I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 673 The Essence of the Character Panel (Two in One)

Three favorability prompts popped up on the character panel in succession, and Li Qiuzhi was quite happy to see that Beidou and Yanfei's favorability towards him had reached more than level 8, and Xiangling's favorability towards him was also about to reach level 8.

This speed of gaining favorability was much faster than before.

In addition to the exclusive expertise of "Maiden's Lover" and Tingyun's favorability skill, there was also a restriction on the effect of gaining additional favorability in his title, which was lifted by granting spiritual entries some time ago.

Speaking of which, Mondstadt's title was "Honorary Knight", Liyue's was "Outstanding Citizen", Xumi was "Sage", Fontaine was "Prince", and Inazuma didn't seem to have it yet.

After all, the title of "Sea General" was given by Xinhai, representing the Sea Island, and Inazuma City did not give him any honorary titles.

The main reason was that Inazuma was not facing any crisis, and the turmoil in the country was caused by Ying himself.

Li Qiuzhi just made a deal with her, asking her not to let the shogunate execute the "Eye Hunting Order" and "Locked Country Order".

Such a contribution is indeed greater for the Haiqi Island led by Xinhai, so she gave herself the title of "Haiqi General".

As for Ying, she just took back an order at that time, and Li Qiuzhi only made a deal with her, and did not save Inazuma in any crisis.

Therefore, there will naturally be no link of granting any title.

But now Ying and the general are both his wives, and it is not difficult to ask them for a title again.

If there is no accident, this title should be able to gain additional favor from Inazuma people, so that he can use the spirit entry to remove the restriction that only applies to Inazuma people.

In that way, his favorability in the future can be improved a lot!

It's just that the title is not because his wife is the Thunder General and the ruler of Inazuma, she said that the character panel will really generate a title for him.

Otherwise, if Li Qiuzhi asked Ying or the general to grant him a bunch of titles, wouldn't others instantly have a full favorability when they see him?

Obviously, there will be no such good thing.

Although the character panel looks very powerful, it is actually just a special talent.

A talent that can transform a certain conceptual power into "experience points" or "expertise".

It can quickly improve Li Qiuzhi's level. This is because he defeated the enemy and obtained something called experience points, and used experience points to improve his strength.

The essence of experience points may be the battle process of defeating the enemy, or a certain concept of special energy collected from the enemy when he fainted or died.

The collected things should be the other party's "life experience".

Just like Fukaros's power, it can obtain energy from people's belief in justice, and the character panel is the same.

However, it collects "life experience" instead of belief in justice, and the "experience points" converted are probably some more powerful and special energy.

After all, it can be seen from the name that "experience" is knowledge, experience, life perception and the like.

After defeating the enemy, you can condense and summarize the other party's "life experience" into "experience points" and then use it to improve yourself.

In essence, it is similar to Fukaros's power, but it is more powerful.

Similarly, Fukaros collects the illusory things such as "belief in justice" and converts them into energy, which will not have any impact on others. The character panel collects other people's "life experience", which is an illusory thing, and it will not have any impact.

The only prerequisite for collection is that the other party needs to be stunned or killed. Maybe the other party may instinctively resist being collected when awake.

The character panel is a bit lame, and there is no way to force the collection of "life experience" when the other party is awake.

After all, Li Qiuzhi has had the character panel for so long, and he can still basically feel what its essence is.

In addition to experience points, like his inherent talent "entangled goodwill", if you want to obtain goodwill skills, the girl must have enough goodwill for him.

In essence, it is also a kind of collection and transformation, which is probably to collect the power of "admiration", "admiration" and "goodwill" of girls for themselves.

Or what is collected is the power of "fate" that Li Qiuzhi pried in the process of trying to connect his own destiny with the destiny of girls who are not entangled.

When enough is collected, a powerful and outrageous goodwill skill can be formed. After all, the goodwill skill is also a "fate seat" ability.

Of course, it is more likely that not only one kind of power is collected, but all of them are collected.

The racial expertise and character expertise behind are most likely similar, so these things need to collect some kind of power to form.

The "title" is naturally no exception.

For example, the talent of "Legendary Adventurer" is condensed because Li Qiuzhi is famous enough as an adventurer and has various great achievements, which makes most people in the entire Teyvat continent know about it.

What is collected should be the power of "reputation".

When Captain Qin gave him the title of "Honorary Knight", he had already helped do a lot of things and had "merits" in the Knights.

In this way, she gave the title, and the character panel also condensed the corresponding title according to the power generated by these "merits", and other titles are roughly the same.

This second method should collect the power of "great achievements" or the power generated by the impact on the world.

So Li Qiuzhi's character panel is not something that defies logic and rules.

It is just a special talent that can transform various conceptual powers that people can't see or touch into another form and bless Li Qiuzhi.

Just like "life experience", "love", "fate" and other powers, others also have them, and they also exist objectively in the world, but it is difficult for others to use them.

The reason why it is in the form of a character panel of a secondary creation mini-game is probably also affected by Li Qiuzhi's own consciousness.

Therefore, it is said that the fact that the shadow or the general casually conferred dozens of titles on him has no corresponding "merits" or "reputation" as support.

There is nothing to transform in the character panel, so it is impossible to really help him condense the corresponding "title".

Of course, Li Qiuzhi also had some "great achievements" in Inazuma at that time, such as "taking the general's Wuxiang's sword" and later saving the previous generation of Thunder God, that is, Raiden Zhen.

Later, he went back to the past and planted the "God Sakura Tree" together. Although he only accompanied the planting of the God Sakura Tree back to the past, he also participated.

Adding up these "merits" should be enough for Ying to give him a title. After all, the "merits" of getting the title of "Honorary Knight" are not as good as these.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi hurriedly talked to Ying and the general through the "road sign" and asked them to discuss what title Inazuma is suitable for him.


Ying and the general were not surprised to hear Li Qiuzhi say that the title can increase his strength.

This guy has various ways to increase his strength, even hugging between men and women, and it is not strange to use the power of "reputation" to increase.

After all, this is somewhat similar to collecting faith.

After talking about the title with Ying and the others, Li Qiuzhi and the others had almost finished their breakfast, and simply cleaned up the tableware. Xiangling also told Master Mao that she would go out to find new ingredients.

Then the few of them set off to the port together.

Beidou's Death Star was stopped at the port yesterday after it was shipped, because the fleet will have a holiday in the next few days, and leaving it at the dock will hinder other ships from loading and unloading.

Therefore, except for the crew members who went to the shore to rest, the remaining crew members will drive the Death Star away from the dock and stay in the sea near Guyun Pavilion.

Wait until the end of the holiday in a few days and come back. The crew members who stayed on the ship will take the turn of the crew members who went to the shore this time during the next holiday.

This time, Li Qiuzhi and his friends went to Guyun Pavilion and took Beidou's ship to go there.

Direct transmission would make Li Qiuzhi miss the beautiful sea scenery with the girls.

Because Liyue Port is not far from Guyun Pavilion, it can be reached in about an hour, so there is no need to rush there.

After all, the main purpose is to get along with the girls and gain their favor, and the demon who controls the sealed land is just a byproduct.

The Death Star started slowly. Now it has been installed with an elemental steam engine, which can be driven even without wind.

Beidou said that she was also planning to install an electric motor, so that if the fire element ore ran out at sea, she could still use it.

When encountering a whirlpool or other crisis, the two power systems can be driven together to speed up the ship's sailing speed.

That's right, now electric-driven motors have also developed to the extent that they can be installed on large ships, and the speed is still relatively fast.

Li Qiuzhi even heard from Ningguang that the prototype of a new power warship and electromagnetic gun has been developed.

When it develops, it will be better to protect Liyue when facing monsters at sea in the future.

Because of the convenience of elemental technology, Li Qiuzhi found that the current technological level of Teyvat has caught up with the Earth before he crossed over, and even surpassed it in some areas.

After all, even spaceships are coming out. Li Qiuzhi learned from Xianyun that the progress of the "Star Sea Vehicle" project is still very smooth.

Referring to the various knowledge that Li Qiuzhi brought back from outside the world, Teyvat scholars basically will not encounter any technical bottlenecks that need to be overcome.

Because there are elemental forces, runes, formations and other things, even if you encounter technical bottlenecks, it is not difficult to use extraordinary power to make things with the same effect.

Of course, Teyvat is only advanced in research in cutting-edge fields, but it still lags behind in social infrastructure construction.

Mainly due to time constraints, some achievements will not benefit ordinary people so quickly.

Li Qiuzhi was on the deck, enjoying the sea breeze and chatting with several girls, mainly bragging about his experiences in the starry sea.

Stories from the unknown world are always more attractive.

"Starry sea? Speaking of which, my Death Star has already traveled through this sea area of ​​Teyvat. I don't know if there is a chance to sail on the starry sea with my partner."

Beidou looked up at the blue sky, and a few white clouds blocked most of the vision.

If you don't understand, you won't have extravagant expectations. If you understand, you will always have expectations.

"Of course there is a chance. Teyvat will soon be able to develop a spaceship that can sail in the starry sea. Then we can just modify the Death Star.

"But even so, I have to wait until I have a firm foothold in the starry sea, otherwise it will easily cause trouble for Teyvat."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

With his current strength, in Teyvat, except for the Heavenly Justice Maintainer whose strength is unknown and Heavenly Justice itself, basically no one can beat him.

When the spacecraft is developed, his strength should be improved again. Maybe then he can defeat Tianli and see what is going on with the "false sky" that prevents the people of Teyvat from leaving.

If everything goes well, Teyvat can also enter the interstellar era.

Of course, for the sake of stability, Li Qiuzhi feels that it is safer to improve his strength to the "Commander" level. It is unlikely that "Tianli" also has the Commander level.

If so, He would not need to hide in Teyvat, and no one would dare to provoke Teyvat.

"Oh? Then I look forward to that day." Beidou said with a heroic smile.

[Beidou has a good impression of you and gains 600 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 9 (300/900)]

The improved favorability proves that she has no doubts about Li Qiuzhi.

"Then what about me? Will there be ingredients that I have never seen in the starry sea?" Xiangling listened to Li Qiuzhi's description of the starry sky and was full of yearning for it.

"There will probably be so many that even if we find a new ingredient every second, we won't be able to find them all even if we keep looking for tens or even hundreds of billions of years."

Li Qiuzhi looked at Xiangling and continued:

"That's right, you can also take Beidou's Death Star to travel in the starry sea together."

Even the Star Gods don't know the size of the Milky Way. After all, it is growing all the time, and the unexplored star fields are also increasing.

"Well, will you go with me when the time comes, Li Qiuzhi?" Xiangling also looked at him expectantly.

"Of course, traveling in the starry sea is still quite dangerous, so naturally I have to have a powerful guard like me to guard it."

Li Qiuzhi patted his chest and said confidently.

"Then I'm relieved!" Xiangling nodded and said happily. Guoba seemed to be very interested in the starry sky, and jumped up and shouted twice excitedly.

[Xiang Ling has developed a favorable impression of you, gaining 560 points of favorable impression, and the current favorable impression level is 8 (260/800)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the character panel and saw two favorable impression prompts pop up in succession, then looked at Yan Fei and asked curiously:

"What about you, Yan Fei, are you interested in the starry sky?"

If possible, he still wanted to see if there was a chance to make Yan Fei develop a favorable impression of him.

"The laws in the starry sky seem to be very complicated. I haven't even mastered the laws of the various countries in Teyvat yet."

Yan Fei showed a distressed expression.

"If you understand one law, you will understand all laws. The laws of the interstellar society and the laws of various civilizations are actually similar. Yan Fei, you are now the top legal consultant in Teyvat.

"As long as you study a little, it is not impossible to become the top legal consultant in the interstellar society."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

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