I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 397 Thunder Movie (2-in-1)

Rice wife, castle tower.

This is the residence of General Thunder and Lightning, with a large internal space. It is also the place where royal duels and diplomatic envoys are held.

Li Qiuzhi opened the door and walked in.

He found that although there were no windows here, the standing lamp cabinets on both sides emitted a blazing white light and shone on the lavender walls, making it not look gloomy.

On the contrary, it makes people feel a noble and majestic aura.

Li Qiuzhi looked forward and saw a woman with long dark purple hair standing on the steps at the bottom of the house, with her arms folded and her back facing him.


As he walked forward slowly, he was struggling with how to address her.

Do you mean "Common people, I have seen the General", or "I have seen the General"? Or just call him "General"?

The first one is not a subject of the general, so calling himself such a person seems a bit inappropriate, and the second one is a bit formal.

Sure enough, it is better to choose the third one, just be casual, General Thunder will not mind this.

Li Qiuzhi walked down the steps and greeted politely:

"That one has met the General."

General Thunder and Lightning turned around silently, looked at Li Qiuzhi quietly, and then said in a cold tone:

"Are you the enemy that hinders 'eternity'?"

"Of course not. My friends and I are just here for travel and adventure. How could we inexplicably become the general's enemy?"

Li Qiuzhi quickly answered negatively.

He was really afraid that if he said yes, the general would immediately draw his sword from his chest.

"That's good."

General Thunderbolt said this, and then stretched his right hand to the top of his half-exposed snow-white chest.

Looking at her actions, Li Qiuzhi secretly thought something was wrong.

You really don’t want to let him go, right? Since he came to Daozuma, he has been law-abiding and has not broken any laws. At least he has not broken any laws on the surface!

Is this all going to be cut down? Is the general too stingy, or is he too stubborn about "eternity"? !

Before Li Qiuzhi could think about it, thunder flashed in front of his eyes, and the general pulled out "Dream Yixin" again, just as Li Qiuzhi summoned the purple hourglass shadow to deal with it.

Suddenly, I found that the space was spinning and changing.

Li Qiuzhi took a closer look and found that in front of him, in addition to the thunder and lightning general who was standing at the beginning, there was another thunder and lightning general with his right ankle padded under the back knee of his left leg, half sitting in the void with his eyes closed.

The surrounding environment has also changed. The sky is dark red, and the ground is paved with hard stones with many patterns, like a martial arts arena.

This is the "Pure Land of One Heart", and the extra one is Lei Movie!

Li Qiuzhi thought with great certainty.

Sure enough, as Yae Shenzi expected, Raikage wanted to see him. Not surprisingly, it must be related to his ability to stop time.

"We meet for the second time, visitors from another world."

Lei Xingqing opened her eyes, revealing the same lavender pupils. Her whole person was exactly the same as the general in terms of clothing and appearance.

If there is any difference, it is the temperament.

The general has a unique majestic and cold temperament. In terms of temperament, Lei Movie is a little softer and more restrained than the general.

This makes it easy for people to tell who is who even if they are exactly the same.

Li Qiuzhi was very clear in his heart, but he couldn't show it in front of them, lest he would be suspected again.

He thought for a moment, his eyes moved between the general and Ying, and asked in confusion:

"The second meeting? Does it mean the illusion I saw that day? Well, by the way, why are there two generals?"

As for Ying knowing that he is a visitor from another world, there is nothing surprising.

Wendy and Zhongli could also see it.

Lei Qiuzhi was not interested in answering Li Qiuzhi's doubts. She moved her gaze to the purple hourglass shadow above Li Qiuzhi's head for a while, and then moved her gaze to him again.

"Is this hourglass the reason why you stopped time? Can you trade it to me? I'm very interested in it."

Ray Movie puts it bluntly.

Since she has dragged Li Qiuzhi into the "Pure Land of One Heart", there will be no option for him to refuse.

It’s okay to sacrifice a little reputation for “eternity.”

"I'm sorry, General. This is my innate ability. The hourglass shadow is just its manifestation and cannot be traded."

What a thunder movie, you really covet my time ability! Li Qiuzhi was not happy in his heart, but he said it with respect on the surface and explained the ability of the purple hourglass in detail.

As for the two thunder gods, hey, you can’t afford to offend, you can’t afford to offend!

"Oh? Is that so? How about you stay here and cooperate with me in researching the power of time? When there are results, I can also give you generous rewards, or you can propose it now."

Ray is a little disappointed that the purple hourglass cannot be traded, but for the sake of "eternity" she will not give up so simply.

Since the hourglass cannot stay, the same cannot be said for people.

In her mind, "eternity" means something that remains unchanged for thousands of generations, and the stillness of time is the closest thing to what she considers to be "eternity."

As long as she masters this ability, she can enter the eternal stasis of time, completely avoid "wear and tear", and make up for the general's final shortcomings.

As for mastering the power of time, allowing the entire Inazuma to stop time and directly reach "eternity", Lei Movie has also thought about this.

But the energy required to do so is something that even the gods cannot provide.

I can only give up this idea temporarily.

"It is naturally an honor for me to serve the General, but I would like to ask General, how do you study the power of time?"

Li Qiuzhi did not refuse immediately, because he came here just to trade with the general.

But you have to ask Lei Qianqian how she wants to cooperate with her. As long as it doesn't endanger his life, there's no problem if she says he wants to stay here with her all the time.

It even suited him.

After all, this way we can get along with each other all the time. When Lei Movie needs him, he doesn't have to worry about not gaining favor.

When the favorability level is high and he has a certain status in her heart, it won't matter what conditions were agreed before.

"You just need to release the power of time as I ask. I allow you to have a fixed rest time every day. You can go out to visit friends, eat or sleep."

Considering that Li Qiuzhi is a human being and cannot work for her around the clock, Ying generously gives him time to rest.

Mainly for sustainability research.

Otherwise, if his body collapses, where will she find someone who can still wield the power of time? She still knew this.

"Oh, do you still have time to rest?" Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised. He nodded and said with a smile, "Since the general is so sincere, I agree."

"very good."

Lei Movie was very satisfied with Li Qiuzhi's straightforward agreement, which did not require her to use strong methods.

[General Thunder (Thunder Movie) has a good impression of you and gets 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (100/200)]

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when he saw the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel.

"Thunder and Lightning General" was followed by a parenthetical "Thunder Movie". Does this mean that the two of them had a crush on him at the same time? Or is it because the souls are one, so a favorable impression of one will also affect the other?

Based on experience and intuition, Li Qiuzhi felt that it should be the latter.

However, this is the first time they have gained a good impression, and there are not enough examples. It should be clear when they have a good impression of themselves a few more times.

Lei Qianqian didn't know what Li Qiuzhi was thinking. After achieving her goal, her sense of Li Qiuzhi improved a little.

She thought for a while and said:

"In this case, you can tell me the reward you need, as long as I can do whatever I can to satisfy you."

Anything? Is it so full of words? Do you need the heart of God to be willing to give it? Or the knife "Dream Yixin"?

Well, the former one might be easy to say, but the latter one is basically impossible. If she wanted this knife, she would still be disgusted.

After all, the sword was left behind by Raiden Jin, Kage's sister.

Speaking of which, the reason Lei Qianqian became so obsessed with "eternity" was because her sister and friends left her one after another for various reasons.

She was desperate and didn't want to lose anyone again.

That’s why I entered the fork in the road of pursuing “eternity that will remain unchanged for thousands of generations.”

Li Qiuzhi remembered that the sword "Dream Yixin" still had the weak will left by Lei Dianzhen in it. When Lei Qianqian used the full power of this knife, she would be able to release her.

If I tell her this news, will she get rid of some of the shadows of the past?

Well, the idea was good, but he couldn't explain how he knew that "Dream Isshin" had the will of her sister. He should wait until he encounters a suitable opportunity in the future.

Li Qiuzhi thought to himself for a while, and decided to follow the original plan to mention the abolition of the "Eye Hunting Order" to General Yinghe.

This is something that has been promised to many girls and must be done!

"That general, can you really do everything you can?" Li Qiuzhi looked at General Yinghe and made a little confirmation.

"Don't you believe me?" Lei Qianqian raised his eyebrows.

"Ah, no, no, the general will naturally not make any jokes." Li Qiuzhi waved his hand quickly and continued, "Well, the general is actually like this.

“Before arriving at Inazuma Castle, my friends and I had an adventure near Yaojima Island, and then we met the shogunate army and the rebels fighting.

"That scene was quite frightening, and the nearby villagers were displaced because of it. I think the 'eternity' that the general is pursuing is not an 'eternity' that makes the people suffer like this.

"So I would like to ask the General to abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order' and bring peace to this country. Only a peaceful world can have 'eternal' meaning."

Li Qiuzhi didn't have great speaking skills, he just expressed his inner feelings.

"Abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order', huh, are you also with those who resist!"

Before Lei Qianqian could answer, General Lei Dian, who was silent next to him, spoke first and questioned Li Qiuzhi in a cold tone.

"The general has misunderstood. I just came from Liyue not long ago, so how can I be a member of the resistance army? I just do sympathize with the suffering people. I hope that the general can abolish the "Eye Hunting Order" and stop the war."

Li Qiuzhi said with sincere eyes.

This is indeed his inner thought. Judging from the impact it has caused, the "Eye Hunting Order" is indeed not a very good system and should be abolished.

"The existence of 'wishes' is not conducive to 'eternity'. Please change your request."

Although Kujo Takayuki tried to suppress many of the negative effects caused by the "Eye Hunting Order", General Kagewa naturally did not really understand everything.

They know everything about eternity.

But even so, Shadow still thinks "eternity" is more important.

The problem is that what Kage thinks of as "eternity" is not good for anyone, including herself. However, it was impossible for Li Qiuzhi to change her deep-rooted thoughts with just a few words.

So I could only follow her wishes and say:

"But General, don't you want to study the power of time? Time stasis is a better solution than the 'Eye Hunting Order'. Once you figure it out, 'eternity' will be at your fingertips.

"There is no need for Inazuma to have a war during this period. This will make everyone lose more."


Hearing this word, Lei Qianqian didn't know what she recalled. Her pupils were slightly absent-minded. She thought for a moment and said:

"Those who pursue their 'desires' may not necessarily cause less 'loss' to the world than wars. They have even caused many wars in the world."

Lei Film does not agree with Li Qiuzhi's words.

"But I said, as long as I can do it, you can mention it. If you insist on abolishing the 'Eye Hunting Order', I can abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order' according to your will.

"But I'm not sure whether it can be approved by the general."

Although she did not agree with Li Qiuzhi's words, Ying was willing to fulfill her promise, so she looked at the general next to her.

When the general was born, Lei Movie set up the underlying operating logic for her based on the goal of "eternity", and even she herself could not change it at will.

Because she is worried that one day she will be affected by "wear and tear" and her pursuit of "eternity" will be shaken.

If the general wants to change the system related to "eternity" like the "Eye Hunting Order", he must get her approval.

First of all, we need to confirm that Thunder Movie has not been affected by "wear and tear", and then we can come up with a better plan after scrapping the current plan.

In addition, you can also choose to defeat the general until he is defeated.

General Thunder and Lightning's expression did not change in any way because of the shadow's gaze. She folded her arms and said calmly to the shadow:

"I have witnessed your transaction throughout the whole process. I admit that your proposal to abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order' was out of your own will and was not changed due to the influence of 'wear and tear'."

After speaking, she turned her gaze to Li Qiuzhi, took out a weapon that looked like a long-handled scimitar, raised the tip of the knife and pointed it at him, and said calmly:

“But I cannot rely on her ‘inner’ words to confirm that your ‘power of time’ can touch eternity and can be used as the price of a transaction.

"Unless you prove it."


Li Qiuzhi looked helpless. Why did he still have to fight to solve the problem in the end...

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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