I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 717 Conditions for Help (Two in One)

Si Keke pondered for a moment and finally nodded.

At the same time, she developed a little affection for Li Qiuzhi:

[Si Keke has a good impression of you, and has gained 740 points of affection. The current affection level is 5 (460/500)]

The "Star Abyss Power" that she possessed was actually derived from the transcendental power that her master possessed.

As for whether others can learn it, Si Keke actually doesn't know.

More than a decade ago, she tried to teach this power to a disciple she accidentally accepted. Unfortunately, for some reason, the guy didn't understand it at all after studying for a long time.

Maybe he didn't have the qualifications in this area.

Fortunately, the child's fighting talent was not bad, and he barely got started with her martial arts.

However, although she didn't teach her own disciples, her own master could teach her to master this power. Logically, she should be able to teach others.

Si Keke promised Li Qiuzhi something she could do.

His request was to "teach him the power of the star abyss", which she could certainly do, so she had no reason to refuse.

As for whether he could really understand it, it depends on him.

Considering his unexpectedly strong strength, maybe he can comprehend it more easily than himself.

Seeing that Si Ke Ke agreed and had a good impression of him, Li Qiuzhi was secretly delighted, and he continued:

"Then I'll trouble you.

"But I have something to do later, so I can't start studying until this afternoon or tomorrow morning, and I don't know how long it will take to learn.

"In order to avoid wasting your time, how about I give you a way to contact me at any time."

Li Qiuzhi introduced the ability of "Interstellar Travel" and prepared to give it to Si Ke Ke.

However, he will use the spiritual entry of this ability "Behind-the-scenes Authority" to block her perception of other girls.

Let her only perceive Li Qiuzhi.

Mainly to prevent her from chatting with girls out of curiosity, and then realizing that Li Qiuzhi actually has feelings for her, which would be a little troublesome.

Although her favorability towards him has reached level five, after all, they have just known each other for less than half a day.

Without the precipitation of time, if there is only a level 5 favorability, it is still possible to fall again. At least it will be more stable when it is upgraded to level 7 or 8.

At the same time, when Li Qiuzhi introduced the ability of "interstellar travel", he also specifically explained that the remote contact function can be turned off freely.

The effect of teleportation must be agreed by her before Li Qiuzhi can teleport.

And this ability can still be stripped freely, which will not threaten her privacy.

The two functions mentioned above were of course true when Li Qiuzhi did not give the term "interstellar travel".

However, with the term "behind-the-scenes authority", these two functions naturally do not work for Li Qiuzhi.

And the free stripping of "interstellar travel" at the back is actually impossible.

After the fusion of the "beacon", only Li Qiuzhi can take it back actively, and Si Keke cannot actually separate it unless there is a being who exceeds the sum of the levels of Li Qiuzhi and Ying to help.

The reason for saying this is to make her feel at ease.

After all, except for very close people, who would want others to put a mark on themselves that can be teleported to their side at any time.

This is equivalent to handing over your life!

If the other party suddenly teleports over and stabs you directly, your life will be gone, so Li Qiuzhi has to give enough autonomy for Si Keke to accept.

As for what to do if Si Keke wants to test whether she can peel off the "Dao Beacon", it is actually very simple to deal with it. When she feels that she is trying to do so.

Li Qiuzhi will take back the "Dao Beacon" on her own initiative, so that she will think that she has peeled it off.

With the foundation of level 5 goodwill, Si Keke naturally trusts Li Qiuzhi and thinks that he can easily defeat her. If he wants to kill her, there is no need to use such a troublesome method.

Therefore, the ability to contact him at any time should be considered to consider the entire learning process, which may last for a while.

Both of them have their own things to do, so this suggestion is made for the convenience of everyone.

Si Keke thought about it and felt that there was no problem, so she agreed to the proposal. After all, she didn't want to delay her practice time because of teaching Li Qiuzhi.

"Okay, then this is for you."

Li Qiuzhi summoned a "Dao Beacon" and handed it to Si Keke.

Si Keke took it and felt that there was indeed no problem, so she chose to merge. The feedback made her quickly understand how to use it.

After a few simple attempts, she expressed her gratitude to Li Qiuzhi again.

[Si Keke has a good impression of you, and has gained 720 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 7 (80/700)]

Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up again on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi smiled. It took him only half a day to make a strange girl's favorability towards him reach level 7.

Tang Monk's meat is not so attractive, it really deserves to be me!

The strategy has made good progress, and Li Qiuzhi's goal has been basically achieved. He still has to go to find Alechino later, so he said goodbye to Si Keke temporarily.

Fontaine, Buffati Mansion.

When Li Qiuzhi came to the vicinity of here, he saw the children playing nearby from a distance. Like Linni and the others, they were orphans adopted by Alechino.

Because he had been here several times, the children had some impression of him.

Seeing Li Qiuzhi coming over, he called him "big brother, big brother" a few times. Fortunately, there was no shortage of candy and snacks in the fairyland.

He took some out as a reward for the children's polite behavior.

At this time, Linnett, who heard the noise outside, also came out. There were cute cat ears on her gray-gold hair, a deep-necked black short skirt, and half of her snow-white skin was exposed on her chest.

Under the hem of the skirt, her legs in black pantyhose were exposed, and her feet were wearing black flat-heeled short boots, giving people a feeling of being gentle and elegant as a girl, but also individual and intellectual.

"We meet again, Linnett." Li Qiuzhi waved and said hello.

"Well, 'father' is waiting for you inside."

Linnett nodded without any change in her expression, and made a "please" gesture, wanting him to go in front.

Li Qiuzhi still understood Linnett's personality. She was relatively quiet and rarely showed her emotions on her face.

It felt very cute.

He nodded gently, and then walked towards the Buffati Mansion.

When he entered the living room, he saw that Alecino had prepared tea and was waiting for him. Seeing Li Qiuzhi coming in, she stood up and took two steps forward:

"I thought you would come earlier, but it's almost noon now."

Obviously, Alecino also knew that Li Qiuzhi would understand her meaning and come at the right time.

She knew that he was a person who would complete things in time, and felt that Li Qiuzhi should come in the next two days.

But she didn't expect that he would choose a time close to noon, when others needed to prepare for meals.

Could it be that he still has the habit of eating for free? Alecino thought inexplicably.

Li Qiuzhi didn't know Alecino's strange idea. Under the guidance of Linnet, he sat opposite Alecino, looked at her sitting down again, and explained:

"I originally wanted to come in the morning, but when I was almost at the mansion, I encountered a little accident and had a fight with others."

The encounter with Silkock was not a secret that needed to be kept, and they would know each other in the future, so he said it directly.

"Oh? That star-eating whale actually has an owner?"

Alechino took a sip of the tea that Linnet had poured, then spoke with a look of surprise.

She suddenly realized that she didn't know enough about Teyvat.

The direct murderer who almost caused the crisis of Fontaine's destruction, the star-eating whale comparable to the top demon god, turned out to be someone else's pet? !

"I was also surprised when Miss Sicock came, but don't worry, after I beat her up, she said she didn't care about it.

"You don't have to worry about that lady coming to trouble Fontaine."

Looking at Linnet who was pouring tea for him, he paused for a moment after listening to what Li Qiuzhi said, feeling a little nervous, so he explained it again.

"I see. "

The worry that had just risen in Alecino's heart was quickly extinguished. She had a certain understanding of Li Qiuzhi's strength.

He said that by defeating the opponent and making the other party promise not to pursue the matter, there should be no need to worry.

[Alecino has a good impression of you, gaining 700 points of good impression, and the current good impression level is 7 (250/700)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the prompt that popped up on the character panel and was a little surprised.

It seems that Alecino values ​​Fontaine very much. She developed a good impression of him when she heard that he had solved a little trouble.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi also clearly felt that Linnet, who had poured tea and put down the teapot, was much more relaxed. She also developed a little good impression of Li Qiuzhi:

[Linnet develops a favorable impression of you, gaining 720 points of favorable impression, currently at level 7 (220/700)]

Generally speaking, even if someone saves the world, if others have not seen it with their own eyes and have only heard it from others, even if they are grateful, it will be much weaker.

Li Qiuzhi was able to gain the favor of the two girls so smoothly, probably because he already had a high favorable impression, as well as various specialties and abilities that are more likely to attract others' favor.

As the prompts on the character panel gradually faded, he also asked about the business:

"Although there is a reason for coming a little late, it is indeed a bother to come at this time. So what do you want to talk to me about, Alechino?

"As long as I can do it, I will try my best to help."

Alechino nodded gently, and she slowly said:

"When we were in Momang Palace, the lady who looked like Lady Funina should be the real water god.

"You know the mission of our Fatui, I hope you can convince her to trade the 'Heart of God' with me. "

"As expected."

Li Qiuzhi was not surprised that Alecino could see Fukaros. On that day, Fukaros was in a spirit state and normal people could not see him.

But people with strong mental power can see him.

When in Momang Palace, apart from Clorinde, only Alecino had this ability.

Of course, although Funinna's level was not high, she had lived for five hundred years and endured all kinds of loneliness, so her mental power had long been trained to be very strong.

Li Qiuzhi had expected Alecino to ask him for help.

If it was before, when Fukaros did not help to use the law compensation mixed energy to expand the coverage of the "void" system.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi would not agree.

Now, the "Heart of God" is not very useful to either Fukaros or him, so it is not a problem to agree to Alecino.

In other words, he had already come over, thinking that he would agree to help her, and his main purpose was to gain favor with her and Linnette.

He agreed to help Arlecino, and according to normal logic, she would definitely have a good impression of him.

And seeing him helping his "father" solve problems, Linnette, who loves her family deeply, will also have a good impression of him.

Simply perfect!

But after all, they are helping to obtain the "Heart of God", which is a very precious thing. If they agree too easily, it will make them feel strange.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a few seconds before responding:

"You guessed it right, that person is indeed the Water Goddess Fukalos. She is currently in a soul state and cannot manage the country. The 'Heart of God' really has little effect on her.

"However, it is the 'Heart of God' after all. I don't think Fukalos will give it to you for no reason. What can you offer for trade?

"I can help you ask later."

Fukalos' "Heart of God" is not his, and Li Qiuzhi can only ask, and whether she is willing or not depends on herself.

"Are you so willing to agree to help? But this is indeed your style. You will help if you can, and you will never be sloppy."

The corner of Arecino's mouth raised slightly. It was obvious that he was in a very good mood when he heard Li Qiuzhi promised to help him. She once again had a slight liking for him:

[Arecino has developed a liking for you and gained 750 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (300/800)]

After all, we are all a family from now on. If I help you, I am helping myself. Li Qiuzhi looked at the good-looking prompt. As soon as he felt happy, he saw another good-favor prompt popping up:

[Linette has a good impression of you and gains 730 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (250/800)]

Lynette, who was standing nearby to help pour tea and water, unsurprisingly also developed a liking for him again.

"That's an exaggeration, Miss Arecino." Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly and added, "I'm just asking a question. I can't guarantee that Fukalos will definitely agree."

"She will agree. The conditions offered by Her Majesty the Queen are generous enough."

Arecino took out a document that had been prepared and handed it to Li Qiuzhi. The document was thick and I didn’t know what was written.

"Can I open it and take a look?" Li Qiuzhi asked.

"Of course there is no problem."

For the country, what is written in it is indeed relatively confidential, but it is the legendary adventurer who saved Fontaine.

Arecino believed that nothing was worth keeping secret from him.

Here Li Qiuzhi also simply opened it and looked at it, and found that it was full of support that Zhidong could provide to Fontaine in various fields such as economy, politics, and military.

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