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Chapter 534: Demon Suppression (Two in One)

Inazuma, Narukami Taisha Shrine. ใ€๐Ÿ††๐Ÿ††๐Ÿ††.๐Ÿ†‚๐Ÿ†ƒ๐Ÿ…พ5โƒฃ2โƒฃ0โƒฃ.๐Ÿ…ฒ๐Ÿ…พ๐Ÿ…ผใ€‘

When the miko finished her report and left, Li Qiuzhi was still squeezing Yae Shenzi's calf, and Yae Shenzi grabbed his ears in embarrassment:

"Oh, you dare to bully me. You are so courageous. How should I punish you?"

"It's just a joke, Mr. Palace Secretary, you have a lot of..."

Li Qiuzhi held her hand and tried to deal with it.

"Hmph!" Yae Shenzi let go of Li Qiuzhi's ears, but she didn't really care about him. She parted her soft lips and said, "The flowers are scattered by the sacred cherry tree. You can go there by yourself."

She knew that Li Qiuzhi came here today to ask for payment from Hua Sanli.

Li Qiuzhi still held Yae Shenzi's hand and did not let go. He kneaded it gently and said:

"In addition to asking her for some valuable knowledge about the former Palace Administrator of Narukami Taisha Shrine, Kozaimiya, I actually have one more thing to do."

He told the story that his fairyland space could resurrect Foxai Palace through the remaining spiritual consciousness, mainly because he wanted to see if Yae Shenzi had any relevant clues.


The Eightfold Divine Son looked surprised. He didn't expect Li Qiuzhi to have such an outrageous ability!

She has great respect for Master Hu Zhai Palace. If there is a chance to resurrect her, there is no reason not to try.

"Ms. Kitsune is the former chief minister of the shrine. While she has been protecting humans, she has also worked hard to maintain the peaceful coexistence of humans and monsters.

"Many monsters also agree with the concept of peaceful coexistence. After all, there is no essential conflict between humans and monsters. The power of monsters is harmful to humans, so humans will not trouble monsters when they have nothing to do.

"However, after all these years, there are still many monsters that are hostile to humans.

"Some of them are arrogant and think that humans are just inferior creatures and should be slaves for them to do as they please.

"Some people think that human beings are just food and no different from other beasts, so they don't take the idea of โ€‹โ€‹Mr. Fox Zaigong at all.

"For such monsters that threaten the peaceful coexistence of humans and monsters, Lord Foxai Palace will naturally not show mercy. If he commits a major crime, he will naturally have no choice but to execute him.

"If the fault is not serious and there are no monsters that hurt people's lives, Master Huzhai Palace will not give them a chance to repent.

"Her usual approach is no different from that of today's illegal and criminal humans, which is to be locked up in prison for education, but monsters are generally stronger, and the prisons where they are imprisoned are not ordinary prisons."

Li Qiuzhi listened to Yae Shenzi's words and understood what she meant:

"You are saying that the prison where the monsters are imprisoned may have a powerful seal that can restrain the monsters, and there may even be a part of the spiritual consciousness left by Hu Zhai Palace to personally guard it?"

This kind of thing is relatively common. It seems that after all, it is because the ancient evil objects are sealed in the Sea of โ€‹โ€‹Clouds Secret Realm. In order to prevent accidents, the divine consciousness is left to personally maintain the operation of the sealing formation.

Generally speaking, after the death of the body, the spiritual consciousness cannot be nourished and will slowly dissipate as time goes by.

But the stronger the strength, the slower the spiritual consciousness dissipates. Demon gods like Heulia still have slight residues after thousands of years.

If Foxsai Palace really has left a spiritual consciousness in the "prison" where monsters are imprisoned.

With her powerful strength as a descendant of the Thunder God, although she may not be as good as the Demon God, she should not disappear completely in just a few hundred years, so it is possible to resurrect her!

Li Qiuzhi showed a look of joy.

"You guessed it right. The prison where the monsters are imprisoned is indeed guarded by the spiritual consciousness left by Master Huzhai Palace and maintains the normal operation of the formation.

"It's a pity that she went on a long trip and never came back. She had no choice but to take over a lot of troubles in Narukami Taisha Shrine.

"But the prison where the monsters are imprisoned has not been handed over to me yet. I only know that its location is in the guarding forest. But the forest is so big and it is covered by Master Foxai Palace's magic. It is not so easy to find it."

The Eightfold Divine Son agreed with Li Qiuzhi's words, shook his head and added an explanation.

While shaking her head, her fluffy pink fox ears also swayed slightly, making people want to touch them.

"That's why I went to Hua Sanli to ask. She has the memory of Huzhai Palace, so she should know about it." Li Qiuzhi only used his left hand to pinch Shenzi's hands, and then suddenly stood up and tried to touch them with his right hand. Touch her fox ears.

"Hmph, after staring at people's ears for so long, I have already seen through your little thoughts!"

Yae Shenzi also quickly stood up, allowing Li Qiuzhi to jump into the air. His hand just passed by the side of Shenzi's face, and his face hit the shoulderless sleeveless miko uniform.

A blush flashed across her face, then she pushed Li Qiuzhi away and said with a slight smile:

"Haha, didn't you say you were going to Hua Sanli to ask about Mr. Huzhai Palace? If you want to touch my ears, if you successfully rescue Mr. Huzhai Palace, I can touch it for you!"

"Very good, this is what you said!"

Li Qiuzhi, who was a little regretful at first, immediately cheered up and prepared to go to the sacred cherry tree to find Hua Sanli, with Yae Shenzi following behind.

There was a witch cleaning the ground outside the shrine. Li Qiuzhi entered the invisibility state so that she could not see her. He did not release the invisibility until he reached the sacred cherry tree.

"You guy, you really did it on purpose just now!"

Yae Shenzi looked at Li Qiuzhi dissatisfied. She was talking about Li Qiuzhi hiding under her skirt.

"Unexpected, unexpected, I just didn't think that I would be invisible for a moment." Li Qiuzhi quibbled, changed the subject and said:

"Okay, we've already seen the flowers scattered under the sacred cherry tree. Let's go there quickly."

"For the sake of Lord Foxsai Palace, I will forgive you this time." A faint smile appeared on Yae Shenzi's fair face.

Soon the two came to Hua Sanli. Hua Sanli, who was still wearing a white fox mask and looked up slightly at the sacred cherry tree, turned around and looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others:

"It will take some time to write down Lord Foxai Palace's magic, but I can't hand it over to you so soon."

She thought Li Qiuzhi came to her to ask for reward.

"It's okay, Miss Hua Sanli, we came here to ask you something else."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and explained what they wanted to know about the location of the "prison" used to imprison monsters in Huzhai Palace.

"Is this the place where Master Huzhai Palace keeps monsters?" Hua Sanli nodded lightly. She did have relevant memories:

โ€œThat place is a secret realm created by Lord Foxai Palace and an onmyoji named Yuigami Harunosuke, and itโ€™s in the guarding forest.

"It just so happens that Mr. Foxsai Palace has a friend named Wubaizo who is also sealed in the guarding forest. Please let me take you there."

In order to prevent Wubai Zang from dying in the Kanriya disaster, Master Huzhai Palace designed to seal him for so long, and it was time to let him out.

I donโ€™t know if he will resent Master Hu Zhai Palace.

"Senior Gobaizang? I asked him why he has been missing for so long. I thought he died in that disaster but was he sealed?"

Yae Shenzi was slightly surprised.

The big monsters in the Inazuma monster world were also affected in the Kanria War. In order to protect their own tribe, they had to take action. Now the monster world has declined a lot.

Fortunately, the efforts of the monsters were not in vain, and they succeeded in continuing the legacy of the monsters.

"Well, I will tell you the specific reason on the road." Hua Sanli said that he would explain the situation on the road.

Although Li Qiuzhi knew something about this through the game plot, he was also a little interested in hearing what Hua Sanli said about the specific situation.

The same is naturally true for Yae Shenzi.

After a while, under the teleportation technique of Yae Shenzi, several people quickly arrived at the guarding forest. On the way to the stone statue of Wubaizo, Hua Sanli told them the story of that time.

Li Qiuzhi felt that it was indeed similar to what was said in the game. Soon after she finished telling the story and continued walking for a while, they arrived near the stone statue of Wubaizang.

From a distance, I saw a few demon raccoons playing nearby. When I realized someone was coming, I ran away and ran to a corner where I thought I hadn't been discovered. Then, with a bang, they turned into withered trees and stones. Hidden like that.

"The demon raccoons are naturally playful and like to play pranks. If we can find them, we might be able to make friends with them."

Hua Sanli also saw the movements of the little demon raccoons, so he explained casually.

"I see, they look like cute little guys. Let me go and play with them." Li Qiuzhi felt that he could not let down the little demon raccoons who wanted to play with them, so he smiled and prepared to go find them.

In fact, his mental power has already locked their positions.

Although he said he was looking for them, he actually had to deliberately avoid them, pretend to be distressed, and finally find them reluctantly, so as not to hurt the little demon raccoons' self-esteem.

Li Qiuzhi's plan was successful. He deliberately took some time to find the little demon raccoons, and they looked quite excited after being found.

Then he gave Li Qiuzhi a few rough stones as a reward for finding them. Li Qiuzhi was also overjoyed. He did not expect such a harvest.

Following a few little demon raccoons back to the Wubaizang stone statue, I found that Huasanli was already chatting with Wubaizang about something.

Yae Shenzi showed a helpless expression on the side.

Li Qiuzhi walked over and listened curiously for a while, and found that Wubaizang was constantly complaining. After all, after being sealed for so long, there must be some complaints.

But from what he meant, he didn't seem to resent Huzhai Palace. He also knew that Huzhai Palace sealed him to prevent him from impulsively losing his life.

But he knew that there would be no shortage of complaints. He said he was complaining about Huzhai Palace, but in fact he was complaining that he was not strong enough to help his friends.

Seeing Wubaizang still complaining for a long time, Li Qiuzhi and Yae Shenzi had no choice but to go to the "prison" where monsters were imprisoned in Huzhai Palace.

When they came here just now, they had already learned the specific location from Hua Sanli.

He walked deeper into the forest in the direction she said, and it wasn't long before he almost reached his location.

Li Qiuzhi activated the favorability skill given by Fischer, the "Great Illusion Dream, Senluo, Vientiane, Madness, and Sin-Severing Eyes"!

His pupils slowly turned golden, and the slightly gloomy forest filled with white mist suddenly became brighter!

The fog slowly dissipated, and a gate made of stones appeared in front of Li Qiuzhi, with "Secret Realm of Demon Suppression" written in Teyvat's universal script!

Li Qiuzhi's golden sin-judging eye has the characteristic of ignoring illusions within the power range of his and Fischer's combined levels. This secret realm appeared precisely because he saw through illusions.

This illusion is so clever that even the Eightfold Divine Son cannot detect it. Unsurprisingly, it must be the handiwork of Foxai Palace. It is obviously to prevent anyone from entering by mistake.

"Haha, I don't know what will happen in this 'Secret Realm of Demon Suppression' after so many years. I hope those monsters don't escape."

Yae Shenzi said from the side.

In the past, she might not have been able to see through the illusions of Huzhai Palace, but with the spiritual entry of "Baichen Fairy Fox" given by Li Qiuzhi, her demonic power was greatly improved, and these illusions could no longer affect her.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

Those monsters sealed here should not be affected by the disaster of Kanria, but after so many years, they may become very irritable.

Therefore, for safety reasons, Li Qiuzhi summoned the "Sword God of Ying" first and asked her to open the door to the secret realm.

However, when he just touched the door, a white formation suddenly appeared and stopped the "Sword God of Ying" from moving.

It is naturally easy to destroy it, but Li Qiuzhi decided to be more civilized and let the Eightfold God Son break the seal, mainly because forcibly destroying it would cause problems inside.

You still need to pay a little attention to this, and Yae Shenzi also got the method to open the seal from Hana Sanri, so it is not impossible to open the seal.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Yae Shenzi next to him and signaled that it was time for her to take action.

Yae Shenzi folded her arms and nodded gently. She walked to the gate of the Demon Suppression Secret Realm, and followed the method mentioned in Hua Sanli to input demon power into the seal.

Perhaps because he recognized that the method of inputting the demon raccoon was correct, the white formation quickly dimmed.

"Okay, the door's seal is already closed."

Yae Shenzi received the feedback information from the seal through the demon power.


Li Qiuzhi expressed his understanding, and then asked the "Sword God of Ying" to open the door of the secret realm in front of him again.

With the sharp sound of the stone door rubbing against the ground, a crack was opened first. Through this crack, Li Qiuzhi and the others saw a stone passage inside, which was very dark and without a trace of light.

Although the "prison" does not need to be in very good conditions, it is not without a single light. It is obvious that some of the infrastructure has been broken after such a long time and without maintenance.

Li Qiuzhi let the "Sword God of Ying" fly in, and after some distance, he and Yae Shenzi followed behind and walked in slowly.

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