After Paimon's explanation, Heulia quickly figured out what was going on. She shook up and down slightly, as if nodding and said:

"Is that so? It turns out that it's thousands of years later. It was you who found my remains and resurrected me."

"Huh, that's right, that's it in a nutshell."

Paimon saw that the white ball understood what she meant and breathed a long sigh of relief.

It’s really tiring to say so much at once.

"So, what happened to my people? Do they still exist in Teyvat?"

Heulia asked.

Although she died because of an assassination by her own people, she didn't have any resentment at all. If she wanted to blame it, she would blame herself for being too weak.

There is no ability to gain a foothold in that chaotic era and bring everyone a happy and beautiful life.

“According to historical records, after the salt disaster broke out in the Salt of the Earth, some ‘salt people’ were lucky enough to escape.

"You have now integrated into Liyue, and of course they have not forgotten you.

"The 'Salt People' are very grateful to the gods who once protected them. I can take you to meet them after your soul body is stable."

Li Qiuzhi said to Heulia.

"Ah, since they have settled down, it's better not to disturb them." Heulia hurriedly refused.

Although she is very concerned about the current situation of her people, they have lived in Liyue for so long.

What if my appearance makes them think about restoring the country?

Liyue is the territory of that rock god. If it causes civil strife, it will be photographed as a salt cake.

She was lucky enough to be alive again, but she didn't dare to touch the rock god's bad luck.

It would be fine if their lives were unsatisfactory, but since they live in a place ruled by the Rock God, there must be no problem.

Morax was a good god after all.

Li Qiuzhi also roughly understood what Heulia was thinking, so he nodded and said, "Well, if you don't want to meet them, you can actually go and take a look secretly."

"Well, thank you."

Heulia said in a gentle voice, feeling a lot of affection for the people in front of her who saved her.

[Heulia has a good impression of you and gains 500 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (200/300)]

She then said:

“You resurrected me, but it’s a pity that I have nothing to repay you now.

"How about I tell you the location of the secret realm and ruins that I accidentally discovered when I took my people to hide in XZ.

"Although such a long time has passed, their positions should not change."

"The secret realm you have encountered before? In other words, is it the ancient secret realm from the Demon God's period? Could it be that there are many precious treasures!"

Paimon said with eyes shining.

"If it can be preserved from that era and has not been discovered by others during this period, it can indeed be regarded as ancient. As for whether there will be treasures, I am not sure, after all, such a long time has passed.

"However, things related to the Demon War Era are also very dangerous to humans. When you go to explore, you'd better find a way to scout first and don't rush in."

Heulia suggested.

"Okay, if that's the case, please describe the locations of those secret realms when you have time.

"It would be best to write an autobiography or something from your perspective. We are also very interested in the history of that time."

Li Qiuzhi didn't care whether Heulia said the secret realm was dangerous or not. After all, it was hard to say what would happen after thousands of years.

Just like the ruins of the salt in the earth, aren't they also a secret realm that has been there for thousands of years, but because of the salt disaster, not a single blade of grass can grow.

Except for the two artifacts, everything else that could be called treasures might have been corroded by the salt.

Therefore, he did not have high expectations for the secret realm Heulia mentioned.

Rather than this, it would be better for her to write an autobiography or something. Being a demon god itself has a certain legendary nature.

In addition, from her perspective, she personally recorded what she saw and heard during the Demon God War.

Then this autobiography of the Salt Demon God may be regarded as a very valuable treasure.

The slightly problematic thing is that I don’t know if Heulia can use her mental power to write something in her current condition?

He continued to inquire about this.

"Well, that's fine, but what about an autobiography? That's fine, if that's what you want."

Heulia thought back on her life, and suddenly realized that she was assassinated and killed by her own people in the end. Is such a failed "life" really worth recording?

Seemingly noticing that Heulia was a little confused, Li Qiuzhi briefly explained the reason.

"Can this space be enlarged by collecting treasures? Well, so what I have now can be called a treasure.

"It's true that there are only those vague memories, and I will write them down."

Heulia agreed to Li Qiuzhi's request.

After all, this is what Li Qiuzhi needs. Rather than telling him the location of some secret realms thousands of years ago, it is much more practical to ask him to find treasures that he doesn't know exist.

At least he could repay him immediately for helping him.

"Hehe, thank you then." Li Qiuzhi smiled, and then continued as if he remembered something:

"By the way, in addition to your remains in the ruins, we also found two artifacts with the 'power of salt'.

"Will they help in your recovery? If so, I can return them to you."

"Oh, you said that cup and measuring stick, they only have part of the 'power of salt', but they have no effect of nourishing the soul.

"Since you worked hard to find it, then keep it."

Heulia said indifferently.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi nodded. It was a pity that the two artifacts could not help Heulia recover faster.

Next, he thought that since Heulia had been asked to write her autobiography, he would go to Raiden to ask her to write it when she had time.

Anyway, she usually hangs around in the fairyland space, and at most she only plays tricks on her sister.

If you are so free, you might as well do something for him. It won't take much time and she probably won't refuse.

With this in mind, Li Qiuzhi walked down to the meditation room on the second floor, and then let Ying and Fischer arrange Heulia's accommodation.

After all, he has regained consciousness, so it is a bit inappropriate to continue to stay in the warehouse.

Li Qiuzhi came to the meditation room on the second floor.

At this time, both Raiden Shin and Raiden Movie are meditating. Although there will be no "wear and tear" in the fairyland space, meditation can not only avoid wear and tear.

There are also many benefits such as condensing and improving mental strength, which is really good for their two souls.

When Li Qiuzhi came here, they woke up.

He explained what he wanted to ask them to do. It was such a small thing as Raiden Zhen's autobiography, so he agreed without even thinking about it.

After all, Li Qiuzhi had helped the two sisters so much, so when she was able to help in turn, she would naturally not refuse.

Li Qiuzhi smiled and thanked them, and then stopped disturbing them.

When I walked out of the meditation room and passed by the library, I looked in through the window and found Mona looking at a dark blue book with a sad face.

Li Qiuzhi recognized it. It was astrology information that Mona asked him to buy.

It seemed that she had encountered something unclear. Li Qiuzhi smiled and walked into the library, came to Mona who was wearing a cover-up jumpsuit, and said:

"How's it going? Did you encounter any problems?"

Mona raised her head and glanced at Li Qiuzhi, closed the book with a snap, and said angrily:

“Damn it, the last research paper on stars in this astrology journal has a preview, and the text is in the next issue!

"Could it be that the editor-in-chief of this journal is some kind of weird guy, who even uses this trick!

"Hmph, no wonder there are rumors that this newspaper is going to close down!"


Li Qiuzhi curiously picked up the book on the table and took a look at it, and found that the book was published and sold by a newspaper company in Xumi.

He didn't pay much attention to this aspect, so he didn't know it.

But it doesn't matter, Li Qiuzhi has already thought of a way to comfort Mona.

He walked around to her, picked up her soft body, sat down on the chair, and let Mona sit on his lap.

He stroked her back and said:

"Actually, the academic papers published by various newspapers in Xumiru are all contributed by the Teaching Council. I just recently met the Little Lucky Grass King.

"How about taking you to the Imperial Academy in a few days to visit their 'Wisdom Palace' where countless academic materials are stored?"

He had thought before that there were a lot of comprehensive academic materials in the Wisdom Palace, so he brought Mona over directly and asked her to borrow books here.

It’s much more affordable than buying it from Hua Mora, and it’s just the right time to tell her the good news!


Mona pressed Li Qiuzhi's shoulders, raised her upper body and said in surprise.

As an astrologer and a scholar, it is natural that he is familiar with Mona, the academic holy place of Xumi Order Academy.

She had wanted to go there to see it before, but she was not a scholar of the Imperial Academy, so she could only visit it as a tourist.

As for watching precious academic materials, that was basically overthinking, so she heard that Li Qiuzhi knew Xiao Jixiang Grass King.

She was so excited to be allowed to go to the Wisdom Palace of the Imperial Academy.

"Of course, it's just that the little Grass God is a bit busy these days. In order to prevent disturbing her, I just said I would take you there in a few days."

Li Qiuzhi held Mona's soft waist and pulled her closer to the point where he could feel the body temperature of her lower abdomen.

Then her hands went down along her waist, slid over the soft buttocks wrapped in black stockings, and gently landed on her lower legs that were bent up and resting on the edge of the chair.

"Well, you guy, okay, I'll just treat you as a reward."

Mona knew that Li Qiuzhi wanted to be intimate with her again, so since he was bringing good news, she decided to be a little more proactive this time.

With this thought, Mona took the initiative to put her arms around Li Qiuzhi's neck and kissed him on the mouth.

We often sleep together and do a lot of intimate things. She is no longer shy and blushing at every turn.

While Li Qiuzhi took the initiative to cooperate with her, he kneaded her calves with his fingers, which made them feel soft and relaxed.

after awhile.

He pressed his hands between the back of Semona's thighs and her calves, and continued to knead the soft flesh of her legs.

At the same time, he pulled the purple jumpsuit aside and slowly opened a slit in the black stockings that were not resistant to tearing.

"Ugh, you bastard, you ruined my socks again!"

Mona parted Li Qiuzhi's lips, a light blush appeared on her fair face, and she grabbed his shoulders harder with both hands.

Li Qiuzhi smiled, hugged Mona's waist tightly, and pressed his mouth on her soft lips again.


A few days later.

Both Heulia and Raiden Jin wrote their autobiographies, titled "The Legend of the Salt Demon God" and "The Legend of Raiden General" respectively.

Inspired by the collector's edition of "Wild Boar Princess", Li Qiuzhi went to Ningguang and asked for some fine "Yun Paper" before they wrote.

This kind of paper is made of "Yunshen wood" through a special process. Apart from being slightly yellowish and unable to be made into a snow-white color, its other properties such as toughness and aging resistance are very good.

The paper has a unique and regular texture, which makes it very comfortable to write on. The most important thing is that the "Yun Shenmu" can carry spiritual power for a long time.

The paper made of it can record the writer's mood when writing. When others read it, they can understand the author's mood while looking at the content of the book.

Very magical.

In this way, the value of the devil's autobiography written on "Yun Shen Paper" instantly soared!

If left for hundreds of years, after the accumulation of history and time, it might become a powerful holy relic, which is not impossible.

It can even be said to be inevitable!

Because the moment they were written into books, the fairyland space immediately received feedback and expanded a lot in an instant.

For example, "The Legend of the Salt Demon God" records Heulia's major life experiences from the beginning of her birth.

From her perspective, she recorded the history of the Demon God War era, as well as the many secret realms she encountered.

Very good practical value!

Therefore, with the blessing of various factors such as the author being the devil himself and the writing material being of high value and able to contain artistic conception, it is impossible that it does not have the potential to become a holy relic.

The same principle applies to "The Legend of Raiden Shogun". It is history recorded from Raiden's perspective, and it is supplemented by Raiden's movies.

See this situation.

Li Qiuzhi simply invited General Thunder and Lightning to come over and asked her to participate in writing. In this way, "The Legend of General Thunder and Lightning" completed by the "three sisters" came out!

The biographies written by the three top demon gods themselves are more valuable than "The Legend of the Salt Demon God" written only by Heulia herself.

The two books have expanded the space of the fairyland by fifteen square meters in total, including "The Legend of the Demon God of Salt" by five square meters and "The Legend of the Thunderbolt General" by ten square meters.

Now the entire wonderland space has reached 360 square meters, and the layout can be re-planned.

Well, I’ll study this with you later.

In addition to expanding the space, the two books also provide two good spatial characteristics for the fairyland space.

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