I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 571 Development Status (Two in One)

With Zhongli's intervention, Liyue's negotiation was surprisingly smooth. After all, the Seven Stars trusted the emperor.

In two days, Nasida has also adapted the Heart of the Thunder Elemental God, and now she can overwrite the "Void" system at any time.

After covering it, you have to use it.

This requires the "Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce" to take action to attract the Void Terminal. This was discussed with everyone before.

Whichever country develops a technology worth promoting, the chamber of commerce will be responsible for investing in it, putting it into production, and selling it in each country.

The countries that produce the technology only need to be responsible for collecting the money.

In this way, each country only needs to focus on research, and leave business operations to the "Tiantian Flower Chamber of Commerce". Each country will perform its own duties, and the efficiency will be much higher.

Moreover, such a framework can be regarded as laying the foundation for the future alliance of the seven countries.

At that time, every time a country is united, the other country will be able to join the alliance based on such a framework immediately, without any transition period.

Without further ado, Li Qiuzhi immediately informed Naxida through the "Beacon" that the "Void" system could be extended to Liyue.

Ningguang has already obtained the production drawings of the Void Terminal from Nasida, and the production preparations for the product have also been prepared in advance.

Production can start in a few days and it will be ready for sale in about a month.

There is no need to wait in vain for more than a month. You can temporarily transport some from Xumi and sell them first.

The "hardened road project" connecting the three countries of Liyue, Xumi and Mondstadt has also been successfully completed in the past two days, because rock elements are used to pave the road.

It is possible to open a section after it is paved. Therefore, when this road is successfully completed, it means that this road that runs through the three countries has also been officially opened simultaneously.

Now the cars sold through the "Tiantianhua Merchant Association" can quickly travel to and from the three countries through this road, which is several times faster than the previous horse-drawn carriages and beasts of burden.

Generally speaking, the mileage of a carriage is about twenty to thirty kilometers per hour, and the speed of the beast of burden will be even slower.

This must be under good road conditions.

But the most advanced mass-produced steam cars in Liyue can already reach speeds of about 200 kilometers per hour.

Even if you don't drive so fast for safety reasons, for the sake of the life of the car, driving only 80 to 100 kilometers is four or five times that of a horse-drawn carriage.

This means that the time required to travel between the three countries has been reduced by four to five times, which is of great help to economic development!

Moreover, under the guidance of Li Qiuzhi and Ying's knowledge of other worlds, several countries have not fallen behind in the research of electrical energy.

In major cities such as Liyue Port, Mondstadt City, Daozuma City and Xumi City, the street lights on the streets have been replaced by electric lights.

Electric lights are also used in most homes, and will gradually spread to surrounding cities and villages.

This is a major project promoted by the "Tiantianhua Chamber of Commerce" in conjunction with local chambers of commerce and engineering teams.

The current "Tiantianhua Chamber of Commerce" alone cannot handle such a large project in a short time, and must unite all parties to participate.

Moreover, this can also drive local employment and improve social development.

After a year and a half, when the "Tiantianhua Chamber of Commerce" has gained a certain size, it can choose to acquire some large chambers of commerce in various countries.

This makes it even bigger.

After all, the "Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce" is supported by several countries, and it is difficult for any chamber of commerce to compete with it in Teyvat.

They don't have the technology of another world, so no matter how they compete, it will be ineffective competition.

Instead of such internal friction, it is better to monopolize directly, which can integrate resources from all aspects to reduce the cost of development and increase the speed of development.

After all, the "Tiantian Flower Chamber of Commerce" does not exist to make money, but to serve the people and society is the meaning of its existence.

Earning money is just to maintain the operation of the Chamber of Commerce, as well as expenses such as research funds and wages.

Speaking of which, in theory, electric energy has better performance than steam in all aspects, and it is also safer.

But because in Teyvat, both electricity and steam are environmentally friendly energy sources that utilize elemental power.

Therefore, it is possible to develop together. The complementary use of multiple energy sources can improve energy stability.

In addition to energy and infrastructure, there are also many newly researched products in various countries.

For example, in Mondstadt, in addition to the healing ointment developed by Sugar that promotes the growth of plants and the element storage developed by Lisa.

Sugar has also developed dwarf wheat with three times the size of seeds, tree-shaped raspberry, and dwarf grass with five times the brightness, etc.

The most valuable among them is naturally the dwarf wheat with seeds three times the size. It has been planted in the beast realm. With it, the entire Teyvat continent does not have to worry about food shortages.

Recently, using the blood of the cosmic beasts, Lisa has prepared super nutritional potions that have been supplied to soldiers from various countries through the "Sweet Flower Merchant Guild".

We also made a weakened version for sale in various countries.

Other scholars in Mondstadt have also developed a complete wind irrigation system, which can be started by a steam engine when there is no wind.

With it, the efficiency of crop irrigation can be greatly improved.

Liyue has also made progress in rail trains, steam agricultural machinery, iron-clad ships, etc. Inazuma's side has initially involved in the research of paddle aircraft under the arrangement of Yae Shenzi.

Xumi is a holy land for scholars, so it naturally has all kinds of research, but it focuses more on theory and basics. For example, a material that can superconduct at minus 120 degrees was discovered by scholars from the Order Academy.

It is of little use now because there is no application scenario yet, but it has great potential in the future, after all, in Teyvat, which has elemental power.

Creating conditions at minus 120 degrees is much simpler than on Earth.

In this way, the four countries have entered a state of comprehensive and rapid development, and they will wait until the "void" system covers these countries.

When all scholars can conduct academic exchanges in real time, development will be faster.

According to Nasida, if you want the "void" system to cover the entire continent of Teyvat, even gathering all the hearts of gods is not enough.

And Fontaine's "Cardinal Advocate", which can continuously collect righteous beliefs and convert them into energy, is the most ideal energy core.

Li Qiuzhi was already looking forward to going to Fontaine to gain favor with the Water God. Once the favor level was high, it would be very simple to borrow that machine.

Ying still needs to help Nasida continue to improve the "Void Internet Network", which will probably take about a week.

At that time, everyone can set off to Fontaine together!

Inazuma City.

Cars and people come and go on the bustling streets. Inazuma has recently been undergoing many major infrastructure projects, so more people are needed.

Because of the high salary and good benefits, many people are willing to apply.

After your salary is paid and you are rich, you will naturally have the idea of ​​​​consumption, so stores in the city are also ushering in a period of sales growth.

This is not only true for Dao Wife, but also for Meng Meng, Liyue, Xumi and others.

In addition to learning about the development of various countries in the past two days, Li Qiuzhi also controlled the "Sword God of Ying" in the beast realm to raise in the territory and use it to make smuggling holsters.

The remaining beast realm monsters in the wild have been cleaned up, and some of them have been controlled with "command spells".

Mainly the strongest parts of different races. After all, their research value is quite high. It would be a pity to let them become extinct.

Just like tigers and lions, they are powerful and dangerous. They were powerful enemies of humans in ancient times and have now become protected animals.

After defeating so many beast-level monsters, he gained many more experience points than he had previously guessed, more than three million:

[Experience point: 12069685]

These experience points do not include the two days of practicing with the girls. He has already reached a practice progress of 1.2 million, which is enough to directly upgrade his level.

He didn't hesitate. While walking on the street, he put a lot of experience points into the level:

Experience point-9775714

Lv101 (1224286/11000000) → Lv102 (0/12000000)

An unprecedented amount of energy emerged from his body, strengthening every cell in his body and every part of his soul as before.

Soon, the upgrade is completed.

Li Qiuzhi took a closer look at his physical condition and found that his strength, defense and resistance had improved a lot.

My mental strength has more than doubled, and now I can probably travel about 600 kilometers with myself as the center.

The energy contained in the cells in the body has nearly doubled.

In this way, Li Qiuzhi has more harmonious energy to help the girls improve their strength. Previously, when they were at level 101, the harmonious energy could help them upgrade to level ninety-two at most.

Based on his improvement, they might be able to reach level ninety-three now.

After all, level ninety and above is already the level of immortals. It is not that easy to improve. Of course, it is not impossible to continue to improve by using harmonious energy.

It is effective even for a top demon god like Jiying who is already at level 120, even faster than her own cultivation.

But compared to the speed of leveling up one level at a time, it is much slower.

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv102 (0/12000000)

Race: human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General of the Sea, Xumi Sage

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Power of Light · Divine Realm 10 (All Stars and Seas), Wuxiang's Sword· Divine Realm 10 (Wuxiang Wushuang), Objective Illusory Shadow Realm · Divine Realm 10 (Unobservable State), Flowing Sky Shooting Technique· Mysterious 10 (Frost Flower) Arrow), Elemental Control 10 (full level), Fighting 10 (subtle)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demon (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)]

Experience points: 2293971

After the upgrade was completed, Li Qiuzhi only had more than two million experience points left, and he wanted to continue to gain nearly 10 million experience points to continue to level up.

Maybe he really has to find a way out there in the universe. There are not so many monsters for him to defeat in the Teyvat continent.

So there is no rush to level up for now.

According to his previous ideas, Li Qiuzhi planned to learn some swordsmanship, fuse it with a god-level swordsmanship skill, and then combine it with the "Power of Ying" and "Wuxiang's Sword".

Let’s see if we can be lucky enough to fuse a skill beyond the divine realm.

He asked the gods like the Thunder Movie Sisters and Nasida, and found that the skills they mastered did not exceed the divine realm level. It was not difficult to develop skills beyond the divine realm level.

But Li Qiuzhi is different. He only needs to master as many God-level skills as possible and then try to fuse them.

Although it depends a bit on luck, it's not that simple.

Li Qiuzhi is heading to the Arataki Sect now. Today, in addition to the official conclusion of the case between Yan Fei and her junior sister Jiu Qi Ren, he has to fulfill his duty to send Yan Fei back to Liyue Port.

By the way, I asked Ninja Kuki to exchange swordsmanship with Ichito. He remembered that the weapon used by Ichito was a big sword, while Ninja Kuki used a one-handed sword.

It's all swordsmanship that happened to be learned from them.

After all, if you want to integrate god-level swordsmanship skills, you need a lot of other swordsmanship.

In fact, with Li Qiuzhi's current understanding of swordsmanship, he can easily create new swordsmanship by himself.

But because these so-called new swordsmanships are all developed based on the swordsmanship he has already mastered, in the final analysis they are variations of the skills he has already mastered.

No matter how innovative you are, it is still based on the swordsmanship you have already mastered. Therefore, even if you develop a new swordsmanship, it is still part of the existing swordsmanship.

Therefore, there is no way to include it on the character panel. After all, it has already been included on the character panel.

Therefore, if you want to acquire new swordsmanship skills, you cannot create them yourself. You must learn from others. Others' skills are what you have not mastered.

Not long after, Li Qiuzhi came to the Huanglong Sect again.

Because he had to take Yanfei back and forth after collecting the rough stones, he came here basically every day.

"Yo, you're here"

In the house of the Arataki sect, Ichito Arataki, who had red ghost horns, and his younger brothers lay weakly on the sofa, looking exhausted.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Qiuzhi asked doubtfully.

"There have been a lot of construction projects in Inazuma Castle recently, and our Arataki faction has also been entrusted with it. The boss is responsible for using elemental power to create large bricks, and we are responsible for transporting them. We are exhausted."

Ah Huang said weakly.

"Well, that's really hard work." Li Qiuzhi smiled, and golden pinwheel chrysanthemums grew on the floor, covering the entire room in a moment.

Idou and his younger brothers Akira, Genta, Mamoru and others immediately felt that their fatigue was lifted, and they were instantly resurrected with full health.


Arataki jumped up from the sofa, ran to Li Qiuzhi like a strong wind, put his arm around his shoulders and said:

"I didn't expect you to have such a powerful ability. Why don't you join our Arataki faction and go to the construction site to move bricks together? With you here, we will never get tired. This is just like picking up money!"

Generally, work on construction sites is paid based on the workload, mainly to increase the enthusiasm of workers.

What Yi Dou said is indeed correct.

But with such a powerful ability, you still think of moving bricks

Li Qiuzhi was speechless. He pushed away the hand on his shoulder in disgust. He didn't want to discuss such a profound issue with Yidou. He looked at the room with only a few people and asked:

"By the way, where are Enhi and Kuki Shinobi? Haven't they come back yet?"

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