I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 331 Friendly Showdown (Two in One)

When Lisa got the "road sign" and still found reasons to be unwilling to let go of Li Qiuzhi, Qin had to keep her face and try to pull her away.

Yula contacted her remotely from the bottom of her heart.

Said that she had found a place where they could show off their talents, and asked her to teleport over immediately!

Qin was a little helpless, but after all, he had agreed to compete with Youla in martial arts, so he had to pass it by naturally, so he had no choice but to go there first.

All the things that need to be busy have been arranged now, and there is nothing urgent for the time being.

So leaving for a while is not a big problem.

Qin received Youla's notice, and Li Qiuzhi naturally also received it. After all, Youla also made an appointment with him for a discussion.

When Lisa learned about this, her green eyes shone with interest, indicating that she wanted to follow and watch the battle.

Li Qiuzhi naturally had no objection.

But Captain Qin said that it was okay and let go of the honorary knight's hand first.

Obviously she is the lover of the honorary knight, so what does Lisa mean by acting so intimately?

At this time, Qin was a little jealous.

"Haha, okay, I won't tease you anymore." Lisa chuckled, pretending to be reluctant to let go of Li Qiuzhi's arm, which made Qin's beautiful brows couldn't help but raise.

This friend of mine is good at everything, but his temper is too bad!


Qin crossed her arms and gave a dissatisfied "hum" to Lisa, then disappeared and used "Interstellar Travel" to teleport to Yura.

"Haha, let's go there too."

Li Qiuzhi could only tremble between the two girls and did not dare to say anything. After all, if he got involved in such a thing, it would be easy to blame him.

"Okay, but since the little adventurer gave such a good gift to my sister, it's natural for her to give her a gift in return."

Lisa smiled charmingly.

Taking advantage of Li Qiuzhi's confusion, she suddenly leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Then she looked at Li Qiuzhi who was slightly stunned and said:

"Haha, are you scared? Oh, my sister didn't expect that she would be so bold."

After Lisa finished speaking, her face seemed to be slightly red. Before Li Qiuzhi could take a closer look, she used "Star Travel" to teleport away.

[Lisa has a good impression of you and gained 390 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (450/700)]

"Am I being flirted with?" Li Qiuzhi thought with some surprise, and at the same time he felt a little annoyed.

If he had known earlier, he should have turned his head quickly and let Lisa kiss him on the mouth!

What a loss, what a loss!

After all, a kiss on the face is not enough. You have to find opportunities to make up for it later.

Li Qiuzhi sighed regretfully.

When Li Qiuzhi disappeared and reappeared in the acting team leader's office, he saw a slightly familiar scene.

The ground and walls were broken and had many cracks.

There are stone steps with larger heights going up.

This is the Thousand Winds Temple. Li Qiuzhi, Noelle and intelligence agent Weier have been here before. Was this the original venue for the competition that Youla chose?

The venue here is large enough and still in the wild, so there is no need to worry about the aftermath of the battle destroying the buildings in the city.

At this time, there were five people on site.

They were Amber, Youla, Qin, Lisa and Li Qiuzhi. He appeared on Youla's left. Qin and Lisa had just arrived, so they both stood beside Youla.

"Lisa, why did you come here to join in the fun? Why do you want to compete with me?"

Yula crossed her arms and raised her white chin.

"Haha, I'm not interested in fighting, I'm just here to be a spectator."

Lisa seemed to have forgotten about kissing Li Qiuzhi just now, and said with a relaxed look and a smile.

"Hmph, whatever you want." Youla put her hands on her waist and continued, "Okay, who of you two comes first?"

She looked at Li Qiuzhi and Qin confidently.

"I don't care, you can choose whatever you want."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

"Well, how about I come first."

Fighting first and then fighting was necessary anyway, so Qin chose to appear first without any fuss.

"Oh? The eldest lady of the Gunnhild family can't wait to be swept to the ground by me!"

Yura said unexpectedly.

"Don't talk too much. It's still unclear who will sweep who!" Qin responded not to be outdone.

"Hehe, Yula and Captain Qin are both quite impressive!"

The red bunny ears knot on Amber's head swayed slightly, she smiled slightly, then coughed slightly and continued:

"Ahem, I am the referee of this 'Friendly Showdown between the Knights of the West Wind'. In order to prevent you from fighting in a blinding manner, there must be some rules for this friendly showdown."

"Friendly Showdown of the Knights of the West Wind" is the name Amber gave to this competition.

Overall, it's quite suitable.

"What Amber said makes sense. After all, you are both the strongest men in the Knights. A serious fight will not end in a short while, so I feel that the time of the fight should be limited."

Li Qiuzhi nodded in agreement.

"It's not necessary at all, huh, because I can take down the Gunnhild idiots in less than ten minutes!"

Youla looked at Captain Qin who was full of fighting spirit.

Qin knew that Youla had such a tough temper, so she just looked at her with a smile.

In the end, after discussion, everyone felt that some restrictions should be added.

To put it simply, the fighting time is only thirty minutes. If the opponent cannot be defeated within the stipulated time and no one is at an obvious disadvantage during the competition, it will be a draw.

But if it can barely support itself, then the side with the advantage will be considered victorious.

The rules are quite simple and will not be unfair to either party, so Yura and Captain Qin both agreed, just as the battle was about to begin.

Lisa seemed to have thought of another idea that was not too big a deal, and said with a smile:

"This competition is too boring just to compete. How about we add a little punishment and reward?"

"Punishment and reward?"

Yura and Captain Qin both frowned at the same time.

"Yes, those who lose should be punished, and those who win should be rewarded. This should be very reasonable." Lisa nodded slightly with her mouth curved.

"So Lisa, what do you think?"

Li Qiuzhi asked with slight interest.

"Of course there is." Lisa smiled and nodded, "After all, we are all colleagues, and it would be tacky to reward money or something. How about the loser being the victor's personal servant for a week?"

Lisa kept smiling after saying this.

But somehow, Li Qiuzhi sensed the anticipation of watching a good show from her smile.

What a big sister with a bad personality. I can only say that this proposal is very good. Sister Lisa did a great job!

Li Qiuzhi secretly rejoiced.

He had already planned that when he fought with Yula later, it would be a draw. He could not hurt her self-esteem too much, but if he won, he could gain a maid Yula.

Then you have to take it a little more seriously!


After hearing Lisa's words, Yula and Captain Qin had different reactions.

The first was Yula, who looked slightly surprised. It was indeed a good idea to let the eldest lady of the Gunnhild family be her maid.

"Lisa, what do you want to do?"

Qin was a little helpless towards her good friend, who came up with some weird ideas.

"Haha, Qin, aren't you scared?"

Before Lisa could speak, Yora spoke first. She thought this proposal was a good one and she had to find a way to get Qin to agree!

"Yura, you are so proud!"

Qin frowned nicely, knowing that she was using provocation to get her to agree.

However, Qin didn't think she would lose. She thought about it and chose to agree. Just because she defeated Yura this time, she probably wouldn't come to him for discussion for a while.

"Hey, do you really want to do this?"

Amber was a little worried for Youra, after all, Captain Qin was very strong.

"Don't worry Amber, I won't lose." Youla said confidently, crossing her arms.

Amber knew that it was difficult to change what Youla had decided, so she stopped trying to persuade her. Anyway, if she lost, she would just be Captain Qin's maid, which was nothing.

"Okay, what about you, Li Qiuzhi?"

With this in mind, she shook her head and looked at Li Qiuzhi and asked.

"Uh haha, since Youla strongly demands to agree, then naturally I can't offend her. The most I can do is be her little servant for a few days."

Li Qiuzhi won't lose even if he wins or loses, so there is no reason to refuse.

"Haha, that's really exciting!"

Lisa has a smile on her face, no matter who wins or loses, she will have fun.

Soon the "Friendly Showdown" between Youra and Captain Qin began. The two stood in the middle of the Thousand Winds Temple and looked at each other from a distance.

Li Qiuzhi, Amber and Lisa watched from the side close to the wall, leaving them enough space to fight.

[Level: 76]

【Level: 82】

The levels of Youla and Captain Qin have not changed much from what Li Qiuzhi saw last time. Although Youla's level is lower, she should have more combat experience than Captain Qin.

So it’s not like there’s no chance of winning.

But the gap between a breakthrough is not so easy to close. It depends on how she responds.

The momentum released by the two people in the center of the field is getting bigger and bigger.

Then as soon as the foot stepped on the wind, the ground instantly shattered like a spider web. The two figures holding swords collided with each other, and the surrounding air seemed to be pushed away to form a huge wind pressure, which spread to all directions. Disperse.

Lisa's purple pointy witch hat was almost blown away.

Amber also had to wear goggles hung around her neck to prevent wind and sand from entering her eyes.

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuzhi controlled the wind to go around them, and the problem was solved.

"Amber, Lisa, who do you think will win?"

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said to lighten the atmosphere.

"Although I know that Yula is very powerful, I still feel that Captain Qin's winning rate is higher."

Amber thought for a moment and gave her answer.

"Haha, I think Youla has a chance.

"After all, Qin has been busy with various trivial matters since she became the acting captain. She only goes for a morning run when she has free time in the morning. Overall, she still lacks combat effectiveness.

"And Youra is the captain of the guerrilla team. Just the opposite of Qin. She is either killing monsters in the wild or on the road to destroy them. She has rich combat experience, so I think Yura has a chance to win."

Lisa thought about it seriously and said.

"Lisa's thoughts seem to be similar to mine, and there is a feeling that they coincide with each other."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

It's a pity that several people are guessing here, but they are far from the answer.

The friendly duel between Yura and Captain Qin was quite tense, with a tendency to make it difficult to decide the winner, and the final result was indeed correct.

Thirty minutes have passed, and neither of them has finished fighting yet, and they are in good physical condition.

So it can only be counted as a draw.

Yula was a little surprised by this result, but the rules couldn't be changed, so she could only agree to fight again next time.

"Oh, it was such a wonderful battle, but it's a pity that there was no winner, alas~"

Lisa sighed regretfully.

She soon smiled again, and then asked Li Qiuzhi:

"Next, it's time to fight between the little adventurer and Youla. Are you confident?"

"Of course there is a bit of it."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and nodded.

After resting for half an hour, Youla's physical strength was almost restored. Qin also activated her elemental burst "Dandelion Field" to assist her recovery.

Therefore, when fighting Li Qiuzhi, he was in a "full health" state, and it was not considered taking advantage of others' danger.

"Hmph, since I can't make Qin Lai a maid, it's not a bad idea to let you follow me to fight monsters."

Youla pointed her sword at Li Qiuzhi and declared her victory.

"Haha, I was still weak last time and was easily blocked by Youla. But now I have made great progress. You know that in the snowy mountains, my incarnation can be on par with the 'Doctor' and even with the magic dragon. It’s okay to give it a try.”

Li Qiuzhi opened a space crack like a starry sky and took out his "Moonlight Epee" from the "Wonderland".

Seeing Youla's unconvinced look, he continued his psychological offensive and said:

"But don't worry, I will defeat you this time with pure swordsmanship!"

"Hmph, if you can do it, try it!"

Youla was not frightened by Li Qiuzhi's words. She remembered that this guy's initial swordsmanship was taught by herself. No matter how fast he improved, he would not be able to surpass her so quickly in just over half a year!

Before long, both of them were ready.

The fierce sword power rose from the two of them, and the sword power collided before the battle even started.

Then the battle is about to begin!

The two figures disappeared instantly, and when they reappeared, the two swords collided heavily with a "bang", just like the previous battle between Yula and Captain Qin.

The huge momentum formed wind pressure and spread around.

There were cracks on the ground. Fortunately, we were not fighting at the training ground of the Knights or in Mondstadt City. Otherwise, it would have cost a lot of money to repair the ground.

The next result is destined.

Youla's swordsmanship style is elegant and rhythmic, just like the dance of a nobleman, but Li Qiuzhi can also do it, and he has improved the swordsmanship taught by Youla to the full level.

Even Youla herself was not as clear as Li Qiuzhi about where the weak points were and when to attack.

If you compete with him in swordsmanship, you will naturally lose!

In the initial stage, Li Qiuzhi first put some water in, and did not press down on Youla at the beginning to take care of her self-esteem. After fifteen minutes, he started to exert force, and after twenty minutes, he barely pressed her down and beat her.

In the last five minutes, Yula's sword was successfully released from her hand!

Change first and then change

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