It's actually two levels higher than Beidou!

Although he knows the real continent of Teyvat, the secrets hidden by powerful monsters cannot be fully revealed by the amount of text and graphics in the game.

But if you just go out to the sea casually, you won't encounter such a terrifying sea monster.

After all, there are so many ships on the sea, so if there are really traces of this monster, it should have spread long ago. Is there something about the Death Star that attracts it?

But it may also be a small probability situation.

It was this giant beast in the sea that went out to hunt. When he felt the powerful aura of Beidou, he instinctively slapped the Star of Death thinking it was a provocation.

Then his hand was broken and he could only run away in a hurry.

In addition to its level, Li Qiuzhi also noticed that this giant beast in the sea looked a bit like an octopus. It seemed that after discovering the "Sword God of Ying", it was not swimming very fast at first, but a few tentacles suddenly exerted a little force.

A terrifying vortex instantly formed in the sea, and the huge body of the sea monster jumped out like a jet rocket and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

It's not right to just leave the "Sword God of Ying" in the same place in the wind. It's messy in the water.

Although the "Sword God of Ying" will not be affected by physical collisions, its flying speed is not very fast, and there is no way to catch up with the giant beast in the sea.

"Haha, what's wrong? Are you feeling deflated?"

On the bow of the ship, Beidou looked at Li Qiuzhi's dumbfounded expression, and immediately knew what was going on. After all, as the captain, she knew more about monsters in the sea than Li Qiuzhi.

"There was a little accident. The big guy swam so fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and sighed, he had indeed underestimated that guy.

"Hey, what a pity. I thought you could knock it down." Paimon, who was floating in the air, spread his hands.

"It's not that easy. The sea is the home of these monsters. Unless it comes out of the water on its own, even I will not take the initiative to cause trouble for these large monsters."

Although Beidou herself is not afraid of this kind of monster, she still has a ship and many crew members.

Therefore, when encountering such monsters, the main purpose is to drive them away, for fear that a fight will damage the boat, and then you will be the one in trouble.

"Speaking of these large monsters in the sea, because of their huge strength, they are the well-deserved ocean overlords in their own sea areas. If they are defeated in our hands this time, there is a high probability that they will not be so simple."

Beidou turned around and looked at the sea ahead with a helpless expression.

"So, it might attack us on its own initiative?"

Ying held her upper abdomen with one hand, slightly lifting and expanding the round breasts wrapped in the white dress. She touched her white chin with her other hand and said thoughtfully.

"Ah, you are so vindictive!" Pamon said worriedly.

"Haha, don't worry. As long as we are here, there will be no danger. If it dares to appear, just cut off a few more tentacles and use them as food."

Beidou took out the wine bottle and took a sip and said with a smile.

The Overlord of the Ocean is not just the large monsters in the sea, she, Captain Beidou, is also a well-deserved Overlord of the Ocean.

"By the way, your strength seems pretty good. Do you want to compare with me?"

Beidou put down the wine bottle, wiped the spilled wine from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Li Qiuzhi sharply.

"Oh, what does Captain Beidou want to compete with?"

Li Qiuzhi raised his eyebrows in surprise, not expecting Beidou to invite him to compete.

"Of course you can't fight with weapons on the ship. Let's have an arm wrestling competition to see who is stronger. If we lose, how about taking over the vigil work tonight?"

Beidou crossed his arms and looked at him confidently.

"It's hard to reject a warm invitation. Since it's Big Sister Beidou's invitation, I can't refuse it."

Li Qiuzhi looked at her with the same confidence. He had never been afraid of anyone in terms of strength. Every upgrade he made was comprehensive.

Although he is only at level 84, his strength is not necessarily inferior to those at level 90.

"Okay, that's refreshing!" Beidou smiled happily, "Haha", and then said to a big man on the deck, "Hai Long, go bring a wine barrel over, I want to spar with him!"

[Beidou has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (120/200)]

Perhaps because he felt that Li Qiuzhi was happy, Beidou had a slight liking for him.

"Okay, big sister!"

The brawny sailor named Hai Long immediately went to the warehouse and carried out a full barrel of wine. Those who could be invited by the eldest sister to have an arm wrestling match could not use a light and empty barrel, otherwise it might break when the force was exerted.

Of course, it may not be safe if it is filled with wine, but at least it won't be dangling around.

Hearing that Big Sister Beidou was going to compete with others in an arm wrestling match, all the free crew members gathered on the deck to see this rare and grand scene.

After all, there are only a handful of people who can compete with the eldest sister.

Even Hai Long, the seemingly strongest sailor on the ship, couldn't lift a finger off the eldest sister's head with both hands using the strength of a constipated toilet.

The only time recently was when I returned to Liyue Port.

The wandering samurai from Inazuma who was rescued from the sea could barely hold on in the hands of the elder sister for more than ten minutes.

"You just came here, let me introduce you to everyone on the ship."

The two of them stood on both sides of the wine barrel. Beidou saw so many people surrounding him and just introduced him to Li Qiuzhi.

"Oh that's fine."

Li Qiuzhi's pupils were still golden, and his sin-judging eyes had not receded. He also wanted to see the strength of the crew on the Death Star.

"The man who moved the wine barrel just now is called Hai Long. He is an experienced sailor on the ship."

Beidou looked at the strong man standing next to the ship's side on the right and introduced.

[Level: forty-three]

He is not weak in strength. Without the Eye of God, it seems that he has good martial arts skills. Li Qiuzhi looked along Beidou's line of sight, nodded and greeted:


Hai Long said "haha" and said "hello" boldly.

Next, Beidou introduced him to him again.

Blacksmith Su Ling, navigator Hui Xing, sailor Furong, etc., their strength is around level 20, which is slightly worse than Hai Long.

What surprised Li Qiuzhi the most was naturally the wandering samurai from Daozhi on the observation deck. Li Qiuzhi knew him. After all, this young man also appeared in the game plot.

And there is also a famous peak scene - taking the sword of Inazuma's god Raiden Shogun!

This young wandering samurai is naturally Maplehara Manyo.

I have to say that taking the sword from the gods as a mortal was indeed very passionate, and he was deeply moved when he was going through the plot.

Looking at his strength now, he is indeed not weak at all, reaching level seventy-seven.

After the fight with Beidou later, he could get to know him and get to know Inazuma's situation. He remembered that Manyo seemed to have escaped because of the "Eye Hunting Order".

Such powerful samurai have to flee overseas. They can't just "bump" in without understanding anything.

Let's exchange martial arts skills with him and see if we can learn something.

After all, Man'o's swordsmanship is indeed powerful.

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