I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 682 Afternoon Tea, Mini Games (Two in One)

Inazuma Castle, castle tower.

Not long after Li Qiuzhi checked the effect of the new title, he saw Ayaka Kamisato walking out.

Her favorability level for herself has reached level eight. If she finds a reason, give her the favorability skill like other girls.

Not surprisingly, with gratitude in her heart, Ayaka's favorability towards herself can be improved again, to at least level nine.

If you confess your feelings at this time, you might be able to basically reach the full level.

Li Qiuzhi felt that he could not miss this opportunity. Just when he was looking for a reason to get along with Kamisato Ayaka, she also discovered Li Qiuzhi.

Under the brocade-like skirt, Ayaka's snow-white legs swayed back and forth lightly. She came over with a folding fan in her hand and said with a smile:

"Congratulations on being awarded the honor of being the general's deputy. For thousands of years, only Mr. Adventurer has received this honor."

Of course it's the only one in thousands of years. After all, it was just a temporary idea. Li Qiuzhi smiled back and said:

"It's not a big deal, it's just a shameless request from the general."

"Even so, you have to have corresponding achievements to get it." Kamisato Ayaka made a "wow" sound, unfolded the paper fan and covered her soft lips.


Li Qiuzhi did not deny it. He seemed to have thought of something and said:

"Speaking of which, this is something worth celebrating. When Sanluo comes out, how about we go have afternoon tea together? I'll treat you."

"Okay, I came here from Kamisato Yashiki and I can't go back empty-handed. I won't be polite to Mr. Adventurer's afternoon tea."

Kamisato Ayaka closed the paper fan with a "snap" sound, and a light smile appeared on her fair face under her snow-colored hair.

[Kamizato Ayaka has a good impression of you and gains 600 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 9 (320/900)]

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when he saw the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel. After winning the title again, it became easier to win the favor of girls.

Is it because you just invited Ayaka to have afternoon tea that you gained favor? Is it because you are celebrating and being able to think of her means that you have her in your heart, so you are happy?

Because humans are social animals, part of their thinking is common. Li Qiuzhi feels that this is the reason.

In any case, this is a good thing. The easier it is to gain favor, the easier it will be for him to acquire favor skills and become more powerful!

Now, all he needs to do is find a reason to give Ayaka the favorability skill, so that her favorability towards him will reach the maximum level. I don’t know what kind of new favorability skill she will give to herself.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was looking forward to it and was about to ask Linghua to wait a moment, a calm voice came.

"You heard my name, what are you talking about?" Kujo Sora, who was walking out of the castle tower on single-toothed clogs, came over with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hello, Miss Sanluo."

Kamisato Ayaka raised her palm to her chest, waved it gently towards Kujo Sora, and said hello.

"Well, good afternoon, Miss Ayaka." Kujo Sora responded with a friendly greeting, then folded his hands and placed them under the chest covered by a pure white shawl and wrapped by a black tight vest.

Having said that, Shan Luo's outfit is quite imaginative.

Looking from the front, you can get a glimpse of the southern breasts that cannot be completely covered by the shawl and are wrapped by a tight black vest.

There is no cover on the side.

The side breasts that are also clinging to the black fabric are exposed. The shawl covering the chest floats slightly when walking, and occasionally the round and soft breasts can be seen.

The slender snow-white thighs are also exposed.

It can be seen that Teyvat's dressing style is quite casual, and he basically wears whatever he likes.

Just like Kelai, she is also such a shy girl when it comes to love.

But she was wearing a backless black short dress, which also exposed the white back and the back part of the tube top.

Perhaps this is the cultural nuance of different civilizations.

After all, the continent of Teyvat does not have the traditional etiquette of ancient Earth. Li Qiuzhi felt quite good about this, and it looked more eye-catching.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the two people greeting each other, his mind was filled with cultivation, and he couldn't help but think about it for a while.

As soon as the two of them said hello, he took over the conversation and explained:

"Didn't I just get a title? I want to have afternoon tea to celebrate a little bit, so I'm going to call you. How about it, Sanluo, are you free?"

"Oh?" Kujo Sora pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, and said calmly, "Since it is your invitation, it is okay to take some time out during the work process."

[Kujo Sora has a good impression of you and gains 600 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (100/900)]

After Shan Luo finished speaking, Li Qiuzhi saw a favorability prompt pop up on the character panel.

I think it's the same as Ayaka. If you have such a high opinion of him, you will naturally like him more. If you invite someone you like to have afternoon tea, it is natural to increase your favorability.

"Haha, taking a break at work is really not what the upright Miss Sanluo would say."

Kamisato Ayaka unfolded her paper fan again and concealed her smile.

"Both each other, each other." Kujo Sora glanced at her with his dark golden eyes, "Speaking of which, the eldest lady of the Kamisato family should be even busier at work. Is it really okay not to go back to deal with official duties as soon as possible?"

“Recently, Inazuma has been on the track of rapid development, and there is indeed a lot more work.

"But the Kamisato family is full of talents. Just arrange the work that can be handled by subordinates. In this way, it is no different from before."

Kamisato Ayaka said with a chuckle.

Uh, why did tit for tat suddenly start? Li Qiuzhi has rich experience in this.

In the fairyland space, sometimes several girls want to practice with him at the same time, and when they want to monopolize him for a long time, there will inevitably be some disputes.

In the end, it was naturally Li Qiuzhi who managed them obediently.

After all, their strength is far from his own, and it is temporarily impossible to overwhelm him in practice.

Only by cooperating with each other can we have time to relax. Otherwise, if we practice alone with Li Qiuzhi all the time, we will be damaged if we accidentally practice too much.

The comfortable feeling of sticking will last for a long time, and you will need to rest for at least a few days to allow your body to recover.

This feeling can make people addicted and affect their work the next day. Li Qiuzhi still needs to be careful not to overdo it and delay their work the next day.

However, some people recover faster, such as Lisa and Shenzi, so they often practice excessively with him.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Linghua and Shanluo, held their wrists from left to right, and walked down:

"The two of you are invited to the afternoon tea this time. Naturally, we will go together. Without either of you, the atmosphere will be missing."

Neither of them spoke. They looked at the hands holding their own, with a slight blush appearing on their fair faces.

When they almost walked down the long stairs to the shogunate gate, the two of them looked at the guards patrolling the road over there from a distance.

Unable to help but feel a little shy, Li Qiuzhi also noticed their situation.


If others see it, the eldest lady of the Kamisato family and the general of Tianling are being held by a man at the same time.

If word gets out, people will definitely talk about it.

In order not to cause trouble to them, Li Qiuzhi temporarily let go of his hand. After all, they were all senior figures in Dao Wife, and being discussed would damage their image.

Li Qiuzhi himself doesn't care. If the news spreads and more people know about him, he can even gain more "spirituality", although now there seems to be too much "spirituality" to use up.

The main reason is that he doesn't have the pursuit of a very rare or very powerful entry. Basically, it just feels right.

This pragmatic behavior saved him a lot of "spirituality."

Linghua and Sanluo were slightly relieved, but a little disappointed. They looked at each other, then calmly moved away, and their emotions calmed down.

I left the shogunate and walked to the streets of Inazuma Castle.

The place where I went to have afternoon tea this time was naturally the property of the Kamisato family - the Mokuro Teahouse.

Of course, the treat was Li Qiuzhi.

It's afternoon tea time now. There are many guests in the tea room. The ordinary seats are gone, leaving only the more expensive private rooms.

This is also suitable for Li Qiuzhi and the others.

After arriving in the private room and ordering food, the waiter quickly served milk tea and snacks, and then went out to continue working.

"Come on, don't be polite to me."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and took a sip of milk tea first.

"Well, thank you for the hospitality." Kujo Sanra nodded lightly, picked up a piece of lotus cake, and ate it casually.

"Mr. Adventurer, I suggest you try this. This is the most popular new product of Mu Le Tea Room."

Kamisato Ayaka picked up the salted cherry blossom cake on the plate and handed it to Li Qiuzhi's mouth, as if she wanted to feed it to him.

How dare Li Qiuzhi refuse to be fed by a beautiful girl?

He opened his mouth and bit lightly on the cherry blossom cake, and half of the cherry blossom cake was brought into his mouth by his tongue.

The refreshing salt flavor contains floral aroma, just like admiring cherry blossoms at the beach. It is not overly salty and can highlight the flavor of cherry blossoms.

No wonder Ayaka said that this pastry has become very popular in tea rooms recently, and it is indeed a rare delicacy.

Looking at Li Qiuzhi's slightly bright eyes, Kamisato Ayaka also smiled and continued to put the remaining half of the cherry blossom pastry held between her thumb and index finger into Li Qiuzhi's mouth:

"Don't waste it."

"Of course."

Li Qiuzhi bit into the remaining half of the cherry blossom pastry and watched Linghua take her hand back. He stretched out his hand to hold her wrist, making Kamisato Linghua stunned for a moment.

His eyes stayed on Ayaka's white fingers that took the cherry blossom cake, leaving some salt and cake powder, and said with a smile:

"I told you not to waste food, so"

Under the slightly stunned gaze of Kamisato Ayaka, Li Qiuzhi put her finger into his mouth and sucked it.


Kamisato Ayaka's cheeks instantly turned crimson, and she instinctively withdrew her hand, lowered her head and grabbed the hem of her skirt, and said incoherently:

"Ri, risk, Mr. Adventurer, you, what are you doing? It's so rude!"

Kujo Sangluo next to him also looked a little blushing, as if he did not expect that Li Qiuzhi would do this.

"It's the girly salted cherry blossom cake~" Li Qiuzhi licked his lips, seeming to have some aftertaste.

When Kamisato Ayaka heard this, she had the urge to cover her face.

"Ahem, sorry, just kidding." Looking at the two people, Li Qiuzhi changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, just having afternoon tea like this is a bit boring. How about we play a little game?"

"Phew, please stop making such weird jokes!"

Kamisato Ayaka took some time to calm down, took out a tissue and wiped her hands, puffing up her cheeks and saying dissatisfiedly.


Kujo Sara, who had come back to her senses, snorted coldly, as if she was a little depressed. She also said unsatisfiedly:

"Tell me, what game do you want to play?"

It seems that no matter what he plays, he must be defeated on the battlefield. The strength of the general of Tianling Bugyo is naturally not to be underestimated.

"Then let's play Inazuma's 'Shogi'. I just don't know how to do this, so I'll ask you two to teach me.

"Three games, two wins. If you win, I will give you two super powers like 'Interstellar Travel'.

"If I win, I will naturally give you two abilities, but I have to add a small request. What do you think?"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

This is the reason he thought of giving the two people the goodwill skills.

Inazuma's Shogi was just a simple understanding of the rules when he and Ying and Paimon first came here to adventure.

Of course, I haven't played it much.

But it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, as long as the goodwill skills are given as a gift.

After receiving such a valuable thing, he will obviously be grateful and have a good impression of Li Qiuzhi.

"Although Mr. Adventurer is very good at fighting, he may not be better than us at shogi. His chess skills can only be improved by playing against others frequently.

"Mr. Adventurer, the small request you want to make is probably hopeless."

Kamiri Ayaka said with a chuckle as she unfolded her folding fan.

She has been playing shogi with her mother since she was a child, and she thinks she is pretty good at it.

"Then let me teach you the principles of using troops!" Kujo Sara looked at Li Qiuzhi, and it was obvious that he was quite confident in Inazuma Shogi.

As a general of the Tenryo Bugyo, he certainly knew about the shogi game, which is similar to the principles of using troops.

"Oh, it seems that you are all very confident. Why don't you ask me what kind of small request I would make if I win, and then choose whether to agree or not?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at Kamisato Ayaka and Kujo Sara, and said with a little surprise.

"Since it is a small request, Mr. Adventurer will naturally not let us agree to anything difficult. "

Said Kamisato Ayaka in a gentle and elegant tone.

She knew that Li Qiuzhi just wanted to play shogi to kill time and give them gifts. The little request at the end was probably just added casually to make a difference between winning and losing.

"Okay, Ayaka is right. It is indeed just a simple little request." Li Qiuzhi was proud of his plan, but nodded calmly on the surface:

"If there is no problem, I will go to the waiter to borrow a set of shogi now."

"No, I have it here." Kujo Sara shook her head. There was indeed a set of shogi in her God's Eye space.

This was the shogi that the general played with her on a whim before, and she has always treasured it.

It will only be taken out when playing chess with the general.

The new title in the previous chapter was modified. The original "strongest warrior" did not have any characteristics. It was changed to "the deputy of the thunder general", which felt much better.

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