I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 555 Keep moving? (2-in-1)

Wonderland space.

When Li Qiuzhi returned home, he was not in a hurry to bring other girls to practice together. He was going to take Mona to see the last part of the universe.

The main purpose is to use astrology to divine whether there are any planets nearby.

Considering that the scale of the universe is relatively large compared to the human world view, his "nearby" refers to a place that he can reach by flying within a month or two.

His fastest way to move now, in addition to the ability of "interstellar travel", which allows him to appear next to everyone instantly regardless of distance, is naturally to move through space through the "power of light".

The "hidden into the wind and dust" in the unobservable state is also very fast, arriving instantly, but the range of movement will be slightly smaller, and the consumption will inevitably be larger.

The main reason is that the prerequisite for it to move freely within the unobservable barrier without consumption is to expand the barrier. If it wants to go ten kilometers away, it must cover a ten-kilometer range centered on itself.

If you want to go a hundred kilometers away, you have to cover a hundred kilometers.

There is no cost in moving within the barrier, and you can bring an entire city with you, which is also cost-effective. However, maintaining a hundred-kilometer barrier is also a bit difficult for Li Qiuzhi.

But "Power of Light" is different. The spatial transfer of this skill is different. As long as the mental power can sense the location, it can be reached instantly.

Now he can use all his mental power centered on himself to cover three to four hundred kilometers, and there is no problem if he condenses his mental power into a line and projects it to a maximum length of more than a thousand kilometers.

Space teleportation can be done as long as it is certain that there is no danger at the target location. Then he only needs to project his mental power in a line and sense that there is no danger at the farthest point before teleporting.

In other words, Li Qiuzhi can teleport a thousand kilometers away in the most extreme state.

Even as long as you are not afraid of being teleported to a dangerous place or inside a star, it is possible to transmit blindly without releasing your mental power.

Taking all the harmonious energy in his body as a standard, blind transmission without coordinates can increase the distance by more than ten times with the help of mental positioning.

In other words, it is not a problem to teleport to 10,000 kilometers away in one go.

Moreover, he can enter an unobservable state, and it doesn't matter even if he is teleported into the star, it will not cause any harm to him anyway.

At that time, the barrier will be in a parallel superposition state with the matter inside the star, so that the matter will not affect the things in the barrier, and then be transmitted out.

Although on the scale of the universe, 10,000 kilometers is not too big a distance, but after teleporting once, return to Teyvat to rest, soak up the sun, absorb energy and recover, and then teleport out again.

In this way, it is not a problem to transmit seven or eight times in a day. If the energy transmission characteristics of "Girl's Lover" are used to harmonize energy, a little bit of shadow energy can be borrowed.

It should be no problem to transmit a few more times a day. It is conservatively estimated that it can be transmitted ten times a day, which means about 100,000 kilometers.

The average distance from the earth to the moon is only 380,000 kilometers. It only takes four days to go from the earth to the moon. It has to be said that this speed is very outrageous for individual human beings.

One hundred thousand kilometers a day, three million kilometers a month. If there is no planet to explore within this range, he will change positions through the spatial dimension composed of projections.

If you change it a few times, you will always find a planet suitable for exploration.

Of course, it mainly depends on whether Mona's astrology is good or not. Without corresponding observation methods, he happened to be teleported to an area where there is no light and the naked eye cannot see.

As long as the planet available for exploration is outside the range of his mental power, he has no way of discovering it.

There is no way. This is the inconvenience of not having a spaceship. The power of science is the power of the world and the power of rules.

If there is a spacecraft that can reach 50% of the speed of light, it can go from the earth to the moon in two to three seconds. If there is a spacecraft that can jump through space.

It is easy to reach several light years away, which is why Li Qiuzhi wants to improve Teyvat's scientific level as soon as possible.

Mona was a little surprised when she heard that Li Qiuzhi wanted to take her to the outside of the universe:

"When did you run out?"

Although she didn't know much about the blockade of "False Sky", it should be impossible to exclude space transfer. Otherwise, there would be many people in Teyvat who could space transfer, and someone should have gone out long ago.

“It’s a long story.”

Li Qiuzhi briefly told Mona that he had a breakthrough in invisibility, jumped into a space dimension composed of projections, and then successfully ran outside through it.

"The spatial dimension formed by projection?" Mona had never heard of such a place, which slightly aroused her curiosity. "If you have time, take me there to see it."

"Of course no problem."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and took Mona's soft hand:

"Let's go, let's go outside the universe to do some divination now. If we can find a planet nearby with a spacecraft left by aliens on it, we will make a fortune!"

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's conjecture, Mona squeezed his hand angrily and couldn't help but chuckle:

"If you are so lucky, you don't have to go out to explore so much. You can just lie at home and wait for the spacecraft to be delivered to your door."

"Okay, make fun of me!" Li Qiuzhi reached out to Mona's buttocks wrapped in pantyhose and pinched her.

"It hurts, bastard!"

A blush appeared on the pretty fair face under the pointed witch hat, and Mona quickly slapped this guy's hand away.

"Wherever it hurts, I didn't even exert any force."

In retort, Li Qiuzhi unfolded an unobservable barrier to cover himself and Mona, then opened the door to the fairyland space and pulled Mona out.

Outside was the dark deep space of the universe, and Li Qiuzhi returned to his last location. Because of the unobservable barrier, the gravity-free environment and cosmic radiation would not affect the two of them.

So it didn't matter if he didn't have a spacesuit. He and Mona stood quietly in the universe in their original clothes. To be precise, they stood inside the barrier.

"Is this, is this the universe? Why is it so similar to sleeping in a room with the lights off?"

Mona studies the stars and has one of the most in-depth understandings of the universe in Teyvat, but after all, she has never seen it with her own eyes, so she can't help but be a little surprised at this time.

"It should be because there is a lot of dust in the nearby universe. You can do some divination to see if there are any planets or larger asteroids nearby. Let's go look for treasures!"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

Not to mention encountering spaceships left behind by aliens, even if you find some special ores, it would be very good.

Basic research in materials science might be able to make a little progress, and it would be even better if some new physical properties were discovered.

It's like room temperature superconductivity or something like that.

This world in Teyvat, which is full of elemental power, has not yet been discovered. Its superiority in the transmission of electrical energy goes without saying.

With it, energy consumption can be greatly saved.

"By the way, help me divine the direction of the earth. If this place happens to be relatively close, it would be unlucky to accidentally miss it."

Li Qiuzhi suddenly thought of something and reminded Mona a little.

"I know, let go now and don't disturb me next time!"



Mona summoned a water fortune teller that was as blue as the sea, and was about to perform divination, but found that her hand was still being held by Li Qiuzhi and could not pull it out.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I almost forgot." Li Qiuzhi and the girls were used to holding hands and hugging waists and other intimate gestures, so they didn't notice this for a while.

"I almost forgot something, I've obviously already forgotten it"

Mona muttered, looked at her water fortune teller intently and began to divine.

The principle of her water astrology is to use water to reflect the starry sky, and then use the starry sky to reflect destiny. As long as you understand the starry sky well enough, you can reflect your destiny more clearly.

The advantage of this kind of astrology is that it does not require troublesome preparation of divination materials and can be performed anytime and anywhere.

Of course, for vague requirements such as the current divination of whether there is a planet nearby, it is natural to get here to divination.

If we were in Teyvat, it would be a matter of divination to see if there were any planets near Teyvat.

Direct divination in the fairyland space will also make it impossible to divination due to a layer of space. If it is too far away, errors will occur.

After all, when divination under unfamiliar starry skies that one doesn’t know much about, it is easy to make mistakes in interpretation of the destiny reflected in the starry sky.

For example, now, because Mona doesn't know much about the starry sky here, she can only get familiar with this strange starry sky before she can interpret her destiny.

But it happens that this place is located in a place with a lot of dust in the universe. It is so dark that no starlight can be found, so the stars reflected by the water chart are also very dim and blurry.

This will also have an impact on her familiarity with the starry sky, because the brightness and specific position of the starlight, even the star path and whether there are companion stars, have different meanings in the water horoscope.

If you can't see clearly, you have to guess, and the fate reflected in it will naturally be unclear.

Fortunately, Mona knew many basic formulas of physics through Li Qiuzhi, a person from the earth, and she shared these formulas through columns in newspapers and periodicals.

She herself and the scholars of Teyvat have used these formulas to derive many new formulas for calculating star orbits, as well as new methods of interpreting destiny.

It is not a problem to use these formulas to roughly deduce the specific conditions of some major fuzzy stars from the vague destiny reflected in the water chart.

Then artificially simulating the specific parameters of the stars, and divining with a water divination board again should make the destiny more clear.

This kind of work, even to deduce roughly a dozen major stars, would take Mona an hour or two to complete.

"Take out my star path calculator and star chart positioning aid."

Mona frowned as she stared at the blurry starlight on the water zodiac board, thought for a moment and gave instructions to Li Qiuzhi next to her.

"Understood, dear Teacher Mona!"

Li Qiuzhi nodded heavily, immediately opened the space rift to connect to Mona's laboratory, and took out her research instruments with spiritual tentacles, completing the assistant's work well.

With the assistance of instruments, Mona can reduce a lot of calculation work, which can greatly increase her reverse thrust speed.

It will take about half an hour or so.

She placed the two instruments on the "ground" of the barrier, and when she bent down and was about to operate them, she found that her legs would be a little numb when squatting like this.

Mona stood up and looked at Li Qiuzhi next to her, deciding to let him play a role:

"Sit down cross-legged, hum, remember not to make unnecessary movements!"

"Ahem, don't worry, don't you know me well enough? You will never do anything you shouldn't do!" Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly, quickly sat down cross-legged and said seriously.

"I know you so well that I'm reminding you!"

Mona took a half step back, and then sat directly on Li Qiuzhi's crossed legs. She swayed left and right to get her body in a more comfortable state. Well, it was a very soft cushion.

Feeling the soft touch of the buttocks wrapped in stockings and jumpsuit, Li Qiuzhi pressed against Mona's back, put his hands around her waist and said:

"I'll be your backrest so you can relax more."

"Huh, just don't bother me with my work with any bad intentions."

Mona leaned her body against Li Qiuzhi's arms and found that it was indeed much more comfortable.

But thinking about the development process of this guy just holding her hand in space and being carried to the bed, she still reminded him again.

Don't let this guy bother you at this time.

"I will never disturb you, I will just hold your waist and I will never make any unnecessary movements!"

Li Qiuzhi patted the chest wrapped in the off-shoulder jumpsuit and assured.

"Asshole, you said you won't do any unnecessary actions!" Mona, blushing with shame, was a little annoyed. Did you pat someone else's chest as a guarantee?


Li Qiuzhi smiled awkwardly and put his palm on Mona's belly again.


Mona didn't want to get angry with him, otherwise she wouldn't have to continue her research.

Seeing Mona working hard, Li Qiuzhi at most gently touched Mona's belly and thighs, and then did not make any other unnecessary movements.

After all, you should abide by the things you promised to a girl.

Although there was a slight touch on her lower abdomen and thighs, Mona was already used to it. Every time this guy came to her laboratory, he would simply watch or say something.

Anyway, if you can hold it and look at it, you will definitely not stand aside and watch it properly, and if you hold it, you will definitely not hold it properly, and your hands will definitely touch here and there.

Over time, she has become accustomed to it, and even in such an environment, she can concentrate on doing her own thing.

So she ignored Li Qiuzhi and focused on looking at the water chart and astrological instruments.

As time passed, Mona, who was looking at the Shui Pan, slapped away Li Qiuzhi's hand that reached her inner thigh, and then continued to input and adjust the parameters manually.

Soon the water chart rotated again, and soon the new starry sky was reflected.

There has been a big change from the previous blur. The main reason is that the clarity has reached a normal state, and there is no problem in interpreting fate.

The next step is to see if the reflected destiny can feed back any useful information!

Change first and then change.

I forgot to change the title when I published it, which gave me a headache. I haven’t written anything related to the title yet, so I was helpless.

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