I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 614 Imaginary number internal energy (two in one)

Looking at the prompts that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi felt a surge of anticipation in his heart. Every time he broke through, the racial expertise was very powerful.

Not knowing what it would be this time, he looked at the first option:

[Phagosome: In human cells, a cell organelle called "phagosome" has evolved, which can swallow up various substances and energy entering the body and use it to strengthen itself. The magnitude and effect of strengthening depend on the swallowed substance. 】

Phagocytic Li Qiuzhi looked at this skill and secretly felt that it was outrageous. It could actually allow cells to swallow various substances and energy to strengthen his body.

It is indeed a racial expertise that reaches level 110.

But maybe the second one is better. Li Qiuzhi turned his attention to the next option:

[Memetic Nightmare: Give up the physical body and evolve into a memetic creature that wanders freely in the dream world. Incarnate in the dream world, control the dream world, and all your abilities will be greatly enhanced in the dream world. 】

Well, this is strong, but if you have to give up your body, forget it. If you can't stick to girls, what's the point of becoming stronger.

Li Qiuzhi shook his head.

If when the racial expertise was given, it was similar to giving up the body so that he could not be close to girls, then he would rather just leave it alone and not choose it.

Anyway, missing one or two specialties won’t hinder anything. Just wait for the next breakthrough and refresh.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the third specialty. If he didn't like it, he would choose the first one:

[Imaginary number internal energy: Master the ability to connect the imaginary number space, and you can obtain the energy called "imaginary number internal energy" from it. Covering it with imaginary number internal energy can transfer objects in the "real number space" to the imaginary number space, and can release it at any time. Imaginary internal energy can distort reality to a certain extent. 】

oh? Li Qiuzhi looked at this racial specialty in surprise.

He had some knowledge of the imaginary number space. Before time travel on earth, when Li Qiuzhi played the game "Genshin Impact", he had played another game from this company.

The ability of imaginary number space was introduced in it. Space is not the focus of this ability. He now has the fairyland space and the void star sea.

There is no shortage of space skills.

The effect of transferring objects from real number space, that is, reality, to imaginary number space is relatively small.

But the energy of the imaginary space, "imaginary internal energy", is very important!

The imaginary number space is a negative space that is symmetrical to the real number space, that is, reality. This space exists theoretically, but because of its symmetry with reality, the theory does not support any intersection between it and reality.

Because reality is "divergent" and "infinitely expanding", the imaginary number space is "collapsed", "infinitely small" and close to nothing.

In other words, it does not exist, but scientific theory speculates that there should be such an imaginary number space that is symmetrical to the real number space.

There is no possibility of any intersection between the two.

Unless you have some extraordinary ability to connect the imaginary number space, you will not be able to access it.

As a symmetry of reality, reality possesses various energies such as thermal energy and nuclear energy, collectively referred to as real internal energy.

The same imaginary number space also has various energies, such as Honkai energy, etc. They are collectively referred to as imaginary number internal energy.

Being able to directly obtain imaginary number internal energy from the imaginary number space is roughly equivalent to comparing it to reality. You can directly obtain imaginary number internal energy from the body of this object called the "real world".

Energy is obtained from the energy pool formed by the sum of all energies such as dynamic energy, potential energy, chemical energy, ionization energy, and nuclear energy of various microscopic particles.

This equates to having a huge amount of energy at your disposal.

not only.

You must know that although the real world is expanding infinitely, energy will not be generated out of thin air. For the real world, both matter and energy are limited.

So reality is "limited", then for the imaginary number space, it is "infinite". In short, the internal energy of the imaginary number space is infinite!

Li Qiuzhi can obtain energy from the imaginary number space, which is equivalent to him becoming a humanoid perpetual motion machine and never lacking energy to use!

With such an outrageous ability, there is no way he would miss it!

What is a little pity is that this ability only allows Li Qiuzhi to obtain unlimited energy from the imaginary number space.

If this is compared to a pistol, it is equivalent to having unlimited bullets, and there are so many bullets that you can use them at will.

But there is no way to increase the caliber, and the power of the attack still depends on one's existing strength.

It is impossible to take a large number of "bullets" from the imaginary number space and fuse them into an attack comparable to a "nuclear bomb".

His gun doesn't have that kind of caliber, and it can't handle that much energy.

Otherwise, he would be directly invincible, and the racial expertise at level 110 would not be that powerful yet.

But if there is any weapon that can destroy the universe and requires a lot of energy to activate, that's when Li Qiuzhi comes into play.

It can be turned into a perpetual motion machine to charge it. Of course, the premise is that this weapon can adapt to imaginary internal energy.

Without much hesitation, Li Qiuzhi chose the third option "Imaginary Internal Energy" for his racial expertise this time!

When he made the choice, he found that he could perceive a space in which there seemed to be nothing because it was infinitely small and had no specific location.

But at this time, he could sense that the truly unlimited energy inside could be accessed by him at any time.

Li Qiuzhi tried to take out some imaginary energy, and saw a dim energy appear in his palm.

This is the internal energy of imaginary numbers.

As symmetrical negative energy of real internal energy, its most basic manifestation in reality is to distort reality.

How to twist it specifically requires a little experimentation.

In addition, Li Qiuzhi discovered that although the imaginary internal energy is not compatible with the harmonious energy and immortal power in the body, it will not reject it.

However, if it exists in the body, it will occupy the position of the harmonious energy. When Li Qiuzhi needs to use the imaginary number internal energy, he can just take it directly from the imaginary number space, and there is no need to store it in the body.

The immortal power was given to him in the form of a blessing, so it would not occupy his position.

After testing the imaginary internal energy for a while, Li Qiuzhi glanced at the improved character panel:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv111 (0/21000000)

Race: human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General of the Sea, Xumi Sage

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Ying Zhi Wu Xiang·World 10 (Void Sea of ​​Stars), Flowing Sky Archery·Second Truth 10 (Frost Flower Arrow)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demon (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)]

Experience point: 2305176

Upgrading again required 21 million experience points, but seeing that there were only more than 2 million experience points left, Li Qiuzhi became a little distressed.

I don’t know if there will be another chance to quickly gain experience points, just let it happen.

Li Qiuzhi put away the character panel, stood up and stretched. It was already this time, so he might as well take a shower and then rest.

While thinking about it, he walked towards the hot spring bathhouse on the second floor.

He originally wanted to see which girl had not rested yet, so he could hug her and take a bath together, but thinking about the last time he went to Mona's room and watched her fall asleep, he just hugged her and cuddled together.

This caused a lot of delay in taking a shower.

This time, Li Qiuzhi felt that it was better to take a shower first, relax and then go practice with the girls.

After a while, he arrived at the hot spring bathhouse on the second floor.

But when he walked into the changing room, he unexpectedly found several sets of clothes on the shelves.

One set is a short cheongsam with a gradient of ink and white, and a black one-piece body suit. This should be Shen He's.

Li Qiuzhi often saw her dressed like this and would never admit her mistake.

The set next to her is made up of a white short cheongsam with golden patterns, a backless black triangle bodysuit, white sleeves and black stockings.

If I remember correctly, these should be Gan Yu's clothes. Could it be that Shen He invited Gan Yu to come to the fairyland space?

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised.

Gan Yu has the ability to "travel between stars" and can indeed teleport with Shen He.

If she really came here, her favorable impression of him would be at full level anyway, and Li Qiuzhi would take this opportunity to invite her to stay here.

But when I saw the third set of clothes, which were a cyan cloud shoulder and a black dress, as well as a pair of black stockings that seemed to have red vertical stripes.

The corner of Li Qiuzhi's mouth curled up. It seemed that Shen He had also pulled her master Xianyun over.

If Gan Yu was alone, he would be able to convince her to stay easily, but with the fact that they seemed to be in a hurry, it seemed like the task would still be a bit difficult.

Li Qiuzhi quickly changed out of his clothes, walked out of the changing room and walked to the hot spring pool.

A large amount of water vapor enveloped the entire bathhouse, making it difficult to see clearly, but the sound did not prevent it from being transmitted.

"Master, is the temperature of the water suitable?" Li Qiuzhi heard Shen He's voice.

"Well, Shen He, your place is really nice. After soaking in the water, I feel physically and mentally relaxed. I will bring you here more often next time."

Li Qiuzhi quietly fell into the water. He heard Xianyun's voice coming from the front, and he could already see several blurry figures sitting together.

"Zhenjun Liuyun is a little obsessed with studying the aircraft. I watched the discussions among scholars from the 'Void Forum' and found out that this project is very difficult.

"Zhenjun, you have surpassed the research progress of many scholars in just a few days. You must have stayed up late for several days in a row to be so tired."

Gan Yu also often stayed up late and worked overtime, so he was very aware of his master's situation.

She also understood that her master was very competitive. When she saw others coming up with new results, she would not allow herself to fall behind.

"Hmph, I am an immortal, how can I be inferior to a mere mortal." Xianyun raised his chin slightly and said with a slight expression of pride.

After hearing the conversation between several people, Li Qiuzhi probably understood what was going on.

Probably Xianyun finally decided to stay in Liyue Port, and was indeed very interested in the Xinghai Voyager project.

After starting the research, she often stayed up late to research the one with the fastest progress, so Shen He invited her to come here to take a bath and relax.

Li Qiuzhi dived into the water and swam quietly in front of Xianyun and the others who were chatting.

What appeared in front of him was a snow-white body sitting at the bottom of the hot spring pool with legs stretched out, before they noticed him.

Li Qiuzhi observed carefully and floated up after feasting his eyes.

Several people who were chatting suddenly found Li Qiuzhi emerging from the water. Gan Yu was startled. He instinctively put his legs together and covered his white chest and said:

"Ah, why did you appear suddenly!"

A blush appeared on Gan Yu's fair face, and even Xianyun, an elder immortal, also had the same condition, but she was pretending to be calm:

"Hmph, it's so rude to break into the bathhouse where the lady is bathing without permission!"

"Ahem, it's just an accident." Li Qiuzhi coughed slightly to cover up, and continued, "The main reason is that the steam was too strong and too strong, so I didn't notice anyone here for a while.

"Okay, now that you're here, let's take a bath together. Is Shen He okay?"

He looked at Shen He and asked.

"It's okay if you husband wants to take a bath together." Shen He tilted his head. Although he didn't understand why Li Qiuzhi asked him, the two of them often took baths together, so they naturally agreed.

Seeing that Shen He had no objection, Li Qiuzhi sat down between Xianyun and Gan Yu with a calm expression.

He naturally put his arms around their waists and gently rubbed their soft abdomens with his palms. .

"Hey, wait a minute." Feeling the warm touch coming from his waist and abdomen, Gan Yu's head was so hot that he couldn't react. He always felt that something was wrong.

Xianyun was also stunned. He didn't expect that Li Qiuzhi suddenly squeezed over and touched her very rudely.

Feeling the strange touch coming from her body, she could no longer maintain her composure, and her fair-skinned cheeks immediately turned red.

But after a while, he reacted and immediately held Li Qiuzhi's hand, his crimson cheeks turning into an expression of embarrassment:

"You have a close relationship with Shen He, so she naturally agrees. Why don't you ask me and Gan Yu!"

"Liyue has a saying: Guests do as the host does. You were invited here by Shen He, so Shen He, the host, has the final say. You are guests, so you will naturally follow her opinion by default."

Li Qiuzhi argued with a slight smile on his face.

Seeing that Xianyun didn't react, he hugged her and Gan Yu's waists tighter, making them lean against him at a slight angle.


Gan Yu pressed on Li Qiuzhi, feeling unable to think and his body was limp and powerless.

"You, this is unreasonable!" Xianyun said through gritted teeth while grabbing Li Qiuzhi's hand and trying to break free.

That’s what it means, but is that what it should be used for in this situation?

"Of course, if you live here, you will also become a member of this family, so there will be no such thing as being a guest."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

The two of them have a good impression of him, one is at full level and the other is close to full level, so they must have feelings for him in their hearts.

Based on Li Qiuzhi's experience, girls are relatively reserved.

Their initiative is not stated openly, but is usually expressed sideways, such as accepting their own sign and coming to the fairyland space upon receiving Shen He's invitation.

Even being hugged is just a symbolic struggle. Obviously these are their active ways.

If this is the case, he will naturally seize the opportunity to advance his relationship with the two of them.

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