"Huh? Is the metal under our feet turned into water under high pressure?"

Leila said in surprise when she heard this.

Although Li Qiuzhi used the void terminal to upload a lot of knowledge from outside the world, human energy is limited and it is impossible for scholars to understand it all.

And all that knowledge was not released at once.

Therefore, most scholars first understand the knowledge in their own fields. Therefore, neither Laila nor Farushan know much about metallic hydrogen.

Even for Mona, Nacida gave her and other girls who had a close relationship with Li Qiuzhi high-level permissions on the "Void Internet".

There are basically no restrictions on what you can view.

But she didn't have the free time to study something that was not in her research field, so it was the first time she heard about water being compressed into metal.

"Uh, probably so."

Li Qiuzhi has never seen any metallic hydrogen, so he is just guessing.

He thought for a while and said:

"Then don't worry about this for now. Let's see what's here first."

After saying that, Li Qiuzhi released his mental power and began to scan the place that should be the core of the earth. He scanned in a linear manner, and could scan up to two to three hundred thousand kilometers away.

Generally speaking, the diameter of the core of a planet similar to the Earth is only about six to seven thousand kilometers. This gaseous planet is much larger, but it should not be as exaggerated as ten or twenty times.

As Li Qiuzhi's mental power condensed into lines, he shot out.

Soon, his mental power had detected the diameter of the planet's core, which was only about 20,000 kilometers.

As Li Qiuzhi scanned around, he found that the entire earth's core was as smooth as a mirror. If it weren't for Li Qiuzhi and the others, they would be in an unobservable state of invisibility.

They may not even be able to stand firmly.

"Any special findings?" Mona looked at Li Qiuzhi.

"It's not on the surface, maybe it's underground." Li Qiuzhi scanned it over and over again, and found nothing unusual. He looked at his feet.

"I'll see if I can dig it out."

He controlled the "Sword God of Ying" in front of him, and used his sword intention to condense a weapon in the shape of a drill bit. Of course, this was just the appearance. It was Li Qiuzhi's control of the drill bit that made it rotate.

The "Sword God of Ying" rotated the sword drill bit at high speed and pressed down with both hands!

The Jianyi drill bit easily dug up the metal ground. After all, Jianyi has the "sharp" characteristic of being able to break through anything.

The rolled up metal debris did not fly, but slowly reintegrated into the surrounding ground under the super heavy pressure.

"This is too outrageous, there must be so much pressure out there!"

Mona opened her beautiful eyes, as did Laila and Fa Lushan. They subconsciously moved closer to Li Qiuzhi.

If they accidentally step out of the invisible realm, they may have to become part of the earth's core like these metals.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi was also a little troubled. If the dug things would merge back under pressure, then he would have to keep extending the drill bit to dig underneath.

This will be very energy intensive.

And with the earth's core being more than 20,000 kilometers in diameter, could he really find something just by digging?

Li Qiuzhi was still a little skeptical about this.

Moreover, when he rolled the dice today, he did not get "lucky favor". If he dug anywhere, the probability of finding something was very small.

But now that you’ve come, you can’t just walk around and go back.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment, looked at Mona, and said, "How about trying divination? Maybe we can directly find possible abnormalities through divination."

Mona has been practicing with her for a long time, and she has been studying astrology. Now her strength is about to break through to level 100.

These are also the top group of beings in Teyvat, especially in the attainments of astrology.

Thinking about it, if you want to divine something, you should be able to do it at your fingertips.

"Then let me give it a try." Mona nodded slightly, and then summoned her water zodiac.

As the water chart rotates, some stars appear on it, and they slowly connect into a star chart.

At the same time, some pictures appeared in Mona's water chart.

Intricate mechanical structures, metal robots two or three stories high, and drones like swarms of bees.

There is also a mechanical leader with golden light shining like a supreme being.

"These are machine dolls?" Fa Lushan touched her fair chin, showing an interesting look.

She has good attainments in the art of mechanism, and is even one of the founders of the related fields of the Order Academy. Therefore, she is still a little curious about the difference between the art of mechanism outside the world and Teyvat.

"So, is this actually a base or ruins related to robots?"

Li Qiuzhi was thoughtful.

The pictures from Mona's divination are very clear. Even if there are only a few fragments, a lot of information can be inferred.

"Maybe, the location should be at our seven o'clock direction, the distance is 3,400 kilometers, plus 722 meters." Mona nodded lightly.

"Is it so accurate? It seems very likely." Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised, and then continued, "Let's go there now."

After controlling the energy output, Li Qiuzhi led a few people to jump directly to the location calculated by Mona.

Here, like other places, it looks as smooth as a mirror.

Li Qiuzhi did not hesitate, and controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to condense the sword intention into a drill again. He pressed his hands on the ground and drilled into the ground easily.

In order to prevent the ground from closing again, Li Qiuzhi also used his sword to extend the drill bit.

With the insistence of the indestructible sword, the drill bit was like a free fall, drilling down rapidly without any resistance at all.

About ten minutes later, the drill bit had penetrated more than 100 kilometers underground.

After all, the pressure here is relatively high, and the two sides are constantly squeezing towards the drill bit, and the deeper it goes, the more so.

Li Qiuzhi had to use more energy to maintain it.

The energy consumed now has exceeded the speed of recovery. If it continues, it may be pure consumption. If it doesn't end, Li Qiuzhi may not be able to support it anymore.

After all, he still has to maintain the existence of the invisible realm, and it is impossible to consume all the energy.

"How deep is it?" Li Qiuzhi looked at Mona and asked.

"About one hundred and fifty kilometers, please hold on a little longer." Mona's water chart changed. A golden line extended downward, and there was a low-frequency flashing bright spot at the bottom end.

Not surprisingly, this should be the location of the drill bit, which is only a small distance away from the silver bottom below it.

Huh, fortunately, Li Qiuzhi breathed a sigh of relief, but this distance should still be no problem.

After continuing for a few minutes, Li Qiuzhi felt that the sword drill bit was empty, as if it was idling in the air. He understood that the location of the ruins or base had been opened.

So the middle of the drill bit was manipulated to become hollow, leading straight down like a pipe.

Li Qiuzhi took a few girls and jumped in directly

I wanted to work hard today, but when I woke up in the morning, I felt a bit like a cold due to the heavy wind and rain. I was really weak. I took cold medicine and got a little better, but my body is still a little sore today. There is only one update.

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