I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 680 Serval Doll Korianba

Chapter 680 Serval Doll·Korianba

After Cole's favorability towards him reached the maximum level, Li Qiuzhi continued to look at the character panel:

[With sincere intentions and unremitting efforts, you are deeply connected with your own destiny that has no intersection. From now on, the girl's fate star will also shine with you, and you will gain the ability: Serval Doll·Korianba. ]

As expected, Li Qiuzhi gained Cole's favorability skill.

He clicked on the detailed information and checked it out:

[Serval Doll·Korianba: Summon the "Korianba" Serval Doll, and the explosion can cause a large amount of grass element damage. The upper limit of the number of summons is "the sum of the levels of the two people". It can be linked with the Count Rabbit. When the two explode together, within the range of "the sum of the levels of Li Qiuzhi, Amber and Cole" kilometers, a special "eternal combustion" reaction will occur, which will not disappear until the user actively extinguishes it. The damage caused by the explosion and burning is multiplied by an additional percentage of "the sum of the levels of the three people". 】

It looks similar to the special version of Count Rabbit. They are both dolls, and the explosion also causes a lot of damage, but one is a fire element and the other is a grass element.

And Cole is indeed Amber's best friend. The affection skills of the two can be linked to cause more powerful attacks, and there is also a special "burning" reaction.

These two dolls explode together, and there is a feeling of wanting to burn everything. I think the power will not be small.

After understanding the situation of the new affection skills, the next step is to invite Cole to live in the fairyland space according to the process, so that it is convenient to meet and practice together in the future.

With good friends like Amber and Eula, it should not be difficult to invite Cole to live together.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Kelai, whose fair face was slightly flushed. He didn't know whether it was because of shyness or excitement, but he naturally held her hand:

"Amber and the others often talk about you. Do you want to live here?"

"Live, live what?"

Kelai was suddenly held by Li Qiuzhi. Feeling the warmth from his palm, her heartbeat could not help but accelerate, like a deer running wildly, and she didn't hear what he said clearly at all.

"Of course, become my lover and live together, just like Amber and Eula." Li Qiuzhi retracted his hand, and Kelai also bumped into his arms.


Kelai felt a tightness in her chest when she bumped into the solid body, and she screamed subconsciously, and then she felt her arms and body being hugged, unable to move.

Feeling Kelai's petite and soft body, Li Qiuzhi approached her ear and continued to speak:

"What do you think? If you don't say anything, it will be considered as your consent!"

The favorability is full, and basically she will not disagree, but sometimes the girl's modesty may make the other party ashamed to agree.

In this case, as long as Li Qiuzhi is a little more assertive, the girls will half-heartedly agree.

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet. Mr. Adventurer is too cunning." The hot breath blew on her ears, making Kelai's cheeks even more red.

She also felt her face was unusually hot, and had no choice but to bury it in Li Qiuzhi's chest.

"So, you agree?"

While Li Qiuzhi hugged Kelai, his hands slowly wandered and caressed the snow-white back exposed behind her black short skirt.

"Ah, please don't do this!"

Kelai felt the cold touch on her back, and her body trembled slightly. She wanted to stop Li Qiuzhi's actions, but her arms were held and she couldn't move at all.

"If you agree, then I won't move." Li Qiuzhi buried his face in the dark green hair that exuded a faint fragrance and kissed Kelai's snow-white and delicate earlobe.



Kole's body was numb, and she couldn't even speak. When she went to play with Amber and the others, she often saw Mr. Adventurer touching Amber and the others, which often made her blush.

So this is what it feels like? Her body was so hot, and Kelai seemed to be unable to hold on. She said hurriedly:

"Please, please stop, I promise you."

After saying this, Kelai also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, she was inclined to agree in her heart.

She couldn't say the words she took the initiative to say, but she said the words she was passive to say.

"In that case, let's not delay. When you finish your patrol work later, we will go and prepare."

Li Qiuzhi stopped his rude behavior towards Kelai.

"Hmm." Kelai blushed and adjusted her clothes, and said in a mosquito-like voice, obviously still a little shy.

"Then are you going to clean up these water slimes? Do you want help?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at the slimes on the river in the distance.

"No, I can do it myself. If you want to be a capable forest ranger, you can't rely too much on others."

Kelai tidied his clothes and took out the bow and arrow from the God's Eye space again.

"That's right, then I'll be with you."

Li Qiuzhi nodded gently. What Kelai said was of course right. He had to give up the idea of ​​helping her complete the forest patrol task quickly and then help her move to the fairyland space.

Next, Kelai quickly used the bow and arrow to clean up the water slimes on the river. Their level was only about level 20, and they would definitely not be her opponents.

The arrow was attached with grass elements. When it touched the water elements on the slimes, grass seeds immediately appeared, and then exploded to cause a large range of grass element damage.

All water slimes were defeated in two strokes.

After clearing the water slimes nearby, Cole had not yet finished patrolling the area he was supposed to patrol, so he set off again, and Li Qiuzhi followed him.

The rainforest is very large, and it is naturally impossible for one person to patrol it all. Different forest rangers have different patrol routes.

It takes three to four hours to walk along the patrol route all day if there are no unexpected situations.

This design is more reasonable and will not make the forest rangers too tired. After all, forest rangers are a dangerous profession.

If the patrol route is longer and people are more tired, it will be very dangerous if they encounter monsters.

Therefore, while Li Qiuzhi and Cole were talking and laughing, and occasionally holding hands and hugging, it was almost noon, and the forest area that needed to be patrolled was also patrolled.

Then Li Qiuzhi took Cole back to the fairyland space and asked her to see what furniture and the like needed to be prepared with Amber and Eula who also came back from get off work, and then go to Xumi City to buy them.

There is strength in numbers, and they soon discussed it.

Amber asked Li Qiuzhi and Cole to buy furniture, and she and Eula prepared a sumptuous lunch to welcome Cole to move into the Wonderland.

When Li Qiuzhi and Cole came back after buying the necessary items, Amber and the others had almost prepared lunch.

With the two chefs Noel and Xiangling, the food in the Wonderland is already the best in Teyvat.

After the delicious lunch, Li Qiuzhi and Amber began to help Cole decorate the room.

Today's update

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