I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 368 Rosalind’s Anger (2-in-1)

be a good person

Well, although this order is a bit abstract and has a large scope, it is not a word game and there are no loopholes to exploit. In other words, because it is simple, it is more difficult for "ma'am" to violate it.

After all, this "good guy" is not defined by "lady". Otherwise, what if she thinks destroying the world is a good thing? !

Behavior that qualifies as a “good person” must at least be harmless to the world, society, and ordinary people.

You cannot intentionally use something to harm others.

Of course, for those dangerous monsters and bad people who do evil, take action when it is time to take action. Of course, it is okay not to take action. After all, good people do not necessarily have to help others.

In other words, people who don't do bad things in the ordinary sense.

The reason why I decided to write this order in the "Command Seal" was just to stop the "lady" from doing evil, and not to restrict her freedom too much.

The third command is:

[The interests of Li Qiuzhi and his close friends cannot be harmed in any way. 】

Although under normal circumstances Article 2 is enough to restrain the "lady" from harming Li Qiu and their interests without any reason, but it is better to formally regulate it in the next specific order.

For example, if Li Qiuzhi accidentally does something bad and is attacked by a "lady", this special situation will also happen.

Of course, this is just a metaphor. After all, according to the first order, the "lady" has to obey him, so naturally she won't worry about such unexpected situations.

The main thing is that he won't do anything bad.

"These three commands should be enough." Paimon covered her little head, she could not think of any more commands.

"Well, that's enough." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"Wait a minute, the first order is for her to obey someone with the ability to travel between the stars. So if we give her the beacon later, will she be considered a person with the ability to travel between the stars?"

Ying suddenly noticed something strange.

"Yes, and Ying and I are looking for this guy to do something at the same time. Who should she listen to?" Paimon also said with some confusion.

"Don't worry about this. The person being cursed cannot use the command spell. The same is true for little Paimon. She will give priority to the person who gave the order first, and then help the person who gave the order later. ."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

The information fed back by the "Command Spell" expertise was very comprehensive, so although he had not experimented with it, he still had a clear understanding of the operating mechanism of the "Command Spell".

"That's it." Ying and Paimon nodded lightly.

After finishing writing the order, Li Qiuzhi came to the "Ms.", thought about it, grabbed her left hand, and slapped the "Command Spell" on the back of her hand.

A golden light flashed, and a red pattern suddenly appeared on the back of "Ms."'s hand.

"Hey, is this all right?" Pamon said in surprise.

"That's right."

Li Qiuzhi said it was really that simple.

"Drink~" Ying yawned, "Now that it's done, let's go back to sleep."

With that, she and Paimon went back to their room to sleep.

Li Qiuzhi also closed the door of the solitary room, took a shower first, and came out to rest.

Suddenly, I thought that I was not used to sleeping alone, so I carried Mona, who was sleeping on the sofa, to my room.

Using the girl's soft body as a pillow would make Li Qiuzhi sleep more comfortably.

The next morning, without the sun to wake him up, Li Qiuzhi naturally woke up a little later.

When he opened his eyes, he didn't see Mona, and he didn't know if she found herself sleeping on top of him when she woke up, so she ran out in shame.

The proof is that Mona even forgot to take the hat on the bedside table.

And as the relationship between the two became more and more intimate, Mona became fond of him more and more frequently. After looking at the character panel for a while, she found a new hint of goodwill.

[Mona has a good impression of you and gains 240 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (750/800)]

What a nice lucky morning.

The time when Mona's affection for him reaches full level is not far away, and I don't know what kind of magical ability Mona, who masters astrology, will have!

Li Qiuzhi took Mona's hat and walked out of the room.

The girls had gotten up early and made breakfast. Mona was sitting on the sofa eating sundowners when she saw Li Qiuzhi turning his head away with a "hum" in dissatisfaction.

Li Qiuzhi smiled softly, and was suddenly surprised to see "Ms." sitting not far from Ying and Paimeng, drinking porridge.

The expression on her face looked extremely reluctant, as if someone was controlling her.

"This guy was yelling in the solitary room early in the morning. He also threatened us with his identity as the executive officer of the Fools, saying that the Queen would never let us go. He was like a child. He had no choice but to use The 'Command Spell' ordered her to come and sit down and eat."

Paimon, who was floating in the air, held a porcelain bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other and said helplessly.

"That's it." Li Qiuzhi looked stunned, then came to sit on the sofa, looked at the "ma'am" with a smile, "Miss Rosalin, I believe you already know what the situation is now."

As soon as she heard what Li Qiuzhi said, Rosalin became so angry that her two fingers against the chopsticks became a little tighter, and veins appeared on her forehead!

But because she was ordered by Paimon to sit down and eat properly, she couldn't control her body's behavior anyway.

I can only eat with anger.

She glanced at the red pattern on the back of her hand. The damn travelers not only sealed her power, but also controlled her body!

"Damn bastards! You guys!"

Rosalin took advantage of the gap between swallowing food and wanted to say something when her mouth was free, but was interrupted by a piece of meat picked up from the bowl with her own hands.

"Haha, okay, it seems you understand."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and then continued:

"Don't worry, we just want to know some information about you fools. Once we find out, we will let you go. You won't be able to do evil anyway."

After a while, Rosalin finished her breakfast. She had completed Paimon's order and could talk properly. She glanced at Li Qiuzhi with disdain:

"Hmph, trying to find out the secrets of the Fools is a serious crime. They won't let you go in the future!"

Li Qiuzhi knew that the "ma'am" was referring to the other Fools and Executives.

Haha, he would still be afraid if the Winter Queen took action in person, but the other Fool Executives...well, they really couldn't beat some of them.

But it doesn't matter. Now those fools probably don't know that they captured "Ms." After all, "Skicker", "Doctor" and other fool soldiers ran away immediately when they saw that the situation was not going well.

Later, he could also ask the "ma'am" to pretend that he had successfully escaped, and then order her not to tell anyone about the information, which would probably keep it secret for a long time.

By the time they really want to discover something wrong, Li Qiuzhi will have grown up to the point where he is not afraid of anyone!

Therefore, he thought about it and decided that he still couldn't miss the opportunity to ask the fools for some information. Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and asked "Madam":

"Why do you fools want to collect the hearts of gods? Is there any purpose?"

His words used the power of the "Command Spell", so there was no need to worry that the "lady" would not answer, and this was a "wonderland". When the "door" was not opened, it was a different world that did not intersect with Teyvat.

Therefore, even if the Queen of Winter has any secret restrictions on the Fools' executives, it would be useless if she could sense who they told the information to.

After all, no matter how strong the Winter Queen is, she can't overhear this from across two worlds.

Of course, it is more likely that the Queen of Winter has not secretly arranged any back-up plan for the Executives of Fools. After all, the Executives of Fools and the Queen of Winter seem to have a more cooperative relationship than superiors and subordinates.

As for the collaborators, I don’t think the Queen of Solstice will interfere too much.

Rosalin's expression changed when she heard Li Qiuzhi's words. As expected, the bastard still asked, but she would give away such important information in vain!

Even if she didn't want to, no matter how reluctant she was, her body would automatically speak for her, so she said with a bit of gritted teeth:

"It is naturally the order of Her Majesty the Queen for us fools to collect the Heart of God. As for what it is used for, it is because Her Majesty the Queen needs the power of the Heart of God to fight against the laws of heaven!"

"The law of heaven? It is the law of heaven that the maintainer of the law of heaven wants to maintain."

Paimon put his lips to his and thought for a moment before saying.

"What is the law of heaven? Why does Queen Zhi Dong fight against the law of heaven?" There was confusion on Ying's fair face.

"According to the Queen, Tianli is a more powerful existence than the seven gods. Only by gathering all the hearts of gods can there be a possibility of resistance. As for why we must fight against Tianli, it is because Tianli has blocked it with a false starry sky. The whole of Teyvat has made us lose contact with the outside world!”

Rosalin couldn't help but start to tell the information. She was secretly angry about why so many people could order her!

"Hey, is this really the case?" Pamon said in surprise.

When Li Qiuzhi traveled through time, the game plot had not yet revealed why the Fools wanted to collect the Hearts of God, so he could not guarantee whether the reason given by "Ms." was true.

After all, "Ms." must have really told the reasons she learned now, but no one can guarantee whether the Queen of Solstice has lied to "Ms." and other executives.

But this reason seems to be logically consistent.

After all, the existence of "Heavenly Law" is almost as if it rules the entire Teyvat, and it blocks people from leaving, which will attract rebels sooner or later.

Such as the Solstice Queen.

Speaking of which, Wendy and Zhongli both handed over the Heart of God so easily, probably because they were dissatisfied with the laws of heaven.

Hiss~ If you want to put it this way, when he leaves Teyvat to look for the earth in the future, in addition to facing the maintainer of the heavenly principles, does he also have to face the heavenly principles!

Why is it so troublesome? Li Qiuzhi sighed secretly.

"Then, why did the gods block Teyvat?" Paimon asked, scratching the hair beside his ear.

"Her Majesty the Queen did not tell us about this issue, or the heavenly law never told anyone why she did this, so no one knows."

Rosalin had given up resistance. After all, she couldn't go against her own instinct.

After asking about the most important things, Li Qiuzhi continued to ask "Ms." other questions:

"Do you have a way to create the evil eye?"

"Hmph, I'm not interested in these, of course I don't know. If you want to know how to make the evil eye, go and capture the 'doctor'."

There was a hint of surprise in Rosalin's pupils. She didn't know what use these incomplete products that consume lifespan would have if these people were so strong.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi nodded. "Ms." really didn't seem like someone who would be interested in research.

However, the Fools don’t only have the “Doctor” as a researcher, and they don’t necessarily have to look for him. After all, who knows which “slice” they have found, and if they get involved, they will be doomed.

"Do you have anything you want to ask?" Li Qiuzhi finished all the questions he should ask and looked at Ying and Paimeng.

"No more, though."

Ying and Paimon shook their heads at first, then stopped talking.

Of course Li Qiuzhi knew what she wanted to say, so of course he would help Captain Qin to ask for information about the Fools' secret stronghold in Mondstadt.

After thinking about it, he decided to contact Captain Qin directly and ask her to inquire, and Li Qiuzhi could convey the message on his behalf.

Leave professional matters to professionals.

More than an hour later, Li Qiuzhi asked Captain Qin a lot of information about all aspects of the Fools and Winter Kingdom.

Basically draining the value of "Ms.", the executive officer of the Fools, and then if nothing happened, he was ready to let "Ms." leave, and let her go back to work as an undercover agent inside the Fools.

After instructing her not to reveal that she was captured, Li Qiuzhi gave "Ms." a sign.

Then he returned her evil eye to her, and after destroying the barrier that Lisa had set on her to dispel the elemental power, he opened the space rift to let her go.

Rosalin had no choice but to vent her anger like a child as she walked.

There is a feeling of helpless rage.

[Rosalyn has negative feelings towards you and gains -300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 1 (-500/100)]

Well, he actually had a favorable impression. Li Qiuzhi laughed dumbly.

This doesn't matter, the "lady" has become a "summon", and she doesn't lack a favorability skill.

Baling Island, the frontline camp of the Haiqi Army.

After letting "Ms." go, Li Qiuzhi and the others also came to Wulang's side as agreed.

Wulang and the Haiqi Army soldiers warmly entertained several people. After carefully searching the entire battlefield last night, they found many mechanical building fragments left by the Evil Eye Factory and powerful battle traces.

After confirming that these people were powerful and actually accidentally helped them solve the problem of the Evil Eye Factory, they were naturally very enthusiastic.

Li Qiuzhi and the others stayed for lunch. After Wulang and the two accompanying soldiers who also had the Eye of God prepared the materials and objects they were going to take to Haiqi Island, everyone set off in the afternoon.

Baling Island is not as far away from Haiqi Island as the outlying island is from Baling Island.


Along the way, I used the wings of wind to fly and cleared away the dangerous monsters I saw on the road. I finally arrived at Haiqi Island at dusk and sunset.

Thanks to "Miss Yakumo" for the 100 coin reward!

Thanks to "Ayato's brother-in-law" for the tip!

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