Yalil, Beloberg.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi and his friends had already arrived at the platform where they stopped. Not long after getting off the tram, they walked to the entrance of the lower area.

Then they found that this place was under maintenance to prepare for the passage of the train behind. If Li Qiuzhi and his friends wanted to go down, they had to take the cable car nearby.

And they needed to wait a little, because the cable car had just gone down, and it would take about ten minutes to come up.

Of course, this was not a big problem. Li Qiuzhi, Charlotte, Bronya and others were ready to wait a little, but at this time, a young man came over.

He had dark blue hair, green pupils, and a slightly curled mouth, as if he was always smiling. He didn't feel like a reliable person.

The man said to Li Qiuzhi and the others enthusiastically:

"Brothers and sisters, do you want to travel to the lower level? It's so inconvenient to go to the lower level for the first time. Do you want to hire me, the best tour guide in the lower level?

"Old Sangbo, I know the lower level better than anyone else. No one knows the lower level better than me. You will definitely not make a mistake by hiring me."

The young man was secretly delighted. He didn't expect to meet the successor of the Great Guardian on this trip. This is the next Great Guardian. If he could get familiar with her.

In the future, he will be protected by a big boss in Beloberg.

"Uh, no need. We're just going to go down and take a walk." As a reporter, Charlotte felt that this person was unreliable based on her intuition, and waved her hand to refuse.

"Hey, you can't say that. The lower level is not like the ground. Without someone to guide you, you don't know what dangerous place you run into. "

The man named Sambo continued to persuade.

Charlotte continued to shake her head. She felt that it didn't matter even if she ran to a dangerous place. After all, Li Qiuzhi was very good at fighting. She thought about it and looked at Li Qiuzhi:

"What do you think?"

"Me? "

Li Qiuzhi looked at the information obtained through the favorability skills of Fischl and Shen Zi just now:

[Level: 89]

[Sambo: A destiny walker who embarked on the "joyful" destiny, a member of the "Masked Fool" faction, with extraordinary strength, but because the "mask" is not in his hand, he cannot show it. He is temporarily engaged in the work of a traveling merchant. He can freely go between the surface and underground. He is relatively self-acquainted and can call everyone a brother. He is enthusiastic and humorous. He is used to making jokes and is a little greedy for money.]

This guy has hidden good strength, and he is also connected with the "Masked Fool" faction of the interstellar society. Obviously, he is not a simple person.

However, judging from his personality, he should not be a bad person.

In this case, it is not bad to hire a local in the lower district as a tour guide. Li Qiuzhi looked at Bronya:

"Bronya, what do you think? "

Now Bronya is their tour guide. It would be a bit rude to hire someone else in front of her. At least she should ask her opinion.

"Well, I'm not familiar with the lower district either. It's not bad to hire a tour guide." Bronya thought for a moment and nodded.

In fact, when she was an orphan, she lived in an orphanage in the lower district. Later, she was lucky enough to be selected as the successor of the Great Guardian and came to the upper district for training.

If she had always lived in the lower district, she would naturally be able to do the job of a tour guide. Now, of course, it's not possible.

"Well, Mr. Sambo, how much do you charge?"

Seeing that Bronya had no problem, Li Qiuzhi asked the young man in front of him.

"To celebrate the lifting of the blockade of the two places, Old Sambo will give half price to all those who want to go to the lower district to see it this week, so you don't have to spend much, how about two hundred Winter City shields? "

Sambo made a "yeah" gesture.

Because he wanted to make himself familiar to the future Great Guardian, he didn't charge too much.

The Winter City Shield is obviously the currency of Beloberg, but Li Qiuzhi and Charlotte didn't know whether the price was expensive or not, so they looked at Bronya.

"It costs more than a dozen Winter City Shields to have a single meal in a restaurant. This price is reasonable."

Bronya nodded, took out two Winter City Shields with a face value of 100 and gave them to Sambo, which was considered to be officially hiring him.

"Sisters, straightforward!"

As Sambo put away the money, there was some noise from the cable car station, and he said happily:

"Lucky, the cable car is here just after we finished talking about business, brothers and sisters, let's go! "

Li Qiuzhi and his companions followed Sangbo, and when the people coming up from the lower area got out of the cable car, they also went in smoothly.

Like an elevator, after the number of people was almost the same, the cable car slowly descended downwards.

Not long after, the cable car reached the bottom. Li Qiuzhi and his companions walked out of the cable car and found that this was a relatively open space with many mine cars parked around.

But this is not a mine, it should be used to transport materials exchanged from the upper area.

"The nearest town is Panyan Town. To get there, we have to go through thousands of meters of roads, including rugged roads and thirty or forty indistinguishable bends."

Sangbo described the short one thousand meter road as if he was going to seek Buddhist scriptures. Isn't it a little outrageous?

Li Qiuzhi looked at him speechlessly.

Fortunately, although Sangbo was full of nonsense, he still completed his work well and introduced the situation of the lower area to Li Qiuzhi and his companions along the way.

When they arrived at Panyan Town, they had already understood the situation of the lower district over the years.

As expected, because of the blockade between the upper and lower districts, the lower district had no food source and could only dig the earth marrow to exchange with the upper district.

The upper district also retained a channel for exchanging materials because it needed the earth marrow.

In this way, the upper and lower districts maintained a balance, but the relationship changed. They were originally a family, but now they were like outsiders or even slaves.

Therefore, the people in the lower district gradually developed resentment towards the upper district. Fortunately, the blockade was lifted recently, otherwise they would fight sooner or later.

At the same time, even if the earth marrow could be exchanged for materials, for the lower district, materials were also very scarce.

Therefore, many people often did not have enough food, and there was no medicine to treat them when they were sick. It was very difficult. When entering Panyan Town, people looked at Bronya with resentment.

After all, she was wearing the clothes of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, and it was difficult not to arouse the hostility of the people in the lower district. Fortunately, the blockade was lifted, and even if there was hostility, it would not come over.

"Sorry, I didn't know that the lower district would be like this."

Bronya lowered her head. Everything here broke her cognition. She thought that even if the upper and lower districts were blocked, this place would be the same as the upper one. At least there would be no shortage of basic living supplies.

She once thought that her mother's decision to draw soldiers from the lower district to support the front line was a correct decision. After all, the erosion of the rift was becoming more and more serious.

If the soldiers could not resist the rift, then the whole Beloberg would be finished.

But seeing that the people in the lower district lived such a hard life, her heart was shaken. Was such a decision really correct? Would there be a better way at that time?

Li Qiuzhi looked at her like this and didn't know how to comfort her. After all, Cocolia did make a mistake. It was Charlotte, who was also a girl, who comforted her a little, and Bronya slowly calmed down.

Sambo looked at Li Qiuzhi a little embarrassedly and whispered:

"Brother, did I talk too much just now?"

"That's true." Li Qiuzhi nodded seriously.

"Ah, why don't you play by the rules? I thought you would comfort me, old Sambo." Sambo dropped his hands, looking deeply shocked.

"Maybe I need to learn more about the situation in the lower district and then change it myself."

Bronya suddenly raised her head and said firmly.

As the successor of the Great Guardian, although she is not the Great Guardian yet, she is also a leader of the Silver Mane Iron Guard and has the ability to help here.

"In this case, why don't we go to the Big Sister?" Sambo suggested.

"Who is the Big Sister?" Charlotte asked curiously.

"Oh, she is the best doctor in Panyan Town. Everyone has to go to her if they get sick accidentally. Even the most mischievous Hook in the lower district has to bow his head in front of her!"

Sambo said a little exaggeratedly.

"So powerful, but since she is one of the few doctors in the lower district, it seems reasonable to call her the Big Sister." Charlotte said seriously.

After all, the importance of doctors is self-evident, especially in the lower district where supplies are scarce.

"Right, the big sister sees so many patients every day, she must be the one who knows the suffering of the lower class the best. It's always right to go to her if you want to know something."

Sangbo nodded like pounding garlic, and continued with great approval.

"Well, please take us to visit that doctor."

Bronya said.

"Okay, leave it to old Sambo." Sambo patted his chest to indicate that there was no problem.

Led by Sambo, Li Qiuzhi and his friends walked to the hospital in Panyan Town. On the way, they met a little girl who claimed to be the leader of the "Mole Party". According to Sambo, this was Hook, the most mischievous person in the lower class.

Appearing in front of them, he seemed to want to play a prank.

However, after hearing that they were going to the clinic, even the leader of the "Mole Party" ran away with a look of horror, as if it was some terrible place.

With curiosity, Li Qiuzhi and his friends soon arrived at the clinic in Panyan Town. Because it was underground and there was no sun, there were lights everywhere.

This clinic was even more so, and patients could occasionally be seen coming in and out.

The patient coughed violently, as if there was something wrong with his lungs. Seeing this, Li Qiuzhi then condensed a golden windmill chrysanthemum and quietly let it fall on the patient when passing by him.

Then it was visible to the naked eye that the patient's complexion improved a lot, but he himself did not notice it for the time being.

"Oh, sure, buddy, the big sister will definitely like you."

Sang Bo was a little surprised to see this. He didn't expect that this buddy had such ability. With such ability, he must not be short of money.

It turned out that this guy was also a big shot.

"It's just a casual help, it's nothing." Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

While talking, a group of people also stepped into the clinic. The space here is quite large, but it can only accommodate a few beds.

When they walked in, they could see two ladies standing by the window, seemingly discussing something.

When they noticed someone coming in, they stopped:

"Sang Bo? And who are you?"

The lady who spoke had her gray-green hair simply tied together at the back.

The ends of her hair fell down in front of her forehead, and a few longer hairs blocked her wine-red eyes and fair cheeks, but it did not affect her complete face.

She was wearing a gray-green dress, with a black leather jumpsuit inside her chest exposed. The slit on the left leg of the skirt also revealed the semi-transparent black stockings of black high-heeled leather boots tightly covering the inner thigh.

The overall look was very coordinated and did not give people a very tempting feeling.

Li Qiuzhi looked at her information curiously:

[Level: 76]

[Potential of Favorable Skills: Gold]

[Natasha: A destiny walker who embarked on the "abundant" destiny, one of the few doctors with superb medical skills in the lower district, and also the behind-the-scenes leader of the underground resistance organization "Underground Fire". She has a gentle and amiable personality, but also has a terrifying side. ]

She turned out to be the behind-the-scenes leader of an organization. No wonder Sambo called her the big sister, and it turned out to be a metaphor for this meaning.

And like Bronya, she is a bit like Natasha, a person in Honkai Impact 3rd Earth. Could it be that Yalilo No. 6 has something to do with Honkai Impact 3rd Earth?

Parallel isotope world or something.

When Li Qiuzhi saw another figure next to her, he felt even more so.

This girl has long dark purple hair that spreads down her back, completely covering her snow-white back. She is wearing a purple tube dress similar to a coat, with a slit in the middle to reveal a translucent white jumpsuit and canvas shorts.

The skin of her legs is snow-white, and she has a silk scarf tied into a leg ring on her right thigh. She is wearing asymmetrical short shoes, which makes her look rebellious.

[Level: 86]

[Potential for favorability skills: Gold]

[Seele: A fate walker who embarks on a "hunting" fate, a core member of the underground resistance organization "Earth Fire", nicknamed "Butterfly", has extraordinary power, a straightforward personality, but also hides a delicate and sensitive side in her heart. 】

Seeing the name, Li Qiuzhi was sure that this girl was indeed someone who looked very similar to Seele in Honkai Impact 3rd Earth.

Well, it is not difficult to understand that there are so many people with similar appearances and names in such a large universe.

After reading the information obtained, Li Qiuzhi found that she was also a member of the resistance organization "Earth Fire", so she should have been discussing something about the organization just now.

At this time, the girl was looking at Li Qiuzhi and others with purple pupils. When she saw Bronya dressed in the Silver Mane Iron Guards, her expression became even more gloomy.

"Oh, the big sister and Miss Seele are here too. I, old Sambo, brought a few powerful friends to the lower area to gain some experience. I had to visit the big sister when I passed by."

Sambo said with a playful smile. (End of this chapter)

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