I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 509 Security Hazards (2-in-1)

Liyue, return to Liyuan.

This is a plain, and there are many ancient ruins nearby, so there are also many similar monsters.

They are also a safety hazard on hardened roads

But it is like this in the wild. When the road is built, there will be Qianyan Army guarding it and a lot of holders of the Eye of the Rock Elemental God.

Ordinary monsters don't dare to come close. If they do come close, they will only be beaten violently.

Therefore, monsters are not a particularly big safety hazard in this area, but the nearby ancient ruins are in disrepair and prone to collapse.

"Stop holding my hand, I want to go to the ruins ahead to observe!"

Ke Qing wanted to pull her hand back with disgust on her face. This hateful guy just wanted to hold her hand by force.

He also said that he couldn't feel the soft touch of her skin through the fabric, so he took off her gloves very rudely, and then held her hand tightly the whole way. Oh, I'm so embarrassed!

There is a ruins on the left side of the road ahead. Looking at the top of the ruins, it is slightly tilted, and it is not ruled out that it may collapse.

I just used this as an excuse to pull back my sore hands and loosen them up.

After holding Li Qiuzhi's hand for so long, her initial novelty and shyness had calmed down.

"Up there?" Li Qiuzhi scratched the back of the girl's white hand with his fingers, and without giving Ke Qingsong a chance to let go, he smiled and said, "I'll take you there."

"Do you really like holding girls' hands so much?"

The plan failed, and Keqing was helpless. Her cheeks turned red and she let out a dissatisfied "hum". I really don't understand why Li Qiuzhi is so enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

The white lace of the skirt caressed Li Qiuzhi's side in the wind, and he replied thoughtfully:

"Long-term contact will allow your body to get used to me. Once you get used to it, you won't reject my more intimate behavior.

"I think it's a good way to bond."

"What more intimate behavior, you lecherous person!" Ke Qing, whose purple twin tails were fluttering in the wind, pinched him in embarrassment.


Li Qiuzhi admitted that he was indeed such a person. He took Keqing's hand and gently pulled it towards him.

Her whole body rushed towards her, and while he hugged her, the two of them disappeared.

Under the blue sky, the bright sunshine fell on the ruins on the low slope, and two figures, a man and a woman, appeared on the top of the ruins.


Keqing didn't expect that Li Qiuzhi would suddenly hug her. She pushed Li Qiuzhi away and hugged her chest with both hands. In order to hide her shyness, she hurried to the side to check the situation here.

[Keqing has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (360/900)]

Seeing Ke Qing working hard, Li Qiuzhi didn't want to disturb her, so he had to continue to use his mental energy to see if there were any safety hazards nearby.

Under the perception of his spiritual power, everything in the sky and on the earth is invisible.

Li Qiuzhi soon finished exploring the ruins and found no safety hazards, but he discovered something slightly different in the distance.

Li Qiuzhi raised his head and looked into the distance. There was a ruins near the main road. There was only a group of weak Qiuqiu people occupying the ruins, so there was no problem.

But in his mental perception, in addition to the ruins on the surface, there is a large space underground, even spreading to the road.

After so many years, I still don’t know what the load-bearing capacity of the underground space there is. I am afraid that when heavy transport vehicles pass by here in the future, the road will collapse and it will be troublesome.

"The protruding area here is at risk of breaking. I feel like it still needs to be dealt with."

Keqing, whose legs were wrapped in smooth black silk, stood on the edge of the ruins and looked down, and found that the road was directly below.

If it breaks, it can easily endanger people passing by.

"Oh? What do you want to do?" Li Qiuzhi asked.

After all, it is an ancient relic and has considerable archaeological value. It seems a pity to destroy it like this.

Yu Hengxing, who was in charge of general affairs, naturally thought of these details. She held her fair chin and thought for a moment:

"Record it first. When the rock element hardened road is paved near here, I will ask everyone to build a few rock pillars below."

The cost of things that can be created with rock elements is not very high.

Based on his own experience and experience, Li Qiuzhi judged that there should be no problem with such a reinforcement project.

Of course, even on a flat ground, there are always accidents, and you still have to be careful if you want to stay away from danger.

He looked at the ruins in the distance and said:

"I found that there is underground space there, and the scope of the space is relatively large. Maybe we have to go around this area when building roads."

"There used to be a lot of treasures there, and many adventurers have explored there. But now it's a lot deserted. No one will go there except monsters who want shelter from the wind and rain."

Keqing also knew that there was an underground space in the ruins in front, but it was not clear how big that underground space was.

If there is a hollow underneath the road, you really have to go around it.

"Let's go over and mark the scope of the underground space of the ruins so that the construction team can avoid it in advance."

Keqing unfolded the purple wind wings that matched the color of her hair and clothes, and prepared to fly directly from here.

"What kind of wind wings am I using? Just let me take you there."

Li Qiuzhi took Keqing's gloved hand and held her in his arms. He didn't care if the purple wind wings slightly touched his face.

"You guys always want to take advantage of me whenever you get the chance!" Keqing helplessly raised her forehead and had to put away the wings of the wind. She was already used to Li Qiuzhi's hands and feet.

Fortunately, there was no one else nearby. If anyone had seen it, Li Qiuzhi would have dared to do such a disrespectful and shameless behavior that would hinder the dignity of Yuheng Xing.

She had to arrest him in public!

Li Qiuzhi didn't know that Ke Qing was already thinking of catching him. He put his arms around her waist and felt the delicious fragrance of her body with his nose close to the purple hair beside her ears.

Quietly, the two disappeared again.

When they appeared again, they were already in the ruins in front of them, and the human aura disturbed the monsters who were resting here.


Familiar monster voices sounded, and monsters emerged from the ruins on the side one by one.

One of the small Qiuqiu people holding a wooden stick walked out of the cracked wall and found that someone dared to invade their territory!

It took off and jumped into the air. It didn't notice the disparity between its strength and the enemy's strength, so it knocked it down with a wooden stick.

Seeing this, Li Qiuzhi raised his eyebrows, and the wind elements around him surged, preparing to blow all these monsters into ashes!

At this moment, blue silk threads suddenly appeared from the void, directly tying up the rest of the Qiuqiu people in mid-air with a "whoosh" sound.

Before those Qiuqiu people could react, they were all tied together.


Li Qiuzhi and Ke Qing were stunned for a moment, then looked towards the low wall on the left as if they sensed something.

A familiar figure slowly appeared from the void.

She has short, slanted blue-black hair that reaches her neck, a fair and pretty face, and is wearing a sleeveless tights with half-exposure to her chest.

The snow-white shoulders and back were also revealed, and the person coming was naturally Ye Lan.

She pulled the aqua blue silk thread with her fingers, and looked at Ke Qing who was hugged by Li Qiuzhi with the corners of her mouth raised slightly:

"Haha, it's really rare. The highly respected Lord Yu Hengxing actually snuggles into a man's arms like a little girl."


Ke Qing was instinctively shocked when someone discovered what had happened, but she couldn't show her cowardice now that she was being seen.

Otherwise, it would be easy for others to take advantage of her. She pretended to be calm to hide her embarrassing emotions:

"Ahem, why are you here?"

While speaking, Keqing pinched the back of Li Qiuzhi's hand with her fingers, signaling him to let go quickly.

Seeing that Keqing was not as careless as she thought, Yelan was a little surprised, but she didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, she was not here specifically to tease:

"Someone found a big fish in the river in front. To avoid harm, people came to take a look."

After saying that, she glanced at the seven or eight Qiuqiu people who were tied up, and added: "I was looking for some 'bait' to lure the big fish out, and I happened to meet you."

The white sleeved Xiapei draped over the snow-white shoulders swayed left and right in the breeze, and the cuffs caressed Ye Lan's hips.

"Uh, what kind of big fish needs monsters as bait?" Li Qiuzhi let go of Keqing knowingly, without making it difficult for her, and asked Ye Lan.

There was a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi let go of her and did not continue to hug her to make herself embarrassed in front of Ye Lan, Ke Qing breathed a subtle sigh of relief.

Even though she is a Yuheng star and has a lot of power, she still has the shyness that a girl should have, let alone being seen by acquaintances.

[Keqing has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (680/900)]

"Based on the descriptions of the people who witnessed it, it is initially judged that the Red Devil became gigantic for some reason. If you are curious, you can come and have a look with me.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen the Red Devil that witnesses said was at least three meters tall."

Ye Lan jumped down from the low wall, swung her straight and slender legs back and forth, and walked up to the two of them with her heels leaving marks on the ground.

"I happened to be on the way. Let's mark the underground space here and follow it to have a look."

Based on his own knowledge and experience, Li Qiuzhi smelled a hint of experience points to brush up on.

Since he was promoted to level 100 that day, he subsequently used the "Sword God of Ying" to clear the last two levels of the "Deep Realm Spiral".

After gaining more than one million experience points, he couldn't find any other good place to earn experience points.

[Experience point: 1075261]

I don’t know if the gigantic red devil that Ye Lan mentioned is strong or not, since he just happened to be given some experience points along the way, it’s easy to miss it.

Otherwise, it would cost 10 million experience points to upgrade the level, and I don’t know when I would get enough.

Although he didn't find a good place to gain experience points during this period, Li Qiuzhi found that the "Dragon Blood" spatial feature he obtained from collecting the "Blood Jade Branch" last time seemed to be quite useful.

The "Dragon Blood Jade" bred by it can be used to absorb the energy in it for cultivation. Li Qiuzhi tried it and the effect was very good.

A "Dragon Blood Jade" was as big as a eating bowl, and he absorbed all the energy in it in less than ten minutes.

[Level: Lv100 (100000/10000000)]

The effect is equivalent to 100,000 experience points, which feels very good, but it is a pity that it only takes a month to breed one.

"Yeah." Keqing, who was holding her arms, had no objection.

"Speaking of which, I remember that you have a lot of friendships with many girls. Is it a so-called tryst with Keqing today, so that your other lovers won't find out?"

Ye Lan said without hesitation.

Like normal people, she doesn't like flirty men very much, but surprisingly she doesn't dislike Li Qiuzhi, a friend who has helped both Liyue and herself.

Maybe it's because even though he's a bit carefree, he is indeed a person of good character.

But this didn't stop her from mentioning it as a reminder to Ke Qing. After all, she knew that the majestic Yu Hengxing didn't have much experience in love.

As a colleague and friend, she naturally had to remind her, lest she be deceived by Li Qiuzhi, a playboy.

"Haha, we have a mission today, not a date."

Li Qiuzhi didn't hide it. Anyway, Ke Qing didn't know about his close friendship with other girls.

Last time she caught him with Ning Guang, Hu Tao and the others in Qun Yu Pavilion, Ye Lan, who has a strong intelligence ability, might also be aware of this.

Seeing that Keqing's expression did not change, Ye Lan probably knew that she also knew something about Li Qiuzhi's situation.

Since she doesn't care about her lover maintaining a relationship with other girls, Ye Lan naturally doesn't care either.

Tsk, Ning Guang and Ke Qing, the two Seven Stars in charge of the economy and land, have been taken down. This guy is the most powerful person in Liyue!

[Yelan has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (200/600)]

Ye Lan glanced at Li Qiuzhi with slight admiration. He had two of the most powerful lovers, but he didn't use them to do anything for him.

She still has a good impression of Li Qiuzhi.

After thinking about it, she didn't dwell on it, so she casually asked what mission they were here for.

Li Qiuzhi and Ke Qing did not hide anything, and talked about their plans to build a highway connecting the three countries in the near future.

They are here to do the final troubleshooting work.

"It's a good plan, then I'll wait for you here." Yelan naturally knew about Liyue's recent movements.

According to Ningguang, bicycles, elemental steam engines, and automobiles were all brought by Li Qiuzhi and Ying, and he didn't know how far their world had developed.

There were so many new things that surprised her too.


Li Qiuzhi nodded and used his mental power and Ke Qing to quickly confirm the specific size of the underground space in this ruins.

Marks were then made on the ground.

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