I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 738 Cooperation (two in one)

Black tower space station, space elevator.

In the elevator room, the pink-haired girl March 7th continued to introduce Li Qiuzhi and said: "The name of this dull-looking guy is Dan Heng, and this is our most reliable Uncle Yang, Walter Yang!"

She looked at the quiet-looking black young man and the handsome brown-haired man respectively.

"I see, hello." Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly and said hello.

"Hello." The black young man Dan Heng leaned against the wall and nodded calmly with his arms folded, while the brown-haired uncle smiled and said:

"Mr. Li Qiuzhi has become a big figure in the space station at a young age. He is really young and promising."

"Ahem, no, no, I still have a lot to learn from the unknown but famous Mr. Walter."

Li Qiuzhi humbly exchanged compliments.

Hearing that the brown-haired uncle's name was also "Walter Young", he asked curiously:

"Has Mr. Walter ever heard of Earth?"

"Huh? Where did you hear this name?" Walter pushed up his black-rimmed glasses and looked at Li Qiuzhi with a little surprise.

"I am from the earth. Due to some unexpected circumstances, I inexplicably went to another planet. Well, it is time travel. Mr. Walter, if you have read the novel, you should understand.

"When I was on Earth, I saw someone who looked similar to Mr. Walter on the Internet. He was the leader of the 'Anti-Entropy' and led his mecha army to fight against the dead soldiers polluted by the 'Honkai' , a very powerful person.”

Li Qiuzhi explained.

Although this earth is not that earth, Li Qiuzhi feels the same. After all, it is a bit troublesome to explain, and he can't say that he knows him in the game.

Counter-entropy, Honkai, and Death Soldier. Adding these words together, Walter was very sure that this Li Qiuzhi should be from the earth.

Judging from his name and appearance, he was probably from China. He nodded and said with a smile:

"As expected, the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance you mentioned is me. I didn't expect to meet my fellow countrymen in a distant galaxy. It feels a bit incredible."

"It's really true. Mr. Walter, how did you get here? Has the Star Dome Train visited the Earth?"

Seeing Walter's admission, Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he really came from the Earth of Honkai Impact III.

"It was also due to some unexpected reasons. After the Honkai disaster, foreign enemies invaded. They installed many 'star gates' on the earth. It was because of this that I accidentally came to the Milky Way. Maybe the reason why you traveled through it was also because of them."

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi was also from Earth, Walter didn't mind talking about these things.

The "Star Gate" is a kind of teleportation device. He discovered it in the city of "Saint Fontaine". Maybe there are cities in China as well, which led to Li Qiuzhi's time travel.

"So, Mr. Walter can't return to Earth?"

Li Qiuzhi said with regret.

Although it's not the Earth I used to be on, it's still nice to visit Honkai Impact III's Earth.

"According to my speculation, the solar system should be an unexplored galaxy wrapped in imaginary energy. As long as the train is still on the road of 'exploitation', it will be able to go back sooner or later."

Although Walter was equally regretful, he was not too worried.

"It seems reasonable." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Next to him, March 7, when he heard that Li Qiuzhi was a fellow villager of Uncle Yang, he was also very surprised and said: "I actually know Uncle Yang."

Even Esta, Ji Zi, and Dan Heng were a little surprised.

It would not be surprising if people from planets who had already integrated into interstellar society came to the space station at the same time, but those came from unexplored galaxies.

And it was through an unexpected way, how lucky we were to meet.

"In that case, would you like to join our star train? We will take you and Uncle Yang home then."

March Qi looked at Li Qiuzhi with her hands on her hips and a smile.

The Star Dome Train welcomes any traveler who yearns for the stars, let alone a traveler who misses his hometown.

"Oh? Is it really possible? I do have the idea of ​​taking the Star Dome Train to go to some places." Li Qiuzhi said frankly.

"Haha, of course there is no problem."

Walter naturally welcomed this fellow from Earth. Based on his rich experience in understanding people, he judged that Li Qiuzhi was not a bad person.

Dan Heng just nodded quietly without saying anything.

"Naturally, the path of 'blazing' requires more like-minded partners."

Himeko, who had bright red hair, nodded.

The navigator is the one who talks about the Star Dome Train. As long as Jizi agrees, there will be no problem.

"Then I won't bother you anymore."

Li Qiuzhi, who originally had the idea of ​​taking a ride on the star train to various planets, naturally agreed.

"That's great. We have another companion. The train conductor will be very happy to know that."

March 7 said excitedly.

[March 7 has a good impression of you and gains 820 favorability points. The current favorability level is Lv.4 (220/400)]

[Himeko has a good impression of you and gains 800 favorability points. The current favorability level is Lv. 4 (200/400)]

Looking at the two favorable impression reminders that popped up in succession, Li Qiuzhi felt quite happy.

"Wait a minute, you are the security consultant of the space station. Is it really okay for you to just jump ship like this? Besides, are we poaching the space station?"

After being excited for a while, March Qi looked at Li Qiuzhi as if he had realized something, and then looked at Esta with a panicked expression.

This is poaching in front of his boss, and why did this guy Li Qiuzhi agree so readily?

You can't just think about it first and struggle between the space station and the Star Dome Train like in the TV series.

Then he experienced some touching things, and when they were about to leave, he ran out and said he wanted to follow the train!

"Haha, don't be nervous, Miss March 7th. If you want to follow the Star Dome Train, it's actually my suggestion. I originally wanted to mention it to you later.

"Now it's just that you have discussed it in advance, and even if he follows you, it won't affect his work."

Esta said with a smile on her fair face.

"Ah, can he still run back at any time?" March 7 looked at Li Qiuzhi with some surprise.

"Of course, as I said, you are invincible under the Star God. Isn't it easy to do this kind of thing?"

Li Qiuzhi emphasized again.

"You're bragging again. If you're so powerful, why don't you teleport back to your hometown?" March 7 placed her hands on her hips, showing a suspicious expression again.

"The Star God is not omniscient and omnipotent. I don't know the coordinates of the earth, or even which direction it is in. How can I teleport?

"When it comes to exploring unknown planets, no matter how great I am, I still don't have the expertise of everyone on the Star Dome Train."

Li Qiuzhi originally wanted Tiyvat to develop a spaceship and search for the earth on his own, but it was a spaceship after all, even with the power of the formation runes.

It would take a year and a half to make it and do some testing.

Now that you can catch a ride on the Star Dome Train, you don't have to be so anxious. After all, it's much easier to search with professionals than by yourself.

"You have a good vision!"

Hearing Li Qiuzhi say that they were professional, March 7 said "hum".

At this moment, the elevator made a "ding" sound, indicating that it had reached the main control cabin.

After walking out of the elevator, Li Qiuzhi looked at Ji Zi and asked:

"By the way, Miss Himeko, will the train leave as soon as the supplies are ready, or will it stay for a few more days?"

"It will probably take a few days, you can prepare slowly." Jizi shook her head and said.

Now that we have come to the space station, we naturally will not rush to replenish supplies and leave. "Pioneering" is actually similar to traveling, and there will be no mission to rush us.

"That's just right."

Li Qiuzhi nodded his head lightly, and then continued:

"Then before heading to the next stop, why don't you come and see the world I'm in now? Not surprisingly, it's also a planet wrapped in imaginary energy that even Akivelli has never reached.

"Exploring a world that no one has ever reached should be of great benefit to the Destiny Walkers who 'open up' their destiny, right?"

Since he successfully boarded the Star Dome Train, he will naturally reciprocate the favor and take everyone to explore Teyvat.

By the way, see if there are any opportunities for cooperation, or simply let the star train open up the imaginary energy circle of Teyvat's galaxy and formally connect with the interstellar society.

Anyway, he always has to contact the interstellar society, and Li Qiuzhi now has the strength to protect Teyvat, so he doesn't have to worry about all kinds of coveting eyes.

"A world that Akivili has never been to!" March 7th was a little excited and obviously quite interested.

“For those who are on the path of ‘pioneering’, walking along Akivelli’s path again is just a personal ‘pioneering’ into an unknown territory.

"And going to a world that even Akivelli has never been to is a real way to 'open up' the boundaries of the galaxy. From the perspective of getting feedback from the destiny, the two cannot be compared."

The black-haired young man Dan Heng said this.

"Yes, if there is an unknown world, it is indeed worth visiting." Ji Zi glanced at Li Qiuzhi unexpectedly, and then fell into thought slightly.

Generally speaking, people in interstellar society use "Galaxy" to refer to the universe, but specifically, this is not accurate.

In fact, "Galaxy" specifically refers to the known part of the universe that Akivelli developed and established connections with, that is, the observable universe.

And this is only a small part of the entire universe, even an infinitesimal part. After all, the universe is infinitely large. No matter how big the observed part is, it is infinitesimal compared to the universe.

The unknown parts of the universe are shrouded in imaginary energy and cannot be observed by any means, and Star Gods may not be able to do it either.

After all, I have never heard of anyone becoming a destiny walker in the civilization of the unexplored universe.

It is most likely that after the expansion, the fate of those star gods will envelope the new civilization with the expansion of the "Galaxy".

In this future, people in these civilizations will be born as destiny walkers.

And only by coming to the border of the Milky Way, personally stepping into the unexplored universe, breaking the imaginary energy circle of the galaxy, laying down the galactic track and recording the coordinates, so that latecomers and locals can come and go at will.

Only then can it be included in the star map of the "Galaxy" and become part of the observed universe.

And this is exactly what the nameless guest of the "Pioneering" faction is good at, especially in the era before Ajivili fell.

At that time, there were countless star-sea vehicles like the Star Dome Train at every moment, following Akivelli's footsteps into the unknown universe.

Many worlds are beginning to establish connections with each other, and the territory of the Milky Way is also getting larger all the time.

Now, it seems that they are the only one left on the Star Dome Train, and the road Akivili once walked has been blocked by the "Cancer of All Realms".

At this time, it is difficult for the galaxy to communicate with each other, let alone open borders.

The basic goal of the Star Dome Train to set sail again is to follow the path of its predecessors again, clear the silver track, and then take a further step to open up the boundaries.

Now that there is an opportunity to "open up the boundaries", as a nameless guest, she has no reason to refuse.

"Then it's settled. Whenever you are free, I will take you there." Li Qiuzhi said when he saw that Ji Zi, the navigator, also wanted to go.

"Okay!" March 7 was happy, then thought of his previous experience, and looked at Li Qiuzhi with some suspicion:

"It's not like the world you're in is also facing some crisis, such as a star core or something. Then let's solve it."

Ever since she boarded the Star Dome Train, she felt that every time she went to a new world, she seemed to be facing some kind of crisis.

"How could it be? Teyvat is peaceful. You just need to go there to eat, drink and have fun."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head.

In the past, he might have faced an abyss crisis or something, but now, even if there was one, there was no need to worry, he could easily solve it himself.

And there should be no star core in Teyvat.

If there is a star core, it means that "Destruction" Nanook has been there. In this case, it is not an unknown world.

"That's good. Although our Star Dome Train is willing to help others, if it happens like this every time, Iron Man will be exhausted."

March 7 said with a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, I will entertain you well then." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile, and then looked at Esta, "Speaking of which, Miss Esta, regarding Teyvat, I also have some things that I want to cooperate with the space station."

"Okay, let's go find Ms. Black Tower later."

Esta nodded and said.

She looked at Jizi:

"Miss Himeko, do you want to meet Ms. Black Tower when you visit the space station this time?"

"Well, I found some strange objects during this trip, and Heita should be interested in them." Jizi said.

In a nutshell, the agreement signed between the Star Dome Train and the Space Station is that the Space Station supports the Star Dome Train with the materials needed to develop its journey.

In exchange, if you find anything new and novel, bring it back to the Black Tower for research.

The pioneering journey of the Star Dome Train is destined to be exciting, and the probability of encountering something that can arouse the interest of the Black Tower is very high.

So this is a completely beneficial collaboration for both parties. (End of chapter)

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