I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 541 Void Internet (two-in-one)

[Test terminal number 001, welcome to log in to the Void Internet Network. 】

As Li Qiuzhi put the Void Terminal on his ears, a line of fonts naturally appeared in front of his eyes.

When the font disappeared, a translucent virtual interface with rounded corners and a blurred effect appeared in front of him.

Written above is the instruction manual for the Void Terminal.

The first is a detailed introduction to the void terminal, and then there are the operating steps for various functions. These functions are somewhat similar to mobile phone software on earth.

An icon is displayed on the interface, and you can operate it by clicking on it.

This method has been tested for a long time and is relatively easy to use and convenient, and each software has operation instructions.

Basically, people with normal understanding ability can learn to use the functions of the software in a short time.

Li Qiuzhi dragged the rounded virtual interface to make it larger, roughly the size of a tablet computer on Earth.

As he dragged, the software icons on the virtual interface were automatically rearranged into a line.

Looking from left to right, they are:

Immersion mode, photo camera, map navigation, knowledge store, void bank, void forum.

The first function is to put the Void Terminal into the immersive mode. At this time, the Void Terminal will not display the virtual interface, or it will only display some auxiliary virtual interfaces that do not affect the vision.

For example, when using it, various functions can be activated just by thinking.

This immersion mode is naturally more convenient, but because there is no virtual interface to display more conveniently, it is a bit difficult to get started and is not very friendly to novices.

This function is generally enabled only after you become proficient in operating the Void Terminal.

The second video camera integrates various functions such as taking photos, audio and video recordings, photo albums, video playback, projection, and object identification. It is very comprehensive.

Li Qiuzhi clicked on the photo camera software and looked at it, and found that its viewfinder frame was his own field of view, and the captured photos were the same as what he saw.

And the clarity of the photo is almost the same as what you see with the naked eye, maybe even higher, but the naked eye can no longer distinguish it.

But it’s right to think about it. On the surface, the functions of the void terminal look similar to those of mobile phones, but the implementation principles are completely different.

Without a mobile phone camera, it is normal to have hardware limitations such as photosensitive components.

Li Qiuzhi couldn't find any shortcomings in the function of this video camera. He clicked on the third map navigation. The software on this void terminal was as easy to understand as its name.

It is a map that can display the area covered by the "Void" system and provide accurate navigation services. It must be said that extraordinary things are powerful.

Starting from the first navigation satellite, it took more than twenty years to develop a complete navigation system.

Xumi doesn't even have satellites, but it has already implemented a map navigation service that is more accurate than satellite navigation. This is only possible with miraculous extraordinary power.

The later knowledge store is able to upload knowledge to the "Void" system or download knowledge from the "Void" system. This is a function that existed before.

But I often think about it, and this function has changed slightly.

The function of downloading knowledge cannot be used casually. It must be purchased through Mora, and the knowledge that can be downloaded is all knowledge that has been evaluated and will not cause social harm.

If you want to obtain such related knowledge, you need to apply. It can only be used for scientific research and is also subject to the supervision of the "void" system.

Correspondingly, by uploading valuable knowledge, you can also obtain Mora income according to the sales of knowledge, which can be regarded as giving the majority of Sumeru scholars a direct channel to obtain Mora!

This can greatly inspire scholars to research new knowledge in various unknown fields.

The next Void Bank is the online version of Xumi Bank, which can display your deposits in the bank in real time and make online payments through the Void Terminal.

Online payment seems troublesome, but for Nasida, the trouble is just waiting for Xumi Bank to upload the customer's deposit information to the "Void" system.

With such a convenient settlement method such as online payment, Xumi's economic efficiency will be greatly improved, and it will be supervised by the "void" system.

It can reduce a lot of corruption problems.

Li Qiuzhi also clicked on the last Void Forum, which was the project that Ying and Naxida had just completed.

A virtual interface that is also very smooth pops up, followed by guidance on various functions.

Li Qiuzhi followed the instructions and fumbled around for a moment, and found that it had all the functions that an online community should have, including name, avatar, adding friends, following, creating groups with multiple people, sending updates to friends, posting posts, posting videos, etc.

There are also official news consultations or announcements, and even live broadcasts are no problem!

It's just that the Void Forum has not started testing yet. There is not a single post on it yet, and it seems to have many functions, but the interface is very neat.

Li Qiuzhi quite liked it.

"How's it going? You should have finished reading it. Do you have any comments on the current functions of the Void Terminal?" Little Nasida put her hands on her hips and raised her head slightly to look at Li Qiuzhi.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and then said:

“The experience you create with these software has surpassed the experience I had with the same type of software on my home planet, Earth.

"Personally, I can't find any shortcomings."

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's answer, Nasida showed a smile on her face. She thought she felt very good about being recognized. She nodded and said:

"Since you think there is no problem, the 'Void Forum' can now start a small-scale internal test. The internal test personnel will be sent by scholars from the Academy of Teaching."

[Nasida has a good impression of you and gains 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (0/800)]

After saying that, Nasida, who was clearly not wearing a void terminal, opened a green virtual interface directly in front of her, quickly selected the internal testers and pushed it immediately.

Li Qiuzhi was very happy when he saw the prompt that popped up on the character panel. He smiled and asked:

“Speaking of which, I have recently had the idea of ​​allowing scholars from other countries to use void terminals to log into the ‘Void Internet Network’ to achieve remote and casual communication.

"In addition to obtaining the hearts of other gods, are there any other ways to make the 'Void' system cover a wider area?"

"Well" Nasida put her finger against her lower lip and thought for a moment, then explained, "The role of the Heart of God in the 'Void' system is to provide huge renewable and sustainable energy.

"Therefore, if you want to expand the coverage of the 'Void' system, you do not necessarily need other God's Hearts. As long as you can find an energy core equivalent to the God's Heart to continuously supply energy, you can try to expand the coverage of the 'Void' system. scope."

Now the "void" system can cover the entire Meru area. This is a point where the energy output and recovery of the Heart of the Grass Elemental God are just balanced.

It’s not that it’s impossible to continue to expand, it’s just that if you continue to expand the energy of the Heart of God, the output will be greater than the recovery.

When the energy of the Heart of God is exhausted, the "Void" system will have to suspend service for a period of time, waiting for the energy of the Heart of God to recover.

"I see."

Li Qiuzhi nodded to express his understanding. He had plenty of energy cores.

A space crack opened next to it, and Li Qiuzhi reached in and took out a bright ball of light from the warehouse in the fairyland space:

"Nacida, can you take a look at this thing? Can you connect it to the 'Void' system to provide energy for it?"

"Hey, isn't this the glowing eye on the forehead of the ruin guard?"

Paimeng, who was floating next to Ying, looked at what Li Qiuzhi took out. With her rich experience, she easily recognized it.

"This does not meet the requirements of renewable and automatic recovery."

Ying hugged her half-exposed snow-white chest, shook her head and said.

"Ying is right. Although the energy cores of the ruins guards can also increase the energy of the 'Void' terminal, the effect is minimal. Even if 10,000 cores are placed, they will be sucked out in an instant, but they cannot be improved at all. The cost is too high. .”

Nasida explained in detail.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi just asked if the core of the ruins guard could be used. After a while, he took out a glass ball similar to the Eye of God:

"What about this? The element memory developed by Lisa can automatically absorb the elemental power between heaven and earth and restore it over time!"

"This is indeed possible, but the same problem is that the energy it can store is too little compared to the Heart of God, and it is not recovered quickly. The amount required to match the Heart of God will be astronomical."

Nacida shook her head.

"Of course I know this, so I want to collect materials to build a very large element storage. This should have some effect, right?"

Li Qiuzhi put forward his own idea.

“Unless you use high-quality golden elemental materials to create an artifact specifically designed to store elemental power, it won’t have much effect.

"Even if such an artifact is created, its performance is still far behind the Heart of God. Don't hold out hope that it can cover Liyue.

"Expanding the size of a town is pretty good."

Nasida is very clear about the energy required by the "void" system, and it is difficult to expand its coverage.

"Well, if we build a few more pieces, although the cost is a bit higher, it's not impossible to continue to generate income after the build is successful."

Li Qiuzhi touched his chin and said.

In any case, it is inevitable to expand the coverage of the "Void" system. The higher cost does not matter, the main reason is that it is difficult to find gold-quality materials.

As for going to steal the Heart of God with the Winter Queen, well, unless he is strong enough to knock her out, and then set a "Command Spell" to make her obey his orders.

Otherwise, even if the strength is equal, he still has scruples, fearing that she will become angry and cause trouble for those around him, or start a war against countries such as Mondstadt and Liyue, which is also very bad.

He wanted to improve Teyvat's technological level, but that was under the premise of peace and stability. After all, he had plenty of time and was not in a hurry, so there was no need to do such dangerous things.

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi seemed a little regretful, Nasida smiled and said:

"I do know something that perfectly fits the 'Void' system. If it exists, it will not be a problem to cover the entire Teyvat with the 'Void' system over time!"

Nasida's speech attracted the attention of Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimon. They looked at her curiously and asked:


"Have you ever heard of Fontaine's Law-for-Hunnergy?" Nasida raised her head slightly and looked at the people taller than her.

"Law pays for chaos?"

Li Qiuzhi and the others were a little confused, obviously they didn't know.

"Fontaine is a very developed country that supports people's daily lives and urban operations with this kind of energy, and the way this energy is generated is very wonderful."

As the god of wisdom, Nacida is very knowledgeable about the affairs of various countries.

"The way it happened is strange?" Paimon spread his hands to express some confusion.

"You should have heard that Fontaine is also called the 'Kingdom of Justice' because people in Fontaine like to watch the trial process, including their water god Fukalos.

“The ‘Law Compensation Hybrid Energy’, an energy system that can support the daily operations of all cities in Fontaine, relies most heavily on a magical machine called the ‘Cardinal Adjudication’.

“It is said that this mechanical device can collect people’s belief in ‘justice’ and eventually transform it into a huge amount of energy that is enough to drive the operation of the city, which is called ‘law-for-hybrid energy’.”

Nasida didn't hold back and told what she knew.

"Be able to collect faith and convert it into energy." Li Qiuzhi's mind was spinning very quickly. He seemed to have understood something and said:

"Nasida, you are saying that you should find a way to connect the 'Cardinal Adjudication' to the 'Void' system so that it can provide energy for it.

“Then let the ‘Void’ system spread things about ‘justice’, and in turn, collect faith for the ‘Cardinal Adjudication’.

"As long as people have more 'righteous' beliefs, it can provide more energy. In this way, entering a positive cycle, the coverage of the 'void' system will become more and more energetic!"

"Hey, is there such a magical mechanical device?" Paimon said in surprise.

"To sum up, the more people there are, the more beliefs are generated, the greater the energy generated by the mechanical device, and the wider the range covered by the 'void' system."

Yingya thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, the 'Cardinal Decree' is located in the 'Opéra Opécle' in Fontaine. It is just an opera house. Even if there are trials every day and it is full of people, it can not generate much faith.

“But the reality is that the faith generated in this way can be transformed into energy enough to maintain the operation of the entire major city of Fontaine.

"If we can find some way to let it collect everyone's faith on the 'Void Internet', I feel that the Heart of God may not be able to compare with it."

Nasida, the god of wisdom, expressed a bold idea of ​​her own.

How could you not be bold? You actually came up with the idea of ​​​​the core object used to maintain the operation of the entire country!

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