I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 345 Flowing Fengqiuye (please follow up)

Lei Yin found out why it appeared here?

Li Qiuzhi felt very surprised. He remembered that Lei Yinquan seemed to be on an island full of thunder.

I really don’t understand why he ended up outside Inazuma.

"What's wrong?"

Ying, who was standing next to Li Qiuzhi, suddenly frowned when he looked at him and asked with some doubts.

"How should I put it? I met a thunder elemental being whose strength is comparable to that of an immortal. Our ship is too big and a bit eye-catching. I wonder if it will attract its attention. Should we wait until it leaves before entering the thunderstorm area?"

Li Qiuzhi explained the situation to everyone.

"Leiyin Quan appears, and you unexpectedly met it.

"It is said that this kind of thunder element life will be born with the thunder in places where strong resentment is left, and what drives it to act is more primitive and pure anger.

"If you are discovered by it, there is a high probability that you will be targeted."

Maplehara Manyo looked stunned. Before he became a wandering samurai, he was also the young master of the Maplehara family. He also learned about the legendary existence of Leiyin Quangen from the collection of books at home.

He thought for a while and continued to guess:

"Leiyin Quanxian is a life form of thunder element. Needless to say, the concentration of thunder element in the thunderstorm area is natural. It may be attracted to absorb the thunder element. It should leave when it is 'full'."

"Oh, in that case let's stop and wait."

Beidou nodded. Generally, beings with the thunder element have very high resistance to the thunder element, let alone this kind of powerful one.

Maybe one of his own thunder elements would be eaten as food if hit.

If the thunder elemental power doesn't work, most of her strength won't be able to be used.

Although it doesn't mean that I can't resist, it is very likely that I was beaten in the past.

After thinking about it, I decided to stop first and wait for it to leave before passing by.

"Well, it's more important to be steady."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Although he said this, he already had the idea of ​​​​letting the "Sword God of Ying" tease Lei Yin Quanxian.

After all, it is difficult to meet such a powerful being.

If you defeat it, you will gain tens of thousands of experience points. This is something you cannot miss.

But before that, let's use the experience points to improve our strength. Lei Yinquan has actually broken through the ninety-level existence, so he has to be more steady in his fight.

The Death Star temporarily anchored and stopped.

It was time for the crew to take a break after rocking the oars for so long, although they could take turns working and resting.

Manyo boarded the observation deck to continue to guard against attacks by monsters in the sea. Beidou was very interested in teaching the curious Ying and Paimon how to operate the rudder to control the course of the Death Star.

Li Qiuzhi leaned against the wooden wall behind him, opened the character panel, and began to "add some practice skills" that he had not seen for a long time.

There are about 220,000 experience points, which can be upgraded by two levels.

Experience points-169000

Lv84 (0/84000)→Lv86 (0/86000)

A huge energy appeared in the body, which was similar to the feeling of soaking in the bathtub with Ying and Fischer.

The invisible and qualityless energy strengthened every cell and mental power of his, and it didn't take long for him to successfully complete a new round of transformation.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi's mental power could be extended a little further than three kilometers, and his mental tentacles could be summoned at will within a range of sixty kilometers, with a power of thirty tons.

The elemental power in the body has also increased significantly, and the combat endurance is longer.

Of course, the basic life, strength, agility, defense, resistance, etc. have also been improved a lot. The higher the level, the greater the growth rate for oneself.

If one's basic attributes are high, the strength that can be exerted by using the "Sword God of Ying" will be greatly enhanced.

Now he is more confident about defeating Lei Yinquan.

Li Qiuzhi saw that there were more than 58,000 experience points on the character panel, so he decided to improve the swordsmanship he learned from Manyo.

Experience Point-4499

I am skilled in swordsmanship 1 (1/100) → I am skilled in swordsmanship 10 (I am skilled in swordsmanship)

As his skills improved, countless knowledge related to "Wo-ryu Swordsmanship" appeared in his mind, and he easily understood it.

Li Qiuzhi curiously opened the Feifan reminder "I flow" to see its effect:

[Wo-style swordsmanship: The swordsmanship reaches its peak and breaks out of the "my" school. When the user clearly understands his own swordsmanship concept, the "Wo-style swordsmanship" will transform into a secret level, and new extraordinary characteristics will be derived based on the swordsmanship concept. 】

Can you directly transform your swordsmanship concept into a secret-level swordsmanship if you clearly understand it? It seems that this extraordinary characteristic is good.

Speaking of which, the reason it hasn't transformed yet is because I haven't clearly understood my own swordsmanship philosophy. If I think about it carefully, it seems like this is really the case.

After all, his swordsmanship is improved with experience points. Even upgrading a swordsmanship to the full level will only bring more skills and experience in the use of this swordsmanship.

There is no such thing as a swordsmanship concept.

The concept of swordsmanship probably needs to be summed up slowly by oneself. After all, it cannot be said that my concept of swordsmanship is "protection" or "conquering everything". It means protecting and defeating everything.

He had never thought about this before, so he naturally had no concept of swordsmanship.

It was impossible to figure it out immediately now, so he could only put it down for the time being. Then, Li Qiuzhi continued to set his sights on "Qianhaozhen".

The experience points are still enough, so I’ll raise them to the max by the way.

Experience point-44999

Chihaya Shin·Secret 1 (1/1000)→Chihaya Shin·Secret 10 (Rukafeng Akino)

Just like the previous process, a lot of knowledge and skills on the use of swordsmanship and wind elements appeared in my mind, and the specific effects of the extraordinary characteristics also appeared before my eyes.

[Flowing Maple Akino: Within half an hour after using Chihaya Shake, you will obtain the "Flowing Maple Akino" state. Speed, flexibility, and reaction ability will increase by 20%, and physical consumption will be reduced by 20%. 】

oh? This feature is also good.

Similar status skills can directly increase the speed by 20%, making running much faster, and it will also reduce physical consumption.

During the battle, it should be able to maintain its status if used every half hour. When the sound of thunder appears, it can be regarded as a big blessing.

Phew, Li Qiuzhi stood up and looked at his changed character panel:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv86 (0/86000)

Race: Human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Outstanding Adventurer

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Sword God of Ying·Mystery (sharpness), Concealment of form·Secret 10 (domain), Wind element control 10 (full level), Chihaya Jin·Secret 10 (Flowing maple autumn field), Fighting 10 (subtle), I flow Swordsmanship 10 (I flow)

Expertise: [Advent] [Girl Savior] [Anti-Devil Enhancement] [Plenty of Life] [Gospel of the Sky] [North Wind] [Spiritual Tentacle] [Reconciliation] [Thousand-Year Body] [Abyssal Vortex] [Charging Body] 】【Elemental immunity】

Experience points: 8574

Seeing that there are only more than 8,000 experience points left, this is used up very quickly. Let's see if we can beat Lei Yinquan and save it up.

Off the coast of Inazuma, there is a thunderstorm area.

After Li Qiuzhi improved his strength, he immediately controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to look at Lei Yinquan's appearance in the clouds high in the sky.

at the same time.

Lei Yinquan also seemed to have discovered a golden light spot below him.

For the abnormality discovered unexpectedly, it did not feel doubts, strangeness and other emotions, but only resentment towards all living beings equally.

There was no hesitation.

After discovering the "Yingzhi Sword God", a "creature" that was not low-key at all, Lei Yinquan immediately swooped down without waiting for Li Qiuzhi to take action!

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