The next day.

Li Qiuzhi got up from the bed, hugging Candice and Dixia on his left and right.

After a night of entanglement and persuasion, Li Qiuzhi also successfully persuaded them to live in the fairyland space, so the task this morning was to help them move in.

Anyway, it was just a change of place to sleep at night, and it didn't affect anything.

Moreover, the fairyland space has various special effects, which are very helpful for their strength improvement.

Li Qiuzhi and the two girls woke up by practicing by sticking, and then got up and spent the whole morning busy helping them move in.

In the afternoon, they went back to do their own work, and Li Qiuzhi also used the "Void Star Sea" to come to the "Fluorescent Sword God" that he left in the Black Tower Space Station.

The main purpose was to find someone to help make a program that automatically downloads various useful knowledge from the "Interstellar Peace Network".

Then take it back to Nashida and let her upload it to the "Void Internet".

The staff of the space station are all geniuses from various civilizations. Such a simple thing can be done by any computer researcher.

However, Li Qiuzhi is not going to ask the staff for help.

Although the staff would be happy to do it for his position as the station security consultant, they have their own research after all.

It's probably much more important than making a crawler program.

Let's not bother them. Anyway, there must be people on the "Interstellar Peace Network" who specialize in writing code for others.

It's not like there's no credit points, just entrust them directly.

Li Qiuzhi took his mobile phone, turned on the screen and logged into the "Interstellar Peace Network", while walking towards the central compartment.

To download knowledge, you naturally need a data storage device like a hard drive.

There is no shortage of stores selling such things in the Black Tower Space Station, so he wants to go and buy some.

While walking, Li Qiuzhi has also logged into the "Interstellar Peace Network" and searched for "program outsourcing platform" in the search engine.

Then a lot of websites popped up, but the one at the top was the "program outsourcing" website operated by the "Interstellar Peace Company".

There is no industry that this giant company does not do.

Although the "Interstellar Peace Company" is more domineering, Li Qiuzhi still trusts such a big company when entrusting others to do things.

Click on the outsourcing website of this company.

Then a bunch of neatly arranged avatars appeared, with brief introductions below them.

The first one was naturally the best, a gray-haired old man, rated "Legend" by the company, and with a commission completion rate of 100%.

Li Qiuzhi clicked in and looked at the project experience of this old man. He actually led the development of super systems such as "Planet Defense System" and "Multi-Starship Parallel Program"!

It was really amazing to be able to lead and complete such a program.

When Li Qiuzhi saw the minimum credit points for entrusting him, he directly exited the page.

The starting price was hundreds of millions, just a crawler program, so it was not necessary to hire such a big guy.

The ones in the front were all big guys. Li Qiuzhi entered his needs in the search box in the upper left corner.

Soon the current page was refreshed, and a group of people who met his requirements appeared.

Their ratings were not high, and the commission completion rate was rarely 100%.

This means that some people who also outsourced the program to them were not satisfied with their finished products.

Li Qiuzhi simply searched and found a person with a completion rate of 100%, and the number of orders received was tens of thousands.


Is it so scary?

The avatar is a cartoon-style gray-haired girl who looks tired and a little cute. Her name is "Dagongzi".

With doubts about why she received so many orders and had a 100% completion rate, and why her rating was so low, Li Qiuzhi clicked on her avatar.

A more detailed introduction was displayed on the screen, as well as the commissions she had completed before.

Then Li Qiuzhi found that the commissions received by this gray-haired girl called "Dagongzi" were all small commissions such as helping small restaurants develop ordering software and helping to develop ticket grabbing software.

No wonder she can achieve tens of thousands of orders with a 100% completion rate. The basic frameworks of these programs are similar. Just copy and paste and take a look at them and you will complete another order.

But this is just right. The program Li Qiuzhi wants is also so simple, so he can ask this gray-haired girl for help.

So Li Qiuzhi directly clicked on the word [Commission] in the lower right corner.

Then he entered a chat interface, where he could describe his commission requirements. If the other party saw it and thought there was no problem, he would give a reply.

Li Qiuzhi briefly explained his requirements, sorted it into text and sent it over.

Just when he thought he might have to wait for a while to get a reply, he didn't expect the other party to send a message immediately.

[Worker]: Hello, customer, I have understood your needs. After evaluation, the commission fee is 30,000 credit points. After the deposit is paid, the commission will start immediately.

[Year after year]: So fast, okay, thank you for your trouble.

[Year after year]: "Transfer: 3,000 credit points"

The deposit is one-tenth, and Li Qiuzhi transferred it directly. When he was about to ask how long it would take, the other party sent another message:

[Worker]: OK, the link is sent to you, please pay the balance.

[Worker]: "Download link"

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised. It was so easy to make money so quickly.

However, the other party had received tens of thousands of orders for software outsourcing work, and it was normal for them to have taken over similar ones. Then they directly sent over the software they developed at that time.

Li Qiuzhi didn't mind it, as long as it worked, he readily paid the balance, and then walked to the computer accessories store on the space station.

Because the store is run by the space station and is mainly owned by service personnel, the computer accessories here are very cheap.

Li Qiuzhi saw that a 100G data storage only cost about 3,000 credits, and the normal price on the "Interstellar Peace Network" was 4,000 to 5,000.

But this 100G is naturally not enough for him.

Li Qiuzhi spent 500,000 credits to buy a 10T data storage and then a laptop.

That's it, just go back to your room and download the program and let the computer work automatically.

As soon as Li Qiuzhi walked out of the computer accessories store, he saw Esta just walking past the door.

At this time, she also saw Li Qiuzhi, with a look of surprise in her eyes: "Hey, Mr. Li Qiuzhi, what a coincidence?"

Esta has been busy with her work in recent days and has not had much chance to see Li Qiuzhi, so she was a little surprised to see him at this time.

"Miss Esta, haven't you rested so late?"

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised.

There is a time difference of about eight hours between Teyvat and the space station. He came here in the afternoon, and it was already past nine o'clock at the space station.

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