I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 657 Funina’s Commendation (2-in-1)


At night, when the Louyue giant beast was sleeping deeply, the dormant "Sword God of Ying" began his actions again.

Avoid the giant beasts that have been knocked unconscious once, and deal a vicious blow to the giant beasts that have not yet been knocked unconscious!

Prompts for gaining experience points appeared on the character panel:

Experience point +161136

Experience point +163241

Experience point +159234

With the dawn of Baihuang Star, the giant beasts of Louyue also woke up, but some of the giant beasts felt that they did not sleep so well, and their heads were still groggy.

It's a pity that they don't have the intelligence or speech to share this kind of thing with others.

Otherwise, they will find that there are hundreds of companions with such symptoms, and a certain mischievous guy is hiding in the fairyland space and secretly rejoicing.

In less than half a day, he knocked out more than a hundred giant beasts without anyone noticing, and directly gained more than 16 million experience points.

It has more than doubled compared to last time. As for the reason, it is very simple - there is no other reason than that you are familiar with it!

The last time was the first time. I tried to stun the giant beasts while they were sleeping. I was not very experienced and it took me a lot of time to figure out how to control the strength.

This time it was different. Based on the experience last time, Li Qiuzhi already roughly knew what kind of intensity of mental power would make a certain level of giant beast faint silently.

Therefore, the experience points gained can easily be doubled!

[Experience point: 32356522]

At this time, Li Qiuzhi's character panel already had more than 30 million experience points, which was enough to upgrade his level.

[Level: Lv116 (1523201/26000000)]

The level column also has more than 1 million cultivation progress at this time, which is naturally obtained by practicing with girls.

Twenty-six million minus more than 1.5 million, then only more than 24 million are needed to upgrade the level.

Without hesitation, Li Qiuzhi directly spent experience points to increase his level:

Experience point-24476799

Lv116 (1523201/26000000) → Lv117 (0/27000000)

A large amount of energy appears out of thin air in the body. Human cells absorb this energy and strengthen themselves, and the corresponding harmonious energy in the body also grows in response.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qiuzhi opened the character panel and checked:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv117 (0/27000000)

Race: human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General of the Sea, Xumi Sage

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Yingzhiwuxiang·World 10 (Void Sea of ​​Stars), Flowing Sky Archery·Profound Truth 10 (Frost Flower Arrow)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demons (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)] [Imaginary Number Internal Energy]

Experience point: 7879723

I found that there were only more than 7 million experience points left. If I wanted to continue to increase my level, I would need less than 20 million. I should just wait until Baihuang Star goes to night again and grind it again.

Today I have some experience in stunning Louyue behemoth. Next time I can send one more "Sword God of Ying" to it, so that the efficiency will be even higher!

It's a pity that we have to take into account the problem of being discovered by the garrison of the "Immortal Boat Alliance". Otherwise, if we send a few more "Sword Gods of Ying" over, we can knock out all the Louyue behemoths in one night.

But it's easier to spot this way.

Anyway, apart from Baihuangxing, Li Qiuzhi has not found any other place to gain experience points yet, so there is nothing wrong with spending a few more days slowly gaining experience points.

It was morning on Baihuangxing, but it was still late at night on Teyvat.

Li Qiuzhi wanted to see if Laila wanted to stay, but outside the window of Mona's laboratory, he saw the two of them still studying the stars.

So instead of disturbing them, he pulled Amber who came out of the room to drink water, and together they went into Kuki-nin's room and started practicing.

The time soon reached two or three in the morning.

Li Qiuzhi was also a little sleepy, and then he hugged the fair and soft bodies of the two girls on the left and right and fell asleep.


After waking up, Li Qiuzhi wanted to rub his eyes, but found that his arms were padded, so he had no choice but to yawn.

Then he took some time to pull out his arm, turned over, and first pressed Amber under him to keep him close and warm, and then Kuki Shinobu.

After waking up the two of them in this way, everyone got dressed and went out to eat the breakfast carefully prepared by Noelle and Ying.

After breakfast, it was around eight o'clock. Ying and Paimon took him and set off to Fontaine to see what reward Funina would give him.

Li Qiuzhi originally wanted to send Laila back to the Order Academy first, but he and Mona studied so late last night that she probably hadn't gotten up yet, so it wouldn't be too late to send her back later.

After the space transformation, Li Qiuzhi and the others directly used "interstellar travel" to teleport to Funina in Momang Palace.

At this time, she had gotten up early and was drinking tea in the living room, and Clolinde, her bodyguard, was also here.

"Oh, what a coincidence. This is the cake I asked Clolind to just buy. Come on, as a major contributor to saving Fontaine, I allow you to share it with me."

Funina looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and said with a joyful expression.

"Okay, it's a small cake!" Paimon couldn't wait to get closer, showing a helpless expression.

Li Qiuzhi smiled and accepted Fu Nina's invitation. They sat down together to taste the small cake. Then he looked at her and talked about the main topic and said:

"I heard that you have already decided on a reward for me. I am also a little curious about what it will be?"

He still hopes that Funina can be given a higher honorary position, so that she can have another title.

"Hmph, don't be impatient." Funina looked at him mysteriously, "A powerful adventurer like you shouldn't have any interest in Mora, right?"

"No, I'm still quite interested." Li Qiuzhi didn't follow the routine.

"You guy!" Funina glanced at him angrily, said "hum" as if she didn't want to pay attention to this guy, and said without any interest in showing off:

"I see that after you made some achievements in other countries before, they gave you a good name, such as an honorary knight, a general and a sage.

"I have decided that I will give you a bigger name than them all!"

Funina raised her chin slightly, showing a proud expression.

"Oh? I'm even more interested in this. What's your name?" Li Qiuzhi looked curious.

It seems that Fu Nina really wants to give him a title, which is right. After all, his contribution is so great, and it would be almost meaningless to give him any number of molas and treasures.

But if you add a title like "Honorary Knight", it feels almost the same.

Although Fu Nina is sometimes clumsy, after all, after being a water god for so many years, she still understands what she should know. Therefore, she naturally refers to the practices of some previous countries and gives her a resounding name so that everyone feels that there is no problem.

"Well, we in Fontaine have titles such as viscount, earl, duke, etc. We will also give such honors to some people who have made significant contributions.

"It's just that for you, even giving the honor of 'Duke' seems almost meaningless, so after thinking a lot, I decided to give you the title of 'Prince'? This is already Fontaine's highest honor. You can't Disgusted!"

Funina leaned forward and stared at Li Qiuzhi, a little nervous on her face!

"The main reason why I help deal with the prophecy crisis is because I don't want to see Fontaine suffer such danger. It doesn't matter whether I give you any reward, but since you give it, then naturally I won't dislike it."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

"That's good, I will officially announce later that you will become the 'Prince' of Fontaine!" Funina breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Li Qiuzhi was quite satisfied.

[Funina has a good impression of you and gains 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (320/700)]


Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi nodded happily.

After a while, after finishing the cake, Fu Nina dragged Li Qiuzhi and the others to the office of the Supreme Judge Navilette.

They clamored to ask him to help write an official document on awarding the title of "Prince".

Navilet, who was busy processing some documents, was a little helpless. Obviously this was Funina's own work, but she still had to let him do it.

But there was no way, after all, the arm could not twist the thigh, so the little judge naturally had to obey the order.

He also had a good impression of Li Qiuzhi, who helped delay the crisis predicted by Fengdan, so he spent more than ten minutes quickly writing the document and giving it to Funina.

After Funina confirmed that there was no problem, she announced on the spot that Li Qiuzhi would be given the title of "Prince" and asked someone to announce the news.

Although the title "Prince" is of an honorary nature and has no actual position, in Fontaine he can enjoy the courtesy only under the Water God.

This is quite effective in promoting Li Qiuzhi's reputation, and he will be able to gain more spirituality in the future.

When Funina announced that she would confer Li Qiuzhi with the title of "Prince", a prompt popped up on Li Qiuzhi's character panel:

[Obtained the title: Prince of Fontaine]

Looking at this title, Li Qiuzhi naturally clicked on it immediately to see what the effect was:

[Prince Fontaine: The favorability of the Fontaine people is increased. He has the ability to formulate laws in Fontaine. The laws declared by himself must be obeyed by everyone within a certain range centered on him. The stronger he is, the stronger he is. The resistance is stronger. 】

The first is to gain additional favor from the Fontaine people. This is similar to the previous titles and is quite useful.

And then you can actually make laws?

If Li Qiuzhi understood it correctly, he should have said on the street, "Fighting is not allowed here." Then people within a certain range will be forced to abide by this "law."

As for the range and intensity, you may not know until you try it.

Of course, it is not suitable to test this title ability for the time being. There must be a suitable time.

Next, nothing happened. Li Qiuzhi also left Momang Palace with Ying and the others, and they were about to stroll around on the street.

Navia came over with her two younger brothers.

She showed a hearty smile and said:

"Hey, aren't these some legendary adventurers? What a coincidence!"

"I don't think you can meet acquaintances just walking on the street." Paimon spread his hands.

"Haha, don't worry about these details. Since we happened to meet him, why don't you give me a little help?" Navia, who was holding a parasol, said, changing the subject.

"I knew it." Paimon spread his hands and shook his head, saying that he could have just said no earlier.

"Of course you can help, but what exactly do you want to help with?"

Hearing that there was a commission, Li Qiuzhi had nothing else to do for the time being, so he nodded and asked for details.

"It's about Baisong Town. That's the headquarters of our Thorny Rose Society. It's located underground and the environment is not that good. Just a few days ago, the 'Serial Missing Girl Case' was solved, and our Thorny Rose Society was also freed from this case. It can be regarded as a new life.

"So I want to brighten the environment of the headquarters and let everyone move to the ground. This will require a lot of construction, so I want to ask you to help."

Navia explained.

"Moving it from the ground up, is this going to rebuild a small town on the ground? This should require a lot of molas!"

Paimon's eyes widened like stars and he said in surprise.

She and her husband followed Navia to Baisong Town a few days ago and knew that it was a town located in an underground cave and the environment was indeed not very good.

Even during the day, there is only a ray of sunlight coming from the entrance of the cave, and other places are completely unreachable. You need to light a lamp to see the road clearly.

And because it is a depression, it is easy to get flooded when it rains.

The only advantage is that it is easy to defend but difficult to attack in the event of a large-scale fight. As long as you guard the entrance, you don't have to worry about enemies sneak attacks from other directions.

But Fontaine is still quite peaceful, so this advantage has no effect.

Instead of letting everyone live in a place with a bad environment, it is better to move out and build some houses on it so that everyone can live in a sunny place.

Anyway, she can save most of the money on building a house by mastering the rock element.

It's just that her personal abilities are limited. It will take who knows how long it will take to build the entire town's houses with rock elements.

But Navia knew someone else who had mastered the rock element and was a very powerful legendary adventurer, so that was Ying.

With her help, Navia felt that the construction of the new town would be very fast, so she came to see her specifically.

I happened to see Li Qiuzhi and a few people, so I sent out an invitation.

"Oh? It seems that Navia is quite courageous. She actually wants to move Baisong Town to the ground. But this project is huge. Has Thorn Rose become so rich?"

Paimon asked confused.

You must know that when I was investigating the case with Navia, I went to their Thorn Rose Society's stronghold in Gray River. The people in that stronghold couldn't even afford a decent hotel.

It can be seen from this that the Thorny Rose Society is not a wealthy organization, but now it is saying that it will use its strength to move Baisong Town to the ground. No matter how you think about it, you feel that it is a step too big.

"Well, haha, that's why I want to ask you for help." Navia smiled awkwardly.

"In that case, let's go over and take a look. It would be best if we can help."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said, while Ying and Paimeng also nodded slightly to express their agreement.

Thanks to "Gou Daodi Lao Tianhuang" for the 200 coin reward! Thanks to "book friend 20240330230147946" for the 100-coin reward!

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