I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 470 Grass Seed Explosion (Two in One)

In the dim environment, it seemed as if some man-eating monster would appear at any time.

Li Qiuzhi and others decided to search nearby to see if they could meet Ying's brother and ask him specifically what was going on.

After thinking about it, everyone feels that the Abyss Cult came to the Rock Abyss most likely for the ruins of this inverted city.

Other than that, there's not much left to explore.

Li Qiuzhi, Ye Lan, and Ying unfolded their wings of wind, while Paimon used his phantom limbs to fly and arrived at the ruins of the city whose domes were as long as stalactites.

And landed gently on the ground. Well, it was said to be the ground, but using normal buildings as a reference standard, the place where they were standing now should be the ceiling of a certain house.

In addition to the fact that this city was built upside down, it looks a bit weird, other things like the construction materials, the size of the doors and windows, etc.

They are all in line with human architectural habits.

This means that the creatures that once lived here were most likely humans, or intelligent creatures of similar size.

"Don't you think it's strange? Who on earth would live in a house built upside down? This life would be very inconvenient!"

Paimon, who was flying next to Ying, said with confusion on his face.

The ceiling is on the ground, the windows and doors are located higher than a person, and the real road is paved overhead, which is indeed unusual.

"In fact, it's not difficult to guess the reason."

Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to scan the surrounding area and chose a direction to take everyone to explore the depths of the city.

"Oh? You mean?" Yelan's slender and well-proportioned legs swung back and forth. She seemed to have thought of something and showed a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm. Assuming that it is reasonable for these buildings to be built upside down, then the people who once lived here should also walk upside down relative to us."

Li Qiuzhi paused and continued:

"So under what circumstances can a person walk backwards and stand on the 'ceiling' without falling, and without feeling uncomfortable due to blood flowing backward for a long time?"

"Did they put hook nuts in their shoes and hook them on the ground?"

Paimon spread his hands, saying that he couldn't think of an answer.

"How can Googouguo hook such a big person?" Ying said lazily, "If I guessed correctly, it should be a problem of gravity.

"If the direction of gravity in this city is also reversed, then to them, we are actually weird guys who built the city upside down."

"Inverted gravity?"

Paimon crossed his arms and floated, feeling as if he understood a little bit.

"That's right." Li Qiuzhi nodded, "If it weren't for some powerful person who deliberately dug up a city and put it here upside down.

"Then the only explanation is that the direction of gravity of the environment where this city was once located is actually opposite to that of the Teyvat continent.

"Otherwise, it would be too unreasonable, and the world of Teyvat is a planet, and all gravity is concentrated in the middle.

"If you look at it from a macro perspective, the gravity above the planet is opposite to the gravity below, although the creatures inside will not feel anything."

"Okay, I barely understand.

"But according to what you said, the direction of gravity in the Strata Abyss is not reversed, so this city was not originally from here!"

Paimon rubbed his cheeks and cheered up in the dim environment.

"It should be no accident."

Li Qiuzhi tapped his chin and said.

He felt that this city should belong to Kanria. After all, there were some black snake knights who turned into monsters and guarded here in the original book.

Those black snake knights before they turned into monsters. Even the palace knights who guarded the kingdom of Canria, after turning into monsters, still guarded this land with their remaining will.

But due to some unknown reason, the city came to the underground mining area of ​​the Strata Abyss from Kanria.

Well, there seems to be some loopholes in this guess.

If Kanria is located opposite the Teyvat continent, the gravity there is completely opposite to that of the Teyvat continent.

So relative to Kanria, the continent of Teyvat is also located underground.

According to this guess, it is more explainable.

The suspicious point is that if this city is really on the opposite side of the planet, how could it have traveled through the center of the earth to get here? This seems incredible.

It feels like even the top demon gods would find it difficult to achieve such great power.

He wasn't sure whether it was specific or not. Li Qiuzhi could ask Daci Shuwang or Lei Dianzhen when he felt free.

They have all experienced the Kanria War and should know about it.

While Li Qiuzhi and others were exploring the depths of the city, they each expressed their opinions and speculations on why the buildings in the city's ruins were upside down.

It didn't take long.

A few of them came to a place that looked like a large indoor square, with several Qiuqiu people lying on the ground in front of them.

Didn't you detect any aura from them? They were obviously dead.

Li Qiuzhi felt that the spring in the original book that had the effect of suppressing the 'immortal curse' should not be far from here.

After all, the Qiuqiu people were attracted here because the closer they were to the spring, the less torture they would suffer from the "immortal curse".

They will also feel much more relaxed and comfortable.

Therefore, these Kanria people who have turned into monsters due to the "immortal curse" will instinctively approach the spring.

Since they are found here, obviously the location of the spring should not be too far from here.

At least the direction is correct.

Li Qiuzhi and others ignored the deceased Qiuqiu man and continued walking forward, and soon came to a step.

To the naked eye, nothing was found on the steps.

But when he used his mental power to spread up the steps, he sensed two tall figures standing on a platform above the steps.

Their bodies are black, one hand holds a flag, and the other holds a bow and arrow.

Li Qiuzhi naturally knew them.

They are the palace knights that I thought of before, who once guarded Camrea, but are now monsters called Black Snake Knights.

These black snake knights, even though their human sanity has disappeared, still loyally guard their former homes.

If they were still sensible, Li Qiuzhi didn't want to do anything to them, but unfortunately they had turned into monsters.

Even if Sora enlarges the spring water here that can suppress the "immortal curse" a hundred times, there is no way to restore them to humans.

After all, the spring water here can only suppress the "immortal curse" but cannot purify it.

When Li Qiuzhi and the others stepped onto the platform, the two black snake knights locked their eyes on them without hesitation.

At the same time, the Black Snake Knight holding the flag immediately used a certain skill to strengthen his companions.

The black snake knight holding the bow and arrow immediately raised his bow and pointed it at Li Qiuzhi and the others.

He didn't even have a chance to explain. He is indeed a monster...

"Ugh, those guys covered in pitch black, they look so fierce!" Paimon hid behind Ying in fear.

"Heh, get ready to fight!"

Yelan took out her bow and arrow from the Eye of God, raised her arm just as quickly, revealing the snow-white skin under her armpits, and used her fingers to pull the bowstring and aim at the opponent.

Li Qiuzhi opened the golden sin-judging eye and found that the two black knights were about level 70, which was considered elite among monsters.

But obviously he will not be their opponent.


The Black Snake Knight's bow and Ye Lan's bow fired their arrows at the same time!

The arrow wrapped in aqua blue elemental power streaked through the dim space like a meteor, directly colliding with the arrow released by the black knight!

Obviously because of the huge difference in strength, the Black Snake Knight's arrow was instantly torn apart by Ye Lan's arrow.

Then he continued to rush towards the Black Snake Knight.

The Black Snake Knight holding the flag calmly lowered it down with both hands. The flagpole was smoothly inserted into the ground with the support of huge power.

A red light flashed on the flag, and a translucent semicircular shield enveloped the two black snake knights.


Ye Lan's water element arrow hit the shield and immediately made a soft sound. The arrow hit the shield, but the shield was unexpectedly hard.

And under the pressure of huge force, the arrow broke into two pieces directly in the middle.

After successfully blocking the attack, the black knight holding the flag still kept the shield open, but the other black knight had already picked up the bow and arrow again.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment, and without any warning, summoned a translucent tentacle with a radius of five meters above the heads of the two black snake knights, and slammed it down!

The shield of the Black Snake Knight was completely broken by Li Qiuzhi with a single blow, and it directly hit the two Black Snake Knights who had no time to dodge!

[Defeat powerful enemies*2 and gain 10562 experience points. 】

Looking at the prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi gained more than 10,000 experience points just by looking at the two black snake knights.

Secretly sighing that it would be nice to have more.

Perhaps in response to Li Qiuzhi's request, suddenly a black snake knight with a giant sword in one hand jumped down from the building on the left!

"Bang!" There was a sound, and a huge hole was made in the ground.

Cracks like spider webs spread from the center of the pit. The imposing Black Snake Knight walked out of the pit and looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others calmly.

Astonishing aura began to emerge from the black snake knight holding a two-handed sword. Li Qiuzhi saw that its level was actually ninety-three.

A little stronger than the two Abyss Chanters I met earlier.

It seems that this black snake knight was also a very big man before he turned into a monster, otherwise he would not be so strong after turning into a monster!

Li Qiuzhi raised his eyebrows, subconsciously summoned the "Sword of Light", and was ready to fight at any time.

"Why do I feel that the monsters I encountered today are so extraordinary? They are so amazing that even I dare not touch them head-on."

Ye Lan continued to condense the water element arrows, preparing to assist Li Qiuzhi to face the challenge of the powerful enemy.

Ying also took out the edgeless sword that had been strengthened many times with elemental materials and got into a fighting stance, while Paimon hid a little behind.

To avoid being affected by the battle.

The Black Snake Knight looked at the few people in silence. He slightly raised the tip of his sword, and the next moment, the entire tall and burly figure disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already in front of Li Qiuzhi and the others, followed by a huge sonic boom.

The speed is so fast that it is a bit unimaginable.

Both Ying and Yelan almost couldn't react, but Li Qiuzhi raised the ice-colored sword early to block the Black Snake Knight's attack when it swung the giant sword!

The huge force coming from the sword was so powerful that Li Qiuzhi was almost knocked away.

Fortunately, preparations for the battle were made in advance.

"You guys stand back a little!"

Li Qiuzhi told Ying and Ye Lan that they were too close to the Black Snake Knight now, and he was afraid that the Black Snake Knight would attack them.

"Yeah!" Ying and Yelan nodded in response.

Then the two of them retreated to Paimon. At the same time, Ye Lan had already charged up the water element arrow and fired it at the Black Snake Knight!

The water-colored arrows instantly hit the face of the Black Snake Knight, which was open to defense, and it had to find a way to deal with it.

The Black Snake Knight first shook his giant sword and bounced back according to the force. Then he raised his hand and swept away the arrow with the black giant sword.

Without this attack, Ye Lan's water element arrow would have been easily broken off.

But Li Qiuzhi also spotted this opportunity, raised the "Sword of Light of Ice" and stepped forward in an instant, and the sonic boom arrived before anyone else could.

The ice-colored two-handed sword and arrows attacked the black knight's defense.

Perhaps feeling that Li Qiuzhi's attack was more threatening, the Black Snake Knight gave up his defense against the arrows, turned his hand and pulled his sword down to block the attack of the Ice Light Sword!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Lan's water element arrow hit the Black Snake Knight's head directly without any accident.

A large amount of water elements bloomed, knocking it out.

Li Qiuzhi held the sword in one hand and condensed the grass element in the palm of his left hand. While the shadows of the grass leaves were flying, he pressed the grass element against the Black Snake Knight's body.

The grass element and the water element carried out a special original bloom reaction, generating green grass seeds.

Then lightning flashed in his palm.

Use the thunder element shape to sweep all the newly generated grass seeds.

All the grass seeds had a super bloom reaction the moment they came into contact with the thunder element, turning into grass seed "missiles" that automatically tracked the Black Snake Knight and attacked.

The Black Snake Knight placed his sword horizontally in front of him and blocked seven or eight consecutive grass seed bombardments!

Li Qiuzhi, who had tasted the benefits, felt that it was quite interesting to use grass seeds to fight the enemy.

He directly took back his sword, condensed the water element in his left hand, and condensed the grass element in his right hand. Then he put his hands together, and a steady stream of grass seeds were born.

One, two, three

Since reality is not like real games, there is a limit on the number of grass seeds.

As long as the reaction speed is fast enough before the grass seeds in front disappear, there is basically no problem in creating as many seeds as possible.

Soon the ground was covered with grass seeds, and Li Qiuzhi roughly estimated there were hundreds of them.

If this was swept away with the thunder element and a super bloom reaction occurred, all of them turned into tracking "missiles" to attack the Black Snake Knight, the scene would be very spectacular.

So he condensed the thunder element again, turned it into a thunder element string, and swept it towards the grass seeds in front!

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