As long as he knows something, he can write the script, and anything that does not exceed the sum of his and Funina's levels will be arranged by the script.

This is the ability that the big guys behind the scenes dream of the most!

Although Funina's level is not high now, she can reach level 100 in a few days through the practice of sticking to it.

When the upper limit of the two of them adds up to 270 or 280 levels, even Star Gods may be affected by the script.

After all, from the test of "simulated universe", 200 levels have reached the standard of Star God, but there should be strong and weak among Star Gods.

Maybe some Star Gods are at a higher level and can be unaffected by the script.

Another thing to note is that "The World is a Stage" does not affect things whose levels are the sum of his and Funina's levels at will.

There is a prerequisite that you have to know and understand that kind of thing.

According to the feedback of the skill information, according to Li Qiuzhi's understanding, it is probably that he wants to arrange for a person to fall down when he steps on a manhole cover while walking on the street.

Then he must know to see this person with his own eyes and know his specific appearance, and at the same time, he must understand the situation of the street clearly.

Because when writing the script, you have to specify which manhole cover the man fell into and state the reason. You can't just write "the man in front fell into the sewer while walking on the street."

In this way, there is no specific target and no reason for falling into the sewer.

The correct way to write it is probably like this:

"On a certain street, the only man wearing a red jacket and green trousers with four pockets will fall into the manhole cover due to the rust of the manhole cover due to disrepair."

If there is more than one man wearing a red jacket and green trousers with four pockets on that street, you have to continue to add descriptions such as black short boots or gold and silver rings.

The script can only intervene if it points to a specific target. Of course, if you are familiar with the man and know his name, then these descriptions pointing to the specific target can be omitted and the name can be written directly.

It's just that when it's unclear whether there are people with the same name on the street, you still have to add some descriptive words.

According to this situation, even if Li Qiuzhi can write the Star God into the script, he must have seen Him and understand His location and other basic information before writing the script.

In general, the "The World is a Stage" skill is the most outrageous of his outrageous skills.

Li Qiuzhi excitedly hugged Funina and Clorinde, and pressed his hands on Funina's soft white buttocks, which were stacked on Clorinde, and continued to stick together slightly apart.

Funina, who was lying on Clorinde, suddenly opened her eyes wide, her pupils shrank slightly, and she grabbed Clorinde's shoulders with both hands, muttering in disbelief:

"You can actually do it from there!"

Before she finished speaking, her soft lips were blocked by Li Qiuzhi, who was sticking to Clorinde's back, and she could only make unclear sounds.

She practiced in the hot spring bathhouse with Funina and Clorinde for a long time, and only put on her clothes and came down when dinner started.

Because they had already stuck together before, Li Qiuzhi invited them to live in the fairyland space again, and the two agreed.

After all, she had done this to herself and gave her body to him, so naturally he had to take responsibility.

During dinner, Li Qiuzhi introduced the other girls to Funina and Clorinde, and also introduced the two to everyone.

The girls in the fairyland space are used to Li Qiuzhi bringing girls back from time to time. Fortunately, he has a good eye and brings back good girls.

There will be no big problems in getting along with each other. After getting familiar with each other, they can become good sisters who are as close as family. Well, they are all Li Qiuzhi's wives. They can't be said to be as close as family, but they are real family.

After dinner, Li Qiuzhi began to touch Funina and Clorinde again, and then pressed the back of her head. When he tried to separate Funina's soft lips from top to bottom, he was bitten.

In the bathhouse, they were almost exhausted from bullying them. This time, Li Qiuzhi must teach them a lesson!

With Funina's bite force, Li Qiuzhi would not hurt her, and there was even a sense of comfort from a strong massage. However, you can't be too strong when getting along with girls.

If you suppress the other party everywhere, it may make the other party a little unconfident and unhappy, which is not good for your own mood.

So Li Qiuzhi surrendered and apologized by helping to prepare the room for the two of them, asking for her forgiveness.

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi was so sensible, Funina reluctantly forgave him, but when preparing the room for the two of them, Funina and Clorinde were still carried to the bed by Li Qiuzhi due to negligence.

This time, Li Qiuzhi let them press on him, and when it was almost midnight, the two of them finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

It was already morning at the Black Tower Space Station, and it was time to test the "simulated universe".

Since dinner, he has been with Funina and Clorinde, and it has been five or six hours now.

Although there were occasional periods that exceeded the ability to attract girls to have a good impression of him, Clorinde was attracted to him and had a few hundred points of good impression.

There were only more than a hundred points left to reach the maximum level, which was about two hours.

Li Qiuzhi came back from the space station after testing the "simulated universe" at about three or four in the morning. He continued to hug Clorinde and Funinna and slept until seven or eight in the morning. The goodwill he gained was enough.

However, you should be more considerate to girls, especially the girls who just gave their bodies to you. It's okay to miss it once or twice.

Li Qiuzhi told Xing through "Interstellar Travel" and asked her to help ask for leave from the Black Tower when she went to test the "simulated universe".

Xing had lived in the fairyland space for many days and had become familiar with everyone. She already knew that Li Qiuzhi liked to hug and sleep with girls.

Although she didn't know why he didn't hug and sleep with her, she felt that her bed was big enough for two people.

Maybe there were too many girls and it wasn't her turn yet? Xing, who was a little confused, decided to try with Li Qiuzhi next time to see if it would be more comfortable for two people to sleep.

Otherwise, why did Li Qiuzhi and everyone like it?

Xing, who was not experienced in the world, did not expect that Li Qiuzhi and the girl were kissing and doing something blushing.

After agreeing to ask for leave for him, she left the fairyland space and came to the Black Tower Space Station. The "simulated universe" was quite interesting, and she was not tired of it yet.

Sleeping in the girl's bed, time always passed quickly. Li Qiuzhi hugged Funina and Clorinde who woke up on the left and right, stroked their snow-white and soft backs for a while, and then slowly opened the character panel.

Clorinde's favorability towards her increased a little every minute, and it was full a few hours ago:

[Clorinde has a good impression of you, and gains 1 point of favorability. The current favorability level is Lv.10 (full level)]

As expected, the prompt for obtaining a new favorability skill also popped up early:

[With sincere intentions and unremitting efforts, you and your own destiny, which has no intersection, are deeply connected. From now on, the girl's fate star will also shine with you, and you will gain the ability: Duel Agent. 】

From the name, it is also a skill that is highly related to the corresponding girl. Li Qiuzhi felt the specific effect:

[Duel Agent: When fighting, you can summon an "agent" with attack power equal to the opponent, defense power equal to "the sum of the level of yourself and Clorinde" and master Clorinde's basic swordsmanship skills to fight on your behalf. The opponent cannot attack other targets before defeating the "agent", but you must set at least one weakness for the "agent". From the second one, for each additional weakness, the "agent" attack power increases by "the sum of the level of the two people"; in addition, you can also designate a target as your duel agent. This target does not need to set a weakness and is not affected by the attack bonus. The maximum upper limit of the target level that can be designated is "the sum of the level of the two people". 】

Oh? You can summon an "agent" with a defense power equivalent to the sum of his and Clorinde's levels. It feels like ordinary star gods can't defeat it.

It's a pity that the attack power is only equivalent to the opponent, otherwise it would be no different from directly summoning a star god. Of course, if the opponent is a star god, you can actually summon an "agent" with an attack power equivalent to that of a star god.

However, the "agent" only has the basic swordsmanship skills of Clorinde, while the Star God can use the power of destiny. He will not compete with you in swordsmanship.

Therefore, facing an existence with equal attack power but more means, it is likely to be at a disadvantage, and can only rely on defense to surpass the opponent to remain undefeated.

If the opponent cannot defeat the "agent", it cannot attack other targets. It is an outrageous hard control ability. If you are willing to set more weaknesses and increase the attack power, it is not impossible to defeat the opponent.

But the more weaknesses, the greater the possibility of the "agent" being defeated, because this weakness is similar to the vampires shown in some movies and TV shows who are afraid of light.

As long as you are discovered and then attacked, you will basically be defeated, and there is no possibility of a comeback.

Moreover, Li Qiuzhi cannot set some tricky weaknesses that are not easy to be discovered. Even if you are discovered, you can't easily find the weaknesses of the restrained object.

For example, he was afraid that the soap he applied to Funina's body yesterday would disintegrate as long as it was hit by that soap, but that thing is in the fairyland space. Unless Li Qiuzhi takes it out, how can it be easily found!

If dozens or hundreds of similar weaknesses can be set, the attack power of the "agent" may even break through the limit of the universe.

Clorinde's favorability skill is not so invincible. The weakness set by the "Duel Agent" must be water, wind, earth, or even metal or mental attack, which is obvious and easy to target once it is discovered.

It is also impossible to set a weakness to say that it is afraid of water, but it must be distilled water, or it must be water from the continent of Teyvat. As long as it is set to be afraid of water, basically all water will work.

But even so, it cannot be denied that this favorability skill is powerful enough, especially it has the ability to designate a target as its duel agent instead of summoning an "agent".

If you can meet a star god and designate him as your duel agent, then anyone who wants to attack him must first defeat that star god, and you must be dumbfounded.

And this method does not need to set obvious weaknesses like "agent"!

Li Qiuzhi is also very satisfied with the favorability skill of "Duel Agent". He looked at Funina and Clorinde. Maybe they were a little tired yesterday, so they were still asleep at this time.

He kissed them both, caressed their soft skin, and got up.

After successfully filling up the favorability of Funina and Clorinde, Li Qiuzhi couldn't slack off, because there were still many girls he liked that hadn't been filled up.

Among them, Qi Liangliang's favorability towards him was relatively high, and it had already reached the level of level nine and six hundred and twenty points.

There was still two hundred and eighty points of favorability left, which meant that he could spend two hundred and eighty minutes with her, less than five hours. Li Qiuzhi felt that he could fill it up today.

Because he had already thought of a reason to spend a long time with Qi Liangliang, that is, there was nothing important recently, and he was a little curious about all walks of life, so he wanted to experience delivering couriers first.

Such a simple thing, Qi Liangliang, who had such a high favorability towards him, was of course happy to take him to experience it, and five hours passed easily.

And this method can also be used to improve the favorability of other girls in the future, such as Charlotte is a reporter, and he is curious about reporters, so he also has a reason to ask him to take him to experience this job.

In this way, he can follow her for a long time and continue to attract her to have a good impression of him.

Li Qiuzhi felt that his method was good, but before he went to find Qi Liangliang, he had to go to the "Quantum Sea" to find a new "world bubble".

Because he saw that his cultivation progress per second was declining. In addition to conquering girls, he could not ignore the improvement of his own life level.

At least he had to maintain an average of 30,000 cultivation progress per second. This speed was fast enough. If he wanted more, he had to find more world bubbles.

But the specific time was difficult to determine, and it was also difficult to say whether the world bubble he found had intelligent life, so he had to control the time, otherwise he would be too busy looking for a day and it would be unnecessary to delay the girls.

After all, both were equally important.

After breakfast, Li Qiuzhi dived into the "Quantum Sea" and spent 15 minutes to find the 37th world bubble. It was a little regrettable that there was no intelligent creature.

It took another 26 minutes to find the 38th. He was very lucky that this one had intelligent life, but the number was not large enough to keep his cultivation progress at 30,000 points per second.

To be on the safe side, he found two more, and the number of world bubbles he found reached 40. Two hours passed in the same way.

Li Qiuzhi felt that it was almost time, so he returned to the fairyland space and prepared to look for Qi Liangliang. (End of this chapter)

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