I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 770 Successfully sealed star core

Beloberg, Klipperburg.

At this time, the entire Great Guardian Council Hall was in a state of time stasis, as if frozen by an invisible ice block. Except for Li Qiuzhi, no one was moving.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the Great Guardian and had a good idea in his mind.

He walked in front of the Great Guardian and looked at her who could not move. Speaking of which, she looked very similar to the director of an orphanage in the Honkai Earth where Walter was.

Her name was also Cocolia. Would she also have adopted daughters named Bronya and Seele?

While Li Qiuzhi was secretly thinking about it, he had already seized the time to open the "Void Star Sea" to cover himself and Cocolia.

After all, the duration of Lisa's favorability skill time stasis is not long, and he used "Dream Truth" to specify the gain effect of expanding the range of time stasis, rather than extending the duration of time stasis.

So he had to quickly deal with Cocolia before the duration ended.

As for how to do it, it is natural to control it with the "Command Spell", so that no matter how much the "star core" behaves, it can only lie down obediently.

Looking at Cocolia who was frozen in time in front of him, Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to quickly stun her.

In fact, entering the "Void Star Sea" is mainly to avoid accidents that may cause harm to everyone in the train group. After all, it is related to everyone's safety, so naturally we have to be more cautious.

Sure enough, Li Qiuzhi felt that some kind of power was trying to wake up Cocolia, but at this time, in the frozen time, that power could not really do anything.

Li Qiuzhi hurriedly set up Cocolia to obey his "Command Spell", and then lifted her frozen time state.

After the frozen time state ended, the "star core" power in Cocolia's body directly stimulated her to wake up.

The sudden change in the environment startled her, but her expression did not change. Cocolia looked at Li Qiuzhi in front of her and said in a deep voice:

"You did it? Is this your attitude towards seeking cooperation?"

While speaking, the body exuded a biting cold air, and the energy in the body surged as if to let Li Qiuzhi see the majesty of the Great Guardian.

"Sorry, there is no time to explain the situation to you. Remember, no matter what cooperation we propose later, you just need to agree and cooperate."

Li Qiuzhi instructed Cocolia:

"Like usual, don't show any abnormality, and "fuse" this, so that I can give you orders at any time."

He took out the golden "beacon" and handed it to Cocolia.

"How dare you speak to me in such a rude attitude" Cocolia felt Li Qiuzhi's disrespect for herself.

I wanted to turn him into an ice sculpture, but I found that my body was uncontrollably gathering strength, dissipating the cold air, and very naturally took over the golden light ball and merged it into my body.

"Who are you!" Cocolia asked angrily.

"I'll explain it to you later."

After successfully giving the "Command Spell" and "Walking Beacon" to Cocolia, Li Qiuzhi took back the "Void Star Sea" and the two returned to the meeting room of the Great Guardian.

At this time, the time stop was almost over. Li Qiuzhi asked Cocolia to keep her original appearance and not show any abnormality. He also walked to Xing's side, which was where he stood before.

Then Li Qiuzhi took back the purple hourglass and lifted the time stop. He heard March Seven continue to say:

". The reason is that this time we are here to take away the "Star Core" so that this planet will no longer have disasters such as "Cold Waves."

"That's right, we hope to work with you to find the "Star Core." Xing also said, in order to prevent the Great Guardian from not understanding what the "Star Core" is, she continued to explain.

They actually knew that their purpose was actually Beloberg's hope. No! The "Star Core" cannot be given to them! Cocolia's heart was not calm.

She knew about the "star core" of course. It was something that came with the "cold wave". Beloberg once had a department that studied the "star core".

But they were useless and could not research anything. Only she, who was recognized, could use the supreme power of the "star core"!

Although Cocolia's heart was extremely uneasy, her face was very good and followed Li Qiuzhi's instructions without showing any trace.

She nodded calmly:

"Saving Beloberg and the future of this planet is exactly the long-cherished wish of me, the great guardian. I am not unfamiliar with the "star core" you are talking about.

"That is something that Beloberg has been secretly studying for a long time. Unfortunately, our ability is limited and we have never found a way to limit it.

"If you really have a way, then take it away."

No! How could it be, why would I say such a thing! Seeing that she actually agreed to it in an extremely cooperative manner, Cocolia was going crazy!

"What, the "star core" is actually in Beloberg?!" Hearing the words of the great guardian, Jeppard was a little shocked.

Cocolia looked at him and said:

"That thing is very dangerous. Naturally, the fewer people know about it, the better. Jeppard, you did a good job this time. You actually brought back someone who can handle it. You have made an unprecedented contribution to Beloberg!

"If the crisis is successfully resolved, I will promote you well."

"For Beloberg, this is what I should do."

Faced with the sudden praise from the Great Guardian, Jeppard was stunned for a moment, then said with a firm but slightly embarrassed look:

"Great Guardian, please don't promote me. I just led the way for a few guests. This is just a very small thing. If you want to promote me, you should promote it to a few guests."

If he gets any great credit for this small thing, Jeppard feels that he will be extremely ashamed.

"Hey, hey, it turned out that the deal was made so smoothly, and it seems that there is no need to find the "Star Core". It is actually in the hands of the Great Guardian!"

March Qijian's pink eyes revealed surprise.

She thought that even if the Great Guardian agreed to cooperate, it would take a lot of effort to find the "Star Core".

She even thought that someone would come out to stop her in the process of finding the "Star Core", and then she would find it after all the hardships.

"It's really a bit unexpected." Xing touched the gray hair on the side of her head.

Dan Heng, who was holding his arms, was a little surprised that the situation went so smoothly, but it was normal to think about it carefully. The "Star Core" had appeared in "Yalilo VI" for a long time. It was normal for people here to bring it back to study and try to solve the "cold wave", but Beloberg lacked the corresponding means. Being able to lead the city of Beloberg to survive in such a desperate situation, this great guardian is obviously a person with very high ability and vision. There is no reason to refuse the opportunity to deal with the troublesome "Star Core". It's good to do this quickly. Let Li Qiuzhi and Sanyue explore here. It's more comfortable on the train. "Thank you, Great Guardian, the sooner you deal with the "Star Core", the better. When can you take us to the place where the "Star Core" is located?" Dan Heng nodded and asked. "Anytime." Kokolia stretched her hand to her chest. Seeing this scene, Li Qiuzhi thought of a force trying to wake up Kokolia in the "Void Star Sea" just now. Could it be that the "Star Core" is in her body just like Xing, and she has to take it out on the spot? There is no need to cooperate so much.

Let so many people see you take out the "Star Core" directly from your body, then you can't help but be suspicious!

Li Qiuzhi hurriedly stopped her through telepathy and asked her to find a reason to leave first to take out the "Star Core" and invite them over after arranging it.

However, Cocolia just stroked her chest and sent him a doubtful emotion. Because she had to be loyal to Li Qiuzhi, she had to explain in her heart:

"The 'Star Core' is not in my body, it can only provide me with power remotely."

So that's the case, I was shocked, that's right, Xing can carry the "Star Core" because she is special, others don't have such ability.

Li Qiuzhi thought so.

"March, notify Ji Zi and Mr. Walter and let them come over." Dan Heng got the reply from the Great Guardian and said to March Seven.

Sealing and recovering the "Star Core" is usually done by Ji Zi or Walter.

"Hehe, after getting the news, Ji Zi and Uncle Yang will definitely look at us with new eyes, after all, we completed the task easily."

March Seven took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Ji Zi while smiling foolishly.

Seeing her like this, Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but complain: "We haven't even seen the shadow of the 'star core' yet, don't be too happy too early."

"Yeah, don't be too happy too early!" Xing also said.

"Ah, you two, do you have to piss me off to be happy!" March Seven puffed up his cheeks and glared at the two bad guys with his hands on his hips.

"Well, it will take a little time to wait for Ji Zi and Walter to come, so I'll go pick them up."

Li Qiuzhi touched his cheek and said with a wandering look, while Xing smiled awkwardly.

"In that case, you guys wait here for a while." Although Cocolia was extremely reluctant, she also cooperated.

After that, everyone waited in the meeting room for a while, and Li Qiuzhi prepared to shuttle back to the train to bring Ji Zi and Walter over.

However, before leaving, Dan Heng asked Li Qiuzhi to take him with him, because the train needed someone to guard it to prevent accidents. After Ji Zi and Walter came, there was no one on the train, so Li Qiuzhi was asked to take him back.

Li Qiuzhi naturally didn't care.

After quickly taking Dan Heng back and bringing Ji Zi and Walter over, Li Qiuzhi secretly told Cocolia to take them to the "Star Core".

Even though Cocolia was extremely angry and wanted to destroy Li Qiuzhi and the others directly, she had no choice but to cooperate in leading the way under the control of the "Command Spell".

Later, they naturally came to the place where the "Star Core" was placed very smoothly. It looked very similar to the one that Kafka had stuffed into the star body.

During their coming, this "Star Core" first continuously transmitted a large amount of energy to Cocolia, trying to get her to stop Li Qiuzhi and the others from coming.

But unfortunately, it was obviously impossible to succeed.

After this method failed, the "Star Core" directly tried to use its own power to seduce Li Qiuzhi and the others like it seduce Cocolia.

However, Li Qiuzhi suppressed it silently without causing any noise, so no one encountered any accidents until they arrived in front of the "Star Core".

"Yes, this is the 'Star Core'. This time it was unexpectedly smooth."

When watching the "Star Core" appear in front of him, Ji Zi couldn't help but sigh.

Walter pushed his glasses and looked at Li Qiuzhi:

"You are the one who did it behind the scenes, right? The unsealed 'Star Core' will not be so 'well-behaved' that it will be found by someone who wants to take advantage of it."

In Walter's opinion, Li Qiuzhi, a fellow from Earth, is indeed a little unfathomable, and it is completely possible to suppress the "Star Core" silently.

"Well, in order to make everyone feel more relaxed, I did a little bit of effort." Li Qiuzhi did not expect Walter to guess it.

However, he has experience in sealing the "Star Core", and it is normal for him to think of him when he feels that it is too smooth.

Since he guessed it, Li Qiuzhi did not mean to hide it, and admitted it openly, but he certainly would not say that he secretly controlled Cocolia.

Although he would not abuse it, the unreasonable means of "Command Spell" is still quite frightening, and telling it might make everyone feel afraid of him.

Girls with full favorability don't care, they will not care about this if they have full favorability, but boys like Walter and Danheng can't do it.

Li Qiuzhi still hopes that he has friends.

"Haha, it's a good thing to be able to quickly seal the 'star core', so that subsequent explorations can be more relaxed." Walter expressed his appreciation.

"Good guy, no wonder it went so smoothly, it turned out that you were the one who did it!"

Sanyueqi, with his hands on his waist, said with some dissatisfaction.

But in his heart, he had a lot of good feelings for him:

[Sanyueqi has a good impression of you, and gained 820 points of good impression, and the current good impression level is Lv.7 (495/700)]

This time he gained 820 points of good impression, and because he had been together before, he also had 90 points of good impression, so now he has reached level 7 and 495 points.

One step closer to the maximum level.

Li Qiuzhi was delighted and joked:

"Isn't it good to come here smoothly, or do you want to say that our Sanyue heroine is upset because she has lost the opportunity to make a big splash?"

"No, no, I will beat you if you say that!" Sanyueqi's face was slightly red, and he clenched his fist and threatened, looking cute as if his little thoughts were exposed.

Soon, because of Li Qiuzhi's continuous suppression, Ji Zi also successfully completed the seal of the "Star Core".

She also looked at Li Qiuzhi with a smile and said:

"It is indeed the smoothest time since the train set sail. It is indeed the right thing to let you join the train team."

[Ji Zi has a good impression of you and gained 830 points of good impression. The current good impression level is Lv.8 (485/800)] (End of this chapter)

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