I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 493 Zhongli’s Commission (two in one)

"Hey, Zhongli, what a coincidence."

Li Qiuzhi said slightly surprised.

Speaking of which, it seems that the black snake was sealed there by Lord Yan. Could it be that the seal was broken by him and attracted Zhongli here?

"Haha, it's really a coincidence. I happened to pass by here and stopped to take a look when I saw the scenery in the lake was clear."

Zhongli put his hands behind his hands and said with a smile.

"Uh, haha, I accidentally broke a seal when I was exploring the secret realm and released the sealed monster, but luckily it was re-sealed by me."

Li Qiuzhi touched his collar awkwardly. Is it possible to pass by this place in the wilderness?

He knew that Zhongli didn't want to reveal his identity in front of others, so he simply talked about what happened just like a casual chat between friends.

"I see, can you still do this?"

Zhongli held his chin and thought for a moment, and he really didn't feel the movement of the ancient demon escaping from the secret realm.

He nodded and continued:

"It's noon, do you want to go to Liyue Port with me for tea?"

"Oh? Is Zhongli treating you to a treat?" Li Qiuzhi asked.

"Of course it will be recorded in the account of the Palace of Purity."

Zhongli changed from the posture with his hands behind his back to the posture with his arms folded, and said with a calm expression on his face.


I didn't expect that a serious guy like you would make fun of you in a serious way. Li Qiuzhi complained secretly.

He nodded slightly:

"Okay, it just so happens that we are going to Liyue Port to have something to eat. Anyway, it is quite rare for Zhongli to treat us, so of course we have to go."

"I think I'm not a stingy person." Zhong Li shook his head helplessly, then looked at the two girls next to Li Qiuzhi and asked doubtfully:

"Who are these two?"

"Ah, hello, I am Barbara, the liturgy pastor of West Wind Church."

"I am an apprentice knight of the Knights of the West Wind."

Barbara and Noelle were a little nervous when facing Zhongli, a man whose temperament revealed something extraordinary.

"The Church of the West Wind, the Knights of the West Wind? It turns out they are visitors from Mondstadt. Very nice. I am Zhongli, a visitor from the Church of the Past.

“Speaking of which, as a member of Liyue, we cannot lose our etiquette.

"Let's go to Liuli Pavilion this time and let me entertain two distinguished guests from Mondstadt for Liyue."

Zhongli rubbed his chin, nodded slightly and said.

"You guys, you're here to treat guests, and you're at Liuliting. You don't need my help for anything, right?"

Li Qiuzhi seemed to see through him.

"I do need your help with a little help. Let's talk while eating later."

Zhongli once again put his hands behind his back, not embarrassed even if his thoughts were guessed, and walked towards the road on his own.

"Hey, a distinguished guest or something?" Noelle touched the hair on the side of her face with some embarrassment. She felt that she couldn't be a distinguished guest.

"Haha, okay." Li Qiuzhi laughed twice and said there was no problem.

Then he took Barbara and Noelle and followed Zhongli who took the first step.

"Mr. Knight of Honor, is this gentleman your friend?"

Barbara asked curiously.

The white silk pantyhose tightly covering her soft legs stretched out from the knee-length skirt to outline the soft and clear lines of her knees.

She continued to wrap her well-proportioned calves all the way into the lapels of the short boots that were walking back and forth.

Noelle, who was wearing armored boots that made a slight sound when stepping on the ground, also cast a curious look.

"Uh" Li Qiuzhi looked at Zhongli, thought for a moment and said:

"Yes, we are indeed friends. He introduced himself just now. He is a guest at the Rebirth Hall, a leader in the funeral industry. His name is Zhongli.

"But this is just his superficial identity. In fact, he is secretly"

Speaking of the latter sentence, he deliberately showed an appetizing expression.

"What is it?" Barbara and Noelle asked with curious expressions on their fair faces.

Li Qiuzhi nodded with satisfaction, and did not continue to talk about it. He coughed lightly and said:

“Secretly, Zhongli is also a very knowledgeable man, knowledgeable about astronomy, geography, and all the history of ancient and modern times.

"Maybe he also knows the identity of the monster sealed in the ruins just now!"

"Eh, really?!"

Hearing Li Qiuzhi praise Mr. Zhongli so much, he even understood the mysterious ruins underwater just now.

Barbara and Noelle couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"That's natural, don't you think so, Zhongli?" Li Qiuzhi patted his chest, and then asked Zhongli in front of him.

Zhongli, who was walking in front, was a little dumbfounded. He shook his head and replied:

"It's too much to say that I know astronomy from the top, geography from the bottom, and the past and present. I just happen to have a good memory and haven't forgotten what I learned in the past."

Ah, yes, yes, five or six thousand years in the past, right? Li Qiuzhi sneered.

"Wow, that feels great."

Barbara and Noelle thought Zhongli was saying that he had not forgotten what he had learned in class.

Then because he did not forget the knowledge he learned at that time, he was able to become what Li Qiuzhi calls a knowledgeable person.

For a moment, they were also curious about what kind of content Liyue's school would teach!

"Haha, since I have nothing to do, let me tell you the story of the ancient demon god sealed in the underwater secret realm of Bishuiyuan."

Zhongli, who had rich experience, naturally understood that Li Qiuzhi wanted him to tell him about the origin of the dark snake, and he did not refuse.

"The demon god sealed in the secret realm is named 'Polaiya', and his true form is a winding black snake. He was severely injured in the demon god war and hid in the Blue Water Plains, and was enshrined by the snake people."

Zhongli slowly talked about the story about the big black snake "Polaiya".

When Barbara and Noelle were attracted by the story, Li Qiuzhi noticed that their walking speed had become faster, as if they were shrinking into inches.

Obviously every step is normal walking, but one step can cover two to three hundred meters.

No need to guess, this is obviously the work of the previous Lord Yan, who probably calculated the time it takes to tell the story and the distance that can be reduced to an inch.

After telling the story about the big black snake and Zhongli just stopped talking, Li Qiuzhi and his party arrived outside the archway of Liyue Port.

There were horse-drawn carriages, bicycles, and numerous pedestrians, making it look like a busy place.

Barbara and Noelle didn't seem to have reacted yet. After listening to Zhongli's story, they nodded lightly and concluded:

"It turns out that the big black snake was injured in the war between demons and hid in the clear water to recuperate.

“In the process, I used the help of the snake people to devour many creatures, and after recovering from my injuries, I even set my sights on the Liyue people.

"Then it attracted the attention of the Rock King Emperor, and the two sides started a fierce battle, and the black snake quickly fell into a disadvantage.

“In the end, it was so abominable that it swallowed up all the snake people who worshiped it, and became even more powerful.

"But if you use this method that is despised by all things to become stronger, you will naturally not be the opponent of the Rock King.

"In the end, the body that was enough to climb mountains was made into stone sculptures, and the soul was permanently sealed in the stone sculptures."

Zhongli, who crossed his arms, expressed his appreciation to Barbara and Noelle who listened carefully:

"That's right, that's the result of that coiling snake."

Barbara and Noelle nodded slightly, just when they wanted to say a word or two to Zhongli to thank him for saying so.

But suddenly they discovered that they had arrived in front of a huge city at some unknown time.

This city is built against the sea and mountains. The height difference is very gentle. The streets in the city are very lively and densely packed with people.

There were merchant ships from various countries parked on the sea, which seemed very lively. Looking at this scene, the two people couldn't help but sigh:

"Is this the city of thousands of sails - Liyue Port?" It is a completely different scene from Mondstadt.

"Yes, Mr. Zhongli, who is capable of psychic powers, moved us here unknowingly while we were listening to the story."

Li Qiuzhi also sighed with emotion.

"It's just a small trick. I don't need your help if I want to be able to communicate with the gods." Zhongli replied, and continued to walk in front and led a few people into Liyue Port.

In the city, Zhongli did not use his too conspicuous ability to shrink to an inch, but walked around the streets normally.

By the way, he acted as a tour guide, introducing various things that Barbara and Noelle saw on the street.

After about half an hour, Li Qiuzhi and the others finally arrived at Liuli Pavilion. It was just lunch time.

The private rooms were all booked, so a few people had no choice but to sit down at the open table in the lobby on the first floor.

Although Li Qiuzhi really wanted to be polite to Zhongli, he ordered all Liuliting's signature dishes, causing him to bleed profusely.

But considering that he couldn't eat so much, and this guy still asked the waiter to put the bill on the Shengshengtang, which was Walnut's property.

He still felt a little sorry for her Maura, so he simply ordered a few popular signature dishes, as well as fruit snacks and other things.

The rest depends on what Barbara and Noelle want to eat, and after ordering a few dishes according to their ideas, it's almost done.

Although Shengshengtang is not short of money, it must have an attitude of thinking about Hu Tao.

While waiting for the food to be served, Zhongli quietly set up a sound barrier to prevent the sound from being heard by people at the next table. Then he looked at Li Qiuzhi and said:

"I just heard that you have the magical power of 'command spells'. I want to ask you for a favor."

Seeing Zhongli starting to talk about business, Li Qiuzhi also became serious and nodded:

"No problem, as long as I can help, I won't shirk it."

"Well." Zhongli picked up the tea prepared by the waiter, took a sip and explained, "I have an old friend who became extremely manic due to 'wear and tear'.

"The seal I left may not last long. I hope you can set a 'Command Spell' for him to restrain his manic behavior.

"I don't want my old friend to accidentally break through the seal and commit more crimes."

After hearing Zhongli's explanation, Li Qiuzhi, who knew the plot, basically guessed who the old friend he was talking about was.

If nothing else, it should be Dragon King Ruotuo.

In the plot, he was indeed sealed under the "Fulong Tree" by Zhongli, but maybe because the seal was in disrepair, he almost escaped.

Then naturally it was the travelers who solved the problem, and of course Zhongli was the one who mainly contributed.

After all, the strength of Dragon King Ruotuo, according to Zhongli in the plot, is about the same as Zhongli.

Of course, this should be what Zhongli said because of his modesty. After all, if Ruotuo was stronger than Zhongli, he wouldn't have been sealed by him for so many years.

However, for Zhongli to say this, it seems that even if he is weak, he will not be too weak. He should be at the level of the top demon god.

If Li Qiuzhi had to deal with him, he would probably only be slapped away with a palm!

He thought for a while and said to Zhongli:

"Of course I can help you with this favor, but since you said that person is your old friend, he must be very capable. You will have to be in front when the time comes.

"Otherwise I won't be able to defeat him, let alone set a 'command spell' or something like that."

After saying that, he spread his hands and said that Zhongli had to be very strong, otherwise he would not be able to knock out Ruotuo Dragon King alone.

To set the "Command Spell", you have to defeat the opponent yourself, which means you have to let Zhongli beat Ruo Tuo until he is almost fainted.

It was up to him to make the final blow in order to achieve the conditions perfectly, and for a being that was so much stronger than him.

Li Qiuzhi didn't know whether he would definitely succeed.

"Haha, of course there is no problem with this matter. I will let a few other friends come with me then."

Zhongli could naturally sense that Li Qiuzhi was very powerful, but he had not grown up enough to deal with his old friend.

Therefore, he was naturally prepared to take action himself, taking Liu Yun and Jiang Mo with him.

After all, it is not difficult to strengthen the seal to prevent Ruo Tuo from coming out, but it is also a bit difficult for him to knock Ruo Tuo out alone.

In order to prevent too much noise, it will be much easier to ask the immortals to come over for assistance.

If the power of the "Command Spell" that Li Qiuzhi said before is really reliable, then there is no need to worry about Ruotuo breaking through the seal and posing a threat to Teyvat.

"Yeah, that's no problem. When are we going?"

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

As one of the elemental dragon kings, Ruotuo Dragon King has a strength close to that of Zhongli, the top demon god. He is also looking forward to how many experience points defeating him personally can give him.

Those who have declined to the point of falling out of the Demon God Realm, such as Osel and the Black Serpent, have 120,000 to 30,000 experience points.

The top demon gods who are countless times more powerful than them and can easily crush them, wouldn't it be possible to directly upgrade their level after defeating them?

Li Qiuzhi guessed with great anticipation.

"This matter should not be delayed. I will discuss it with Liuyun and the others later and set off in the afternoon."

In addition to being powerful, Zhongli is also a very steady person. In order to prevent accidents, he is ready to implement the plan immediately.

Li Qiuzhi would naturally have no objection to this. Anyway, Prince Yan personally led the team to download the dungeon, which gave him a sense of security and there was no need to worry about the possibility of failure.

Barbara and Noelle probably understood what Li Qiuzhi and the others were saying.

It is Mr. Zhongli, the guest at the Hall of Rebirth, who has a friend who is as powerful as the devil and needs the help of Mr. Honorary Knight to seal it.

Hmm, something seems strange somewhere.

Change first and then change.

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