Black Tower Space Station, Star Dome Train.

When Li Qiuzhi and Xing arrived at the observation car, everyone seemed to have arrived. No, it seemed that Dan Heng hadn't arrived yet.

"Here you are, are you ready? We are about to go to the next stop!"

March 7 ran over excitedly and said.

"Of course I'm ready. By the way, where is the next stop?" There was also a hint of expectation in his amber-like pupils.

"I heard Himeko say it's a world covered in ice and snow."

The pink-haired March Qi put her fingertips on her chin and thought for a while before saying.

"Covered by ice and snow? Could it be a planet inhabited by a special race?" Li Qiuzhi asked speculatively.

"Well, I don't know much about this either."

March 7 shook his head.

"Now that everyone is here, let me formally introduce the planet of the next stop." Himeko, who was sitting on the sofa with her white legs under her skirt folded over, stood up and said.

"That guy Dan Heng hasn't come here yet." March 7 looked around.

"He manages the think tank and knows this information, so you don't have to wait for him." After a little explanation, Jizi continued, "Our next stop is called 'Yariluo VI', which is covered with ice and snow all year round.

"But it was not like this before. 'Yarilo VI' is also a human planet. Like the company, they all believe in the 'protector' Creeper.

“It’s just that a natural disaster called the ‘cold wave’ swept across the entire planet a few hundred years ago, and gradually even the company lost contact there.

"Whether there is even human survival is uncertain."

"'Cold Wave'? Could it be caused by the 'Star Core'?" Li Qiuzhi asked doubtfully.

"The probability of it being a 'star core' is very high, but we have to go over and see if the train track is blocked to be sure."

At this time Walter also came over.

“‘Explore’, ‘understand’, ‘build’, and ‘connect’ are things we need to do every time we visit a planet.

"If there is a 'star core' that blocks the orbit, then recovering the 'star core' and clearing the orbit will be our main task.

"If not, then we will explore and understand 'Yaliluo VI' and find ways to re-establish its connection with the outside world."

Jizi crossed her arms and spoke slowly.

"Sounds interesting." Xing looked excited.

"Don't get too excited too early. If there is a 'star core', it will be very dangerous!" March 7 said with her hands on her hips and looking at Xing.

"Xiao Sanyue is right. No matter what, you must pay attention to safety when arriving at 'Yaliluo VI'." Ji Zi nodded slightly.

"Hey, passengers, please pay attention. The train is about to start. Please find a seat and sit down. Don't stand to avoid falling down during the jump."

Pam's voice came over the train announcement.

"Well, it's time to leave. Let's find a seat and sit down." Jizi heard the announcement, looked at the position of the speaker, and then sat back on the sofa again.

The same was true for Walter. Li Qiuzhi and Xing sat down next to Ji Zi, and then saw March 7 standing in front of them with no intention of sitting down.

She looked at Li Qiuzhi and Xing and said:

"I will definitely not fall again this time, but if I do, remember to catch me."

March 7th is the person who falls down during the jump in Pam's broadcast, and now she is bound to defeat her self who will fall down!

"Don't worry, I have sharp eyesight and quick hands." Xing clenched his fists and showed a confident expression, and Li Qiuzhi nodded as well.

Not long after, after March 7 struggled to stand firm, the Star Dome Train started. It first left the Black Tower Space Station, and then started the jump after arriving outside the space.

The whole train shook, and March 7 was like a grass blown by the strong wind, staggering and about to fall forward.

Finally, with a "yeah" sound, she fell into Xing's arms. Xing opened his arms and hugged her, and then said:

"It seems that this challenge has failed."

It was at this time that the Star Dome Train stopped vibrating and seemed to have completed the jump.

"Humph, I'll definitely do it next time!" March 7 stood up from Xing's arms and looked out the window, "Is this white planet 'Yaliluo VI'?"

When Li Qiuzhi heard this, he also stood up and turned around to look out the window.

It was a planet suspended in the silent space. It was pure white and looked like ice cubes, and it looked very cold.

"As recorded, the entire world is covered in ice and snow." Jizi also looked over and said.

After a while, the sound of the door opening came from the right side. Dan Heng walked out of the guest car. He said to everyone: "The train track is blocked. We can't move forward until it is cleared."

"Sure enough, the reason why 'Yalilo VI' produced a 'cold wave' that affected the entire planet is most likely because of the 'star core'."

Walter pushed up his glasses when he heard this.

"If this is the case, then after we successfully recover the 'star core', the disaster on this planet will disappear, right?"

March 7 asked curiously.

"Things will not be that simple. The existence of the 'cold wave' has completely changed the environment of this planet. Even if the 'star core' is taken away, the number of large-scale wind and snow disasters will at most be reduced.

"If you want to completely eliminate the impact of the 'cold wave', unless you carry out planet-level ecological transformation, it will be difficult to change anything just by taking away the 'star core'."

Walter said after a little analysis.

"That's a pity." Sanyueqi looked regretful, then she looked at Jizi and said, "Jizi, I want to go on this exploration!"

She was frozen in the ice of the drifting universe and was picked up by the Star Dome Train. This planet called "Yalilo VI" is also full of ice and snow.

Although it is unlikely, maybe her origin is related to this place.

"Okay." Jizi nodded, "This time, Walter and I will guard the train, and you and Danheng will take the two newcomers to explore. What do you think?"

Speaking of the latter, Jizi looked at Li Qiuzhi and Xing.

"That's no problem." Li Qiuzhi and Xing had no objection, but Danheng sighed a little. Compared with exploring, he still prefers to be on the train.

However, since things have come to this point, he couldn't refuse. Dan Heng nodded and said:

"When I first arrived here, I conducted a preliminary survey and found that there was a place on the surface of the planet 'Yalilo VI' where the temperature was relatively normal, and humans could barely survive there.

"If you want to investigate whether there are still humans living on this planet, the possibility of that area will be greater. Even if there are no humans, the relatively abnormal situation there on the entire surface of the planet means that the 'star core' is likely to be there.

"So I suggest that this 'exploration journey' should start from there."

"The analysis is very accurate. Just follow what Dan Heng said and land in that area later. Before the official landing, you should prepare anything you need first."

Ji Zi also nodded and said.

"Okay, I have to prepare a few more warm clothes." San Yueqi walked away excitedly and went to his room.

Li Qiuzhi and Xing didn't have anything to prepare. After all, if they really needed it, they could just go back and get it.

While waiting, he took a quick look at the character panel and found that Xing, San Yueqi and Ji Zi's favorability towards him had increased by dozens of points during their interactions just now.

Especially Xing, who is a little closer to the maximum level of favorability:

[Xing's current favorability level for you is Lv.9 (347/900)]

[March Seven's current favorability level for you is Lv.6 (185/600)]

[Ji Zi's current favorability level for you is Lv.7 (355/700)]

After everyone was ready, Dan Heng prepared to take a few people to the landing car, ready to land the landing capsule on the surface of the planet.

Li Qiuzhi said that there was no need to be so troublesome, and he could just teleport them there.

As he said that, he let the "Void Star Sea" cover the few people, and they disappeared in an instant. When they reappeared, they were already on the surface of "Yalilo VI".

A cold wind with snowflakes blew by, and March Seven shivered:

"Ah, it's so cold, fortunately I have the "pioneering power" to protect me, otherwise I would have been frozen into an ice cube just now!"

"It's not that exaggerated." Li Qiuzhi looked at March Seven and smiled and shook his head.

"How dare you say that? You suddenly teleported us to an unknown place. We haven't even had time to put on the warm clothes we prepared!" Sanyueqi glared at Li Qiuzhi with her hands on her hips.

"What do you mean by unknown place? Look ahead."

Li Qiuzhi took two steps forward and looked into the distance.

At this time, they were standing on a mountain wall somewhere. Not far ahead was a huge city standing in the wind and snow, with a circular wall surrounding the entire city.

In different directions of the city, there were viaducts extending across the wall, with some transport vehicles driving on them.

"This, this is a human city. Isn't it magnificent?!" Sanyueqi opened her eyes wide.

"This is magnificent!"

Xing stood beside her and sighed in the same way.

"It seems that the area with relatively high temperature is here. Sure enough, there are still surviving humans." Danheng had an expression that he had expected it.

"That's right."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

When he was on the Star Dome Train in outer space, his mental power scanned "Yalilo VI" and found the only city on this planet.

"In this case, let's go to the city to investigate. With the existence of civilization, it will be much easier to understand what happened on this planet!"

March Seven said with some anticipation, and at the same time picked up the camera hanging on his waist and took pictures of this magnificent city.

"Well, let's go and ask how to get in at the city gate."

Dan Heng thought for a while and said.

Everyone had no objection, so they found a road that could lead to the city below and started walking.

The reason why they didn't need to teleport was mainly because the distance here was relatively close, and they could learn about the situation in the snowfield by walking.

At first, they walked for more than ten minutes and saw a vast expanse of white snowfield, and they didn't find anything, but after a few minutes.

Several people saw two figures holding weapons, one blue and one red, in front of them.

"Huh? Are they humans patrolling nearby? Should we go up and say hello?" March Seven blinked and made his own suggestion.

Xing nodded slightly, agreeing with Sanyueqi's proposal.

"Wait a minute, it's very dangerous to patrol in the snow with only two people. It's a little unreasonable. Let's observe the situation first."

Dan Heng signaled the two not to be reckless.

"Don't worry, let me see." Li Qiuzhi approved of Dan Heng's caution. His eyes gradually turned golden, and Fischl, Shen Zi and the others activated their favorability skills, and looked at the two figures one after another:

[Level: 67]

[Eternal Winter Shadow: Shadows that wandered in the Rift after the ‘Cold Wave’ landed. They distortedly imitated the figures of the Silver Mane Guards. Their armor was as neat as that of Beloberg’s warriors, but their bodies were made of ice and would attack any creature that approached them. ]

[Level: 68]

[Fire Shadow: Shadows that wandered in the Rift after the ‘Cold Wave’ landed. They distortedly imitated the figures of the Silver Mane Guards. Their armor was as neat as that of Beloberg’s warriors, but their bodies were replaced by ‘burning embers’ and would attack any creature that approached them. ]

Looking at the information fed back by the two favorability skills, Li Qiuzhi briefly summarized and concluded that they were indeed not human, but were just imitating the Rift monsters of the group called the Silver Mane Guards.

And this Silver Mane Guard, if nothing unexpected happens, should be the name of the soldiers and warriors of the city in front, and the city in front seems to be called “Beloberg”?

Li Qiuzhi analyzed the information he had obtained to everyone.

"It's actually a world-breaking monster!" Sanyueqi said in surprise after hearing what Li Qiuzhi said.

"'World-breaking' is a space distortion phenomenon that occurs with the star core. It will continue to erode reality. The monsters inside it come out, which means that the 'world-breaking' has already seriously eroded reality."

Danheng pinched his chin and thought for a moment and said.

"Since the 'world-breaking' is near this city, does it mean that the 'star core' does exist, and it is near this city or even inside the city?"

Xing supported his chin with his palm, thinking flexibly and speaking out.

"Indeed." Danheng said affirmatively.

"It seems that we are lucky. We got such important information as soon as we came down."

Li Qiuzhi smiled.

This is the importance of having the ability to obtain intelligence directly. It is very convenient to obtain important information and save a lot of effort.

Otherwise, normally, when they find out that these monsters are from the world-breaking, they should at least go to the city in front and ask what these monsters are.

After all, they just appeared near the city, and the people in that city must know something about them.

"Hehe, in that case, let me quickly deal with these two monsters and go to the city to find the 'star core' as soon as possible!"

Sanyueqi was very excited and took out a high-tech bow and arrow from somewhere.

"Well, leave it to you, Sanyue." Danheng nodded at her.

Just when Li Qiuzhi wanted to see Sanyueqi's ability, a group of people wearing armor that was very similar to those on these world-breaking monsters suddenly rushed out in front. (End of this chapter)

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