I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 574: Touching the Bones (2-in-1)

Castle tower, rear courtyard.

The open space here is quite large, and General Thunder would occasionally watch flowers and birds under the pavilion. The two of them just wanted to have a few simple tricks, so this place was just right.

"Come on!" Li Qiuzhi stood opposite General Thunder and summoned the Ice Sword of Light.

The general did not speak, but also summoned his long-handled naginata.

He stepped back on the wooden high-heeled shoes he was wearing, and even without using any elemental power, he instantly rushed in front of Li Qiuzhi with just his body strength.

The sharp blade of the naginata blocked the sunlight and fell as fast as lightning!

So fast! Li Qiuzhi's expression condensed, and he quickly faced the sword of ice, and a "dang" sound came from his arm as a counter-shock force.

The two of them quickly bounced away with the help of this force, and then they fought together again while looking for flaws.

Putting aside the specific strength, purely from the perspective of swordsmanship, Li Qiuzhi's mastery of the two god-level swordsmanships of "Yingzhi Power" and "Wuxiang's Sword" is more powerful than General Leiden who only masters "Wuxiang's Sword".

It's just that the general's physical fitness is much stronger than his own, and even if he doesn't use his powers, he can still make up for his slight lack of skills.

Therefore, when the two of them fought, it felt like they were evenly matched and inseparable.

However, it is precisely this kind of back-and-forth battle that can make people's blood boil. Otherwise, if you are killed by a knife, or killed by a knife, there will be no feeling of blood boiling.

The sparring lasted for more than an hour, and the two men put away their weapons and stopped fighting.

"Yes, it's rare to be so happy." General Lei Dian looked at Li Qiuzhi with approval.

"It's okay, it's okay, I almost lost." Li Qiuzhi touched the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand and said, "Maybe they have already discussed cooperation, let's go back first."

"Hmm." General Lei Dian hugged his chest with half exposed white skin, nodded while walking with Li Qiuzhi, and then asked curiously:

"Recently, the 'inner' strength seems to have become much stronger. She said it was improved by practicing with you. What kind of practice is it?"

"Oh?" Li Qiuzhi looked at the general, "Do you want to try it too?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

General Thunder glanced at Li Qiuzhi.

"Not at all. It's not troublesome if you want to practice. You can try it now." Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly, then smiled and continued, "Where is your room? Let's go there. It's quieter and also No one will bother you.”

It is better to practice in a quiet place. General Lei Dian did not suspect anything and took Li Qiuzhi to his room.

It didn't take long for them to arrive in the general's room.

General Thunderbolt's room is naturally not small, but apart from the luxurious decoration, there are not many things inside.

There is only one bed, wardrobe, small table, etc.

There seems to be a bathroom in the upper right corner. Although the general is a doll, he is still a body after all, so he naturally needs a bath to clean his body.

"How do you practice specifically?" General Lei Dian turned around and looked at Li Qiuzhi and asked.

"My way of practice is very simple." Li Qiuzhi closed the door, "As long as you cooperate and don't move, just do as I say."

"Practice doesn't require me to do anything. This kind of practice method is quite novel."

General Thunder's purple pupils revealed some doubts, but he didn't think much about it, so he nodded:

"Of course you can, but how do you want me to cooperate?"

Once you reach the level of the top demon god, it is very slow and difficult to continue to improve your strength. Only through the accumulation of time can you slowly improve.

"Inner" can improve a lot in a short period of time. As someone who prefers fighting, she is naturally curious.

"Just stand still and don't move for now, and then let me operate."

Li Qiuzhi said with a serious face.

Then he took two steps forward and walked up to the general. Under the other's doubtful eyes, he first pinched her white and soft cheeks.

"Huh? Why are you so rude to me? This has nothing to do with practice."

General Thunder felt his cheeks being kneaded and deformed by Li Qiuzhi's hands. How could the dignified general be so frivolous? He was about to slap these rude hands away.

Then I heard Li Qiuzhi explain:

"Don't worry, before we officially start, I have to 'touch your bones' first. You should have heard that some martial arts in Liyue require 'bone bones'.

"Most of them have to start practicing martial arts from a young age, because the muscles and bones at that time are highly flexible and plastic, so they can get twice the result with half the effort when practicing martial arts.

"My unique practice method is similar. Let me see how your 'root bone' is first. If it is good, our practice will naturally be more efficient."

"Martial arts?"

General Lei Dian didn't know much about the martial arts in Liyue, but he had heard General Kujo talk about it before, and it seemed to be just something in a drama.

Sometimes it's just simple fists and kicks, and those who brag about being powerful are usually deceptive tricks.

However, Li Qiuzhi's strength is indeed good, and he is a rare person who can fight against him. Maybe he really masters real kung fu.

So he nodded and let him continue to do the "bone-touching" thing to him.

The general was unexpectedly naive. Li Qiuzhi was secretly amused when he saw this, but the movements of his hands did not stop. He rubbed the general's soft cheeks.

He rubbed her jawline with his fingers, as if he were really "touching the bones".

Perhaps it was due to the sweat from the intense battle just now, but the general's snow-white skin was soft and slightly sticky.

It feels slippery when you touch it, and it feels surprisingly good!

Feeling his jaw was a little itchy, General Thunder frowned slightly, parted his lips slightly, and couldn't help but say:

"Are you touching me like this? You've been here for three minutes."

"If you touch it longer, you can see more clearly." Li Qiuzhi chuckled, sliding his fingers down his fair neck and stopping at the general's collarbone.

The skin looks fragile, but no matter how much you touch it, it remains soft and white.

Next, he put his hand on General Thunder's waist, squeezed it, and said hesitantly:

"It's a bit unclear through the clothes. Can I untie it a little?"

"There is nothing wrong with it."

General Thunder thought for a moment after hearing this, and then nodded in agreement.

It would be disrespectful and disrespectful to be naked in front of outsiders, but because of Li Qiuzhi's relationship with "Inner", he could naturally be considered a close person to her.

Since practicing such a serious thing requires doing this, it is naturally not a big deal.


Li Qiuzhi got close to General Thunder, hugging her with their faces almost touching, and stretched his hands to her back, preparing to untie her waist.

"Why is that so? Wouldn't it be more convenient to untie it behind you?"

General Thunder turned his face slightly to the left, otherwise his mouth would touch Li Qiuzhi and he would be unable to speak.

"No trouble, I just want to feel your overall posture."

Li Qiuzhi put his face against the general's face, put his mouth close to her ear, and found an excuse to explain casually. He looked at the white earlobes close to his eyes under the dark purple hair.

He pressed his lips together gently.

"You!" General Thunder opened his mouth subconsciously, and just when he was about to ask why he bit her ear, she noticed that her waistband was untied and fell to the ground.

The kimono that half exposed her snow-white chest was also opened from the middle to both sides, and her white belly and purple lace leggings wrapping her plump buttocks were clearly visible.

Li Qiuzhi said before she spoke:

"This is part of the practice, you don't have to worry about it."

After saying that, he moved his face to the front of General Thunder, looked at her beautiful purple eyes, and blocked her mouth without giving her a chance to ask further questions.

His hands slid from his back to his buttocks, squeezing gently.

General Lei and Lightning clearly sensed that something was wrong. She was just being rude and frivolous by Li Qiuzhi. What kind of practice was that?

Frowning, he pressed his shoulders and was about to drive him away when a warm energy was transmitted from the opposite side. General Thunder and Lightning immediately found that his body strength had increased immediately.

Although the amplitude is not large, it is still worth the one or two months of hard training now. It seems that Li Qiuzhi did not deceive himself. This is just a part of the practice. But why is this practice so weird?

Even though he still had doubts, General Thunder gave up the idea of ​​pushing Li Qiuzhi away.

Li Qiuzhi kissed the general's lips for a while, then looked at her slightly and said, "I touched it just now and found that your bones are not bad. A simple attempt to practice can have such a great effect.

"Let's go over there and have closer contact later. That way the practice will be more effective."

He held General Lei and Lightning's hips and picked him up. The general subconsciously wrapped his arms around Li Qiuzhi's neck. He walked to the edge of the bed and put General Thunder down.

Li Qiuzhi looked slightly confused when she looked at General Thunder and Lightning, whose kimono was open, revealing the snow-white skin on his lower abdomen.

He helped her take off her purple lace leggings, hung them on her ankles wrapped in purple knee-high stockings, and raised her calves slightly.

The castle tower, the duel room in front of the emperor.

Yae Kamiko smiled and looked at Coral Palace Xinhai also signing the cooperation agreement. The smile on her fair and pretty face became even brighter and she said:

"Oh, it's really not easy. In this way, even if Kaiji Island has reached cooperation with the shogunate, infrastructure construction such as roads will be carried out soon.

"Then the trade between the two places will become even more unhindered, and it will only be a matter of time before the economy along the road prospers. This will be of great benefit to the entire Daozhu."

"Haha, thank you very much for taking care of Miss Shenzi."

Coral Palace Xinhai covered her mouth and smiled softly.

The two of them looked calm and calm, as if the nearly two-hour confrontation did not exist.

Now that the cooperation has been discussed, Coral Palace Xinhai no longer talks about it. After all, it is very tiring. She looked around:

"Why hasn't the general come here yet? The cooperation with Kaijijima needs to be witnessed by her to be renamed."

"That guy, the general, took a certain young adventurer to a sparring session early in the morning. Maybe he got interested. I'll ask General Kujo to call her."

Yae Shenzi smiled and was about to ask Kujo Sora, who was acting as a guard next to him, to go to the backyard to look for the general.

At this moment, two figures walked out of the passage leading to the backyard, it was General Lei Dian and Li Qiuzhi.

Coral Palace's heart was keenly aware that the hair hanging down from the general's forehead was stuck together, and the sweat overflowing from his neck was slightly reflected.

Then he understood that what Yae Shenzi said must be true, and her fight must have been quite intense, so Xinhai first greeted:

"Hello, General, I'm sorry to disturb your mood."

Hearing this, General Thunder and Lightning subconsciously looked to the side, folded his arms and nodded calmly and said:

"It's okay. I have witnessed Miss Coral Palace's cooperation with Haiji Island. It's hard for you to come all the way. Why don't you take a short rest first? I will host a banquet for you later."

When discussing cooperation, it is a normal procedure for the host to host a banquet. Coral Palace Xinhai had no reason to refuse, so he could only nod and said:

"Thank you General!"


General Thunder and Lightning responded, and then walked back again. His body was sweating and he seemed to want to take a shower.

It was difficult for Li Qiuzhi to follow him in such a large crowd, so he said hello to Xinhai first:

"Xinhai, have you agreed on how to cooperate?"

"Well, Miss Shenzi was surprisingly easy to talk to today, and the conversation naturally went smoothly." Coral Palace Xinhai glanced at Yae Shenzi, then looked at Li Qiuzhi and said with a smile.

She made an appointment with Li Qiuzhi yesterday and the two met at the castle tower, so it was not surprising that he would travel here.

I didn't expect that he would be asked by the General to discuss with him. No wonder I didn't see him in the morning.

"That's good." Li Qiuzhi continued, "Then take advantage of your free time now and tell me a little bit about the 'Holy Soil Transformation'."

"Yeah." Coral Palace Xinhai nodded gently.

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi and Coral Gong Xinhai were chatting animatedly, Yae Shenzi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and was not going to disturb them, so he asked Kujo Sora next to him to leave first.

Kujo Sanra came here after Li Qiuzhi and the general went to the backyard to discuss matters. After all, such a formal occasion naturally had to be watched by guards.

As everyone left one after another, and she was waiting for the General anyway, Coral Palace Xinhai and Li Qiuzhi sat down on the chairs.

He briefly told him about the "Holy Land" of Kaiji Island, and the accompanying witches stood by.

In the afternoon, after General Thunder hosted a banquet, Coral Palace Xinhai and his party successfully completed their mission and prepared to return to Haiji Island.

Saying goodbye to the General, he took the witches with him on the return journey.

There is a new member of the team, Li Qiuzhi. After all, he has now accepted Xinhai's commission and is ready to help her solve the problem of "holy soil" on Haiji Island.

He already understood what was going on from Xinhai's mouth, which was similar to what Li Qiuzhi learned from the game plot.

It's just that the "spirit" of Kaiji Island sank into Yuanxia Palace, causing the land to become "holy soil". This problem has always been there on Kaiji Island.

Xinhai also has a solution, Li Qiuzhi just needs to cooperate.

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