Outside Mondstadt, on the road to Qingquan Town.

Li Qiuzhi and Rosalia came here from the city gate along the hardened road.

You can see many bicycles and cars riding on the road.

Among them, there are the Knights of the West Wind patrolling in cars with the Knights' emblem, and freight cars are also used by adventurers traveling back and forth and hunters who catch prey and sell it in the city.

Obviously, the construction of road facilities in Mondstadt has also tended to be improved, which has greatly improved the efficiency of urban operation.

"The West Wind Church's patrol should also be along the road. With the West Wind Knight patrolling, there should be no need to worry about encountering any danger."

In mid-air, Li Qiuzhi said to Rosalia next to him.

"It's definitely better than before."

Rosalia looked at the car with the Zephyr Knight mark on the road, nodded slightly and said in agreement.

In the past, the West Wind Knights could only patrol by walking.

For example, the distance from Mondstadt to Qingquan Town takes almost one day to walk back and forth, which means that a team of West Wind Knights can patrol once in one day.

This kind of efficiency is too low. There are many monsters in the wild, and a half-day patrol cannot have a large window period.

Otherwise, as soon as the front foot steps forward, people behind will be attacked by monsters, and there will be no way to rescue them.

In order to deal with this situation, it is obvious that we can only arrange more patrols.

But it's different with cars. It only takes a team of Zephyr Knights to patrol at the same frequency as before.

The freed manpower can be allocated to other places where it is necessary to serve the people of Mondstadt.

In this way, there will basically be no situation like the previous shortage of manpower, which required Captain Qin to step in for even trivial matters.

Although there is also a relationship between Qin herself who wants to personally lead by example.

Li Qiuzhi thought to himself.

"But even so, for the safety of the pilgrimage, we still have to conduct reconnaissance and put some things to repel monsters in possible dangerous places."

Rosalia took out several sachet-like things from the Eye of God.

"This is?"

Li Qiuzhi didn't smell anything, so he asked slightly curiously.

"It's a special kind of sachet. The nuns finally found the disgusting smell of ordinary monsters such as Chuqiu people and slimes by observing them.

“Ultimately, different plants that emit the smell they hate are combined together to create this special sachet.

"Humans can't smell the smell it emits, but monsters can. They will feel sick when they smell this smell, and generally won't come close."

Rosalia explained.

"Oh, in this case, when the nuns go on patrol, if they take a few of them with them, they won't be attacked by monsters."

Li Qiuzhi felt that the effect of this sachet seemed to be quite powerful.

If adventurers who go out on adventures take a few with them, wouldn't they have to worry about monsters approaching?

"Don't think too much. The smell of these sachets will become very faint after it floats about ten meters away. Carrying it with you may not have much effect."

Rosalia shook her head and said.

The effect is only a dozen meters away. When those monsters come close and smell it, they may endure nausea and not want to let go of the prey in front of them. It is also possible.

At this time, the most it can do is make the monsters feel sick and slightly weaken their fighting power, but it has no other effect.

Therefore, it is necessary to hang some sachets on the pilgrimage road in advance, so that the monsters that smell the scent will run away early, and they will not come when the pilgrimage is on.

"I see, then let's go down and choose a place to hang these sachets."

Li Qiuzhi understood.

"Yeah." Rosalia had already had this intention.

So next, on the road to Qingquan Town, the two of them placed a special sachet that can expel monsters every few hundred meters.

When they come near the road, they will usually run away after smelling the smell, so there is no need to worry about them gathering nearby.

By flying, the two quickly arrived at Qingquan Town. No potential danger factors were found on the way, and special exorcism sachets had been arranged.

In this way, the route from Mondstadt to Qingquan Town has been laid out.

Next is the route from Qingquan Town to Fengqidi. There is a section on this road that is repeated, so there will be fewer sachets arranged.

After arriving at the big tree in Fengqi Land, no possible hidden dangers were found.

After all, this place is also close to Mondstadt City, so there are a lot of people, and the monsters don't dare to be too rampant, but the next section of the road to Star Cliff may be relatively dangerous.

Li Qiuzhi and Rosalia discovered two Qiuqiu camps on the road. They tried it and dropped special exorcism sachets from mid-air into their camps.

Not long after, I saw those Qiuqiu people retching and running away, not even wanting the food they were cooking.

From this point of view, within the range of fragrance coverage, these sachets do a very good job.

It actually made people in Qiuqiu run away without even asking for food!

This made Li Qiuzhi feel a little surprised. If the production was not difficult, there would be a market for the "Sweet Flower Merchant Association" and the Xifeng Church to cooperate in selling such sachets.

At the very least, adventurers will probably enjoy taking a few with them.

After placing the exorcism sachets on the road, you only need to place them on Star Picking Cliff to complete the task and you can go back.

But when Li Qiuzhi and Rosalia walked to the cliff, they saw a guy dressed in green.

"Oh, isn't this Li Qiuzhi, oh? There is also a cold nun. What a coincidence. Are you here for a date?"

Wendy said with a smile.

"Huh, if you want to freeze your mouth, just say so." Rosalia, who was holding her arms, raised her hands, and ice condensed on her palms.

Apparently he was a little dissatisfied with the bard who spoke so openly.

"Hey!" Wendy blinked one eye.

Li Qiuzhi looked at him speechlessly and asked, "You're not drinking in the tavern, why are you here?"

"It seems that you still understand me, but after drinking, it is necessary to go out for a breather and meet friends occasionally."

Wendy said with a smile on her hips.

My friend Li Qiuzhi probably guessed that he was talking about Tevalin. He used his mental power to sense it and found that there was indeed a strong wind element nearby.

Presumably it was left behind by Tvarin.

As if he thought of something, Li Qiuzhi said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I have a 'product' that you may be interested in. Do you want to know a little bit about it?"

"Oh? Is it some kind of particularly high-quality wine?" Looking at Li Qiuzhi's appearance, Wendy was a little excited.

"No, but probably you and your friends would be interested."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head.

There is one more chapter, a little later.

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