
After leaving the headquarters of the Knights of the West Wind, Li Qiuzhi and others walked on the road to the "Angel's Gift" tavern.

Taking advantage of this time, he briefly checked the changes in the fairyland brought about by collecting the "Blood Jade Branch" at the bottom of the Fulong Tree.

First of all, the wonderland space has increased by ten square meters, now totaling about 430 square meters.

It seems that the "Blood Jade Branch" is much rarer than ordinary golden quality items. After all, it is something dropped from the Dragon King.

In addition to the fairyland space becoming a little larger, it also gained a space characteristic:

[Successfully collect the rare treasure "Blood Jade Branch" and obtain the space characteristic·Dragon Blood: In the "Golden Treasure House" space, a "Dragon Blood Jade" weighing one kilogram will be bred every other month. "It contains a lot of gentle energy and can be used for practice, alchemy, forging, etc." 】

Looking at the introduction of the characteristics, Li Qiuzhi unexpectedly felt that it was pretty good. It could be used for practice and as various materials, and it was considered very comprehensive.

It feels like the "spiritual stone" in a fairy tale.

He didn't know how effective it would be for him. Li Qiuzhi thought to himself, and decided to give it a try after returning to the fairyland space later.

If it works, it might save a lot of experience points!

After the inspection, he ignored the characteristics of this space for the time being and continued walking on the road with the two girls.

Not long after, Li Qiuzhi and the others arrived at the tavern. Although the tavern was open at this time, there were relatively few customers.

After all, it's still working time.

However, they saw Wendy, who seemed completely drunk, sitting on a high chair at the front of the pub, and Diluc, who was calmly wiping glasses at the counter.

"Hi, Mr. Diluc!" Li Qiuzhi greeted with a smile.

"It's you. It's been a long time."

Diluc nodded in response, and then looked at Wendy who was lying on the table with her eyes closed but still pouring wine into her mouth as if she had thought of something:

"Are you here to find this guy?"

"That's right."

Li Qiuzhi wasn't surprised that Diluc guessed his purpose. After all, he didn't drink often, let alone bring two girls over to drink.

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess the purpose of looking for someone.

"It just so happens that the advance payment from Maura just now is not enough to pay for the wine. I said I can contact you if it is not enough."

Diluc continued to wipe the cup while speaking.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

As if he guessed what Diluc wanted to say, Li Qiuzhi quickly stopped him.

Damn Barbatos, the bag he gave contained three hundred ten thousand molas, a total of three million molas!

Bastard, what kind of exorbitantly priced wine did you drink, and you spent it all in one fell swoop, and even told Diluc that you could ask him for it!

The uncle can tolerate it, but the aunt cannot tolerate it. At worst, three million dollars will be wasted, and I will never tolerate him!

Li Qiuzhi said without hesitation:

"I made a mistake just now. We just happened to pass by the tavern and came to chat with Diluc. We don't know the bard at all."

After speaking, he shook his head and spread his hands.

"I see, are you just catching up on old times?" Diluc nodded slightly and continued, "Okay, then I'll buy you a drink."

Diluc also knew what kind of virtue Wendy was, so he just talked about it and would not really ask Li Qiuzhi for drink money.

Anyway, it was okay to let Wendy sing and pay for the drinks by herself in the tavern. This was why he allowed Wendy to drink as much as she wanted without worrying that he couldn't pay for the drinks.

"No, no need, it's better to leave early to avoid being pestered by this guy when he wakes up."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and quickly took Noelle and Barbara to say goodbye to Diluc and leave the "Angel's Gift" pub.

Sensing that Li Qiuzhi was really leaving.

Wendy, who was lying on the table pretending to be drunk, immediately jumped up and grabbed Li Qiuzhi with a swoop, pretending to be pitiful and said:

"Two million, just two million Mora, I'll tell you the locations of some hidden secrets, please!"

The locations of several secret realms seemed pretty good. Li Qiuzhi had already guessed that this guy was not drunk. After all, he was a god.

A total of five million moras, it is quite worth it in exchange for news about a few secret realms.

So he was not polite to Wendy, smiled and said: "Okay, this is what you said."

When Wendy saw that Li Qiuzhi agreed so readily, she felt inexplicably that he was at a loss, but he didn't want to go back on his word even after he said it.

After all, the gods still need to save their face.

"Don't be reluctant, an ordinary treasure chest only has about 10,000 molas except for the holy relics, weapons and so on. Even if it is all added up, it will be worth 50,000 to 60,000 molas.

"And how many treasure chests can there be in a secret realm? If I'm not lucky, I might not even be able to get back the five million cost.

"In the end, it's you who make the money. You only get money and don't have to go on adventures."

Li Qiuzhi looked at Wendy speechlessly.


Wendy thought about it for a while, and it seemed like this, and then pretended to be cute and tried to get through.


Li Qiuzhi didn't know what to say.

He had no choice but to quickly pay for Wendy's drink, and while there were no guests, he asked him to mark the location of the ruins on the Mondstadt map.

Maybe it's because there were fewer demon gods in Mondstadt who caused trouble during the Demon God War than in Liyue, and there were slightly fewer ruins that sealed the relevant demon gods.

Wendy only marked a few places in the middle of Fenglong Ruins, Mingguan Gorge and Fruit Wine Lake in detail for him.

After Li Qiuzhi got the map, he sent Barbara and Noelle back first. It was getting late now and we would talk about exploring the secret realm tomorrow.

The next week.

Li Qiuzhi continued to explore the secret place with Barbara and Noelle.

While controlling the "Sword God of Ying" to clean up monsters in the "Deep Spiral", and using the "All Things in the Star Sea" to temporarily collect valuable things such as treasure chests and treasures.

These things are quite common in the "Deep Spiral", and the further down you go, the more you find.

Because the higher the level, the fewer people can reach there and explore, and naturally more treasures have not been taken away.

As for the secret realm, Li Qiuzhi first explored the secret realm Heulia told him with Barbara and Noelle.

Then there was the secret place that Wendy told him.

Among them, not every secret place Heulia told him was rewarding, because as she said.

She was hiding everywhere with her subjects, and her subjects also knew the secrets she knew.

Therefore, those secret realms that are not too dangerous have been explored by her subjects one after another for thousands of years.

In the end, of course, what could be taken was taken away, leaving only empty secret realms. Of course, some of these secret realms contained powerful monsters sealed away.

The people of Salt did not dare to touch it, but Li Qiuzhi would not let it go.

According to the procedure, release them first and give them a beating, set the "Command Spell" and then seal them back. This way you can gain experience points and prevent them from harming humans in the future.

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