I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 558 Wind Erosion Worm (2-in-1)

The weather is nice today.

The sunshine in the desert is very good, and the wind is not strong enough to blow the girls' hair and skirts slightly.

Li Qiuzhi and others had already left Kavanyi and officially entered the desert.

Although the weather is very good and there is no wind and sand, the temperature is not low. Especially now that it is the afternoon, the climate is even hotter.

"You'd better put on a cloak, you'll get heat stroke if you stay out in the sun for too long."

Leaving footprints on the sand, Desiya took out the cloak from the weight-bearing space of the Eye of God and put it on herself.

"Before coming to the desert, I had acquired knowledge in the Void about various matters that need to be paid attention to in the desert, so naturally I brought my cloak and other things with me early!"

Nilu also took out a windproof, sandproof and sunproof cloak and put it on herself.

"Not bad." Dixia said with approval, then looked at Li Qiuzhi who didn't move at all and said in surprise, "Huh? You are not unprepared for anything, are you?"

"Ahem, I don't need to go to such trouble." Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment.

After saying that, he used the water element to condense a thick fog on the heads of several people to block the sun, and dropped a trace of water vapor, giving them a refreshing feeling.

"Well, even you can't waste elemental power like this. Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it."

Disiya looked up at the fog above her head. She originally wanted to remind Li Qiuzhi that it would be troublesome if he wasted too much elemental power and didn't use it in an emergency.

But it suddenly occurred to me that he was someone who could even touch gods head-on. This kind of operation must be trivial, so I left it to him.

"Don't worry, it won't affect you much."

This little consumption was not as fast as his recovery, especially under the sun, all the energy that fell on Li Qiuzhi had been absorbed by his body.

"Speaking of Disiya, is there any oasis-like place or other strange scenery on the way to Aru Village? If so, let's stop by and have a look.

"After all, the desert only feels fresh when you first come here. After looking at it for a while, you will realize that it is actually just ordinary. The inspiration that this can give Nilu should be limited."

Li Qiuzhi asked.

"Well, it's rare to come to the desert and I want to see the oasis as much as possible." Nilu nodded and said.

"That's right. I remember there seems to be a sand dune ahead. If you climb up, you should be able to see the panoramic view of Kavanyi."

Desiya feels that this is also useful for Nelu’s dance creation.

"As for the oases, I have been wandering in the desert before, and I do know the location of some oases, but the closest ones are behind Aru Village.

"So when we get to Aru Village, I will mark the location on the map, and then you can just go find it yourself."

Desiya, who looked like a lion with her black-blond hair, continued.

"Sorry for the trouble, Disiya." Nilu said happily.

Having a guide is much less convenient than searching by yourself.

After discussion, the direction of the next few people deviated slightly from the road, and the sand dune was a little to the left.

Not long after walking, a few people saw a higher sand dune in the distance - it was said to be a sand dune, but it should actually be a hill.

It is only because there is no vegetation on the surface and it is covered with sand that it is called a sand dune by Disiya.

In fact, it is made of solid soil and rocks inside.

"My team is called 'Blazing Hunters'. When we return to Kavanyi with our companions after completing the mission, we will occasionally come to this hill to look at Kavanyi. It gives people the feeling of being in an endless world. There is a feeling of overwhelming pride in heaven and earth.”

Disiya crossed her arms and smiled:

"Perhaps, Nelu, you may be able to create a dance that is both elegant and heroic."

"It sounds quite difficult." Nilu curled her red hair on the side of her face with her index finger and asked curiously:

"What about your team mates, Desiya? Why don't they come out with you?"

Li Qiuzhi also looked at Disiya.

"They are doing a mission in Xumi City. I was hired as the lady's bodyguard some time ago, but I don't have time to do the mission with them.

"In order not to go hungry, they naturally have to take on the mission themselves."

Desiya explained briefly.

"By the way, you two should be careful when walking on the sand, be careful not to step into hidden holes that are difficult to detect and fall into." She reminded her as if she remembered something.

"Yeah!" Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"Stuck in, Disiya, is that what you said?" Nilu found that her boots seemed to have stepped on something, and it was sticky, not like sand.

She looked down and found that it seemed to be continuing to sink.

"Come out quickly, this is not an ordinary secret cave!"

Dissia watched as Nelu's feet sank, but much slower than the normal speed. If she looked closely, she could see some reflections from the sand.

With a raised eyebrow, Li Qiuzhi felt that there seemed to be some movement underground, and it was coming here very quickly.

"Dishiya, step back!" He warned, and then took Nilu's arm, trying to pull her out.

"Ah, the boots are stuck!" Nilu said in surprise.

She only felt her feet being lifted up, but the boots seemed to be stuck with glue, motionless, and even tended to continue to sink.

Although the boots were sinking, there was no way Li Qiuzhi could not pull them out with his strength.

But in that case, Nilu's feet might be bruised while forcibly pulling them out of the boots, and something under the sand was about to get closer.

Li Qiuzhi didn't have time to think too much. He quickly squatted down and untied Nilu's boots, then put his arms around her legs and hugged her whole body.

And quickly retreated to Desiya's side.

Their eyes continued to focus on the original position. Li Qiuzhi, Disiya and Nilu who turned around looked at the pair of sand-resistant wear-resistant boots completely sunk into the sand.

The next second, the sunken ground suddenly bulged up, and a huge insect with the same color as the sand broke out from under the sand.

The huge and sharp teeth directly tore the boots that had sunk into the ground into pieces!

"This is it?" Li Qiuzhi had never seen such a monster before.

Instinctively, I activated Yae Shenzi's favorability skill on it:

[Wind erosion worm: a monster that lives in the sand. It has an almost perfect camouflage color. Even if it is lying on the sand, it is difficult to tell that it is different from the sand without looking closely. It likes to spit out extremely sticky worms. The gelatinous slime is mixed with sand to make a trap, and it will wait for prey to enter the net from a distance. 】

Windworms? Li Qiuzhi was secretly confused because he didn't understand this kind of monster because it didn't appear in the game.

"It is indeed such a disgusting thing. They like to ambush under the sand. Most people step on its traps and have the only way to escape by abandoning their shoes. If it is later, they will be torn into pieces!"

As Desiya spoke, she took out her big sword.



This kind of monster has no idea of ​​letting go of its prey if the ambush fails. At this time, the wind erosion worm has turned its head towards Li Qiuzhi and the others.

However, Li Qiuzhi didn't see any organs on its head that looked like it was in front of its eyes, so he wasn't sure whether it was looking at them.

"You protect Nilu, I'll take care of it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Desiya rushed out with a big sword, flames ignited along the blade, and when he got close to the worm, he slashed at its neck.

Perhaps sensing danger, the worm's fang-filled mouth formed a vortex of wind and spit it out towards Disia.


The sword blade and the wind vortex collided together.

The wind vortex was chopped into pieces, and the flames on the sword blade also dispersed a little. When Desiya was about to attack the worm again, she took a closer look and found that there was no shadow of the worm in front of her.

"It just got into the ground and ran away!"

Li Qiuzhi, who was still holding Nilu, used his mental power to lock the position of the worm. In just one or two seconds, it was already two to three hundred meters away, very fast.

Just when he was about to crush it with his mental power, he heard Desiya say:

"Let's retreat quickly. This kind of worm is a gregarious monster. When it encounters prey that it can't beat, it will find its companions. It will cause two or thirty worms to be very troublesome. Let's get out of here first!"

"Oh?" Li Qiuzhi stopped what he was doing, smiled and said, "That's just right. If there's only one, I'd be a little bit disgusted with it."

He had just looked at it with the Golden Judgment Eye and found that the worm had a strength of up to level 60. It was an existence that would be troublesome for any adventure group to encounter.

However, Li Qiuzhi also disliked the fact that the experience points it gave were not very many, probably only about two to three thousand points.

But it would be very good to call all its companions over. If there are two or thirty of them, it is still worth letting him wait a little.

"You don't want to catch them all, do you?" Disiya looked at Li Qiuzhi.

"Yes, they are so close to Kavanyi. How dangerous it is, so just wait for them to come and deal with them together."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"Huh, whatever you want, if there are too many, I won't be able to handle them!"

Disiya naturally believed that Li Qiuzhi had the strength. She put away her sword and got ready to watch his performance.

"Well, Mr. Adventurer, thank you for pulling me out just now, but please put me down first, otherwise I will hinder you later." Nilu whispered with a slight blush.

[Nilu has a good impression of you and gains 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (260/700)]

Looking at the prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi also said with a smile:


Just looking at her feet wearing white stockings exposed under the hem of her skirt, I thought that Nilu's boots had been torn.

"Do you have any other shoes?"

Li Qiuzhi asked.

"Well, I thought one pair of boots was enough, so I didn't bring more. I didn't expect that I would be attacked by monsters as soon as I entered the desert."

Nilu lowered her head in embarrassment.

The implication is that he only has the same pair of boots.

"That's it, that's okay." Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and continued to hold Nilu's thigh with his right hand, while his free left hand was placed on her calf.

Clear and transparent water emerged from the palm of her hand. The water flow wrapped Nero's feet along the surface of the white stockings, and then shaped into a pair of transparent short boots.

"Well, it happens to be quite hot in the desert, so the cold water boots are just right, and they won't make your socks get covered in sand!"

Li Qiuzhi put Nilu down.

The water element was shaped into boots and put on her feet, but the socks did not have any wet and uncomfortable feeling. What a powerful control of the elemental power!

A look of surprise appeared on Nilu's fair face.

She can also control the power of the water element, and it is natural to change various shapes without any problem, but she cannot do such detailed operations.

As expected of Mr. Adventurer, she hesitated for a moment and said:

"Well, if you keep doing this all the time, it will consume a lot of money. Although I only brought one pair of boots, I have several pairs of socks. It doesn't matter even if they get worn out."

If you think about it, you will know that maintaining such fine control of the water element consumes more energy and elemental power than the thick fog above your head.

Nilu didn't want Li Qiuzhi to spend all his time maintaining such a pair of shoes because of her.

Before Li Qiuzhi spoke, Dixia smiled and said:

"Nilu, if you stand in such hot sand without wearing shoes, you will get blisters soon. If you stand for a long time, your skin will be at risk of necrosis!"

"Hey, what?" Nilu just didn't want to trouble Li Qiuzhi, but she didn't think of this. The girl was immediately entangled in the correction.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. This consumption is nothing to me, so don't worry about it, Nilu!"

Li Qiuzhi chuckled twice.

"Then, then, okay." After hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Nilu relaxed a little, and then she felt a little better about him.

[Nilu has a good impression of you and gains 340 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (600/700)]

"Be careful, they're coming!"

Desiya's originally relaxed brows now wrinkled slightly.

The vibrations on the ground are transmitted through the feet. Generally speaking, the movement of wind-eroded worms walking through the sand is very small.

Even if twenty or thirty of them walk through the sand together, they won't cause much shock, and a slightly more powerful person will be able to detect it in advance.

But for ordinary people, it would be difficult to find anything even if they are surrounded.

But are there really only twenty or thirty vibrations that can be clearly detected by ordinary people now?

Could it be that we met some big group of people?

"Fifty-six, it seems that the harvest is good." Unlike Di Xiya who can't release his mental power yet, Li Qiuzhi has already sensed the number of worms through his mental power.

At the same time, he raised his hand, and a transparent water shield protected the three of them.

After a few seconds.

The ground near the few people suddenly rioted, and a large amount of sand and dust rose up, blocking their sight. After a while, the raised sand and dust fell down.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi, Dixia, and Nilu's eyes cleared.

There were circles and circles of wind-eroded worms inside and outside the water shield. Their heads had no eyes, and they all stared at them with huge mouths with sharp teeth like washing machine drums.

There was a paragraph in the previous chapter that I originally wanted to write about the hardships left-behind children in the desert have without their parents to take care of them. I accidentally typed an extra word "I", which changed the meaning to Disiya having no parents to take care of me. Sorry, I was confused when I wrote it. Revise.

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