I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 334 The Land of Dandelion


Li Qiuzhi was bitten by Captain Qin's old trick, which was so painful that he got goosebumps.

Then she took the opportunity to push out of the acting head's office and closed the door forcefully.

Fortunately, it was almost noon, so there wasn't anyone in the hall.

How embarrassing it would be if word spread that the respected knight of honor was kicked out of the office by Captain Qin!

Of course, Captain Qin should know that no one outside would do this.

"Oh, luckily she was merciful, she almost couldn't say anything."

Li Qiuzhi rubbed his cheek. Captain Qin was so angry that he could not provoke her for the time being.

Qin was angry because he kissed and touched her in the office. If someone caught her, she would lose her reputation as the acting team leader!

There is no other choice but to wait for her to finish work or take a break before going to her to develop a relationship.

Now and in the past, I only had to be bitten by her.

Well, Captain Qin can’t do it, there’s Lisa too. If she hadn’t teased Qin just now, how could she have made him think so much in the end?

I almost got myself involved!

Fortunately, my "Taoist heart" is firm and I don't feel too guilty. Otherwise, I will be in trouble in the future when I am surrounded by a large group of girls who will not be happy.

So we have to get the situation back from Lisa!

After Li Qiuzhi found a suitable reason for himself, he looked around and noticed that two West Wind Knights were chatting and walking towards the Knights Hall.

He straightened his clothes a little.

As if he were an ordinary person who came to borrow a book, he walked towards the wooden door of the library opposite.

The adventurer's durable short boots made a slight dull sound on the brick floor. Li Qiuzhi came to the wooden door, put his palm on the door handle and turned it gently.


The door opens...

Soft light filled the large library on the upper and lower floors. At first glance, it was filled with bookshelves and books placed on the bookshelves.

——Because the light from the windows is limited, the Knights’ library has to be lit with candles even during the day.

Hmm... The upper floor is better, the light coming in from the windows is enough when there are few people.

But that won't work on the lower floor, which is a "negative floor" like an underground space below the ground.

Therefore there are no windows.

Just when Li Qiuzhi walked in, he thought that no one was reading here at this time of lunch.

He saw several young boys and girls sitting at a window in the back of the library on the upper floor.

With his keen ears, Li Qiuzhi heard what they seemed to be studying.

Probably a student from a school in Mondstadt.

There were two people holding books in the gaps between the bookshelves on the lower floor, and they stood there and started reading.

One of them, a young woman wearing glasses, whom Li Qiuzhi also recognized, was Dr. Livingstone, her previous employer.

The other one is a little girl. Although I don’t know her, I see that she seems to be reading a book about the Qiuqiu people.

You can probably guess that she should be the Qiuqiu linguist in the game - Musk.

Both of them are worthy of being scholars. Even though there are tables and chairs nearby, they refuse to sit down and study slowly, insisting on standing.

Are you so... "forgetting to eat and sleep"...

Li Qiuzhi somewhat admired their state of research and study. If he had had this kind of will before, he would not be just an ordinary college student.

There are so many people here now, it seems there is no way to do anything intimate with Lisa.

After all, this is a public place, so you should restrain yourself and pay attention to the image of yourself and Lisa.

"Oh! Did the little adventurer miss me, my sister, so quickly?" Lisa, who was sitting next to the reception desk, said with a smile as she looked at Li Qiuzhi's eyes.

"Yes, a little bit. So sister Lisa, would I be honored to invite you to have lunch with me?"

Li Qiuzhi was silent for a moment, then said with a smile.

"Well, since it's an invitation from the little adventurer, there's no way I can refuse.

"The West Wind Knights from the Logistics Department organized a group to Liyue and Qianyan Army some time ago for a culinary exchange. Now the dishes in the cafeteria are said to be a fusion of Mondstadt and Liyue characteristics.

"It's time to invite Qin to come along and give it a try."

The corners of Lisa's mouth raised slightly, creating a smile on her fair face.

She can guess Li Qiuzhi's bad intentions, but sister, I won't let you succeed so easily like that idiot Qin~

"Ahem, I have also stayed in Liyue Port for a while, and the food style in my hometown is similar to that in Liyue. Why don't you come to my house and I will cook for you to try?"

Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly and said without wanting to give up.

"Food from another world? Of course I'm interested, but if I follow you home, my sister will definitely be eaten up by you. Hum, that's not okay~"

Lisa raised the broad brim of her hat, and the shadow covering her face moved up, exposing the chestnut hair on her forehead to the light.

"All right."

Li Qiuzhi touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed when Lisa revealed his thoughts.

In this case, it would be difficult for him to put his ideas into action and he would have to find another opportunity. Let's start by having dinner with Lisa and Captain Qin.

[Lisa has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (450/800)]

Seeing how well-behaved the little adventurer was, Lisa felt a little fond of him.


Li Qiuzhi wandered the streets of Mondstadt like a lonely ghost.

After lunch.

Captain Qin and Lisa kicked him out on the grounds that his presence in the Knights would affect their work. It was really too much, the disappointed Li Qiuzhi thought.

"By the way, I haven't looked carefully at the skills given by Captain Qin."

Qin and Lisa were both busy, and Li Qiuzhi also had his own affairs.

He remembered that Ningguang said that he would go to her to discuss the bicycle matter when he had time, so it seemed that the day when he would not be short of Maura was not far away!

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but think excitedly.

Then, while continuing to walk on the road, open the character panel and check the favorability skills given by Captain Qiqin.

[With sincerity and perseverance, you will be deeply connected with your own destiny that has no intersection. From now on, the girl's star will shine with you, and you will gain the ability: the land of dandelions. 】

Land of dandelions? Judging from the name, it seems to be a domain-type ability. Li Qiuzhi thoughtfully clicked on the detailed information of the skill.

[Land of Dandelion: In the territory ruled by "Jean Gunnhild", or within a radius of 16,600 meters with her as the center, the existence you regard as your own will receive a 166% all attribute bonus (that is, your own All attributes are multiplied by 166%. If the sum of the two people's levels is less than 100, this effect will not take effect). All attributes of the target you regard as the enemy are weakened by 166% (that is, the enemy's all attributes are divided by 166%. If the two people's levels are added together) This effect will not take effect if you are below level 100). The range, quantity limit, attribute bonuses, etc. are all the sum of the two levels. All attributes include attack, defense, resistance, mental power, elemental power, vitality, lifespan, etc. 】

Hiss~ Li Qiuzhi took a breath of cold air. As expected of Captain Qin, this skill is simply unbelievable.

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There is another chapter tonight.

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