"What sound? Is it there?" Pamon scratched his head in confusion.

No? Li Qiuzhi still heard what seemed to be a woman's voice, whispering the name "Waxie" faintly.

The location seems to be under the spring water

This is Dew King Spring, and it is said that the entire Fontainebleau water will flow through here.

"I heard it, it was calling 'Vashe', right?" Ying stood up and looked towards the water.

"That's right." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"No, no, why did you all hear it? Why didn't I hear it?"

Pamon looked at the two of them in surprise.

Is there anything special about that voice? She didn't seem to hear it from anyone else here.

"It should be related to the affinity of the water element. Only people with a high enough affinity to the water element can hear it."

Li Qiuzhi felt it carefully and found that the sound did not come from underwater, because Lujing Spring was not very deep. The sound actually came from the water itself.

Without a high affinity to the water element, it is basically impossible to hear it.

He has mastered the power of the water element. In the past few days, Yingzai Fengdan has touched the water statue to resonate with the elements, and he has also mastered the power to control the water element.

Therefore, both of them have good water element affinity, so they can hear the sounds in the water.

"Is that so? Then why are there sounds in the water?" Paimon said he understood, but he was a little confused as to why there were sounds in the water.

The water surface of Lujing Spring is so clear that you can see to the bottom at a glance, and there is nothing special about it.

"Perhaps contact with the consciousness in the water will give us the answer."

Li Qiuzhi looked at Ying.

"Yeah." Ying nodded, closed his eyes and tried to contact the consciousness in the water through the resonance of the water element.

Li Qiuzhi also knows this skill.

The spiritual consciousness of the two people spread into the water, like raindrops falling from the sky that melted into the water when they touched it.

A light blue consciousness space slowly unfolded, and Li Qiuzhi and Ying saw creatures that looked like water.

"Is this a pure water elf?" Ying said slightly surprised.

There is a pure water spirit in the dew scene in front of the most famous opera house in Fontaine, but no one has noticed it!

"Compared with the normal pure water elf, it is still a little different. It should be just consciousness and does not have the water element form." Li Qiuzhi said looking at the pure water elf.

It was this pure water elf that faintly shouted "Waxie".

"Anyway, let's say hello first."

Ying waved to the pure water elf and called "Hello", but she didn't get any response. The other party still called "Washe".

"Logically speaking, the pure water elves should have noticed when we entered the consciousness space. Since there was no reaction, they probably didn't want to pay attention to us."

Li Qiuzhi spread his hands.

"Maybe we are not the people the pure water elves want to meet." Ying nodded.

The two continued to shout for a while, and when there was still no response, they left the conscious space and returned to the outside world.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?" Pamon asked curiously.

The sky was getting dark, but the number of people in front of the Opera House Square did not decrease. On the contrary, it became more lively as the lights came on.

"There is indeed something wrong." Li Qiuzhi told little Paimon what he and Ying found in the water.

"There is no water elemental form, only spiritual consciousness. Could it be a ghost!"

Paimon huddled his shoulders in fear.

The cool breeze at night made her shoulders tremble and her spine trembled.

"Well, it's not wrong if you say that." The pure water elf's consciousness merged into the water. Being integrated with the water does not mean it has no body, but it cannot be called alive without an independent body.

Therefore, it is probably correct to say that it is a ghost in the water.

"What ghost?" As the night fell, Schiavorei walked over with a lot of snacks such as chips.

"Good night, Xia Volei..." Paimon was immediately attracted by the snacks Xia Volei was holding, and his starry eyes seemed to really sparkle.

Drool overflowed from the corner of his mouth, as if he had forgotten the slight fear of the ghost just now.

"Okay, let's make a difference." Xiavoile put the snacks in front of little Paimon with some reluctance.

"Wow, Xia Volei, you are really good!"

Paimon happily took the snacks in the carton and started eating.

Ying looked at this guy with disgust, while Li Qiuzhi smiled. Xia Wo Lei looked heroic, but he didn't expect to have such a cute side.

He also told Schiavore about the situation he had just encountered in the fountain.

"There is a pure water spirit in the water, and it shouts 'Washe'"

Xiavoile stopped what she was saying, wiped the corners of her mouth and said thoughtfully.

"Why have you heard of this person?" Li Qiuzhi asked.

"I've never heard of it, but the consciousness of the pure water elf in the water keeps shouting. It's abnormal anyway. I will report it to the Enforcement Tribunal for investigation.

"Perhaps this will help you understand why the pure water elf keeps calling that name."

Xiavoile recalled it and found no relevant memories in her mind, but she wanted to understand why there was the consciousness of pure water elves in the water.

Then investigating this name is the only clue.

As the captain of the special patrol team, naturally he cannot leave such an obvious abnormal situation alone.

"Well, if you need help, you can always come to us." Ying said with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, speaking of this, well, this is your commission fee. Thank you for your help today, and you also discovered something unusual here in the fountain."

Xiavorei took out five Mora with a denomination of 10,000 from the weight-bearing space of the Eye of God.

It's just a patrol commission, and the commission fee is relatively high.

[Xia Volei has a good impression of you and gains 340 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (360/400)]

"Hey, thank you, Boss Xiavore!" Pamon immediately took Mora.

"In that case, let's use the commission money to have a good stroll here tonight, and Xiavorei will come with us, and we'll treat you to something to eat."

Li Qiuzhi invited Xia Wo Lei.

"No need, I haven't finished eating what I'm holding." Xiavorei pointed to the snacks in her hand.

But when she read on, she was stunned.

The snacks she was holding in her hands had unknowingly been reduced by half compared to before. She looked at Paimon floating in mid-air.

Can her tiny belly hold so much food? ! Xiavorei looked surprised.

"Uh hey hey, sorry, once I start eating I can't stop."

Looking at Xiavoile, Paimon scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Well, let's go, we'll treat you to something to eat, and we'll use the trust money."

This time Schiavorei did not refuse.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying and the others played in the fountain square in front of the opera house for a long time, and finally went to watch it inside the opera house.

It was around seven or eight o'clock that we parted ways with Xia Volei, and then several of them also returned to the fairyland space.

God rewards hard work, and spiritual practice is not like working on a space station.

In the evening, Li Qiuzhi practiced with the girls as usual. After continuing to consolidate the results of his practice the next morning, his practice progress improved a lot:

[Level: Lv111 (361262/21000000)]

With the support of various buffing effects, one night plus half to an hour of suitable practice time in the morning can probably increase the practice progress by about 200,000 yuan.

At this rate, it would probably take more than a hundred days to level up.

Of course, if you train with General Yinghe, who is already a top demon god, you will probably get twice as much training progress.

But you can't care about one thing at the expense of the other, preferring Ying and General every day, and you should have both rain and dew when it comes to spiritual practice, so that girls won't have any objections.

Therefore, even if the training effect of He Ying and General is better, it can only shorten the time to level up to more than ninety days at most.

This speed has already made Ying very envious. Before she met Li Qiuzhi, after she reached the level of the top demon god, her accumulation of hundreds of years was not as big as the improvement she had made with him a few times.

However, he has already experienced that the speed of cleaning out the insect swarms in the stomach of giant true stingworms increased by two levels in a few days. Although Li Qiuzhi was very satisfied with this speed of practice.

But I will still miss the time when I could earn experience points.

He didn't know when he would find such a good place to gain experience points. He couldn't wait any longer, so Li Qiuzhi decided to ask Esta when he had time after meeting the Water God.

As the director of the space station, she most likely knows where in the galaxy there are places with many insects and other creatures.

If it’s not far, go and have a look. If it’s really too far, it’s good to remember to go there again when you have the chance.

Thinking like this, Li Qiuzhi got up from the warm quilt of the girls.

Today is the day of trial at the Opécle Opera House, and the water god will also pass by. If they miss this time, they will have to wait for a few days.

Therefore, Noelle still needed to take a rest from the training just now. Today’s breakfast was made by Ying.

Her craftsmanship, like Noelle's, is at the top level in the Wonderland space.

After breakfast, Li Qiuzhi, Ying and little Paimon returned to Fontaine again.

At this time, around nine o'clock in the morning, there were already many people at the opera house. As expected, most people in Fontaine preferred to watch the excitement.

"Let's go in too. If we're later, we won't have a seat."

urged Paimon, obviously also interested in Fontaine's famous trial.

Li Qiuzhi smiled and held Ying's hand and walked to the opera house. Because the seats were limited, if the seats were full at night, he would not be able to get in.

However, this is just a commercial dispute trial, and the plaintiff and defendant are not famous figures. The topic is not high, and the position should not be so popular.

After a while, the three of them came to the box office of the opera house and bought tickets before walking inside.

The interior of the opera house is a huge staircase room, with the performance stage in front, because it also functions as a trial venue.

Therefore, there are several stands above the walls on both sides, the front ones of which are the defendant's dock and the plaintiff's dock.

It was there that the defendants and plaintiffs and their lawyers argued.

There is a machine like a scale in the middle of the stage, which is Fontaine's famous oracle and ruling cardinal!

There is also a stand above this machine, but there is only one seat, which is the seat where the Supreme Judge of Fontaine will be sitting.

And the water goddess Funina, a frequent visitor to the opera house, is sitting in an exclusive seat above the audience.

This position is more luxurious than the position of the Supreme Judge, and it is also the highest position in the field.

It still seems quite oppressive.

Li Qiuzhi looked around and found that he still underestimated the enthusiasm of the people in Fontaine for watching the trial. The rows in front of the stepped seats were already full.

Only the last row has room left.

But sitting here, you can't see the Lord Water God sitting above the audience. Li Qiuzhi already wanted this when he came in, so he spent a lot of money to buy a seat in the side stands.

This was what she reminded Li Qiuzhi and them last night when she and Xia Volei were playing in the fountain square outside.

Knowing that Li Qiuzhi and the others wanted to see Lord Water God, Xia Wo Lei suggested that they go to the opera house first to find out how the seats were arranged.

Don't buy a seat where you can't see Lord Water God.

The side position is higher, and the stand where you can see the Water God is a little more expensive. Generally, only people who are not short of money are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy tickets for the stand.

This is about a week’s salary for ordinary people!

Therefore, there were not many people buying, and Li Qiuzhi and the others also successfully bought tickets for the stands.

They took out their tickets and quickly followed the instructions above to reach the highest stand on the left, which was relatively closest to the Water God.

There are two short red sofas here, one for two people, but it can barely fit three people in it.

If Paimon is short in stature, there is no problem at all.

As for why they didn’t sit separately and not be so crowded, it was naturally because they only bought tickets for a sofa in the stands.

The remaining one must have been bought by someone else.

After Li Qiuzhi and the others sat down, theater staff brought tea and snacks and placed them on the round table between the two sofas.

It makes people feel that they are not here to observe a serious trial, but just to watch some kind of performance.

It has to be lamented that Fontaine has its own national conditions.

Not long after, Li Qiuzhi and the others saw that the people in the plaintiff's dock and the defendant's dock were already in place. Among them, the plaintiff was a man wearing glasses.

His hair was pale and he looked older.

On the defendant's side was a fat man dressed in luxurious clothes, with glittering gold jewelry on his neck and wrists, giving him the look of a nouveau riche.

As soon as he came up, he glared at the man wearing glasses opposite him, obviously not in a good mood.

At this time, you can hear people in the audience below talking and laughing, "Do you think there will be a reversal this time?" and "Who is the real bad guy?" and so on.

It's really like watching a show.

Li Qiuzhi leaned on the sofa and looked at the judge's seat in front of him on the left. It was almost time for the trial. The supreme judge whom he had heard about for a long time slowly walked towards the seat.

His hair is pure white, but not the white of old age. It sways slightly when he moves, giving people a smooth and shiny feeling.

Moreover, his face is very delicate, as long as others see it, it is normal human aesthetics.

No matter who you are, you will sigh, what a handsome man!

The supreme judge held the scepter in his hand, walked to the seat and sat down. Seeing the people in the audience still making noise, he frowned and said:


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