I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 709: Watching the Sea at Huzhai Palace (Two in One)

Chapter 709 Fox Palace·Watching the Sea (Two-in-One)

Gradually, the dark clouds dissipated.

The Supreme Judge, Navilet, also descended from the sky.

Most of the people in Fontaine felt that something must have happened, but they did not find any changes, so they were no longer curious.

Anyway, such a big thing happened, the Mo Mang Palace would definitely know, just wait for the Mo Mang Palace to announce it.

And it seems that the name of Lord Navilet was mentioned.

In the Mo Mang Palace, Li Qiuzhi looked at Navia next to him, and Miles and Silver, whose body changes had stopped.

If nothing unexpected happened, they should not be dissolved by the "Original Fetal Sea Water" at this time, and become real human beings.

It just seems that there is no relationship between feeling, and everyone does not know whether they are really no longer afraid of the "Original Fetal Sea Water".

"Linnie." Alechino shouted to the brothers and sisters behind him.

"Yes, 'Father'." Linnie stepped forward and took out a bottle similar to a wine jug from the space of the Eye of God.

The "Original Fetal Sea Water" is naturally filled in it.

Lini opened the bottle cap and poured the fetal sea water directly into his hand without hesitation. The "Original Fetal Sea Water" flowed down from his palm.

But it did not cause any impact.

It seems to be true. The "prophecy crisis" has indeed been perfectly solved. Alechino breathed a sigh of relief.

She is not from Fontaine, so she can only let Lini try.

However, Alechino felt the strange power in the rain and believed that nothing would go wrong.

And a slight touch of fetal sea water would not cause much impact, so she was relieved to let Lini try.

Now that the crisis of Fontaine has been resolved, she can concentrate on helping Her Majesty the Queen obtain the "Heart of God".

She had looked for Fininna a while ago and was frightened like an ordinary girl. Obviously, the "Heart of God" was not with her.

For this reason, Alechino suspected that Villette was the real water god, but she couldn't think of any reason for him to hide his identity.

When she saw Fukaros, who looked like Fininna, she understood that this was the real water god.

The water element "Heart of God" must also be with her.

If you want to get the "Heart of God", you have to find her, but the current occasion is not suitable, not to mention that the water god's own strength is not weak.

Li Qiuzhi, the traveler and Villette are all here. Even if she has the ability to snatch the "Heart of God" from the water god, she has no chance now.

The problem is that if she misses this opportunity, it will not be easy to find this water god in the future, because she is so good at hiding.

Alechino glanced at Fukaros, who was in a soul state and had not materialized, and was invisible to people with weak mental power.

Then her eyes moved to Li Qiuzhi next to her.

Obviously, Li Qiuzhi and this water god are very familiar, and perhaps she can continue to ask him for help.

She walked to Li Qiuzhi's side, and did not go to Fukaros specifically, and naturally said to him:

"I still have official business, so I'll leave first. You can come to the Buffati Mansion when you have time."

"Oh? Okay."

Li Qiuzhi looked at Alechino with some surprise and came to talk to her about this matter. Could it be that there was something she wanted to find her for, but it was not suitable to say it now?

He thought for a moment, and probably guessed what it was, so he nodded and agreed.

Prepare to go to the Buffati Mansion in the next two days.

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi understood what he meant, Alechino took Lini and his sister away.

Many other people, such as officials and businessmen in Fontaine, politely expressed their gratitude to Funina and Navilete after learning that the "prophecy crisis" was resolved.

Funina first, Navilete later.

After all, in everyone's opinion, although Navilete, the highest judge, took action to solve the "prophecy crisis", this must have been done under the wise leadership of Lord Water God.

So of course, Lord Water God must be thanked first.

And Funina was not polite, and accepted everyone's thanks with a proud and complacent look.

At the same time, Charlotte also started her interview work.

She wanted to take this opportunity to interview all the big figures present, mainly to ask about the specific situation of the "prophecy crisis".

That is to announce it so that the people of Fontaine can understand the situation.

Not long after, the interview was over. Charlotte had to rush back to the newspaper office to get everyone to sort out the news. The follow-up should be published on the "Void Internet" first, and the newspaper will be a little slower.

Navia and the others also left. She had to go back to tell everyone in the Thorn Rose Society that the "prophecy crisis" had been resolved.

The special patrol team that maintained order also went back to work under the leadership of Xiawolei.

The remaining Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Xiao Paimeng returned to the Momang Palace with Fukaros and Funina.

Next, there was nothing important.

However, Fukaros had just met Funina again, and he should have a lot to say.

Coming to the reception room of the Water God again, Fukaros expressed his gratitude to Navilet and his affirmation as the Supreme Judge over the years.

Fortunately, there was that half of the "Ancient Dragon Power", otherwise Fontaine would not have anything else of sufficient value to thank Navilet.

"Well, since there is nothing to do, I will go back to work first."

Villette was not good at dealing with Fukalos. Faced with such a sure recognition, he felt a little uncomfortable, lest she try to deceive him again.

It would be better to go back to the office and deal with the case.

Seeing Villette leave like this, Fukalos was not surprised, knowing that Villette's character was like this.

But are you so busy? Fukalos looked at Funina: "You won't leave all your work to Navilette, will you?"

"W-what are you talking about? Haven't I been playing the role of the water god?!"

Funina sat down on the sofa and went to pick up the small cake on the table as if nothing had happened.

She basically spends her time going to the opera house to watch trials or performances, or appearing in various places in Fontaine to display the majesty of the Water God.

As a ruler, all unimportant tasks are left to the officials below, and the important ones are left to Navilette.

Anyway, she just has to make the final decision.

There is no way, she is indeed not good at government affairs.

"All right."

Fukalos probably understood what was going on. Anyway, she would handle these tasks from now on. She could just guide Funina in the process.

After all, he is in power, so how can he not understand government affairs?

Wait for Fukalos to arrange the follow-up plan.

Li Qiuzhi also found a reason to say that her soul had not fully recovered yet, and she could continue to recover with him for a while if necessary.

"Isn't this too intrusive?" Fukalos said slightly embarrassed.

"How is it possible? Help people to the end. It is so difficult to safely separate the authority, but it is better not to cause the disease."


Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

Ying and Paimon looked at him with disdain. Although what he said made sense, they still didn't know what he meant.

They didn't care about this. Anyway, there were so many girls at home, and it would be more lively if there were more girls.

"Okay, I'll bother you."

Fukalos didn't think much about it, because he had a high impression of Li Qiuzhi, so he didn't object to living in his house.

And he also has the ability to "travel between the stars", so he can keep an eye on Fontaine's situation at any time.

So she might as well stay for a few more days and come back after she recovers completely. Thinking of this, she once again felt good about Li Qiuzhi, who cared about her:

[Fukalos has a good impression of you and gains 620 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (550/900)]

Looking at the prompt that popped up on the character panel, I couldn't help but be secretly happy. As long as I gained one more favor, Fukalos' favor level towards him would be at full level.

With this in mind, Li Qiuzhi looked at Funina who was already eating a cake on the sofa and said to her:

"You said you were scared by that guy Arecino a while ago, right?"

"Why did you mention this again? Clolinde just happened to be away at that time, otherwise I wouldn't have been shocked!"

Funina was like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on, she looked at him in shame and said.

"The executive officer of the Fools is so powerful that even Clolinde should have trouble handling it." Facing Clolinde's dissatisfied expression, Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly and continued:

"So I'll give you some life-saving abilities. Don't be afraid if you encounter similar situations in the future, including Clolind. With these abilities, you can better protect Funina."

Li Qiuzhi finally looked at the lady standing quietly behind Funina.

That's right, he was looking for another reason to give them some abilities to see if they could gain favor.

"Humph, if that's the case, then I will forgive your offense."

Funina had the "Interstellar Travel" that Li Qiuzhi had given her earlier. After learning that this guy could still take out things, she naturally had expectations.

Li Qiuzhi briefly introduced some of his favorability skills that can bless others.

Purification, attack diversion, damage offset, Fu Nina's eyes lit up when she heard these abilities with such powerful effects, but her strength was slightly stronger than that of ordinary people.

With these abilities, she doesn't have to worry about someone suddenly showing up to scare her!

"I want it, give it to me quickly!" Funina grabbed Li Qiuzhi's wrist and looked at him with excited eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll give it to you now."

Li Qiuzhi twitched his hand and found that Funina was holding her tightly and couldn't pull it out, so he had to use his other hand to activate several favorability skills to give her the ability.

At this time, Funina also felt the information of these abilities.

She looked sideways:

"Quick, Clolinde, try to hit me!"

"Uh, Lady Funina, what are you talking about?" Clolinde's fair cheeks under the blue side hat showed a dazed expression.

She suspected she had heard wrongly.

Li Qiuzhi stretched out his finger and flicked Funina's forehead lightly:

"Look, it doesn't hurt. The effect is there, so don't embarrass Clolinde."

"Humph, I just wanted to test it out." Funina touched her forehead and found that it only felt like a light touch. It really didn't hurt. The ability to transfer damage is pretty good!

[Funina has a good impression of you and gains 660 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (160/900)]

Not surprisingly, Fu Nina once again developed a crush on him, reaching level nine and almost reaching full level.

"Come on, please extend your hand."

Li Qiuzhi looked at Clolind, approached and said.

She was wearing a black corset top, with a white shirt underneath that showed through her full chest. There were tight wrinkles around the two buttons, as if they were about to burst at any time.

"Well, thank you."

Claurinde thought for a moment and stretched out her hand.

She had no reason to accept Li Qiuzhi's gift, after all, she hadn't done anything for Li Qiuzhi.

However, considering that protecting Lady Funina required stronger abilities, she still accepted it, and would repay her when she had the chance.

[Claurinde developed a good impression of you, gaining 660 points of good impression, currently at a good impression level of 8 (260/800)]

After giving Clorinde several good impression abilities, including "Interstellar Travel", she also developed a good impression of Li Qiuzhi again.

Not long after, the time was about right, and Li Qiuzhi, Ying, and Paimon were all ready to go back, so Fukaros naturally followed back to the fairyland space to recuperate for a few days.

But this time, she couldn't just sleep in Li Qiuzhi's room, and had to prepare a new room.

After all, Li Qiuzhi wanted to take advantage of these few days to improve his favorability and let Fukaros live in the fairyland space.

Time passed like water, and when the room was ready, it was already dusk.

Fukaros's soul was still a little weak, so he went to rest and recuperate. Li Qiuzhi had nothing to do and was ready to practice hard.

Although everyone hadn't gotten off work at this time, people like Ying and Zhen and Shuwang Guizhong were all staying in the fairyland space.

After all, they were souls. If they didn't have a body in the outside world, they would inevitably become weaker and could not recover naturally under normal circumstances.

But in the fairyland space, they could become stronger.

So they only went out a little when necessary, and usually stayed in the fairyland space.

It was just right to find them to practice.

As for Ying, who had just come back, she would not disturb her for the time being. She was preparing the ingredients for dinner in the kitchen with Xiao Paimeng.

Li Qiuzhi walked upstairs while thinking.

As soon as I got to the second floor, I saw Hu Zhai Gong, wearing a red and white witch costume, standing on the beach on the right looking at the sea.

The ceiling of the second floor has always used the spatial feature of "illusion" to simulate the appearance of a normal sky, with day and night.

On the left is the hot spring bathhouse, and on the right is the beach and the sea.

Although the sea only occupies half of the second floor, the wall also uses "illusion" to create the scene of an endless ocean, which visually looks as infinite as the sky.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Hu Zhai Gong's figure and found that her soul was completely materialized and had recovered from her previous weak state.

[Hu Zhai Gong's current favorability level for you is 9 (320/900)]

He checked Hu Zhai Gong's favorability level for him. Living together in the fairyland space and getting along with each other for a long time, her favorability for him has reached level nine over time.

He should gain favor once more, and Hu Zhai Gong's favorability for him will be full.

Li Qiuzhi judged with his rich experience that now is an excellent opportunity to brush up his favorability.

He changed his direction and walked towards the Huzai Palace on the beach without hesitation.

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