Longji Snow Mountain.

As the place where the demon dragon's heart was located continued to vibrate, an avalanche occurred in the nearby mountains without any surprise, rolling in from the sky like a tsunami.

"Oops, are there any adventurers exploring nearby?"

Youla and Abedo met Li Qiuzhi, looking at the scene and couldn't help but said with some worry.

"Don't worry, I have used my spiritual tentacles to explore the surrounding area, and I have rescued all the people in the area affected by the avalanche."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

With his current strength, he can already summon spiritual tentacles within a radius of about fifty kilometers, and the maximum power reaches twenty-five tons.

With such a strong power, it would be difficult for ordinary people or monsters to contend without mastering elemental power to strengthen the body, or having any special talents.

on the contrary.

Without using his mental tentacles, he would normally be able to move his mental power only about one kilometer away.

"Phew, that's not bad!" Yula raised her right hand that was hanging down, rubbed her temples with her index finger, glanced around and asked, "Where's Amber?"

"I just had a conflict with that 'doctor' guy. In order to prevent her from being injured, I temporarily sent her to a safe place."

Li Qiuzhi explained Amber's situation in "Wonderland".

Considering that she might face the Demon Dragon Dulin next, I continued to let her stay inside.

"Well, I couldn't see her, so I thought I had encountered some kind of accident!"

Yula patted her chest lightly and said with a relaxed brow.

[Yura has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (405/600)]

"Haha, how could it be? Even if I get hurt, I can't let her bump into me."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

Amber is Yola's best friend. If she also has a good impression of Amber, it should be at full level.

If Li Qiuzhi failed to protect Amber and caused her to suffer some harm, Youla's favorability towards him would probably drop slightly.

After all, Yura's favorability towards him is not yet full.

There shouldn't be that much tolerance for him, and he will still be blamed where he should be blamed.

"Hmph, it's good to know, otherwise I will take revenge on you again!" Youla folded her hands under her breasts, and raised her fair chin slightly to reveal a arrogant expression.

"Okay, please be vigilant, Du Lin is coming out."

Abedo glanced at the two of them, then looked forward calmly and said.

The shaking continued, and the thick snow on the ground began to melt in the high temperature coming from underground, forming a trickle flowing along the lower areas.

After a while, several people came to their feet.

Li Qiuzhi activated the wind element to gently blow them away to prevent everyone's shoes from getting wet.

At this moment, the ground suddenly cracked open, the soil surged and splashed, and a black figure broke through the ground and rushed out, with the potential to fly straight into the sky.

But the black shadow stopped in mid-air, and it roared into the sky, as if announcing its rebirth and return to the world.

"Is this the Demon Dragon Dulin? But why does it feel a little strange?"

Yura clenched her sword tightly, feeling a little nervous. At the same time, she looked at the black shadow in the sky and said slightly strangely.

It's a bit strange indeed.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the dragon in the sky and frowned.

This demonic dragon that had fought with Tevarin was black, but it was too small compared to Tevarin's size.

Visually, the wingspan is only seven or eight meters.

Compared with Tevalin, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a young dragon.

Obviously, it was impossible for such a young dragon to fight Tevarin in his heyday. Could it be because he had just been reborn?

[Level: ninety-five]

However, even though it looks like a young dragon, its level is not weak. It has a level of ninety-five, which is comparable to that of an immortal. No wonder the "doctor" guy wants to run away.

And this is probably not its heyday.

With this strength, Li Qiuzhi can remain undefeated with his defensive methods, but the sliced ​​clone of "Doctor" should not be able to do so.

"Be careful, it's very powerful."

Li Qiuzhi reminded him.

Although he couldn't win on his own, with the "Sword God of Ying", Albedo and the equally powerful Yura around, it was still possible to fight.

If it doesn't work, I don't know if shouting Mandrill in the Mondstadt area can call the demon-conquering sage over.

If you can, then everything can be settled, but you can't try it randomly when there is no crisis, otherwise you will be hated.


Abedo's eyes were a little complicated. Speaking of which, the demon dragon Dulin had some connections with him.

Demon Dragon Dulin didn't stay excited in the sky for long. He seemed to have discovered a few people present, and then he swooped down from the sky and hit the ground with a "bang".

Snowflakes were flying.

Li Qiuzhi and the others looked at the demon dragon in front of them with a slightly solemn expression.

However, the demon dragon did not attack immediately, but looked at them with curious eyes.

"What's wrong with it?"

Seeing that the demon dragon Dulin did not attack violently, Yura, who was on guard, looked suspicious.

The dragons she had learned about before were all very destructive, for no reason at all, that was their nature, just like the wind dragon that attacked Mondstadt.

"Perhaps it is thinking about the ultimate truth of the universe - 'Who am I, where am I, what am I going to do?'"

Li Qiuzhi said half-jokingly.

He didn't feel any hostility from the resurrected dragon. Instead, he could see a trace of confusion in his eyes, and he might not be able to fight.

If possible, Li Qiuzhi wouldn't want to fight such a strong enemy.

"The demon dragon Dulin died a long time ago. Even if the 'doctor' used his heart to resurrect him, he probably wouldn't be able to preserve his complete memory. It's normal for him to be a little confused at this time."

Abedo thought for a while and said.

"So, it's almost in the same state as a newborn?"

Li Qiuzhi looked surprised.

"I can't say exactly that, but its mind is probably not very mature. If we can communicate with it, we might be able to avoid conflicts."

Abedo touched his chin and said.

In fact, he and the Demon Dragon Dulin were both miracles created by their own masters, "Golden" Reindot.

According to the master, Du Lin's nature didn't seem bad when he was born, but he just lost control and turned into a dragon for some reason.

The specific reason is not clear, but it may be that the flaws in the alchemical creation caused a mental problem, and it is considered good to destroy the world and attack humans.

Of course, it may also be affected by the power it controls.

If it's the former, then he may lose control and become a monster that only knows destruction. After all, he is also an alchemical creation. This is what Albedo has always been worried about.

If Du Lin is really resurrected at this time, he has returned to his good nature before losing control.

Then they can't treat it as a dragon!

Perhaps with proper guidance, a dangerous battle can be avoided.

After Demon Dragon Dulin was instinctively excited for a while, he felt a familiar breath flying down from the sky, and looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others in silence for a while.

Finally, his eyes rested on Albedo.

It slightly opened its huge dragon mouth and said in an innocent child-like voice:

"Do you have the scent of mother in you?"


Yora was not surprised that the demon dragon Dulin could speak. After all, creatures of this level existed a long time ago, so it was normal for him to be able to speak. What surprised her was that the demon dragon seemed to know Albedo.

What does it mean? Does Albedo still have an intersection with the mother of the dragon Dulin?

But the dragons in Teyvat should all be a kind of elemental life. There is no mother for being born and raised.

Li Qiuzhi, like Youla, looked at Abedo with doubtful eyes.

Although he knew through the game that Albedo and Dulin were both created by his master, he was not a sophisticated person after all, so that was all he knew.

"The mother you are talking about is Reindot. She is also my master and 'mother'."

Abedo took two steps forward and said to Dulin.

When he was created, Dulin had already been buried in the snowy mountains, so he probably didn't recognize himself.

"Leindot Leindot! Mother!" Demon Dragon Dulin nodded heavily and continued, "Where is mother? I want to find mother!"

As it spoke, it flapped its wings excitedly, creating a gust of wind.

"Hey, Abedo, what's going on? What does it mean that you have the same 'mother'?"

Yora raised her arms to block the blowing snow, raised her eyebrows and looked at Albedo with even more confusion.

"Actually, I am an android."

Abedo didn't want to tell this secret at first, but he didn't want to hide his companions either, so he briefly told the origins of himself and the Demon Dragon Dulin.

"Well, that's really surprising." Li Qiuzhi nodded without appearing too surprised.

"So, this demon dragon Dulin is still your 'brother'!"

Yura was a little shocked.

"If 'creation' through alchemy can be recognized by human morality and ethics, then it is indeed a 'brother'."

Abedo thought for a moment and answered.

"That's right, brother, where is mother? Take me to find mother!" Demon Dragon Dulin was as excited as a child, staring at Albedo with his huge dragon eyes and said.

Mother's scent is unmistakable, this little man must be his brother!

"Unfortunately, I don't know where she is." Abedo shook his head. His master had disappeared long ago. "I have been looking for her for a long time, but I haven't found any clues."

"What, mother is gone!" Demon Dragon Dulin lowered his head, and his huge wings shrank slightly, looking very disappointed, "I want to find mother..."

Then it quickly raised its head and said:

"No, I have to go find my mother now!"

Just when the demon dragon Dulin was trying to fly, Abedo quickly stopped it:

"Wait a minute, you don't know where 'Mother' is. Looking around is just a waste of time. How about you follow me and we can find a way to find 'Mother' together!"

Abedo was worried about letting Du Lin run around outside.

Although it is not out of control now, its mind is obviously immature, and it is too dangerous to let it run around freely!

It is very likely that the disaster that occurred in Mondstadt will happen again.

So we still have to find a way to find a reason to stabilize it first.

"Brother, come with me to find mother. Okay, let's go now!"

Demon Dragon Dulin said happily.

"Not now. Finding 'mother' doesn't happen overnight. I have been searching for many years and still can't find it.

"So let's go get something to eat first. If we don't eat, we won't have the energy to find someone."

Abedo tried to divert the attention of Demon Dragon Dulin.

Children are easy to deceive. Dulin suddenly thought of looking for his mother because he sensed his mother's aura. So if he could find a way to divert his attention, he might stop looking for his mother for the time being.

"Eat, eat, I'm hungry and want to eat!"

Sure enough, the demon dragon Dulin was very excited when he heard that he was going to eat, and easily agreed to Abedo's proposal.

After all, it had just been "born" and hadn't eaten anything yet, so it was indeed a little hungry.

"Well, okay." Seeing that Demon Dragon Dulin agreed, Abedo's brows relaxed a little. He said to Li Qiuzhi and Youla, "Can you two please go catch a few snow pigs and bring them back? I'll bring them back first." Dulin returns to camp."

"no problem!"

Li Qiuzhi glanced at Youla and saw that she was silent, so he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, please!"

Abedo said thanks, and then called the demon dragon Dulin to leave. The demon dragon was also very interesting. Seeing Abedo walking with his legs, he also walked with his legs.

Completely forgot about it flying.

After they walked away, Li Qiuzhi looked at Youla and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything strange?"

"The dragon has caused such a big disaster to Mondstadt after all. How about just letting it go like this? What if it happens again..."

There was a worried look on Yula's fair face.

"According to Albedo, this demon dragon Dulin should have lost most of his memory, and may only remember his 'mother'.

“And with that child-like mind, as long as Abedo sees things well, there shouldn’t be any problems.

"But if we want to do something to Du Lin, if we accidentally anger it, it may return to its true nature as a demon dragon. This will cause trouble to everyone, and the gain will not be worth the loss."

Li Qiuzhi expressed his opinion.

"That's true."

Yula put the blue sword back into the Eye of God and sighed.

The Grand Master went on an expedition with many of Mondstadt's elites. Now the total high-end combat power of the Knights is only a little, and they may be able to defeat the Demon Dragon Dulin.

But it is inevitable that the Knights will also be hit hard.

The Abyss Cult and the Fools, who are secretly coveting it, are still defenseless. Only by asking Lord Fengshen to take action can they be sure to deal with the demonic dragon without any harm.

This can only be done for now.

"Let's go, it's getting late, and I don't know if there are still snow pigs around now!"

Li Qiuzhi looked at the dark sky and said.

"Yeah." Youla nodded. She didn't expect that she would still have to work for the dragon one day. She thought helplessly, and then looked at Li Qiuzhi as if she remembered something, "By the way, let Amber out quickly. "

She almost forgot that her good friend Amber was still in Li Qiuzhi's dimension.

"Uh, yes!"

Li Qiuzhi almost forgot, but fortunately Youla reminded him.

Please read~

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