"There's no need to be a guest, I don't have that spare time."

Heita rejected Li Qiuzhi unceremoniously.

"Haha, the research on the 'Simulated Universe' is at a critical juncture recently. When you have a little free time, let's go to Mr. Li Qiuzhi's home planet as a guest."

Compared to Black Tower, Screwgum, the mechanical gentleman, was much more polite in refusing.

Esta also has to take care of a huge space station, so she doesn't have time to be a guest for the time being. Li Qiuzhi doesn't force it. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Li Qiuzhi waited for Black Tower and the others to leave the "Void Sea of ​​Stars", and then asked the "Sword God of Ying" he kept in Teyvat to go to Fontaine to open a new space crack.

After passing through the "Void Sea of ​​Stars", he and Ruan Mei arrived at Fontaine City from here.

The location where the two appeared was the opera house. There was no performance and no audience at this time.

Therefore, no one saw Li Qiuzhi and them.

"Ms. Ruan Mui, please come with me. My divine friend is right here." Li Qiuzhi led Ruan Mui to the room where the cardinal's decree was stored.


Wearing high heels decorated with plum blossoms on the toes and heels, Ruan Mei slowly followed behind him.

She looked at the theater casually.

There are countless civilizations in the Star Sea, and many of them have similar architectural styles. Most of these styles appeared when the civilization developed to the stage of industrialization.

Each civilization has its own special circumstances. Most of the time, such judgments will be biased or even completely wrong.

Now that he has arrived in a new world, Ruan Mei will naturally see if there are any creatures worth studying.

The next second, the world in her eyes changed.

The walls of the opera house disappeared, and the square with people coming and going outside was seen. Then humans disappeared, leaving only the sky and the earth.

When the sky and the earth also disappeared, only elementary particles of seven colors were left around Ruan Mei.

These are the seven different elemental forces.

Subsequently, these basic element particles began to continuously combine and evolve. The yellow element particles were the main ones, combined with a small amount of other elements, and a large amount settled down to evolve into the earth.

Mainly composed of wind and water elements, combined with a large number of other elemental particles floating up, the atmosphere gradually evolved.

Elemental particles continued to evolve, and the first life appeared, which was an elf composed entirely of elemental particles.

Elemental elves with various forms and ignorant consciousness.

Countless time passed before elemental particles evolved into various small organic molecules, such as amino acids, nucleotides, etc.

Proteins, macromolecular organic compounds formed by connecting amino acids with peptide bonds, also evolved later.

More and more substances evolved, single-cell life began to appear, and then multi-cell life with simple structures also appeared.

Animals, monsters, humans, etc. follow closely behind.

By peeking into the world's life evolution information, Ruan Mei basically understood the species that have evolved in this world.

Compared to the sea of ​​stars, there is nothing special about the species in this world.

Although the matter that makes up the world is composed of seven elemental forces, it eventually evolved into creatures similar to those on most planets.

Carbon-based life forms like humans are basically everywhere. Elemental elves are a kind of energy life form, and there are many of them in the universe, so they are not very unusual.

There are all kinds of monsters. Although there are similar creatures in the universe, the specific life information, such as DNA, etc., must be quite different.

When you have free time in the future, you can come over and study it.


Soon, Ruan Mei's vision slowly returned to normal. When he saw the front again, he had followed Li Qiuzhi to the door of a room.

"Fukalos, we are here."

Li Qiuzhi knocked on the door and shouted.

Fukalos, who was in the cardinal's room giving orders, had already noticed Li Qiuzhi and the two of them.

The door to the room opened, and Fukalos walked out in a white dress.

She looked at the elegant lady next to Li Qiuzhi and said, "Is this Miss Ruan Mei from the Starry Sky?"

Li Qiuzhi told her before.

To be honest, when Li Qiuzhi told her that she had found someone who could safely separate the authority, she was a little doubtful.

The authority was fused with her soul, and the only way to separate it was to tear her soul apart.

Because even if the authority is integrated with her soul, the authority as the world will not be destroyed, so after tearing her soul apart, only the "power of the ancient dragon" will remain.

"Hello, Miss Shenming." Ruan Mei nodded and greeted.

"Excuse me, how can you help me separate authority?"

Fukalos asked directly.

"Wait a moment, please let me diagnose." Ruan Mei did not answer immediately, stretched out her right hand wearing a navy blue glove and grabbed Fukalos' wrist.

"Eh, so sudden"

The body made of soul was slightly sensitive, Fukalos' cheeks were slightly red, and he subconsciously shrank his arms.


Li Qiuzhi looked a little speechless. You are blushing, aren't you a girl?

The status information of Fukalos' soul body was presented in her mind. The situation was similar to Ruan Mei's guess. She parted her soft lips and said:

“Under normal circumstances, without the intervention of external forces, the power of a certain part of the world will not be stronger than the world itself.

"Compare this part of authority to water. Your soul and body are also water. At this time, you merge into one mass and are indistinguishable from each other.

"When we raise the density of this ball of water to the upper limit of the world, it has already reached the upper limit, and the water representing the authority of the world will stop here.

"But the part representing you will not be affected. Continue to increase the density of water and exceed the upper limit of the world, then you and the authority of the world will become clear.

"It will be much easier to separate them at this time."

"Ancient Dragon Power" is the authority of the world, and its upper limit of strength will not exceed the upper limit of the world.

As long as the strength of Fukaros's soul exceeds the upper limit of the world, the two will naturally separate.

Hearing the method mentioned by Ruan Mei, Li Qiuzhi's eyes lit up, and it seemed to work.

As long as he invited her to live in the fairyland space, practiced with her every day, and quickly improved Fukaros's strength, it would not be a problem to surpass Teyvat.

I just don't know what the upper limit of Teyvat is.

But it must be higher than the top level of 120 of the top demon god. He is only more than 120 now, even if Fukaros's strength is improved through practice.

The speed of improvement will not be that fast, after all, the life level is not much different, unless he pulls the gap between his level and the upper limit of the world by more than 20 levels.

In this way, Fukaros's soul strength can be quickly surpassed in a short period of time.

This is indeed a little difficult, and Li Qiuzhi can't do it for the time being, unless a large number of powerful enemies are defeated by him immediately.

But since Ruan Mei proposed this method, there should be a solution.

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