Fairyland Space.

After finishing the practice with Si Ke Ke, the newly bought quilt needed to be washed again. Fortunately, Li Qiuzhi mastered the water element power, so it was very convenient to wash.

Then, Li Qiuzhi and Si Ke Ke went to the hot spring bathhouse to take a bath, washing the sweat secreted from the body due to intense exercise.

It was just that in the process of helping each other to wash their bodies, they unconsciously stuck together again, until Yingdu ran up to call for dinner, the two of them calmed down.

At dinner, everyone basically came back from get off work, and Li Qiuzhi continued to introduce girls he had not met to Si Ke Ke.

Then, after dinner, after a short rest, Li Qiuzhi entered the "Quantum Sea" again.

It is important to capture girls, and the matter of improving strength cannot be left behind.

The world bubble he found before is still providing him with the progress of practice. Now his level has been raised to 136, and the progress of practice is still improving.

It's just that the speed is much slower:

Lv136 (8365212——500+/46000000)

Mainly those world bubbles, those who are willing to accept the new thing "Evil Moon" have basically practiced.

The rest may be in a wait-and-see state, and they may hesitate for a while from understanding "Evil Moon" to deciding to practice.

So in summary, the speed displayed on the character panel is not fast.

However, even if there is only 500 points of practice progress per second, it only takes more than a day to upgrade one level.

It can be determined that before all the people in the few world bubbles found choose to practice "Evil Moon Power", there is a high probability that they will have a long-term practice progress of several hundred points per second.

This speed is not slow, but if you want to quickly upgrade your level, you have to work hard.

Li Qiuzhi quickly took action in the "Quantum Sea" and began to look for the seventh world bubble.

Relying on the specialty of "Phantom Sea Drifter", Li Qiuzhi found a new world bubble not long after.

When he entered the exploration, he unexpectedly discovered that this world bubble had no life, and it was a ruined city floating in the universe.

You can see broken high-rise buildings inside, and you can imagine that this should be a well-developed civilization, but some kind of crisis may have erupted, causing it to become like this.

In this situation, it is naturally impossible to summon the "Evil Moon" and arrange it here. After all, there is no life, and it would be a waste to arrange it.

However, if there is no life, it can be used to conduct a fusion experiment with the fourth world bubble that also has no life.

If successful, he can try to merge the other world bubbles, so that only one "Evil Moon" is enough, instead of putting one in each world bubble.

As the coverage area increases, the efficiency of obtaining cultivation progress will not decrease.

Moreover, Li Qiuzhi has no other place to arrange the "Evil Moon" for the time being. He can summon it for more than 200 rounds, and it is a waste if he does not use it.

When the fused world bubble becomes larger and larger, all the "Evil Moons" will be summoned at that time, hanging in the sky like stars, covering the entire world bubble.

If there are other places that need "Evil Moons" in the future, they can also be taken from here, and it will not affect anything.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi began to use the "Sea of ​​Nothingness" to bring the two anchored inanimate world bubbles closer to each other.

Because the coordinates of the two world bubbles have been anchored, the distance between them will not be affected by the characteristics of the "Sea of ​​Quantum".

Even so, the distance between the two is too far, and it is unrealistic to use traction to bring them closer and merge.

Fortunately, the space inside the world bubble is very large, but the body outside the "Sea of ​​Quantum" is actually not that large.

It is entirely possible to open the space channel between the two places through the "Sea of ​​Nothingness" and transfer directly.

The specific implementation method is that Li Qiuzhi first leaves a "Fluorescent Sword God" in this seventh world bubble.

Then he teleports to the fourth world bubble, and then controls the "Fluorescent Sword God" to open the space crack into the "Sea of ​​Nothingness".

The same is true for Li Qiuzhi. The two space cracks overlap, like an open door, and you can see the opposite world bubble and the "Fluorescent Sword God" when you look over.

With this space crack, the distance between the two world bubbles becomes very close, probably less than one meter.

So Li Qiuzhi began to slowly pull the seventh world bubble on the opposite side closer to this side.

The world bubble is very heavy, and its specific weight is the sum of the weight of all the materials inside. If you want to pull it over, you can't push it with your hands, which is too time-consuming and laborious.

Li Qiuzhi only needs to slightly distort the space to form a landslide, and the world bubble on the opposite side will slowly slide over.

In order to prevent accidents, Li Qiuzhi used the "Void Star Sea" to make the space slope relatively gentle, and the specific angle may be only one or two degrees.

Therefore, it took a full minute for the seventh world bubble to slide over, when it approached and touched the fourth world bubble.

The two world bubbles are like two soap bubbles, and they can easily merge together from the contact point.

When the two world bubbles completely merged and became one, Li Qiuzhi found that the new world bubble did not become larger because of this, and it was still about the same as before.

It's just that the bubble membrane of the world bubble feels thicker.

When Li Qiuzhi entered the world bubble and was about to check the internal changes, he found that the resistance to entering inside had increased a little. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the effect of the thickening of the world membrane.

Li Qiuzhi felt that the changes inside were quite normal. The actual size of the space was the size of the fusion of the two world bubbles.

And the original things inside them were also suspended in the void, one on the left and one on the right. For the time being, it seemed that there was no impact.

The original fourth world bubble contained an uninhabited planet, while the seventh world bubble was just a ruined city.

If the two were closer, the ruined city would most likely be captured by the gravity of the uninhabited planet and become a small satellite of it.

If other world bubbles were merged in the future, the things inside them should also have the possibility of affecting each other.

However, this can be interfered with, so the problem is not big.

The important thing is that Li Qiuzhi verified that the world bubbles can indeed merge, and there will be no special reaction!

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi has been thinking about how to merge the other world bubbles.

Except for the fourth world bubble, which is a planet, the other world bubbles are just a continent.

They are directly supported by the space itself, so they will not be affected by their own gravity and can exist stably in the world bubble.

Then what Li Qiuzhi has to do is also very simple, just merge several world bubbles and splice those continents together.

It was just a simple move. Normally, there shouldn't be any unexpected situation.

After an experiment to confirm that there would be no problems in the fusion process, Li Qiuzhi began to merge other world bubbles.

First, the first and second world bubbles.

The former has a population of 70 to 80 million and is oppressed by people with dragon blood. The latter has a population of more than 200 million, but more than a dozen countries are at war.

The fusion process of the two world bubbles was as smooth as before. When he entered, he saw that the two continents on the left and right were intact.

Careful observation shows that the people on the continent didn't even notice it, that is, there was no movement during the entire fusion process.

Seeing this, Li Qiuzhi was really relieved, and then he used Xiaogong's goodwill skills to turn gravity into a bowstring, using the two continents as arrows to bring them closer to each other.

Of course, this force is very small, so small that it will not attract the attention of people on the continent when the two continental plates are about to collide.

Li Qiuzhi operated even more carefully to avoid too violent collisions and cause severe disasters such as earthquakes.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi was a little worried. Even if the contact between the two plates was light, it would still cause a lot of vibration on the surface.

He hesitated for a moment, and simply stopped when the two plates were about one meter apart.

This prevented the two continental plates from really contacting each other, and did not hinder people from visiting on both sides.

Perhaps the exchange of two civilizations and more people could promote fertility and make the population of this bubble larger.

Considering his "Evil Moon Power", he had a "filter" that only people with good intentions could practice.

If nothing unexpected happened, the strong people at the top of this bubble in the future should all be people with good intentions.

The possibility of a large-scale conflict breaking out in this way is not great.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi thought that the population would increase and the world would become more prosperous, which should be the trend of future development.

Li Qiuzhi completed the fusion of the first and second world bubbles, and then continued to fuse the third world bubble.

The whole process was also very smooth.

The continental plate where tens of millions of stone people lived also approached the previous two plates, followed by the fifth world bubble where millions of orcs lived.

And the sixth world bubble, which also had only millions of three-eyed humans.

After completing the fusion of these world bubbles, Li Qiuzhi also merged the new world bubble formed by the fusion of the fourth and seventh world bubbles.

However, he placed the uninhabited planet far away from the "Assembly Continent" to avoid any problems caused by the gravitational pull of the continent and the planet.

After everything was done, the world bubble with a "bubble membrane" seven times thicker was born, and the appearance had not changed much.

At this time, the "Assembly Continent" inside the world bubble had five "Evil Moons" running along different routes.

Logically speaking, this is enough for the "Assembly Continent" with a population of only more than 300 million.

But the other "Evil Moons" were idle anyway, so Li Qiuzhi simply summoned them all together and let them twinkle like stars above the "Bottled Continent".

The world bubble draws energy from the "Quantum Sea" to maintain its existence. More than two hundred "Evil Moons" seem to be a lot, but the area covered at the same time is actually not very large.

Therefore, there is not much consumption. The world bubble with a world membrane seven times thicker may also have increased the energy it draws from the "Quantum Sea".

It should be easy to maintain the operation of "Evil Moon" for hundreds of rounds.

After basically completing the task of merging the world bubble, Li Qiuzhi continued to look for the eighth world bubble.

The change of the coordinates of the new world bubble this time may basically maintain a place far away from him. It took him almost half an hour to get close to this new world bubble.

Li Qiuzhi went in stealthily to explore as usual.

It was found that this was a continent of at least 15 million square kilometers, 60% of which was forest, and the rest were lakes and rivers.

The forest elves who love nature mainly live here. They look similar to humans, with golden hair, fair skin, and only pointed ears.

In general, according to human aesthetic standards, they are very handsome.

In addition to the forest elves, there are also some goblins bred from natural plants. They are natural creations and are naturally loved by the forest elves.

Similarly, there are monsters from underground in the forest. They live on life energy and must absorb the vitality of plants to survive. They are naturally opposed to the elves.

It’s just that because the monsters have no wisdom, the forest elves still dominate the struggle between the two sides.

Therefore, this world bubble is relatively harmonious compared to the previous ones.

It’s a little regrettable that these forest elves may be immortal species, and they are born to master the power of nature. They have good combat effectiveness when they grow up.

The stronger the genes, the more genetic information they carry. For example, some powerful creatures are born with strong strength.

The side effect of this is that the probability of pregnancy is not high.

The same is true for these elves. They occupy such a large continent with only about 10 million people, which is too small.

Li Qiuzhi didn’t dislike it. After integrating this eighth world bubble into the world bubble of "Assembly Continent", he let the running "Evil Moon" include this continent in the running route.

It took a long time to understand this world bubble, and Li Qiuzhi hurried to find the ninth world bubble.

This time he was very lucky and found the ninth world bubble in about ten minutes.

This world bubble is very large, with a huge gray fog space inside, where a kind of fog-like intelligent life lives, and there are quite a few of them, at least more than a billion.

It was just a short while ago, and Li Qiuzhi didn't know whether their nature was good or bad, but they seemed to feed on energy.

It would definitely not work to directly merge the gray fog space into the "Assembly Continent", but it would be troublesome if all the energy on the continent was swallowed up by them.

From this point of view, this race is indeed unfriendly to the world.

But he didn't want to miss the progress of these more than a billion cultivations.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and still merged the ninth world bubble, but the gray fog space was placed on the uninhabited planet, and half of the "Evil Moon" was summoned over.

In the future, if you encounter similar lives that may be unfriendly to the world, just put them here, even if there is any problem, it will not affect the "Assembly Continent".

After finishing the ninth world bubble, it was already late, and Li Qiuzhi decided to take a rest and continue tomorrow.

The world bubble of the ninth world membrane has a population of nearly 1.5 billion, which also greatly improves his cultivation progress per second! (End of this chapter)

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