I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 676: Ba Che (two in one)

That is, it can trade anything. If someone is injured, as long as the other party agrees, can you use money or even soil to trade the other party's injuries, so as to achieve the effect of a healing skill.

And the injuries traded can also be directly given to the enemy, which is equivalent to the effect of an attack. You can even trade life with others, trade your own abilities, etc.

If you can meet the needs of the other party, there will always be someone willing to sell anything they have. In a sense, this skill is very comprehensive.

As long as the other party agrees, as long as you have equivalent trading chips, you can trade anything physical, non-physical, or even conceptual!

The two goodwill skills obtained today are very good.

And Xiangling's goodwill towards him is almost full. If you get another goodwill, it should be almost the same. Li Qiuzhi is a little looking forward to what kind of goodwill skills he can get from her.

Just as Li Qiuzhi was happy and looking forward to it, he felt that many powerful deep-sea monsters nearby were attracted by this glowing area.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and turned on Leila's goodwill skill "Starry Sky Blessing", and suddenly this sea area was depicted as a "star map" and displayed in front of him.

This "star map" is night-colored, with many light spots on it, which are nearby creatures and treasures.

The green light spots are Beidou, Xiangling, Yanfei and others, representing creatures that are friendly to them.

The red ones are hostile to them, and the gold ones represent treasures like treasure chests.

At this time, on the "star map", the green ones are naturally only Beidou and others, and there are more red ones. They are slowly moving towards this side. There are also some gold light spots, but not many.

Those light spots are big and small. The bigger they are, the stronger the opponent is, or the more precious the treasure is.

Li Qiuzhi randomly clicked on a red light spot that was closer to them. This light spot was relatively small, so it should not be a powerful monster.

Fischl and the Son of God's favorability skills were activated together with "Starry Sky Blessing", and the specific information of the red light spot popped up:

[Level: 68]

[Deep Sea Sharp-toothed Octopus: A monster living in the deep sea, good at trapping enemies with its tentacles. There are suction cups on the tentacles, and there are spikes in the middle of the suction cups, which can inject neurotoxins into the enemy. It can spray special ink mixed with water elements and toxins from the ink sac, which can confuse the enemy and cause paralysis. At this time, it found that there was an abnormality in the area ahead, and it was instinctively looking for food. 】

Looking at this information, Li Qiuzhi was still a little surprised.

Level 68 is already a very powerful monster on land, but it is quite common to find monsters of this level in the deep sea.

Perhaps there are few adventurers involved in the deep sea, because the development of monsters is relatively stable, so the general level is relatively high.

Speaking of which, the people of Teyvat are not very keen on exploring the ocean, and there may be many monsters that have never been seen living in the deep sea area.

When things like submarines appear in the future, an era of exploring the sea should begin.

After all, the treasure chests and treasures on land that are easy to find have been discovered, but many treasures in the sea have not yet been discovered.

This attraction is fatal to adventurers, but Teyvat does not have the ability to explore the deep sea on a large scale.

Li Qiuzhi checked the details of this relatively weak monster, and then looked at the brightest and largest red light spot on the "star map".

Just now, such a small red dot has level 68, so how powerful will this largest red dot that is also moving quickly here be.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the pop-up information with some curiosity:

[Level: 102]

[Ancient Demon God Ba Che: The wife of "Demon God of Whirlpool" Osel, is a special water element life with him. Compared with Osel's nine heads, it only has three heads and is slightly weaker in strength, but it also possesses the powerful "power" of the water element. At this time, it is feeling the breath of her husband "Demon God of Whirlpool" and rushes to the sea area in front at a very fast speed, trying to rescue her sealed husband. 】

Oh, it's Osel's wife? Li Qiuzhi raised his eyebrows. Could it be that when the seal was opened, the breath of the "Vortex Demon God" was leaked out and it was sensed by it?

The seal of the "Vortex Demon God" is on the first layer. When the seal was opened at the beginning, it is indeed possible that its breath was leaked out.

As Osel's wife, she must be very familiar with her husband's breath. It is not surprising that it ran over.

Of course, this is just his guess. Maybe Osel deliberately leaked it to notify his wife to save him.

Looking at the slightly larger light spot representing Ba Che on the "Star Map", it seemed like a red meteor streaking towards this side, and some other red light spots seemed to be frightened and dodged to both sides.

Some of them who could not dodge in time disappeared directly on the "Star Map". They were probably eaten by Ba Che or destroyed at will.

Seeing that Beidou and the others seemed to have caught a lot of deep-sea fish and shrimp, Li Qiuzhi felt that it was almost time to leave.

So he used the "beacon" to tell them that Bache was coming this way, and asked them to come closer to avoid being attacked by Bache.

It was just right to wait for Bache to come and send it to reunite with Osel, so that it would not wander around on the sea and pose a threat to passing ships.

After hearing Li Qiuzhi's reminder, Beidou and the others quickly returned to his side. Yanfei said in surprise:

"That ancient demon god Osel actually has a wife outside? I thought the emperor had sealed all the demon gods that should be sealed!"

She heard from her father that there were no demon gods in Liyue that would pose a threat to humans. Most of them were sealed by the emperor, or fled to other places because of fear of the emperor's power.

Could it be that the wife of this "Demon God of the Whirlpool" Osel was one of the escaped demon gods.

"There is indeed a strong breath coming this way!"

Beidou looked at the direction in front with a serious expression.

After Li Qiuzhi's reminder, she carefully sensed it and indeed felt a strong force approaching. This force felt very similar to the "Demon God of the Whirlpool".

"Hehe, don't worry, with Li Qiuzhi here, a mere demon god is not easy to catch!"

Xiangling hugged Li Qiuzhi's arm, feeling full of security. Even if she knew that the demon god was coming, she had nothing to worry about.

Guoba also said twice in agreement.

"That's right."

Yan Fei looked at Li Qiuzhi, and the slight worry in her heart disappeared immediately. Just now, she saw that he could knock out a lot of demons.

Not to mention Ba Che, who was just Osel's wife.

Beidou just nodded slightly, and saw a large shadow in front of him, and three snake-like heads swayed gently.


"Finally here." Li Qiuzhi said.

A figure similar to Osel emerged from the shadows, and the body condensed by the water element and the surrounding sea water were faintly integrated, making it not too real.

"Human, tell me, where is Osel!"

Ba Che rushed over immediately when he felt Osel's breath appear again. The last time Osel appeared, it sensed the breath of that damn Rock Demon and didn't dare to come over.

This time, it didn't feel that the damn Rock Demon was there, and worried about missing this once-in-a-century opportunity, it rushed over at the fastest speed!

But it was still a step too slow. Osel's breath disappeared quickly. When it came nearby, it found a bright area on the seabed.

It came over and found a few tiny humans. These people had a faint familiar breath.

That was Osel's breath. These people must have seen Osel somewhere just now!

"I know, I'll take you to reunite."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and didn't talk nonsense with Ba Che. The huge mental power was suddenly released, as if it exceeded the speed of light, and hit Ba Che's consciousness.


Ba Che only felt that the eyes of his heads were black at the same time, and he fainted before he could react.

It didn't expect that a mere human could kill it instantly.

[Defeat the strong enemy and gain 120452 experience points. ]

The difference in strength was too great, and Ba Che had no chance to deal with him. Facing an enemy that was much weaker than him, Li Qiuzhi just used his mental power to crush him.

Except for opponents who were equal to him or people who were much stronger than him, Li Qiuzhi rarely used other abilities.

The main thing is that mental power is really convenient and easy to use. It is the most useful skill to deal with enemies who are much weaker than oneself.

Watching Ba Che fall down with a "bang", his huge body hit the bottom of the sea, and a lot of mud and sand were instantly raised.

Causing the nearby sea area to turn into the color of mud and sand.

"Sure enough, Li Qiuzhi is still quite powerful. He knocked down a demon god in one encounter." Xiangling had an expression that was as expected.

"What are you going to do next?"

Yan Fei, who patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Li Qiuzhi next to him.

"I said, send it to reunite with Osel, of course I have to do what I say."

Li Qiuzhi controlled the water element shield and came to Ba Che's side. He first controlled it with the "Command Spell" and then put it into the "Void Star Sea".

"Do you want to go back to the sealed place again?" Beidou asked.

"Yes, in order to speed up, we can just teleport there." Li Qiuzhi held Yan Fei with his right hand that was not hugged by Xiangling, and then signaled Beidou to hug him with his eyes.

"You are so lucky." Beidou smiled slightly and hugged his neck from the back.

How could she not see Li Qiuzhi's little thoughts.


Li Qiuzhi coughed awkwardly. At this time, he felt his left leg heavy and found that Guoba was hugging him.

Well, this time he was really hugged from front to back and left to right. Li Qiuzhi laughed secretly. At the same time, he had locked the sealed place with his mental power.

The next second, several people disappeared directly on the spot, and the light ball in the sky also extinguished and disappeared, and this sea area returned to darkness again.

The sealed place of the demons.

Several figures appeared from the void. Li Qiuzhi and others came here again, took out the "Hundred Taboos" and opened the seal again to enter the first layer of the sealed space.

"The Demon of the Whirlpool" Osel was a little puzzled as to why this human bastard who controlled him came back again, and saw that guy suddenly swung his hand and threw a huge figure out of thin air.

"Ba Che?!"

Before Osel could be shocked, Ba Che's body hit it and knocked it over.

"Haha, I sent your wife here. No need to thank me. Be a good god in the future and don't cause trouble everywhere."

Li Qiuzhi laughed twice, left, and sealed the seal again.

"You looked like some kind of villain just now." Yan Fei looked at him amusedly.

"Well, it seems a bit."

Li Qiuzhi touched his nose and suddenly felt that his tone was indeed a bit too proud, which was good for the "Whirlpool Demon God" who knew everything.

If you are so proud of others in the interstellar world, you will be in trouble if the other person is pretending to be a star god who likes to have fun.

When Li Qiuzhi was searching for Star God information on the "Interstellar Peace Network", he saw that the "Happy" Star God Aha pretended to be an unknown guest and blew up the Star Dome Train.

There was also a planet where he pretended to be a military advisor and helped a rebel to win the throne, but when he ascended the throne, the son of the emperor he killed ran out and killed him.

It turns out that the military advisor played by Aha was assisting him and at the same time secretly assisting the emperor's son. Seeing that the rebels had worked so hard to win the throne, they lost it in one fell swoop.

This made Aha very happy.

In short, this is a very bad star god. Li Qiuzhi doesn't want to accidentally provoke this kind of guy, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to become the other party's entertainment.

No matter how powerful you are, there will still be more powerful people and things. Staying humble is a good character.

I examined myself three times a day. Li Qiuzhi simply reflected on himself, and then returned to the Death Omen with Beidou and the others. Today's mission was considered a successful end.

Next, the Death Omen Star drove to and parked near Guyun Pavilion. It was almost dusk, and Li Qiuzhi returned to Wanmin Hall with Beidou, Yan Fei and Xiang Ling.

After catching so much rare seafood in the deep sea, Xiang Ling naturally wanted to make a big meal to reward everyone.

However, it is now time for people to get off work, and more and more people come to Wanmin Hall to eat.

Li Qiuzhi and the others simply started cooking here, and waited until seven or eight o'clock in the evening when there were not so many people coming to dine before they started cooking their seafood feast.

After dinner, it was late at night. Li Qiuzhi looked at the girls and said with a smile:

"Speaking of which, we've had a busy day, fighting demons and fishing in the deep sea. We're all tired. How about we go take a hot spring bath and relax?"

"Hot springs? Is there no hot spring bathing place in Liyue Port?"

Beidou knew that the hot springs in Nata were quite famous. It was said that those who traveled to Nata would be in vain if they did not take a dip in the hot springs.

Sorry, the state is still not right today. I will try my best to adjust it tomorrow!

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