I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 422 Harvest (two in one)

Li Qiuzhi didn't bet on whether the black shadow could attack him, but it seemed that it was too late to hide, so he had to activate the golden shield immediately.


Like the sound of breaking glass, the black shadow jumping out of the pool hit the golden translucent sphere shield.

Then cracks began to spread.

Hiss, is it such an exaggeration?

Li Qiuzhi, who was lying on Youla's plump, soft and elastic thighs, was rubbing the hem of her skirt while sighing at the strength of the black shadow.

The golden shield of the "Sword God of Ying" is very hard, and usually does not break with a single blow.

While the shield was not completely broken, he controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to sideways and slashed a golden sword energy at the black shadow.

The sword energy disappeared before his eyes as soon as it appeared, ignoring the distance in space, and quietly appeared in front of the black shadow.

The speed was much faster than the black shadow, and there was no way to avoid it and it slashed at it.


A shrill scream sounded in the cave!

Li Qiuzhi opened his golden sin-judging eyes and looked at the black shadow. It was the size of an ordinary green-eyed crow, with some majestic golden lines on its body.

The level is as high as ninety-two!

It is similar to the king beast level demon bear in the demon bear territory.

Not surprisingly, this should be the leader of the Green-Eyed Crows. He used the shield for defense just now.

Psychic power is used to detect this crow's attack.

These mental powers felt very familiar to him, and they were obviously used by the leader of the group of crows he met at Wuwangpo.

It seems that this group of crows is the same group of crows we met at that time!

He even hides in the water to ambush him. I can only say that he is really cunning!

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi looked at the crow leader who had been beheaded by him and became a little excited.

Today I will take revenge for that time!

He didn't give the leader of the green-eyed crows a chance to breathe. The golden sword intent spread and turned into countless small daggers, shooting towards it overwhelmingly.

The main thing is the barrage-style saturation attack, which makes it impossible to hide and kills with one blow!


The leader of the green-eyed crow endured the pain of a gash in his abdomen and was able to ambush and attack him secretly. He was also one of the smarter monsters among the monsters.

Seeing the golden intruder summoning so many daggers, it knew that if it couldn't find a way to avoid it, it would have to collapse in its own lair!

But those attacks were very fast, and by the time they reacted, they were already in front of them, and there was no way to avoid them.

Under the crisis, the leader of the green-eyed crow instinctively thought of a way. He suddenly used invisible corrosive power to wrap his body.

At the same moment, countless golden daggers appeared around it from all directions, stabbing at it without hesitation.

But something unexpected happened to Li Qiuzhi.

When the dagger transformed from his sword intention touched the golden-patterned green-eyed crow, it slowly disappeared from the tip of the sword!

A series of question marks first appeared in Li Qiuzhi's mind, and after a few seconds he understood what was going on.

The space around the golden-patterned green-eyed crow was slightly distorted. This should be because it had placed the corrosive power around it. No wonder its attack disappeared.

Most likely it was eroded away.

He frowned. This was a little troublesome. If the crow leader maintained this state, wouldn't he be unable to attack it?

What a cheating ability! Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment, then smiled.

Energy is not generated out of thin air, it is consumed when used, which means that no matter how powerful the corrosive power of this crow is, it will eventually be used up.

Li Qiuzhi didn't believe that the energy in this crow's body was as much as his own. After all, he had a "charging body" to store energy.

The recovery speed should also be much faster than this crow.

Then let’s compare whose “battery life” ability is stronger, he is the strong point in this aspect!

Li Qiuzhi used his sword intention to condense more golden daggers, and continuously shot them towards the golden-patterned green-eyed crow.

The green-eyed crow did not expect this golden intruder to be so despicable. It shouted angrily while maintaining the power of erosion covering its entire body.

Opening its beak, it spits out balls of dark green flames towards the "Sword God of Ying".

Li Qiuzhi could vaguely feel that these flames also had corrosive power. Of course, he would not let the "Sword God of Ying" take over forcefully.

He controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to get out of the way while maintaining his continuous attack.

He also continued to use his sword energy to attack other ordinary green-eyed crows who were unable to wrap their bodies with corrosive power.

The character panel will continue to pop up, giving you tips for gaining experience points.

The green-eyed crow seemed even more angry at the intruder's behavior. It was ready to use its extreme speed to directly smash the "Sword God of Ying" to pieces!

Li Qiuzhi was prepared this time, so naturally he couldn't be attacked by it again.

After all, this time the crow leader's whole body was covered with corrosive power, and he would basically be gone if hit by it like this.

This won't work

He used the "Sword God of Ying" to lock the crow with his mental power, and every time it started to act, he would use his sword to hinder it.

Then take advantage of the short interval to avoid it in advance, so as not to collide with it head-on.

The crow leader had no way to deal with such a shameless intruder, and his anger gradually cooled down as the energy in his body rapidly drained away.

It knew that if it continued like this, it would definitely be brought down by this intruder!


The crow leader screamed, as if giving an order to the other crows. The next moment, all the crows launched a suicide attack on the "Sword God of Ying" regardless of the situation!

Among them, there are a few who are above level 80 and possess spiritual power. It will really be uncomfortable if they bump into the "Sword God of Ying".

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while, and controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to open the golden shield and at the same time unfold the dandelion barrier with healing power.

With such thorough preparation, even if he is accidentally severely injured, he can be healed and recovered in time.

As time passed slowly, the crow leader found that he had been unable to cause any effective harm to the intruders.

But the energy in his body is constantly draining, so even the most arrogant monsters begin to be instinctively afraid.

It called out "croak" and began to retreat with the other crows.

Li Qiuzhi secretly thought, "Oops." With the speed of the golden-patterned green-eyed crow, he had no way of catching up. He had to capture it before it left here!

The "Sword God of Ying" didn't care about the other crows for the time being. "She" flew at full speed and could barely hang behind the crow leader.

Then he continued to attack the crow leader through the sword energy that could travel through space.

Not long after, Li Qiuzhi could clearly feel that the speed of the crow circling in the passage in front began to slowly slow down.

He knew that this should be the energy in the crow leader's body, and it was finally almost exhausted!

After all, the "Sword God of Ying" had been attacking it with a golden dagger turned into sword energy before, and then added golden sword energy.

Under such a high-density attack, this king-level crow had to use a large amount of corrosive power to protect itself.

If the corrosive power was just released normally, it might not consume much, but now these corrosive powers are destroying Li Qiuzhi's sword intention and sword energy all the time.

Under such high-intensity work, the energy in the crow leader's body naturally dropped rapidly.

It's already very good to be able to persist for such a long time.

However, at this last moment, Li Qiuzhi did not fly up recklessly and give the crow leader a final blow.

Instead, it slows down and slows down itself, taking the initiative to maintain a distance while continuing to attack and slowly consume it, otherwise it will be bad if it counterattacks before death.

Li Qiuzhi knew that this crow was very cunning, and it had been ambushing it in the water just now!

The current situation is very likely that the crow leader deliberately disguised himself in order to trick himself into getting closer and then launch an attack.

In order to avoid being fooled, you still have to be cautious.

So next, Li Qiuzhi saw the crow leader flying slower and slower, and he also controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to slow down simultaneously.

In the end, the crow leader's speed even reached a level that ordinary people could catch up with when running. Logically speaking, he would fly so slowly.

Its corrosive power should have been used up long ago, but surprisingly it was still consuming Li Qiuzhi's sword attack.

Now even a fool can see that this cunning bird is really pretending!

He won't fall for it.

Perhaps he realized that the hateful intruder would not be fooled, and he could not escape.

The crow leader turned around angrily and flew towards the "Sword God of Ying" with all his strength!

Seeing that it seemed to be holding back until death, Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" and turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Li Qiuzhi smiled slightly. Looking at the situation now, he was being chased by the opponent and was at a disadvantage, but this was just the enemy's desperate struggle!

The crow leader could no longer hold on for much longer, and he had just barely used up the energy stored in the "charging body".

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the crow leader to really have no way to hold on anymore. He screamed miserably, and then the corrosive power on his body completely disappeared.

The golden dagger of the "Sword God of Ying" stabbed him into a hornet's nest in an instant, and there was no possibility of survival!

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 125973 experience points. 】

Li Qiuzhi's character panel also popped up a prompt to obtain experience points. One hundred and twenty thousand experience points was no less than the Demon Bear leader.

The matter is not over yet, there are still many green-eyed crows that have not been cleaned in this crow's nest!

Immediately afterwards, he took action against these green-eyed crows again. However, perhaps because their leader was defeated, these crows completely lost the confidence they had at the beginning.

When they saw the golden figure, they ran away. Since the "Sword God of Ying" couldn't escape, they really ran away a lot.

Well, after defeating so many green-eyed crows, I should be satisfied, Li Qiuzhi thought with a little regret.

But when he saw the experience points on the character panel, he instantly became happy again:

[Experience point: 1269342]

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million cleaned the green-eyed crow's nest, and the experience points suddenly increased from about 30,000 to more than 1.2 million!

It seems a bit exaggerated. Sure enough, the beast realm is Li Qiuzhi's treasured land. If he can find a nest of beast realm monsters from time to time.

Thinking about it, reaching level 100 quickly is no problem!

Li Qiuzhi was extremely motivated at this time and was preparing to return to the Demon Bear Territory to tell Albedo that there were relics left by his master.

There are still many crow corpses in the beast realm, which can be used to make holsters for smuggling, and then they continue to send the "Sword God of Ying" to find monsters.

Only by working hard can you become stronger!

As for the space crack here, don't worry about it. Without the maintenance of the power of erosion, it will slowly disappear.

Before leaving, the "Sword God of Ying" took another walk around the ruins and found basically nothing else of value.

So he returned along the original path, left the ruins, and flew towards the Demon Bear territory.

It would take some time to reach the Demon Bear territory. During this process, he looked at his character panel again.

With more than 1.2 million experience points, I can finally level up!

Without any hesitation, Li Qiuzhi directly spent 900,000 experience points on the level:

Experience points-900000

Lv90 (0/900000)→Lv91 (0/910000)

The long-lost warmth appeared in his body, nourishing every cell of his body like sunlight, and was quickly absorbed and strengthened by them.

Soon this strengthening ended, and Li Qiuzhi found that he was now more than twice as strong as before.

For example, his mental power could be extended for about ten kilometers before, but now it can be extended for twenty kilometers without any problem.

The spiritual tentacles can even be extended two hundred kilometers upwards, and they have also become more than twice as strong.

The same goes for other things like physique, strength, defense, speed, resistance, vitality, etc., all of which have become much stronger.

If Li Qiuzhi now controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to deal with the crow leader, he wouldn't have to spend so long with it.

"Ying Sword God" can easily catch up with it with its speed, and then hit it head-on without any problem!

It was like "she" was flying much faster now. After about ten minutes, the "Ying Sword God" returned to the Demon Bear territory.

There are now hundreds of Zephyr Knights patrolling here, carrying things to build bases, etc., and they are all done in an orderly manner.

Except that there are too few people, it can almost be regarded as a small village.

Li Qiuzhi, who seemed to be managing Kaia quite well, thought with admiration, and then controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to find him.

He told Kaiya in the form of sword meaning that he had a new discovery to tell him and Abedo.

Kaia was a little surprised. He had been here for so long and patrolling every day was a bit boring.

This time I finally made a new discovery!

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at Albedo's laboratory where he studied beast-level monsters. Regardless of whether they would disturb him, they knocked on the door and paid a visit.

Abedo walked out and was a little surprised to see the two of them.

Li Qiuzhi did not show off, and controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to "write" all his discoveries in mid-air with his sword intention.

When he learned that he had discovered the remains of his master's laboratory, Albedo seemed to have a calm expression, and he was already a little eager to go there and have a look.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and saw that Abedo cared so much about his master's affairs, so he decided to let the "Sword God of Ying" give him the experimental records found in the ruins first.

If you want to give Sugar, just ask Abe for a copy.

After taking care of these things, the "Sword God of Ying" continued to explore. Li Qiuzhi also asked Youla and Amber to stop what they were doing...

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