I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 327: Barbara, the anti-piano treasure (two-in-one)

Chapter 327: Anti-piano Noble Phantasm Barbara (two-in-one)

Mondstadt, Fallberry Street.

In the white two-story building, Fischer, who had just taken a shower and put on white floral pajamas, received several requests to be sent when he came out of the bathroom.

One of them is naturally Li Qiuzhi.

She also knew the other two, Amber and Youla from the Knights of the West Wind. When they obtained the "Beacon" just now, Fischer knew that Li Qiuzhi was plotting against other girls again!

This guy is good at everything, he just likes to flirt with women, Fischer thought angrily.

Not long after I brought Mona home, two more came! Huh, I must punish this guy tonight. He must be unable to stand up!

On the snowy mountain side, with Fischer’s agreement.

Li Qiuzhi and the others quickly disappeared into the vast night, crossing the vast distance and returning home in an instant.

Then I saw Fischer's pretty and angry face.

"Uh, what's wrong with you?"

Li Qiuzhi asked with some confusion.

"Humph, I don't want to talk to you!"

Fischer's folded arms were pressed against his upper abdomen, and his pajamas were slightly wrinkled, and his fair and round skin could be seen through the gaps between the buttons.

Well, Li Qiuzhi probably knows what's going on.

Little Amy was a little jealous when she saw that he had brought two more girls back.

"By the way, where is Mona?"

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while, but because Amber and the others couldn't hug and comfort her for the time being, they could only change the topic.

"She went back and said that if you are free tomorrow, you can go find her. She wanted to study the stars in the 'Wonderland'."

Although Fischer said he didn't want to talk to Li Qiuzhi, he still subconsciously answered the question after hearing it.

When she realized that her body was going against her will, her fair face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. Finally she said "hum" and said "I'm going to bed" and walked upstairs.

"Are you two having a conflict?"

Amber looked at Fischer's back and asked curiously.

She usually pays close attention to Li Qiuzhi, so she also knows that he and Fischer are in a relationship.

"Probably not." Li Qiuzhi touched his hair awkwardly, and then said, "Let's go back to the Knights first to report the completion of the mission to Captain Qin."

"Well, that guy Qin must not be off work yet at this time."

Yula put her hands on her waist and raised her eyebrows.

He is such a guy who doesn't pay attention to his own health at all. Forget it, I'll take the opportunity to get her off work after I finish reporting the task later.

Knights Headquarters.

Li Qiuzhi and the others still flew here using the Wings of Wind, so it didn't take them long to arrive.

Just as Yula expected.

The acting captain's office was still lit, obviously Captain Qin was inside.

Several people came to the knights hall, then turned left and knocked on the door of the acting leader's office.

"Please come in!"

A gentle female voice came from inside the door.

When Li Qiuzhi and An Bo heard the sound, they twisted the door handle, pushed open the wooden door and went inside.

The candlelight on the office chandelier flickered, illuminating the entire space with its soft light.

Captain Qin, who was sitting on the chair next to his desk, moved the documents he had just processed in front of him to one side, then rubbed his eyes and looked at the visitor.

As expected, it was Li Qiuzhi and the others. Unless it was an emergency, there were relatively few people who came to report to her so late at night.

It seems that their mission is making progress.

Worthy of being an honorary knight, so efficient.

If Youra heard what Qin was thinking, she would definitely roll her eyes and think about the honorary knight all day long. It was obvious that she and Amber had put in a lot of effort.

"Hey, Captain Qin, we are back!" Amber waved and greeted with a smile.

"How's it going? Did you guys gain anything?"

Qin's elbows were resting on the table, her white fingers were folded against her chin, and she asked with a smile.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter who takes action!" Youla crossed her arms and slightly held up her breasts covered with semi-transparent black silk. She slightly raised her pretty face and continued arrogantly, "The formless elemental life you are talking about is also the formless elemental life. The ice has been solved by us!"

"So fast?"

Qin put down her hands and folded them flat on the table, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She didn't think that Li Qiuzhi and the others were unable to defeat the Wuxiang Ice. The main reason was that the snow-capped mountains were huge and the environment was harsh and it was not easy to find anything.

"In fact, Abedo helped a lot."

Li Qiuzhi explained in detail what happened in the snow mountain.

Of course, I omitted the fact that Abedo was an artificial human being. I had no choice but to agree not to mention it, and it had little to do with the mission.

“It turned out to be like this”

Even Qin, who is the acting head of the Knights, found it hard to imagine that Dulin, the resurrected demon dragon, had appeared and was tricked by Albedo.

"Indeed, if I hadn't seen the dragon at the snow mountain camp in Abedo, I would have been a little unbelievable."

Amber spread her hands, shook her head and said.

"Well, no matter how you say it, the ending is pretty good. The Fools' plan did not succeed, and you were not injured. I am a little worried about the Demon Dragon Dulin."

Like Li Qiuzhi and others, Qin is worried that the dragon will do evil again.

"Let's just try to believe that Albedo can be optimistic about the magic dragon. On the other hand, if he and Dulin get along well, it will be equivalent to Mondstadt having a powerful fighting force."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said, signaling to Captain Qin not to worry too much.

"Yeah, Li Qiuzhi is right to say that. Abedo is the chief alchemist of the Knights. If he makes friends with the magic dragon, he can be considered a good friend of the Knights. It will not be difficult for him to take action if he encounters any difficulties."

Amber has seen the magic dragon and knows that its mind is like a child's, a little childlike, so she is willing to help it talk.

"Okay, okay." There was a look of thought in Qin's eyes, and she finally nodded, "However, even so, we cannot relax our vigilance. It is not appropriate for too many people to know about the magic dragon.

"Amber and Youla, since you are insiders, go to the snow-capped mountains every once in a while.

"The main thing is to pay attention to whether the magic dragon is at risk of losing control, and to see if Abedo needs any supplies. Come back and let me know, and I will try my best to help."

Mondstadt's main combat force went on an expedition with the Grand Commander.

To be honest, Mondstadt is a bit empty right now.

If Lord Barbatos hadn't been there, making the Fools and the Abyss Order a little afraid, maybe they would really attack Mondstadt.

Although Mond's remaining combat power is not afraid of any of them.

But without enough top-level combat effectiveness, the Knights will suffer serious losses, and Mondstadt cannot afford this price.

Therefore, if she had the opportunity to get a more powerful helper, she wouldn't mind spending some resources. It would be good to succeed after all.

"Don't worry, Captain Qin! This task will be left to us!"

Amber patted her chest and assured.

"Okay, anyway, I quite like the cold environment of the snow-capped mountains. By the way, I can go swimming in the lake over there."

Yura continued to hold her arms and said nonchalantly.

"Oh, Captain Qin, don't you need me to go too?" Li Qiuzhi asked with a smile.

"Haha, I won't trouble the honorary knight for such a small matter." Qin brushed the golden hair on the side of her face, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you in the snow mountain, otherwise it wouldn't have been solved so smoothly. !”

[Qin has a good impression of you and gains 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (300/700)]

"After all, I am also a knight of the Knights of the West Wind, so naturally I will do my best for Mondstadt!"

Seeing that Captain Qin had so much affection for him, Li Qiuzhi was naturally very happy and said something nice.

"Well, honorary knight, thank you for being so caring about Mondstadt."

Li Qiuzhi is a visitor from another world, and his relationship with Mondstadt is only the honorary knight. However, he still made many contributions to Mondstadt.

Hearing what he said at this time, Qin couldn't help but feel a little fond of him again.

[Qin has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (530/700)]


Li Qiuzhi looked at the favorability reminder that popped up on the character panel, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

As a kind-hearted person who now has some strength, Li Qiuzhi wants to make the world more peaceful and less strife and conspiracy, so it is normal for him to be attracted to Mond.

But what attracted him the most was of course the many girls here.

"By the way, you have made such a great contribution this time, and the Knights should reward and commend you.

"But it's not appropriate to announce the matter about the demon dragon. Just investigating and dealing with the phaseless ice won't reward you much.

"So I was in a bit of a dilemma for a while. Why don't you tell me what you want, and if I can do it, I'll try my best."

Qin put her fingers under the golden hair on her forehead and touched the snow-white skin. It looked like she really had a headache.

First of all, Li Qiuzhi and the others have indeed made great contributions, so it would be very inappropriate not to reward and commend them.

But if the resurrection of the demon dragon Dulin is publicized, Abedo on the snow mountain will be annoyed. There will definitely be many adventurers who will go to the snow mountain to slay the dragon.

Secondly, even if she is temporarily the acting leader of the Knights, the person with the most power in Mondstadt.

Then the resources of the Knights cannot be released without reason.

Most of the resources of the Knights of the West Wind are taxes paid by the people of Mondstadt, so naturally they cannot be squandered without any reason, otherwise how can they explain it to everyone.

So Qin thought for a while and decided to apply for the mission reward of Phaseless Ice from the Knights according to the normal process.

For the rest, just reward them privately.

Apart from her status as acting leader, Qin is also very powerful. She is also the eldest daughter of the Gunnhild family, so naturally she cannot get even a little reward.

"Hmph, who wants you to receive any reward or commendation? Since everything happens for a reason, just record your achievements according to the mission of Wuxiang Ice.

"After all, I am the Knight of the West Wind, and my responsibility and obligation is to protect the people of Mondstadt. If you feel bad about it, then join me in a fight tomorrow to see who is the most powerful in the Knights!"

Yura put her hands on her hips and looked at Qin with confident and sharp eyes.

Then as if he remembered something, he turned his head and looked at Li Qiuzhi: "You too, you promised me to come back to discuss after completing the mission!"

"All right."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, he seemed to have indeed promised.

Hum, I will destroy Youla's arrogance tomorrow. Even if she is so arrogant, I don't know if she will cry when she loses!

Li Qiuzhi thought inexplicably expectantly.

Qin said a little reluctantly:

"Yura, but I have work to do tomorrow, can you?"

Before she could finish her words, Yora interrupted her:

“No way, the dignified eldest lady of the Gunnhild family actually doesn’t keep her words.

"Hmph, if I casually mention your broken promise in front of Barbara, she will definitely be disappointed in the sister she admires.

"And a lot of your work doesn't need to be done by yourself at all. Just arrange it for Kaiya, so that you can take time off."

Youla has remembered Qin's "hatred" for so long and has gotten to know her very well. She feels that she has a perfect handle on her now.

As Barbara's sister, Qin is very concerned about what her sister thinks of her.

"Yura, you!"

Qin didn't expect that Youla would use Barbara to threaten her. It was really abominable, but there was no way. She really cared about her image in her sister's heart, so she could only sigh and accept it helplessly.

"Hmph, that's pretty much it. I'm going back to the dormitory first. I need to recharge my batteries. I'm going to knock you two down tomorrow!"

When Youra saw Qin nodding, she immediately smiled with satisfaction, and then prepared to leave.

"Hey, Yula, wait a minute, I'll go back with you too."

Amber said that she didn't need anything in particular, and followed Yula back to the Knights' dormitory.

"Oh, what a headache."

Jean sighed again.

"Captain Qin, don't be angry. I think Yura is just looking for a reason to let you rest and relax. The competition should be secondary."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"I know it's just, well, I'll just have to work hard for Kaia tomorrow."

Qin indeed had many tasks that she did not need to do personally. After all, even simple tasks such as clearing transportation routes occupied by monsters, obtaining tax reports, and finding cats would all come to her.

She really didn't have to do these things originally.

But the citizens who asked her to do these things also trusted her, and Qin didn't want to betray this trust.

So many times, it is still done in person.

"By the way, honorary knights, although Youla and Amber said they don't want extra rewards, it's impossible for me not to give them any extra rewards, so do you have anything you want? You can't ask for something that bothers me like Youla did. Ask for it."

Captain Qin finally looked at Li Qiuzhi and said.

"This is it"

This problem really troubled Li Qiuzhi a little. He himself was embarrassed to mention anything too valuable.

And there is nothing urgently needed at the moment.

After pondering for a while, Li Qiuzhi glanced at Captain Qin and finally decided to embarrass her:

"Captain Qin, how about you give yourself a few days off?"

"Well, why do you say that?" Qin was a little confused for a moment.

"It means that my reward is to ask you to take a vacation and rest for a few days. It is best to have more than one fixed rest time every week from now on."

Li Qiuzhi explained.

"Honorary Knight, why are you like Yula and the others? It's really better to change to someone else. I told you not to bother me. My physical fitness is very strong. Helping the citizens with small things is nothing."

Qin looked at Li Qiuzhi helplessly.

He said it was nothing. Wasn't it because he was too tired last time and was weak and sick for several days? He looked at Li Qiuzhi so quickly and complained silently.

He thought for a while, coughed slightly, and said with a smile:

"Ahem, Captain Qin, if you don't agree, then I will go to Zephyr Cathedral to chat with Miss Barbara."

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