I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 564 Inquiry (two in one)

A fertile oasis and forest trails.

A caravan from Xumi City is transporting desert-specific supplies back to the city. Those doing business usually transport supplies that are in short supply in the desert from the rain forest.

When you go back, transport some specialties from the desert that are not found in the rainforest, so that you don't have to empty the goods on the return trip, and if you sell them easily, you can make more money.

At this time, they passed by a fertile oasis and the caravan was preparing to replenish water resources.

Although the caravan still has a lot of water, it can normally support Dakhawanyi. I would like to add some more to prevent accidents and insufficient water.

For example, if it is robbed by a monster, accidentally knocked over or lost, etc.

It's just that they didn't expect that there would be no accidents while walking normally, but when they came to the oasis, there would be accidents!

The caravan continued to walk calmly on the road. The next second, more than ten mercenaries from the Gilded Brigade suddenly appeared from the bushes on one side and surrounded them.

Facing the sudden ambush, the caravan guards instinctively guarded the goods behind them. A middle-aged man leading the caravan had a gloomy face:

"Gilded Brigade, what do you want to do?"

When a caravan goes to such a dangerous place as the desert to do business, it is natural that it will be accompanied by about a dozen guards.

Although they may not have as much combat experience as the people in the Gilded Brigade, they may not necessarily lose if they really fight for their lives.

"Haha, it's nothing. You must have made a lot of money in the desert. Leave Mora and the goods behind, and you can go!"

The leader of the Gilded Brigade said with a sneer.

He knew the guards of these caravans well. If he really wanted to kill them without leaving any room, then both sides would naturally suffer losses.

But it shows that as long as they have money and goods, they definitely don't have the energy to fight.

In this way, you can get the money and goods more smoothly without paying too much.

Unfortunately, their team is a little short on manpower.

If there are more than 20 people, they can definitely control the entire caravan, and then notify their families to pay for the ransom and make a lot of money.

It was a pity that they met this caravan by chance, otherwise they would have been better prepared.

"What a joke!"

Naturally, the leader of the caravan couldn't agree. It was very hard to travel between deserts and rainforests to earn a little bit of mora, and in the end it would all be taken away.

Isn’t that in vain?

Moreover, if everyone’s wages, money for purchasing goods, etc. are all taken away, it will not be a matter of wasting work, but a heavy loss!

No matter what, we cannot let these nasty thieves succeed.

The leading member of the Gilded Brigade did not look at the leader of the caravan, but at the other guards:

"Do you think so too? The salary is only a few molas, is it worth the blood and death?"


The guards did not answer the call. They had the consciousness to do this job. It is true that the salary is not worth fighting for, but they must do the required superficial work well.

The fight hasn't started yet, so naturally we can't lose in terms of momentum.

It's not too late to run away when the battle begins and it's confirmed that they can't be beaten. After all, they are not desperadoes like the Gilded Brigade.

There are young and old in the family, and it would be impossible to live without them.

As for the fact that he has lost integrity in this industry because of his escape, and no one will hire him as a guard in the future, there is nothing that can be done about it.

Losing your job is a trivial matter, just switch to another line of work, but losing your life means nothing.

If you are alone, you may still fight for your reputation, but as the backbone of the family, being able to protect everyone and retreat safely is considered professional ethics.

As for the goods and Morana, we can only leave it to fate.

"Oh? It looks like we're going to have a bloody fight. Very good, brothers, get ready!" Seeing that the guards were not swayed, the leading member of the Gilded Brigade frowned.

"Yes, boss!"

Upon hearing the order from their boss, the members of the Gilded Brigade drew out their weapons and slowly moved towards the caravan.

This is mainly done to put some pressure on the people in the caravan and to prevent the beasts of burden from being frightened.

If they were frightened and ran away, even if they could capture the caravan, they would still have lost a batch of goods.

Finding a lost pack animal in the desert is not easy.

Especially when the sand blows and the footprints are buried.


Seeing those gilded brigades really pressing forward with weapons, the guards' eyes hesitated a little at this time, and they subconsciously looked to the side with the corners of their eyes.

Then they all tacitly moved closer to the person in charge of the caravan, saying, "Don't worry, sir, I will never let them hurt you."

The person in charge of the caravan was also helpless at this time.

He also understood that with the small salary given by the caravan, it was impossible for the guards to work hard. Now it was up to him to take the initiative to order the retreat and leave, or to force the guards to come forward.

Everyone can get off the former, and the guards who choose the latter will definitely not go up. In this case, the guards are not abiding by professional ethics, but the caravan knows that the people in the Gilded Brigade are powerful.

They are still required to guard the goods, so after the news spreads, whether they can recruit guards in the future is also a question.

No guard is willing to work for such a caravan.

Unless they recruit heavily, allocating the cost to the goods will make their goods more expensive, and people will stop buying them.

Having been the caravan leader for so long, the middle-aged man has thought about this very thoroughly.

It was the best choice to give up the goods and retreat, so that everyone could maintain relative dignity. Otherwise, there would be conflicts with the guards, and it would be a problem how to support each other through the desert and return to Kavanyi.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, glared at the Gilded Brigade and the others and said:

"Damn it, you bitches, let's retreat first!"

He scolded those gilded brigades, and then ordered the guards to retreat slowly together, not forgetting to take Mora with him before leaving.

If Mora could be brought back, the loss to the caravan would not be too great.

"Hmph, you don't understand, do you? Brothers, go up and chop him!"

Watching the middle-aged man take the bag and leave, he knew what was inside without even thinking about it. He took away the money he earned earlier, so what the heck are they robbing!

"Asshole!" the caravan leader yelled angrily.

The guards did not retreat after being frightened. As they watched the Gilded Brigade rushing towards them, they gathered together calmly to block the surrounding Gilded Brigade.

"Clang clang clang!"

The sound of gold and iron clashing was endless. The guards had to protect the person in charge of the caravan, so they were a little helpless in dealing with it.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the person in charge of the caravan had no choice but to hand over Mora.

However, he did not hand over Mora directly. Instead, he threw Mora into the nearby woods, trying to attract the attention of the Gilded Brigade.

Give them time to evacuate.

"Boss, Mora flew away." One of the members of the Gilded Brigade said as he watched the bag containing Mora fly to the nearby woods.


The leader of the Gilded Brigade also knew not to push them too hard, so he raised his hand to tell his men to stop attacking.

But they still surrounded the caravan and did not let them leave.

"Why, what else do you want!" Seeing that the Gilded Brigade still surrounded them, the person in charge of the caravan couldn't help but become even more angry.

"Haha, don't worry. I promised you that I'll let you go after taking the things, but you have to make sure that the one in the bag is Maura."

The leading member of the Gilded Brigade laughed, and then looked at the people in the caravan:

"By the way, you should still have Mora with you, hand them over too!"

Through the simple battle just now, he already knew that the guards had the intention to retreat, so they began to push further.

The guards were also angry at this time, but they just thought that the caravan's goods and Mora were lost, and their own was not missing, so there was no need to continue to provoke these desperadoes.

Just when they were about to hand over the Mora they were carrying, the Gilded Brigade, who had already spotted the opportunity, suddenly jumped up and slashed at them.

The guards' attention will inevitably be diverted because they take money, and the weapons they hold will be unstable. This gives the Gilded Brigade an opportunity.

Why should Mora let them go when he could capture them all and then blackmail them for more?

As soon as the people in the caravan reacted, the knife reached their chests. It was already too late to fight back, at this critical moment!

The guards suddenly discovered that the knives had stopped on their chests!

How did such a fast knife stop? It was obvious that they were not pretending, but really wanted to cut them!

The bewildered guards cautiously took half a step back, and then discovered that not only the swords in the hands of the gilded brigade were stationary.

Even the whole person was still, like a lifelike statue, and the frightened look in his eyes was clearly visible.

"W-what's going on?"

The person in charge of the caravan swallowed. This was the first time he had seen such a strange situation. He was so scared that he wanted to run away immediately.

But my legs were shaking slightly, and I didn't know why.

"Are you guys okay?"

Just when the people in the caravan were also in panic, a voice came from the side, making their hearts tremble, and they thought some man-eating monster was about to appear.

When he turned around stiffly and saw a young man with black hair, followed by a girl with red hair, he felt relieved a little.

"Who are you?" The caravan leader relaxed slightly and then asked.

Fortunately it's not a monster.

The other guards also breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said:

"We were passing by and came to help when we saw you in danger. Now they are under control, you don't have to worry."

He pointed at the gilded brigades.

"Well, thank you very much. You look familiar. Could it be that you are the legendary adventurer Mr. Li Qiuzhi?"

After the caravan leader and the guards relaxed a little from their tense mood, they looked at Li Qiuzhi and the two carefully.

They came from Xumi City, and they immediately recognized Miss Nilu, the star of the Zubair Theater who was quite famous in the city!

Then they looked at Li Qiuzhi when they were surprised how could this person appear here, or with a man.

I found that he was also somewhat familiar. This seemed to be the great hero who saved Sumeru.

Recently, Mr. Xiao Jixiang Cao Wang deliberately announced Li Qiuzhi's identity as a "sage" on the "Void" system. As long as there is a Void Terminal, there is no one who does not recognize him.

"Yes, I am indeed Li Qiuzhi." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Nasida announced on the "Void" system that he and Ying had become honorary sages, making every Sumeru person know him.

As a result, the speed at which he collects "spirituality" has increased a lot. Basically, he can now collect the amount of entries given three times a day, instead of only twice before.

"Huh, thank you so much, Mr. Sage!"

The caravan leader and the guards thanked him again.

"It's okay. I am a sage after all. How could I see you suffering?" Li Qiuzhi waved his hand and continued:

"Actually, I've been watching for a while just now. I thought that you guys have about the same number of people and should be able to deal with it, but it seems that these gangsters are more fierce.

"But this is understandable. After all, they are desperate murderers. By the way, is the Gilded Brigade always so domineering in the desert?"

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, the guards felt a little ashamed. After all, although they had their reasons, it was true that they acted cowardly and careless.

They said with some embarrassment:

"Sir Sage, in the past, those members of the Gilded Brigade often committed robberies, but when faced with a caravan of more than a dozen people, they could only collect some tolls and did not dare to bite the bullet and try to steal them all.

"But for some reason, there seem to be more people being robbed in the desert recently, and we don't know why these Gilded Brigades have become so crazy."

Li Qiuzhi thought of the adventure group he met before Kavanyi left the city, who seemed to have been injured in a battle. Could it be that they were also because of the Gilded Brigade?

He thought for a while and said:

"Okay, can you please tie these people up? I have something to ask them."

"sure no problem!"

When the caravan leaders and guards heard what Li Qiuzhi said, they were very motivated and ran to the cart carrying the goods to take out a large number of ropes.

"I will release their stasis one by one later. You can control them and trap them all."

Li Qiuzhi would naturally not do it himself if someone helped him.

"Sir Sage, we understand!" The guards nodded heavily. They couldn't handle a group of people, but they could do it alone.

If that doesn't work, just go home and take a nap.

Li Qiuzhi first deactivated the time stop of the leading member of the Gilded Brigade. He had just recovered his sword and was still slashing forward. The guards swarmed up and restrained him directly.

Then tie it up with ropes in circles!

The boss of the Gilded Brigade looked dumbfounded and had no idea what was going on. Weren't they just surrounding those big fat sheep?

Why was he tied up all of a sudden?

When all the members of the Gilded Brigade were tied up one by one, he had not yet reacted, with a look of doubt on his face.

"Come, let's talk about your origins first, and why you want to rob on a large scale. Is there any purpose?"

Li Qiuzhi walked up to the leader of the Gilded Brigade and asked.

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