I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 482 Deep Spiral (Two in One)

Mondstadt, Adventurers Guild.

Li Qiuzhi came here with Noelle and Bennett.

Catherine, wearing a green and white dress, was behind the counter as always, handing over commissions to the adventurers.

She still looks so gentle.

After the adventurers in front accepted the commission and left, Li Qiuzhi and the others approached.

"Oh, isn't this a famous legendary adventurer? Why did he come to my side again?"

Catherine said teasingly.

"Miss Catherine, please stop making fun of me. No matter how powerful an adventurer is, he still has to come to you to receive commissions."

Li Qiuzhi touched the side of his face in embarrassment.

"Haha, so what kind of commission do you want to take on today?" Catherine covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Well, are there any commissions related to the treasure stealing group? If not, I can also accept a commission to escort the caravan."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

"A treasure-stealing group? The Knights have been cracking down hard on the treasure-stealing group recently, but there has been no request to arrest or expel them for a long time.

"There are commissions for escorting caravans, but they are basically for the next few days. Today's ones have either already set off, or an adventure group has already picked them up."

Catherine shook her head slightly.

"Really? Then there's no other way." Li Qiuzhi didn't have to accept the commission, it was just that he could earn a commission fee by the way.

If that doesn't work, then just accept any request to clean up the monsters.

Then go to the wild to see if you can encounter a group of treasure thieves. With Bennett's unlucky physique, there should be a chance of encountering trouble.

Although you may not be able to encounter the treasure stealing group, it is not bad to encounter other monsters to gain experience points.

As for collecting and summarizing the characteristics of evil people, providing it to Noelle as a reference, making it easier for her to distinguish the good and evil of a person who hides deeply.

Don’t be too anxious just yet, there’s still half a month left anyway.

Anyway, when summarizing the characteristics of bad guys, you don’t necessarily need to use the Treasure Thieves Group as a reference.

With so many people in the city, there are also many people with bad intentions.

There is no problem in being invisible and secretly following them to find out what kind of bad tricks they are doing.

Of course, if we could directly give her an entry that could see through the malicious intent, then we wouldn't have to do so many troublesome things.

Li Qiuzhi prefers the latter, so that he can get away with it once and for all.

After all, no matter how much he summarizes, Noelle cannot become a wise man who can easily see through people's good and evil in just half a month.

This requires the accumulation of time and experience. Experience and knowledge cannot be achieved quickly and need to be accumulated.

"Now that you are a legendary adventurer, those simple commissions should be left to other people in the association.

"As for what you said, I have a big commission that has been on hold for a long time. Are you interested in knowing more about it?"

Catherine put her hands in front of her belly and said with a smile.

"Big commission?"

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised. It could be called a big commission. Could it be a legendary commission?

"Haha, it's not too dangerous. After all, I have the blessing of Lord Fengshen."

Catherine chuckled lightly and then explained:

“Actually, there are adventurers who took a boat out to sea to challenge the ‘Deep Spiral’ on Musk Reef.

"Suddenly, it was discovered that a powerful wind core appeared on Musk Reef, and it was extremely violent as if it was possessed by a demon, which prevented them from getting close to the 'Deep Spiral'.

“Although there are not many adventurers who have the strength to go to Musk Reef to challenge the ‘Deep Spiral’, there are still some.

“Don’t let the mere ‘Wind Core’ stop the enthusiasm of adventurers.

"Furthermore, we need to investigate why the 'Wind Core' became demonized. If there is a big problem and it is not discovered in time, that would be very bad~

"The only people who can do this commission are legendary adventurers like you, Li Qiuzhi, so do you want to accept this commission?

"The commission fee is quite generous!"

Musk Reef? Isn't that the location of one of the biggest sources of raw stones for players in the game, the "Deep Spiral" copy?

Li Qiuzhi looked a little surprised.

Many existences in the game have reasonable explanations and are not imposed for the sake of gameplay, such as "teleportation anchor points", "treasure chests", etc.

If Musk Reef really has a "Deep Spiral" and there are many monsters to farm like in the game, then it is indeed worth a visit!

"Musk Reef! I heard from the dads that the 'Deep Spiral' there was an underground ancient capital built by an ancient civilization that had long since perished.

"There are countless treasures buried there. Of course, because there are so many treasures, there are a lot of treasure thieves, fools, and even monsters there!"

Bennett said excitedly.

He wanted to take an adventure there a long time ago, but he felt that he was not strong enough and it would be dangerous to go there, so he never went there.

But if Li Qiuzhi is with him, he is very confident to break into the "Deep Spiral"!

"So that's it. I've heard about it too. How about Noelle, do you want to go there and have a look?"

Li Qiuzhi nodded, then looked at the girl next to him and asked.

"Well, if as Bennett said, there are many people taking risks there, and this is also an opportunity to learn, I think I can go."

Noelle thought of what the book said about the places where treasures are buried, and there were a lot of intrigues and intrigues. You should be able to learn something by taking a look for yourself.

With Mr. Adventurer here, there will definitely be no danger!

"Since everyone has no objections, let's accept this commission, get the Wind Core, and take a look at the Deep Spiral!"

Li Qiuzhi made a final decision.

"Okay, I'll record it for you now." Catherine turned around and found the order form and handed it to Li Qiuzhi, "That's it."

"Thank you for your hard work, let's go now!"

Li Qiuzhi took the order form politely and took a brief look at its contents.

It was found that the client was the Adventurer's Association, and the commission fee was 10 million molas. This was indeed a high-level commission among adventure commissions.

It seems that the core power of the violent wind will not be very weak.

After the Adventurers Association accepted the commission, Li Qiuzhi, Noelle, and Bennett prepared to go to Musk Reef.

After leaving the city gate and walking on the bridge, Noelle looked at the mirror-like blue water of Fruit Wine Lake, thought for a while and said:

"Musk Reef is out at sea, should we rent a boat?"

Mondstadt is not close to Musk Reef, and it takes a day or two to reach it from Eagle Beach.

"Hey, renting a boat will cost a lot of money, right?" Bennett knew without thinking that renting a boat for a day or two would definitely not be cheap.

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said, "No need to go to such trouble, we can just fly over!"

After saying that, he guided the cyan wind elements to slowly gather and hover around a few people. The next moment, he suddenly unfolded his wind wings, and the cyan whirlwind took him flying into the air.

"Can you use the wind element to assist flying? This can save you the cost of renting a boat. It's really convenient!"

Bennett agreed with this plan, and then he also opened his wings of wind, and with the blessing of the whirlwind, he easily flew into the air.

Soon, Noelle did the same, slowly flying up under the pull of the wings of wind, her skirt fluttering slightly, and her legs wearing armored boots swaying in the air.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Li Qiuzhi skillfully controlled the wind element and pushed several people into high-speed flight.

In just a few seconds, he completely disappeared from the spot and entered the range of Feng Qi. The grass below was like a rushing blue river, retreating rapidly.

Not long after, they flew out of Fengqi Land and arrived at the boundary of Yingxiang Beach. Looking from a distance, they could even see the blue sea.

"Wow, this is my first time flying so fast!" Bennett exclaimed.

If he had this speed, he should go out to take a commission in the morning and come back at noon to prepare lunch for the dads.

"Don't be envious, you will be able to do it soon too."

Li Qiuzhi continued to use the wind element to ward off the strong wind pressure caused by the excessive speed, and said with a smile.

What he was referring to was that the elemental steam locomotive in Liyue was almost completed, and it would only take a matter of minutes to sell it to Mondstadt.

As long as the performance reaches 100 kilometers per hour, it can basically meet the needs of all walks of life.


Before Bennett finished speaking, he saw a white bird monster coming towards him. It was obvious that his unlucky constitution was beginning to take effect.


Noelle also spotted the white magic bird in front of him. While exclaiming nervously, he instinctively opened his heart armor.

Her strength is not yet to the point where she can use the Heart Armor on others.

Therefore, they had no choice but to take out the West Wind sword and stand in front of Li Qiuzhi and Bennett, preparing to receive the impact of the white magic bird.

Li Qiuzhi quickly took a look at the level of the white magic bird and found that it was about level 50, which was much more powerful than Bennett and Noelle.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi took action without hesitation.

He continued to maintain his flying posture without any special movements, and the invisible mental power spread quickly.

The white magic bird that was flying suddenly felt its head shake, and instantly turned blank, and its sharp eyes like a goshawk also turned white.

In the end, the wings could not flap, and they fell into the woods below like a plane crash.

Li Qiuzhi controlled the wind element to slow everyone down, perfectly staggering the falling path of the white magic bird.

At this moment, Li Qiuzhi's mission panel also popped up a prompt to defeat the enemy:

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 952 experience points. 】

"Thank you, Mr. Adventurer." Seeing the magic bird suddenly fall, Noel knew that it was Li Qiuzhi who took action.

She exhaled slightly and relaxed her shoulders. The gold-rimmed steel shoulder pads collided with the chest armor exposing the white skin, making a crisp sound unique to metal.

[Noelle has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (580/600)]

"You're welcome, we are a team."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Huh, I'm scared. Why did a white magic bird suddenly appear here? Isn't it my fault again?"

Bennett scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Even if your unlucky physique provokes the ancient demon god, he will have to leave with two broken teeth!"

Li Qiuzhi comforted him.


Bennett nodded in approval and complained that he felt less emotional. After all, he knew that Li Qiuzhi could really do such a thing.

"Mr. Adventurer, look below, Bennett. That white magic bird seems a little strange?"

Noelle looked down at the spot where the white magic bird fell.

Li Qiuzhi and Bennett looked along her line of sight and found that the white magic bird had crashed into a tree with two thick legs.

The whole body was stuck by the branches. Perhaps because it was still dizzy, it remained motionless without any struggle.

But the unusual thing is that its back twists like ripples and slowly bulges.

"It's a bit weird, what's going on?"

Li Qiuzhi frowned and summoned a translucent tentacle, trying to reach out to the back of the white magic bird.

At this moment, the demon bird's back suddenly exploded, and pieces of white paper flew and landed like snowflakes.

Continuing to look at the back of the magic bird, I found a man dressed in white standing there.

"What, what's going on? Why is there suddenly a person on the back of the magic bird!" Bennett said in surprise.

"Perhaps using some special method to hide on the back of the magic bird?"

Noelle, who was hovering in mid-air, held his chin with his fingers and thought about the scene he just saw.

"Maybe, but he is very hostile to us now." Li Qiuzhi spread his hands, feeling helpless secretly.

Bennett's unlucky physique is indeed quite good. No, the second person to send experience points is here again.

"Asshole, who are you? Why did you attack me?"

The man dressed in white looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others angrily.

He had just escaped from the ambush of those nasty Zephyr Knights when his pet suddenly fainted for no apparent reason.

Damn it, it must be these guys!

Although he was angry in his heart, the man in white clothes still suppressed his desire to immediately retaliate against the people in front of him.

Because the knights following behind and that bastard woman are about to follow!

He glanced at the fainted white magic bird. It could no longer take him away. Bastard, the man in white clothes got angrier the more he thought about it!

I was running well, why did these nosy people suddenly appear!

Calm down, now is not the time to stir up trouble, run away and hide first, and then the man in white clothes can barely regain his senses.

The Eye of the Driver God guided the water element, and he was about to jump to the ground and dive underground to escape, but at this moment, an indifferent voice sounded:

"The sacrament of life!"

A cross ice gun completely condensed from the ice element fell from the sky, and the endless extreme cold locked the man in white.

There is no chance of escape at all!

After all, he was still sorry for not running away as soon as he got up from the demon bird's back, but first he cursed angrily at Li Qiuzhi and the others.

Resulting in wasting a few seconds of valuable time and paying the due price.


The ice gun hit the man in white clothes and froze the nearby trees dozens of meters into ice sculptures.

"This is it?" Li Qiuzhi felt a familiar atmosphere from the ice.

He didn't wonder for long when a figure wearing nun-style clothes suddenly appeared from the canopy of the tree that had become an ice sculpture not far away.

Use only your toes against the raised branches.

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