I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 455 The defeat of Dotore (please vote for me!)

But the "God of Positive Opportunities" has not actually started testing.

Many of the data that want to be verified have not been collected yet. If the "God of Right Opportunity" is left here today, I don't know when it will take to get another one.

Therefore, he had to figure out a way to escape smoothly with the "God of Opportunity".

First of all, negotiation is a bit difficult, because you are at a disadvantage at this time, and if you negotiate, you will probably pay a high price.

You must increase your bargaining chips.

"Doctor" Dotore thought for a while, then slightly raised the corners of his mouth under the mask and said:

"Little Lucky Grass King, tell the adventurer next to you to stop, otherwise I will destroy this forest and attack Xumi City.

"I can't imagine how many people will be affected by this."

As he said that, he no longer used the pink mist to attack several incarnations of sword intent. Instead, he sank into the woods below and attacked innocent flowers, plants and trees.

In fact, according to the instructions of the Queen of Winter, they tricked the executives to collect the "Hearts of Gods" and try not to annoy the Seven Gods and become their mortal enemies.

Therefore, large-scale attacks on the subjects of the Seven Gods are not allowed in principle, but if they are used as blackmail, it will not cause any serious problems.

After all, there are people like Little Lucky Grass King and Li Qiuzhi who have a high moral bottom line and are willing to meddle in other people's business.

You definitely cannot accept that disasters will affect innocent ordinary people because of yourself, so the probability of compromising for this is very high!

"Doctor" thought this was a good way to manipulate them.

In the "shallow space", Nasida read what the "doctor" said through lip reading, and suddenly her face turned red and she said angrily:

"This man is so despicable!"

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Li Qiuzhi concentrated on controlling the "Sword God of Ying" to attack the "Doctor", trying to find out how he could avoid the sword energy.

Suddenly hearing what Nasida said, she asked with some doubts.

"He used the forest and Sumeru City to threaten us!" Nasida said in an unusually angry tone and explained the matter simply.

"This is really, really distressing."

Li Qiuzhi hated it when others used things to blackmail him, especially when the blackmail was quite effective.

It is indeed impossible for him to ignore the safety of Xumi City and continue to attack "Doctor".

But if you think you can threaten him, you are underestimating yourself!

Li Qiuzhi controls six "Sword Gods of Ying".

Quickly shuttle through space to the position facing the "Doctor", and at the same time, they had already activated the "Golden Shield".

They quickly expanded and then merged with each other, turning into a huge shield that even enveloped the "God of Positive Opportunities" and the woods below.

In this way, the "doctor" can at most destroy flowers, plants and trees in a short period of time. There is no way to break through here and attack Xumi City for the time being.

Then, Li Qiuzhi continued to greet the "Doctor" with sword energy one after another.

Aren't you able to avoid damage? Then this time he will attack the "God of Positive Machinery" to see where such a huge machine can hide.

Depends on what you think is more important: "The God of Opportunities" or destroying flowers, plants and trees!

Lines of golden sword energy, like rain falling from the sky, pattered on the "God of Positive Opportunities".

Under the "Determination" characteristic, it easily left many cut marks on the hard mechanical body of the "God of Zhengji".


"Doctor" Dotore snorted coldly, and the invisible mental power pressed towards the surroundings, and soon collided with the golden shield.


The golden shield made an overwhelmed sound.

Even the golden sword energy that traveled through space was affected to a certain extent and was weakened a lot by the "Doctor's" mental power.

The corners of Li Qiuzhi's mouth curled up.

Controlling the six "Sword Gods of Ying" to raise their long swords at the same time, the boundless golden sword intent gathered in mid-air along the sword tip.

A super-giant golden sword that was much larger than the "God of Zhengji" and covered the sky and the sun was condensed.

Judging from the power of a small sword energy that can cut a hole in the "God of Righteousness", such a huge sword can be inserted into it.

There is no doubt that the "God of Positive Opportunities", which has not yet been integrated with the "Skirmers", will definitely be divided into two halves from top to bottom!

There was no way, the "doctor"'s strength was beyond his expectation, and he could still handle it easily after fighting for so long.

Without some big moves, I really thought he was a soft persimmon and easy to handle, right?

As for whether this will damage the "God of Zhengji" and cause its collection value to plummet, there is no way to take care of it. Let's get the "Doctor" done first.

Looking at the golden giant sword in mid-air, the expression under the "Doctor"'s mask was as gloomy as water.

You can think of ways to threaten others, and others can also threaten you in turn. This kind of battle where the strength is almost the same is the most complicated.

That idiot, the Great Sage! Thinking of this, "Doctor" couldn't help but secretly curse his pig teammates.

He couldn't really let Li Qiuzhi's attack fall, otherwise the results he had spent so much effort and resources on would be gone.

If the "skirmisher" has successfully fused, it doesn't matter if he can obtain enough experimental data.

But now, even if we suffer some losses, we still have to save the "god of opportunity".

There was no other way, "Doctor" said:

"Very good, you are slightly better today. Tell us your conditions. Otherwise, if the 'God of Positive Opportunity' is damaged even half a point, you will not be easy off."

Even if he wanted to negotiate, his tone was not at all soft.

In the "shallow space", after hearing what Nasida relayed, Li Qiuzhi knew that he seemed to have succeeded in getting the "Doctor" under control.

This "God of Opportunities" has not yet been completely created. There is no way for him to appear leisurely and leisurely when all the "stragglers" are defeated like in the original work.

Perhaps, that battle was also part of the "Doctor's" collection of experimental data.

But now, he probably hasn't achieved his goal yet, so he has no choice but to compromise with them.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and asked Nasida:

"What do you think?"

He could ignore the threat from "Doctor", but Nasida couldn't. After all, Xumi was so big, she would have to endure "Doctor" coming over to cause damage.

Therefore, it was left to Nasida to decide what to do.

Nacida pressed her lips and hesitated for a moment. As the god of Sumeru, her strength was slightly weaker among the gods.

It would indeed be a big problem to have such a big enemy as the Fools.

But now the "Doctor" colludes with the Great Sage, and uses the "Void" system to arbitrarily seize the "thinking ability" of the citizens, making it impossible for everyone to dream.

She also misappropriated all kinds of property and used it to make an "artificial god", and tried to use this "artificial god" to replace her!

She has done so many evil things, even if she has to let "Doctor" go, she can't just let it go, otherwise she will appear to be easy to bully!

Everything they took must be returned intact!

There is another chapter tonight.

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Thanks to "Yiren Yizai" for the 500 coin reward!

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