I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 410 Learning (two-in-one)

When he and Mona left the bookstore where they purchased academic materials, Li Qiuzhi took the initiative to say to her in order to arouse her favor:

"Is there anything else I need to buy? I've only spent more than six million molas so far, and it's still within my budget!"

"There is still about 10 million yuan left to pay for the astrology data." Mona crossed her arms as if looking stupid.

She ordered three ancient Liyue books related to astrology and five of the latest astrology books.

Three are from Fontaine, two are from Zhidong, and the remaining five are all from Sumeru Astrology Essays.

It records many of the latest research findings on the starry sky by Xumi scholars.

These will be mailed to her lab over the next three months.

"Well, even if it costs more than 10 million, it is still within my budget. I said that I fully support your research, so if you need anything else, feel free to buy it!"

Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly, covering up his slightly aching mood, and spoke in more heroic words.

"Really?" Mona glanced at him suspiciously, why was this guy so generous to her?

"Of course, a small amount of money is nothing." Li Qiuzhi said with a normal expression.

"Well..." Mona looked at Li Qiuzhi's face carefully, then shook her head and said, "Huh, I always feel like you are a bit pushy. Forget it, buying so many things will be enough for a while."

After being together for so long, she still doesn't understand this guy. Although he is willing to spend money for them, it will definitely be painful to spend so much money all at once.

He has only made a little money recently, so she'd better let him cover it for a while, otherwise, if she spends it all at once, doesn't it look like she's a prodigal?

So let’s let him go for now.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi felt that he had been misunderstood, so he explained with a smile:

"Those research instruments, valuable books, etc. are all valuable treasures, and they can also provide some growth for the space.

“A single thing may not grow much, but the accumulation of multiple things can also have good effects.

“So I am very happy to spend this money, and I really don’t mean to be pushy.

"Anyway, if you need to buy anything in the future, just ask me for Maura. I said I will take care of you and I will take care of you!"

After hearing this, Mona's pretty fair face turned red, and she retorted in embarrassment: "Who wants you to support me? If the astrology column I contribute to the Steam Bird newspaper gets a good response, I will support you!"

Her fee is not fixed, it mainly depends on how many people subscribe. If it becomes popular, the fee will naturally increase accordingly.

"Okay, I wish I could be taken care of by a rich woman." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, let's look forward to it."

Mona put her hands under her chest, raised her chin slightly and said proudly.

Now that they had bought enough things, the two returned to the fairyland space.

Mona went to experiment with the newly purchased research equipment, while Li Qiuzhi went to the warehouse to observe the "Salt of Divinity".

Not finding anything unusual, he prepared to teleport back to Inazuma. He hadn't cooperated with Ying to study the power of time this morning. He had to go now, otherwise it would be troublesome to make her angry.

Inazuma Castle, castle tower.

As soon as Li Qiuzhi teleported to Paimeng's side, he heard a "clang" sound. Ying was asking the general for swordsmanship again.

"How long have they been fighting?" he asked Paimon next to him.

"We've been here for half an hour. Didn't you go shopping with Mona? How come it's so fast?"

Paimeng looked confused.

"I just visited two stores, so it naturally doesn't take long."

Li Qiuzhi replied.

"All right……"

Li Qiuzhi and Paimeng chatted for a while, and the battle between the two people over there suddenly stopped.

I don’t know if it’s because of Ying’s urging.

Anyway, after General Lei Dian stopped, he once again performed the drawing of the sword from his chest and sent Li Qiuzhi into the "One Heart Pure Land".

Lei Jingqing was still half sitting in the air, but she had an unpredictable and mysterious temperament, but when she opened her eyes, she quickly disappeared again.

"This is...Miss Ying, have you mastered the power of time?" Li Qiuzhi said in surprise.

"It's still far away, I can just barely feel it."

Lei Movie calmly shook his head in denial.

"This is incredible. After all, being able to sense time proves that you are qualified in this area. As long as you follow the direction, you will be able to master it easily one day."

Li Qiuzhi said enviously.

It took a lot of effort for him to gain Lisa's favor before being able to manipulate time, but Lei Qianqian only felt a little bit familiar after just exploring on his own for a few days.

Sure enough, humans and humans, ah, no, humans and demons cannot be generalized.

If Lei Movie masters the ability to manipulate time and further solves its own "eternity" problem, will it think of any way to make the entire rice wife follow "eternity"?

It seemed that she had to find a reason as soon as possible to tell her that her sister's consciousness was in "Dream Isshin".

In the original work, she went back in time with her sister and planted the sacred cherry tree together.

In the process, she saw the dreams and wishes of the people of Inazuma, and realized that what they really wanted was not unchanging eternity, and then she gave up her stubborn ideas.

But how to find a reason?

For the next time, Li Qiuzhi held Ying's soft hand and cooperated with her in studying the power of time while deep in thought.

Got it!

Soon Li Qiuzhi had an idea that seemed to be pretty good.

Isn't Ying now asking the general for sword skills? When he goes out later, he can also ask the general for sword skills.

He just said that he wanted to learn the "Wuxian's Sword". With the general's current favorable impression of him, he probably wouldn't refuse...

When the time came for her to teach "Dream and One Heart", she would find an opportunity to say that she felt that "Dream and One Heart" was a little different, like it had some kind of will.

As for why General Yinghe couldn't feel it as a demon, but he could see it and it was easy to explain.

Just say that you have seen similar situations.

Less than three minutes passed, and all the grains of sand in the purple hourglass had fallen, and the morning tasks were quickly completed.

I don’t know if Lei’s movie has gained anything new, but I saw her soft lips slightly curved, suddenly let go of Li Qiuzhi’s hand, and said to him:

"I have some new ideas about the power of time. Come and test it with me!"

"Huh? Okay, how do you want to try?"

Li Qiuzhi showed a confused look, then nodded and said.

"It's very simple, let's have a fight." Lei Qiuzhi looked at Li Qiuzhi who seemed a little surprised, chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I will let you do this."

She didn't realize she was getting along with the young adventurer in front of her for the time being.

It seemed that she, who had been staying in this lonely and dark space, and her personality had become indifferent, was slowly getting warmer.

"Well, I'm lucky to be able to fight against you, the God of Thunder."

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly. If Lei Qianqiu later fought against him, he would also use "Dream Yishin" to fight.

Then he doesn't have to go to the general, and the same goes for Lei Movie!

But when the battle began, Li Qiuzhi was a little disappointed, because Lei Qianqian just wanted to test her power of time, and did not come up with the idea of ​​​​"Dream Yixin" and compete with Li Qiuzhi in swordsmanship.

She was able to hang Li Qiuzhi just like flying a kite with her teleportation skills to prevent him from getting close, and during this period, she activated her own time ability on him.

It was a time ability that she called "time sense distortion."

The effect is to make a person's perception of time go wrong. For example, when Li Qiuzhi attacked Lei Movie, his perception of one second was extended two or three times.

Then he rushed forward with his feet, clearly seeing that he was still a long way away from the thunder movie.

However, due to the error in time perception, he instinctively judged based on experience that after two or three seconds, he should be close to Lei Movie.

So he subconsciously slashed with his sword, and it hit the air.

In fact, he had just started and hadn't even started running. How could he hit the target?

One second was sometimes judged as two seconds, and sometimes was judged as 1 second. The chaotic sense of time made it impossible for Li Qiuzhi to fully launch a normal attack.

Because this ability to "disorder time" is not aimed at mental consciousness, but to disrupt the normal flow of time around you in order to achieve the purpose of confusing others' sense of time.

In this way, Li Qiuzhi's brain received the correct result, but the wrong result was the environment.

His golden sin-destroying eye is immune to the sum of his and Little Amy's levels, which means that powerful mental consciousness attacks and negative status characteristics within level 150 will not take effect.

To put it simply, Lei's movie changes the surrounding time environment and does not attack Li Qiuzhi's spiritual consciousness.

So it was like he came to a time and environment that he was not accustomed to.

It will take a while to get used to it, and then there will be various errors in the body's judgment of time.

At this time, it is more useful to use long-range attacks to deal with it, because the confusion of time cannot affect the unperceived sword energy, nor can it affect the arrows.

But after being teased like this, Li Qiuzhi didn't want to move at all, so he simply lay on the ground and left a mess.

You are the God of Thunder, you are amazing, you can play however you want!

"Haha, isn't this going to work? It's not like you can face even 'Wu Xiang's sword' bravely."

Lei Qianqian also seemed to feel that she had gone a little too far, but she couldn't say an apology or anything, so she could only use such words to try to arouse Li Qiuzhi's fighting spirit.

After all, she has not fully understood the simple application of time that she just realized.

For the time being, she could only mix things up randomly to confuse the time within a certain range, and she still had no way to achieve the effect she wanted.

It is impossible to stop time or speed up time.

And even this "time-sense out of sequence" skill seems to be something she can only use in her inner world of "one-hearted pure land", and she can't easily use it in the outside world.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ying, I don't like aggressive tactics. I don't want to move anymore, even if you hit me, I don't want to move anymore."

Li Qiuzhi chose to carry it out to the end.

"You, alas~"

Lei Qianzhi squatted down next to Li Qiuzhi, his thighs and calves wrapped in purple knee-high socks squeezed each other to create a round and soft leg curve.

She had no choice but to poke Li Qiuzhi's arm and said with a smile:

"How about this? You continue to test it with me. How about I ask the general to teach you the 'Wu Xiang's Sword'? As a swordsman, you can't be uninterested in it, right?"


Li Qiuzhi raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

Doesn't this coincide with his idea? If Lei Qianqian opens his mouth, he doesn't have to ask the general himself, although the probability of the general agreeing is very high.

But it’s not impossible to refuse. If Keying opens his mouth, there will definitely be no problem!

"Wuxiang's sword" Oh, who doesn't want to learn it!

Of course, for Li Qiuzhi, learning this swordsmanship is incidental. Finding a reason to tell Lei that her sister's consciousness is in the movie "One Dream" is the main purpose!

For the sake of having no wrong ideas and for the sake of the people of Daizuma, then I will reluctantly be beaten like a wooden stake again.

Li Qiuzhi convinced himself.

So he stood up and attacked Lei Movie again.

Half an hour later, my brain received countless wrong time information, and it felt like a ball of paste. I also felt a little motion sick and wanted to vomit.

Hiss, from now on, no matter what, I will never test this ability with you!

Li Qiuzhi thought dizzy.

Fortunately, he was not without gains. He could also use his ability to manipulate time to use this ability to confuse the sense of time within the range.

And compared to Ying, who has no control, he can operate it at will.

If you want to extend the sense of time in the environment by a few seconds, just a few seconds!

Perhaps it was because he understood the relationship between time ability and he had been experimenting with Lei Movie for so long, so when she sent Li Qiuzhi away from the "One Heart Pure Land".

Li Qiuzhi's character panel also popped up a favorability reminder:

[General Thunder (Thunder Movie) has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (100/500)]

A level five favorability degree means that in General Yinghe's heart, Li Qiuzhi is already a deeply affectionate friend!

"Why did you come out? If you don't come out, we will leave first."

Paimon looked at Li Qiuzhi and said.

At this time, General Yinghe had finished fighting and was resting while waiting for him to come out.

"Don't leave yet. Miss Ying just promised me to tell the General that she would teach me the 'Wu Xiang's Sword'. Please come with me."

Li Qiuzhi tried to benefit his father.

Anyway, teaching one is teaching, and teaching two is teaching. General Thunder probably won’t mind!

He glanced at General Thunder and Lightning, who was sitting high behind the imperial duel venue with his eyes closed.

"Come here. Since the 'inner' of this body has been told to me, I will teach you."

General Thunder opened her eyes and walked to the middle of the "Imperial Duel" venue. She nodded and continued:

"However, if you want to learn the 'Wu Xiang's Sword', you can only start from the basics. Well, let's start with the 'Original Sword Technique'."

Li Qiuzhi and Ying walked up to General Thunder, and Paimeng also came closer. She touched her white hair and asked doubtfully:

"Gen-ryu? I've only heard of Kamuri-ryu or something like that. Is this also a strong swordsmanship school?"

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