Mondstadt, maid clothing store.

Thousands of winds blew by, lifting up the hair of Youla and Amber that looked shiny and smooth in the sun, vaguely revealing their fair and delicate ears.

In front of a few people is a not too big shop that specializes in all kinds of maid clothing.

According to Amber, this store has been in business for more than ten years, has always had good reviews, and the quality of its clothes is also very good.

Moreover, the shop owner is a relatively sensible and practical person.

It won't be because other Lawrence family members have bad reputations, even watching Youra will feel bad.

After all, as the captain of the guerrilla team, Yura often cleans out monsters in the wild, chases down the Abyss Cult, and protects Mondstadt.

Having done so many practical things, it is impossible for no one to see it.

People in Mondstadt who know this should still respect Youra more. Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi followed Amber and the others in.

"Welcome, honorary knights, Yula and Miss Amber. Do you also need maid costumes?"

The shop owner was a woman with blond hair. She looked at the several visitors with some surprise.

What she sells here is maid uniforms. No matter how you think about it, these people are not going to come to buy it. Is there something wrong?

She paid her taxes and everything else properly. The shop owner thought something had gone wrong and felt a little nervous.

Looking at the surprised look on their boss's face, Yola and Amber looked slightly embarrassed, secretly thinking about how to answer.

It's definitely not possible to say it directly. As a knight of the West Wind, how can I be a maid? It will damage the image of the knights. If I don't say it, I'm afraid the boss will have random ideas.

If I had known earlier, I would have asked Li Qiuzhi to buy it himself!

Seeing the two people looking troubled, Li Qiuzhi smiled and said:

"Actually, we are doing research on the clothing industry, and we are a little concerned about the quality of the clothes sold in the clothing stores operated by Mondstadt.

"So we randomly selected a few for quality inspection, and it just so happened that your store, boss, was one of them."

After hearing Li Qiuzhi's explanation, Youla and Anbo immediately nodded lightly with understanding, saying that was right, that was it.

Fortunately, Li Qiuzhi was smart, otherwise it would have been embarrassing to tell the truth in a hurry.

[Amber has a good impression of you and gains 120 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (250/800)]

[Yura has a good impression of you and gains 150 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (100/800)]

They had a slightly better impression of Li Qiuzhi who helped resolve the embarrassing situation.

"Huh, that's it. I thought there was something wrong with the store I run."

The boss was also a little relieved. She was quite confident in the quality of the clothes she sold, and the research was just a trivial matter.

She regained her smile and said:

"No problem, you can do any random checks!"

"Haha, let's quickly pick out a few random outfits. We have to go elsewhere later."

While Li Qiuzhi spoke with a slight smile, he used the "road mark" to mentally ask Youla and Amber what size clothes they needed.

Youla and Anbo looked as usual and told Li Qiuzhi the sizes of their clothes in their hearts.

After getting the size, Li Qiuzhi immediately scanned all the maid uniforms that matched the size with his mental power.

It didn’t take long for him to select a few suitable sets for the boss to package.

The shop owner smiled and said there was no problem. She took some time to collect a total of four different maid outfits and put them in bags.

"How many molas are there in total?" Li Qiuzhi asked.

Although it is said to be research, you still have to pay.

"Well, the clothes you choose, Knight of Honor, are all made of very good materials, and the brands are also big brands. All of them cost 530,000 molas.

"Of course, since you're buying it as an honorary knight, just give it a 20% discount and then round up the whole number. A total of 420,000 is enough. This is already very close to the cost price."

The store owner has been running the store for more than ten years, and his mental arithmetic skills have become very strong. He can easily calculate the discounted price.

"Okay, no problem!"

Li Qiuzhi smiled slightly and readily took out the mola and paid.

As an honorary knight, you can get a 20% discount on consumption in properties belonging to the knights, but you will not force it on other private purchases.

It’s good that this boss is willing to take the initiative to offer discounts.

Youla and Amber said in their hearts that there was no need to buy such an expensive one, but Li Qiuzhi objected.

I mainly buy it for the girl I like, so of course I can’t be stingy.

"Let's go to the next house." Li Qiuzhi said to Youla and Amber while carrying a bag containing several maid uniforms.

The two girls sighed imperceptibly and had no choice but to follow Li Qiuzhi out of the store.

Of course they will not go to the next store, but after turning a corner on the street, they will open the space crack and enter the wonderland space.

At this point in time, Mona is usually the only one in the space studying the stars in the research area. Occasionally, she will go back to the laboratory she rented in Mondstadt to mail manuscripts and collect royalties.

Mona in the original book also looks similar.

As long as he doesn't have to worry about Mora, he basically stays in the laboratory doing research.

"Yura, let's go change clothes. It would be nice to experience working as a maid once in a while."

Amber's fair face showed a smile, and she seemed to be a little looking forward to her next work.

"Yes." Youla lifted her ice-blue hair and nodded slightly, then looked at Li Qiuzhi and continued, "First, help us cleanse with water elements."

When new clothes are hung in the store, they will be stained with dust to some extent. It is better to wash them before wearing them.


Li Qiuzhi took out a few sets of clothes and gently rinsed them with water elements, and then guided the water elements away from the clothes.

It was done easily.

Next, Youla and Amber went to the bathroom to change clothes. Li Qiuzhi sat down on the sofa and waited with some anticipation.

Just when the buttocks touched the soft sofa, the "Sword God of Ying" seemed to have made a new discovery!

Beast Realm, about sixty kilometers northeast of the Demon Bear territory.

Since the morning, Li Qiuzhi has been controlling the "Sword God of Ying" to fly around the Demon Bear's territory.

There are desolate Gobi and deserts everywhere, and it is difficult to see even a plant.

But at this moment, when he was controlling the "Sword God of Ying" to pass by a cliff tens of meters high, he discovered a two- to three-meter crack at the bottom of it.

On the surface, there's nothing unusual about it.

Li Qiuzhi didn't notice anything wrong here at first, but when he saw a green-eyed crow flying out of it.

He soon thought of the beast-level monsters he encountered in Wuwanpo, Hutao and Ying.

They are green-eyed crows.

"Isn't this their nest?" Li Qiuzhi touched his chin and thought speculatively.

He still remembers that when he was dealing with them, he was defeated by the existence on the other side of the space crack using his mental power to defeat the incarnation of the Sword Intent!

Although it was not certain whether it was the group of green-eyed crows at that time, it was natural that he could not let go of the beast-level monsters he discovered.

I happen to be lacking in experience.

And if it is really them, then the past revenge must be avenged!

Li Qiuzhi made a decision in his heart and immediately controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to fly down to the crack in the cliff.

Two or three seconds later, the "Sword God of Ying" flew outside the crack in the cliff.

Li Qiuzhi flew in without hesitation, relying on the fact that his sword shadow was immune to physical attacks.

He would be a little more cautious in his original form, but in his incarnation he is just for taking risks!

Through the perspective of the "Sword God of Ying", Li Qiuzhi clearly saw that the gap in the cliff was very small, and could only allow one person to pass through.

"Ying Sword God" does not have this problem, "she" can pass through even if there is no passage.

The inside of the crack became darker and darker. After flying for about ten minutes, Li Qiuzhi suddenly found himself in a ruins passage that was not too dark.

Round stone beads emitting bright light are arranged on both sides of the passage in a very neat manner.

It seems that there are very obvious artificial traces here.

Could it be that someone has been here before, or was it built by an intelligent race native to the Beast Realm? Li Qiuzhi was full of doubts.

He controlled the "Sword God of Ying" and continued to fly slowly inside, and carefully observed the surroundings, trying to find some clues.

But before he could find any clues, Li Qiuzhi saw the bathroom door open in the fairyland space.

Yora and Amber walked out of it together.

They all wore high-quality black and white maid costumes.

The slightly different thing is

The skirt of Youla's dress was longer and covered her plump legs, leaving only her feet wearing black high-heeled shoes and wrapped in semi-transparent black stockings.

You can vaguely see the white skin of her soft insteps.

Amber's maid costume has a shorter skirt, and her legs are not wearing black stockings, but white, white knee-length stockings.

Snow-white soft thighs were exposed above the socks.

The two of them walked up to Li Qiuzhi, held up their skirts solemnly, stepped back with their right legs, curtsied, and said:

"Good morning, sir. Is there anything you can ask us to do?"

Li Qiuzhi blinked and found that Youla and Amber were quite cute in maid uniforms, but no matter how similar they were, they still seemed to lack a bit of a maid feel.

Of course, this is normal, after all, they have no experience as maids.

He clenched his fist slightly and covered his lips, coughed slightly and said: "Well, there is no need to be so formal, it feels a bit weird."

"Master, this can't be done. Yora said we should do the best, so you can do whatever you want with us!"

Amber patted her half-exposed snow-white chest and said with a smile showing her white teeth.

Yora looked at her, raised her right hand wrapped in a black silk long sleeve with small hollow patterns, touched her forehead and said helplessly:

"Amber's qualified maids smile without showing their teeth, and their movements are gentle and slow, all of which show the mature temperament of a lady. They are very elegant!"

"Huh? Is that so? I thought I could just change my clothes and call 'Master', but Noelle taught me nothing like that."

Amber rubbed the back of her head awkwardly.

"Haha, I just want to experience what it's like to be a maid for a few days. I don't really want to be a maid, so just be casual."

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but laugh and said.

At this time, he discovered something strange at the "Sword God of Ying", so he said to Yola and Amber:

"Okay, anyway, it's pretty neat here, and there's nothing that needs to be cleaned up. How about you guys give me a squeeze on my shoulders?"

"Massage? Well, this seems to be what a maid should do." Yura thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Since it's honor, Master's order, of course it must be done! Amber, you go and massage the left side, and I'll go to the right!"

After saying that, she looked at Amber, then sat down on Li Qiuzhi's right hand, raised her hand that was close to the black silk hollow fabric and started to rub his right shoulder.

Li Qiuzhi felt the girl's soft fingers gently kneading his shoulders, although there was no pattern.

But just feeling Yula's soft fingers already made him very satisfied.

"Well, no problem!"

Amber nodded her head lightly, sat down excitedly on Li Qiuzhi's left hand side, and also kneaded his shoulder with her white fingers.

Li Qiuzhi leaned back on the sofa contentedly, while enjoying the massage from Youla and Amber, while focusing most of his attention on the "Sword God of Ying".

After flying in the ruins passage for a long time, the "Sword God of Ying" finally flew into a relatively open space.

There are some wooden boxes stacked on both sides, and in front is the passage to continue.

Li Qiuzhi did not move on immediately, but chose to search here to see if he could find anything.

First, there were two wooden boxes placed on the left hand side. He controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to condense the golden sword and split its lids horizontally.


As if someone was exhaling, a purple mist suddenly emerged from the box.

Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" and instinctively hid. Then he remembered that these things, who didn't know whether they were poisonous mist or something, could not touch him at all.

So he stopped and waved out a sword wind, blowing away all the purple mist.

Soon, after the fog disappeared, the "Sword God of Ying" flew up to take a look and found that what was in the wooden box was nothing else.

But an exquisite treasure chest!

Li Qiuzhi was a little confused. Isn't the treasure chest something only found in Teyvat? How could it be found in the beast realm?

Previously, the "Sword God of Ying" had been searching around the Demon Bear territory for so long, but not a single hair from an ordinary treasure chest was found.

There is actually an exquisite treasure box inside this ruins, and it is also placed in a box full of purple mist.

I have to say, this is too strange. Could it be that people from Teyvat brought it here and put it here?

For such a person, he only thought of "Golden" Reindot, Albedo's master, who once created dark monsters in the beast realm!

With this doubt, Li Qiuzhi took out the exquisite treasure box from the wooden box and placed it on the ground.

No matter how strange it is, for an adventurer, since he has discovered a treasure chest, opening it is the greatest respect for the treasure chest and himself!

The "Sword God of Ying" put away the golden sword and pressed his materialized hand on the lid of the treasure chest.

There was a soft "click" sound.

Soon the contents of the exquisite treasure box were displayed in front of the "Sword God of Ying".

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