I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 599 Sword skills beyond the realm of gods (two-in-one)

Like a ray of dawn.

A silver edge flashed, and a huge true insect was cut in half.

The blood in its body seemed to be unresponsive, not a trace of blood spilled out.

After a while, they suddenly splashed out.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 93572 experience points. 】

Li Qiuzhi looked at the prompt that popped up on the character panel, which meant that this was the third wave of insect swarms that had been wiped out.

At the same time, his secret-level "blood-seeing" swordsmanship was successfully practiced to the full level.

——Blood-Seeing Swordsmanship·Secret 10 (Bleeding)

Now that there is still about half an hour left for the blessing of luck, Li Qiuzhi decided to try first to see if he could be blessed by luck.

Combine it with the two previously maxed-out esoteric skills to form a secret-level swordsmanship.

This way you don't have to continue practicing the next two sword skills.

If he fails, he will choose to use his experience points to improve the fusion of the next two swordsmanships.

Because if you practice on your own, there is definitely no way to practice them to the full level when the effect of Lucky Favor ends.

He is also planning to fuse the God Realm level skills before the blessing of luck ends, and try to see if he can fuse a skill beyond the God Realm level with just three God Realm level skills.

If there is no blessing of luck, based on past experience in skill fusion, the success rate is only about one-third.

This success rate is relatively low.

But with the five times effect of lucky blessing, it might be possible to succeed. If it goes well, it will save at least one god-level skill.

You must know that even if you have a lot of experience points, it is quite troublesome to accumulate a god-level skill.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi no longer hesitated and began to integrate it with the other two skills.

Hidden Shadow Sword Technique 10 (Shadowless) + Soul-Chasing Sword Technique 10 (Soul Mark) + Blood-seeing Sword Technique·Secret Tradition 10 (bleeding)→Chasing Soul-Seeing Shadow·Mystery 1 (0/5000)

The effect of five times the blessing of luck is not a guarantee, and as expected, it is easy to integrate the arcana-level swordsmanship skills.

Next, he spent 225,000 experience points to directly upgrade this new profound skill to the full level.

Experience points-225000

Chasing the Soul and Seeing the Shadow·Mystery 1 (0/5000) → Chasing the Soul and Seeing the Shadow·Mystery 10 (Blood Hunt without Shadow)

Later, Li Qiuzhi directly integrated it into the swordsmanship skill that was just one secret level skill away from being promoted to the divine realm level:

Judgment Skill·No Life of All Things 10 (Departure of Ghosts and Gods, Three Lives of All Things, Judgment of Life and Death) + Chasing Souls and Seeing Shadows·Mystery 10 (Blood Hunting without Shadow) → Cause and Effect Skill·Nirvana 1 (0/10000)

Because it is already a little bit close to being able to advance to the God Realm level, even without the effect of Lucky Favor, it can be advanced after fusing this skill.

So there is no surprise, Li Qiuzhi successfully obtained a new divine-level sword skill!

The next step is more critical. Whether you can integrate skills that transcend the divine realm depends on this step.

Experience points-450000

First, he spent experience points to upgrade the "Cause and Effect Skill: Annihilation" to the full level, and obtained a divine domain characteristic called "Death Curse".

The effect is that if it is hit, it will cause instant death. The weaker it is, the more unavoidable it is to avoid the "death curse" from taking effect.

If he was stronger than Li Qiuzhi, he could still resist a little.

But if the "death curse" is not eradicated from the causal level in time, no matter how strong you are, you will fall into a slow death.

It's a very nice feature.

After raising the skill to the full level, Li Qiuzhi looked forward to merging it with the other two god-level skills:

Cause and Effect Skills·Nirvana 10 (Death Curse) + Power of Ying·Divine Realm 10 (Star Sea Ten Thousand) + Wuxiang’s Sword·Divine Realm 10 (Wuxiang Wushuang) → Ying’s Wuxiang·World 1 (0/100000)

Several skills on the character panel were twisted and fused together, and finally a skill with the suffix "World" appeared.

There is no doubt that this is the level above the divine domain level - world level!

It seems that the five times lucky favor effect has come into play again!

However, this world-class skill requires 100,000 experience points just to upgrade from level one to level two.

In other words, it takes a full 4.5 million experience points to reach the full level!

Even if I didn't use experience points to improve my skills just now, I defeated several waves of insect swarms, which only increased my experience points to four million.

Now there are only about 3.3 million left. If you want to collect 4.5 million experience points, you have to continue to defeat one or two waves of swarms of large numbers.

Just in time, Li Qiuzhi wanted to try out his world-class sword skills!

With a thought, he activated Youla's favorability skill and summoned the ice-white sword of light. This time, Li Qiuzhi did not use gravity to control the meteorite.

Instead, he simply slashed at the stomach of the cosmic beast.

There was no golden sword energy, or rather there was, but the speed was too fast. The next moment, a thousand-meter-long incision appeared on the stomach wall without any warning.

The blood of the cosmic beast is like a river bursting its banks, gushing out like a torrential flood!


A painful sound seemed to come from a distant place, and then Li Qiuzhi felt the entire stomach of the giant beast vibrate.

Although his subsequent sword was ordinary, it contained many characteristics. He even chose to use the causal characteristic of "Death Curse".

It was obvious that this blow had indeed succeeded in injuring this behemoth.

However, it did not die immediately, which showed that it was much stronger than itself.

Li Qiuzhi gave up the idea of ​​using "Command Spell" to control it. After all, for a creature stronger than himself, it was more difficult to stun it than to kill it.

For example, now, this cosmic beast has been hit by a "death curse". If it is not dealt with, the result will naturally be that cells continue to die.

Until every cell of it dies.

I don't know how much experience I can gain by defeating such a cosmic beast. Li Qiuzhi thought with a little anticipation.

However, it is so huge that it is unknown how long it will take to die, and it will also instinctively mobilize energy to fight the "death curse".

Thinking about it, it will probably be a long process to make it disappear.

Li Qiuzhi didn't care. He was more interested in the swarm of insects flying towards him than defeating this cosmic behemoth.

There are actually three true stinging insects in this wave of insects, and they are all level 95 or above. It seems that they are lucky.

Li Qiuzhi summoned two Ying Sword Gods to confront the two true stingworms respectively, and he also looked at the remaining one.

Some of the world-class swordsmanship was released unexpectedly. The real stingworm, which was flying very fast, suddenly stopped. He felt like a light on his back, and a terrifying sense of crisis lingered in his heart.

However, the insect swarms don't care about death at all, or in other words, their biological instincts do not have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Everything is for the benefit of the group, and the individual life and death of the swarm seems to be irrelevant.

Watching the real stingworms flying straight over.

Li Qiuzhi was not polite, and the invisible sword intent continued to invade its body until it flew dozens of meters away from him.


Quietly, it turned into fine powder as it flew, dissipating like mist.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 98125 experience points. 】

Except for this true stinging insect, the other two have also been easily eliminated by the "Sword God of Ying".

The skill has been upgraded to the world level, and the ability of "Yingzhi Sword God" has also become much stronger accordingly.

It is also very easy to deal with these insects.

Although there were many insect swarms, they were all quickly wiped out by him and his two incarnations.

A total of more than 700,000 experience points were obtained:

[Experience point: 4083607]

The number of experience points he had returned to around four million, which was less than half a million short of the number needed to upgrade his world-class skills to full level.

Li Qiuzhi simply continued to make an opening in the stomach wall, and a large amount of blood spilled out again.

The swarm of insects woke up from the blood and rushed over like buzzing bees.

No idea!

Li Qiuzhi raised the Sword of Light in his hand and slashed at them again. All the insects instantly turned into mist and dissipated as they flew.

Experience points +5682

Experience point +6141

Experience points +5412

A large number of prompts for obtaining experience points pop up in the character panel.

[Experience point: 4636207]

It seems that there are only more than 4.6 million experience points left, which is enough to upgrade world-class skills to the full level.

Li Qiuzhi didn't hesitate and put them directly into the skill.

Experience points-4500000

Ying Zhi Wu Xiang·World 1 (0/100000) → Ying Zhi Wu Xiang·World 10 (Xinghai)

New skill characteristics were born, and he finally successfully upgraded his sword skills to the full level. Now he only has a little experience left:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv105 (0/15000000)

Race: human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General of the Sea, Xumi Sage

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Yingzhiwuxiang·World 10 (Star Sea), Objectivity Illusory Shadow Realm·God Realm 10 (unobservable state), Flowing Sky Archery·Mystery 10 (Frost Flower Arrow)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demon (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)]

Experience points: 136207

Of course, 130,000 is not enough to upgrade the level, but it is fine if it is used for emergencies.

Seeing that the duration of Lucky's favor was still a few minutes away, Li Qiuzhi hurt this cosmic beast a little hard this time.

In order to prevent the duration from passing, let the cosmic beast notice him, or change without danger.

Li Qiuzhi decided to retreat first. It was getting late anyway and it was time to go back to take a shower and go to bed.

Wonderland space, living room.

Keqing, who had already finished her meal, sat on the sofa a little dissatisfied because a certain guy brought her here and then ran away without permission.

Moreover, she ran for several hours and it was already late at night but she still could not go back.

She was feeling a little dissatisfied at this time.

At this moment, a space crack opened, and Li Qiuzhi walked out of it. When he saw Ke Qing sitting on the sofa, sulking, his heart skipped a beat.

Too bad I was so focused on gaining experience points and practicing swordsmanship that I forgot that Keqing was still in the fairyland space!

"Hey, have you finished eating?"

Li Qiuzhi asked awkwardly.

"What do you think?" Ke Qing glared at Li Qiuzhi, "Where did you go?"

"Sorry, I just went to practice swordsmanship. If you don't believe me, ask Ningguang. I just got a few swordsmanship secret books from her today."

Li Qiuzhi sat next to Keqing and gently held her hand to ask for forgiveness.

"Hmph, why are you practicing swordsmanship so late at night?" Ke Qing believed Li Qiuzhi, but she was just a little dissatisfied with him leaving her behind.

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi had apologized, she didn't want to pursue the issue anymore, so she parted her lips and said:

"Okay, it's getting late, so take me back first."

The day after tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, and there is still a lot of work to be busy tomorrow. Keqing wants to go back and rest early.

"That's right, it's getting late. Why don't you just stay here and take a bath? There is a hot spring on the second floor. A bath can relax your body after a tiring day!"

Li Qiuzhi quietly hugged Keqing's soft waist.

Her fair cheeks flushed slightly, and she patted Li Qiuzhi's hand, trying to swat him away, but to no avail.

Keqing had no choice but to say:

"I didn't bring a change of clothes. Forget it, I'd better go back and take a bath again."

"It doesn't matter if you don't bring it. There's no one else here anyway, and the room temperature isn't cold. It doesn't matter if you don't wear anything!"

Li Qiuzhi put his cheek to her and kissed the corner of Kerqing's mouth.

You could clearly feel the body of the girl in her arms shaking, and she struggled a little and said in embarrassment:

"Say, say something stupid, send me back quickly!"

Li Qiuzhi shook his head gently, reached out with his left hand behind Ke Qing's back, gently lifted up her skirt and pressed her buttocks wrapped in black stockings, and said with a smile:

"don't want."

"Yeah!" Feeling the touch from behind, Keqing's body trembled slightly and she quickly pushed down the hem of her skirt.

With an unusually red face, she glared at Li Qiuzhi and said:

"Asshole, take your hands away!"

Li Qiuzhi obviously would not be so obedient. He picked up Keqing with force and let her sit in his arms. His right hand continued to hold her waist and abdomen to prevent her from getting up and walking away.

The left hand slides from the buttocks to the side of the thigh and rubs gently.

He said to himself:

"Okay, I understand. Let me help you take off your socks so that you can take a bath later, right?"

After saying that, Li Qiuzhi put his hand inside Keqing's skirt, caressed her buttocks back and forth, looking for the opening of the black stockings.

"Stupid, stupid!"

Ke Qing couldn't bear it anymore, so she angrily turned around and bit Li Qiuzhi's arm, and also used the elemental power of thunder.

This is the punishment for shameless people!

"Hiss~" Li Qiuzhi took a slight breath, his arms were slightly numb, but he still had no intention of letting go of Ke Qing.

He clamped Keqing's stocking-covered legs to prevent her from moving. He grabbed the top of the stocking with his left hand and pulled it down directly.

Because the material of the stockings is quite good, even with a little force, they were pulled all the way to the knees without being torn.

Keqing felt something cool under her skirt and rolled her eyes to glance at her knees.

I found that the black pantyhose had been pulled down, and there were also lavender briefs hidden inside.

Ke Qing's pupils were trembling so hard that she almost fainted.

He didn't even care about punishing Li Qiuzhi. He quickly let go and quickly grabbed it with both hands and lifted it up before he was pulled down further.

Change first and then change

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