I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 400 Yuan Palace Feather (two in one)

"Hi, Xinhai!" Paimon waved her hand and said hello. She continued with a smile, "With us taking action, of course you will come back with good news!"

"Is it true that the general has agreed to abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order'? What are the conditions?"

Coral Palace Xinhai's fair face showed an expression of joy.

"No conditions are required from you, because this guy has already taken care of everything."

Paimon pointed at Li Qiuzhi and said.

"Oh? What's the specific situation of Mr. Li Qiuzhi?" Coral Gong Xinhai blinked his beautiful eyes and looked at him doubtfully.

"Let little Paimon talk about this. It's actually not a big deal."

Li Qiuzhi smiled slightly and said.

Ying, who looked at you proudly, glanced at him speechlessly.

"Okay, let's talk as we walk." Coral Gong Xinhai crossed his arms and nodded.

Her folded arms pressed the big bow on her chest so that it didn't sway when she walked.

When she entered the Coral Palace, Xinhai had fully understood what was going on. She didn't expect that she just asked Li Qiuzhi and the others to test her attitude towards the abolition of the Eye Hunting Order when they met with General Thunder.

But he actually asked General Thunder to abolish the "Eye Hunting Order"!

This was beyond her expectation, but when she thought of the famous travelers, she wasn't surprised.

"Great, everyone finally sees the hope of peace. Thank you, travelers!"

Coral Gong Xinhai caressed her chest. After hearing such good news, she relaxed completely. At the same time, she felt a lot of good feelings towards Li Qiuzhi and the others.

After all, they are the key figures who bring peace to everyone!

[Coral Palace Xinhai has a good impression of you and gains 460 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (460/500)]

"Hehe, it's just a joke." Pamon patted his chest and said with a smile.

Li Qiuzhi looked at her speechlessly. It was obviously my fault, but why did he make it sound like it was you who did it?

"Hey, what's that look in your eyes? I support you mentally as well!" Paimeng noticed Li Qiuzhi's gaze and said dissatisfiedly with his hands on his hips.

"Ah yes, yes, thank you little Paimon for your moral support!"

Li Qiuzhi didn't refute.

Ying lifted her golden hair and rubbed her forehead. She ignored these two idiots and turned to Xinhai and asked casually:

"Aren't Beidou and Manyo at the Coral Palace?"

"Well, although Haiqi Island has previously decided to switch to a defensive situation to minimize conflicts with the shogunate army, we still need sufficient supplies just in case they launch a large-scale attack."

Coral Palace Xinhai briefly talked about Beidou and Manyo's going to prepare supplies for Haiqi Island.

"I see."

Li Qiuzhi and others expressed their understanding.

After informing Xinhai about the abolition of the "Eye Hunting Order", they had nothing else to do. They continued chatting about this matter for a while, had another dinner and prepared to leave.

But at this time Xinhai asked them to wait, and soon took out a golden holy relic called "Feather of Yuan Palace" as a thank you.

This made Li Qiuzhi and others a little surprised. It seems that Xinhai is as generous as Shenzi!

Of course, Li Qiuzhi quickly accepted the gift from his good friend. Any hesitation would be disrespectful to Xinhai!

"You guy!" Ying and Paimeng looked at Li Qiuzhi with disgust.

"Haha, as long as Mr. Li Qiuzhi likes it."

Coral Gong Xinhai chuckled. She felt that Li Qiuzhi was usually a very reliable and sincere person, but occasionally he would show his humorous side like now.

"It's almost time, let's leave now. We will stay in Inazuma as adventurers for the time being. If Xinhai encounters anything and needs our help, you can entrust us to your heart!"

Before leaving, Paimon said this to his heart.

"Well, even if there is no commission, you can come to the Coral Palace to play more. I will prepare a feast for you."

Whether it is for personal reasons or the overall situation, Coral Palace Xinhai is very willing to maintain a friendly relationship with these powerful travelers.

If Haiqi Island really encounters any trouble that is difficult to overcome in the future, perhaps it can be easily solved with just a few travelers.

Inazuma City.

From now on, Li Qiuzhi will go to work for the general, and Ying will temporarily stay in Daozhi for a while, taking on commissions from the Adventurers Association and looking for treasures at the same time.

The most important thing is to see if she can find other clues about her brother, so that she can train herself to recover her strength as soon as possible.

So after much deliberation, it would be better to stay in Inazuma City temporarily and rent a small house as a place to stay.

Li Qiuzhi owns "Wonderland" and usually lives in it. Logically speaking, there is no need to rent any house at all.

He did this mainly because he would always make some friends after staying in Inazuma for a long time, so he couldn't just invite them into "Wonderland" when they came to visit.

This is too ostentatious, renting an ordinary place will not look so ostentatious.

Moreover, in his mind, the fairyland space is similar to an absolutely safe secret base. Except for himself and those close to him, no one else can enter.

Anyway, after receiving the commission fee of 10 million molas from the Kamisato family, they are not that short of money.

After thinking about this for a while, Ying and Paimon agreed.

As for those who are not familiar with the place where they want to rent a house that is good in all aspects, of course they should ask their guide Xiaogong!

It's just that it's a little late, so it's not easy to disturb her at this time. Let's talk about it tomorrow.

The matter of renting a house is actually not urgent.

After considering the follow-up plan, Li Qiuzhi and the others also returned to the "Wonderland" to rest and take a look at the changes in the space after adding the golden holy relic "Feather of Yuan Palace".

First, the ground size increased by one square meter, reaching 135 square meters.

Then there is a new spatial feature:

[The Golden Treasure House successfully collects the rare treasure "Feather of the Abyss Palace" and obtains the space characteristic: Sinking: improves the quality of sleep when sleeping in the "Golden Treasure House" space, and improves the body's recovery power during sleep. 】

Well, this feature seems to be quite ordinary, but it can't be said that it has no effect.

I don’t know if if I want to have more powerful spatial characteristics, I have to use rarer treasures?

Because there are only two characteristics for the time being, it is not enough to judge this issue.

"Huh, I'm finally back. I didn't go out on any adventure today, but I still feel quite tired."

Paimon lowered his arm, as if someone was holding him by the collar and hanging him in the air.

Ying also nodded.

"After all, waiting anxiously for news from me at Narukami Taisha Shrine is quite tiring. Thank you for your hard work."

Li Qiuzhi took Ying's hand, pulled her over and hugged her, then kissed her on the lips.

"Hey, you two, Paimon is still here, really!" Paimon watched the two of them making love here again. I felt helpless and flew away.

Let’s go to the research area on the second floor and take a look at the flowers and plants grown in sugar.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying kissed selflessly. While kissing, they moved to the next room. After a while, they approached the wooden door and opened it with a slight twist.

But when the two came in just now, they didn't notice that this was not the room for one of them.

"Oh, my little adventurer and my little cutie, why did you come here to kiss your sister? Do you want to win over your sister?"

Lisa, who had just finished taking a shower and put on her pajamas, opened her chest slightly and said with a slight raise in the corner of her mouth.

Realizing that she had entered the wrong room, Ying's face turned slightly red and she was about to pull Li Qiuzhi out, but unexpectedly she failed.


Li Qiuzhi hugged Ying, closed the door, and led her towards Lisa, smiling softly and saying:

"I think Sister Lisa's suggestion is very good."

the next day.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying both woke up in Lisa's bed. They went to bed early last night, and after a little effort, they successfully helped Lisa complete the eighty-level breakthrough.

And it has just reached level eighty-one.

The same is true for Ying. Her breakthrough to level 80 has been completed long ago, and this time she was easily promoted to level 81 with the help of harmonious energy.

Because he had to go to the castle tower to "work" today, Li Qiuzhi did not lie in bed with two girls.

When I got up and came out of the living room, I found that only Mona was having breakfast. The others must have gone to work. After all, it was already past seven in the morning.

"You, you are up. There is porridge in the kitchen. Go and serve it yourself."

Mona, who had just gotten up and hadn't even taken care of her hair yet, looked at Li Qiuzhi's fair face and couldn't help but blush a little.

Did this bastard make so much noise last night that everyone couldn't sleep?

Fortunately, somehow, even though I stayed up a little bit last night, when I woke up this morning, I felt that the quality of my sleep was pretty good, at least I didn't feel like my head was a mess.

Seeing Mona blushing shyly as she thought of something, Li Qiuzhi thought of bullying her again.

He smiled slightly, walked around the dining table to Mona, then sat next to her on the same wooden chair with a backrest, and put his arms around her soft waist.

"Ah, what are you doing!" Mona's face turned red even more.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little too lazy to serve the porridge and want to eat the same bowl with you."

Li Qiuzhi picked up Mona slightly and let her sit completely on his lap.

While feeling the soft touch of Mona's buttocks, Li Qiuzhi put his face against her cheek and kissed the corner of her mouth that was still stained with rice grains.

"——Well, you guy!"

Mona turned her face away and tried to avoid it, but her mouth was still blocked.

She pinched the sides of Li Qiuzhi's legs angrily, and Mona stretched out her soft white feet from her slippers to step on his feet.

Humph, Li Qiuzhi naturally couldn't let her get too arrogant. On the one hand, he quickly clamped Mona's legs to prevent her from moving. On the other hand, he put his right hand under the white short-sleeved shirt she was wearing and gently caressed her breasts. The soft belly of a middle-aged girl.

And from time to time, he would draw circles with his fingers on the side of her navel.

Mona was so ashamed that she almost burst into tears. Finally, she learned Captain Qin's stunt without any teacher and tried to bite Li Qiuzhi, but he quickly moved his mouth away.

"Hmph, you bastard, let me go quickly!" The girl gritted her teeth and glared at Li Qiuzhi.

"Just let me hold you for a while. How about I let you go after you finish breakfast?"

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said with a smile.

"Bad guy!"

Although Mona was angry, she had no choice but to pretend that Li Qiuzhi didn't exist and continue eating her breakfast. Well, just pretend that she was sitting on the sofa named Li Qiuzhi!

With this thought in mind, she picked up the bowl of porridge on the table and took a big bite.

I want to finish my breakfast quickly so that I can escape from the clutches of this bastard Li Qiuzhi!

At this moment, Mona suddenly saw the bastard holding her kissing her involuntarily. Bastard, she hadn't swallowed her breakfast yet! Well!

After eating the same bowl of porridge with Mona, Li Qiuzhi left the fairyland space and headed towards the castle tower. He would be late if he was any later, and it would not be good to accidentally make Ying angry.

As for Mona, she struggled and resisted in various ways when she was bullied by him, but she was still quite honest in her heart and her favorable impression of him improved a little.

[Mona has a good impression of you and gains 290 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (500/900)]

Well, there are still 400 points left to reach the full level. I don’t know what kind of Fate Seat ability Mona will give her? Is it related to astrology?

While Li Qiuzhi was conjecturing, he suddenly heard everyone on the street discussing the general's abolition of the "Eye Hunting Order".

Did he announce it so quickly? As expected of a general with superb execution ability, he summoned San Fengxing to a meeting in the afternoon for what he promised yesterday morning, and then announced it this morning.

In addition to the "Eye Hunting Order", General Leiden also abolished the "National Lockdown Order".

The "Lockdown Order" and the "Eye Hunting Order" are consistent with each other, except to prevent the people of Daowu from going abroad at will.

There is also the need to prevent too many foreigners from coming, which will lead to an increase in permanent "variables".

Yesterday the general only agreed to abolish the "Eye Hunting Order", but today he also abolished the "National Lockdown Order". Perhaps the general felt that since the "Eye Hunting Order" was abolished, the "Lockdown Order" was no longer necessary.

After all, these two regulations were promulgated with the help of the fools. If General Raiden abolishes them, they will be abolished. Anyway, there is a better plan to reach "eternity".

Li Qiuzhi looked at the people he met on the road who were very excited because the general had abolished the "eye hunting order", and he was also inspired and excited.

Soon, he came to the statue of Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes in front of the castle tower.

After learning that the "Eye Hunting Order" was abolished, some of the well-informed people who had their God's Eyes taken away rushed here early to prepare to take back their God's Eyes.

They are embedded in the statue and are very easy to cut out.

In the past, no one dared to come and take it because the shogunate soldiers were always guarding it. But now no one can stop it, so naturally they can’t wait to come over.

Li Qiuzhi looked at those people who cried bitterly because they got back the Eyes of God and remembered their "wish", and felt a little touched inexplicably.

He couldn't bear to see these scenes and walked two steps faster into the castle tower.

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