God of Ying" who is investigating to hide the snow!

Of course, idleness is idle anyway.

Li Qiuzhi began to exchange martial arts with An Bai, Youla and the others.

Naturally, the subject of communication with Amber was archery, and Li Qiuzhi's experience and knowledge of full-level archery was very useful to Amber.

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi also successfully learned her "marksman archery" in the process of exchanging archery skills with Amber, and successfully got started.

Although "Marksman Archery" is only an ordinary-level skill, it can derive extraordinary characteristics after being strengthened to the full level, and it is good to integrate it with "Yingzhi Sword God".

Even if the characteristics are not suitable for the "Sword God of Ying", they can be saved and integrated with other archery skills in the future to advance to a higher level.

In addition to Amber, Li Qiuzhi also learned a new swordsmanship skill from Youla, which was at the secret level.

That is "Langmo Swordsmanship". This swordsmanship also incorporates Yula's dance moves, and is a bit more powerful than "Xifeng Swordsmanship: Clan".

Its own extraordinary characteristic is "erosion".

Enemies attacked by this swordsmanship are like rocks on the seashore. As the waves wash away and erode, they will become fragile, reducing their own defense and elemental resistance.

This characteristic is very good and is very suitable for the "Sword God of Ying"!

While Li Qiuzhi and the two of them continued to discuss martial arts, time passed quietly, and the wind and snow outside the refuge cave had slowly stopped.

In order to avoid continuing to snow later, the adventurers quickly bid farewell to Li Qiuzhi and the others and went down the mountain to rest.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi and the others would not be stopped by the small snowstorm, and the three of them continued to head up the mountain.

Originally, they planned to go to Sleeping Dragon Valley first.

But Li Qiuzhi's "Sword God of Ying" had already gone there just now, so they temporarily changed their destination and chose to go to Xingying Cave first.

The main reason was that it had just snowed and the environment outside had become a bit more harsh, making it difficult to conduct an investigation.

However, the inside of the cave will not be affected too much.

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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